September 16, 1957

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September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 51

…-jz" . . -C ige 10-The Michigan Daily Magazine Monda lM MMn. ON UNIVERSAL PROBLEMS: Writer Paul Darcy Boles (Continued from Page 8) r r IJ Jumbo Burgers I ... 303 EAST LIB ERTY I1 STUDENTS /c onme to NC4P4ON RAMSAY PRINTERS, Inc. well equipped to take care of your PRINTING REQUIREMENTS " STATIONERY " TICKETS " POSTERS " PROGRAMS I iNVITATIONS OF ALL KINDS * BOOKLETS * HANDBILLS " BUSINESS FORMS RAMSAY PRINTERS, Inc. STATI...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 52

….... ,,, ="MOW'' -+ :. a.. .. fit,. ,.... x. . .t. ... -E,. a. At. * {. _t .:r}. - . y ' y. ter?.. ... ,.c F.. ,te .t -.. t... "... .. - .. .. -S *4 ., Page 4--The Michigan Daily Magazine Monday Meyer Levin's 'Compulsion' Art School's McClure 'When Everything Is Completely Functional, You As if You're Under an Obligation' A Full and Sprawling Book With a Plea for Understanding COMPULSION. By Meyer Lev-, in. 495 pp. New York: Si- mo...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 53

…I Page 8--The Michigan Daily Magazine PAUL IARCY BOLES' A Writer Deserving Recognition h. - , _ 4' i -4 Mon THOSE BOOMING MO By BURTO 3N BEERMAN These are good words, perhaps LAST YEAR, shortly after his third novel was published, Writer's Digest printed a short, essay by Paul Darcy Boles. This magazine prints mostly market reports and how-to articles for writers, but what Boles wrote went far beyond the usual how-to article. He pr...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 54

…..... .... - --.-, .-. -.- - A- -4 -~ -.4 r - - -. - -- .4 x1* - Monday, CUBA'S YOUNG INTELLEC ANN ARBOR'S BUS TERMINAL-The door flaps open and shut, the lines lengthen and shorten, people wait, shuffle, walk, sit, staid, come and go, and the busses move in and out with their loads--and the ticket offices remain open, always selling to ladies with stuffed shopping bags, tired servicemen, pert coeds, white-haired men.. . Bus Terminal ...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 55

…ur Sutbsc ript(ion TRATION it r s Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom ANN ARBR MICHIGAN, MOND)AY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1957.S aI Housing l1 . rat ,600O Over Past l . I scaled ates by an all- 3,10 -Daily--ihard Bloss y less UNDERGRADUATE LIBRARY-Nearing completion is the new 3,200. University library branch, largest of its kind in the country. over e,089 3,8 /.Uergr aduate Libra-rly that new To Open in November be a last By DOROTH...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 56

…n Campus Problems Discussed 'U' Museums Offer. v ar A broad program has been- scheduled this year by the Liter-= ary College Steering Committee., Established in 1947, the com- mittee serves as a sounding board for student and faculty opinion on existing campus problems, Its 15 student members do not have power to rule on problems, but can bring out campus prob- lems and make suggestions to such organizations as Student Govern- ment Counci...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 57

…1ER 16k,1857 TEE 1MICHIGAN DAILY' -Rm ctors, Senators To TakeStage MINIATURE HOSPITAL: Health Service Offers Student Numerous Services GEORGE JESSEL - in 'Story of Broadway' SEN. ALBERT GORE ... .in atomic energy discussion By DONALD KURTZ University Health Service is a miniature hospital. Although the work of the serv- ice is largely that of a clinic, it health safety for students and seeks to promote health educa- also gives attention ...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 58

…cl Al Migan Dally Sixty-Eighth Year' EDITED AND:MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 ons Are Free 11 Prevail" s printed in The Michigan gaily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 1$, 1957 NIGHT EDITOR: VERNON NAHRGANG The Da ily's Role In th...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 59

… THE lYlICHMAN !!ALLY PAQE ITB TilL MIEliIiAN IJAILk PAGE FiVE Research Centers Contribute in Studies Union Opera Bows to Musket Show BY MURRAY FEIWELL MUSKET (Michigan Union Show, Koeds Too) will begin its second year on campus this fall. Last year was the first time that the former Union Opera became MUSKET, allowing women in the cast. "Brigadoon" was the presen- tation. For almost half a century the Union Opera was characterized b...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 60

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1957 TIlE MIChiGAN PAIL V MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1957 ._._ __. ... ., . a.,,,. I I Introducing --- Bob Marshall's A Great Bookstore MICHIGAN NEWCOMERS soon discover the re- resources of State Street include one of the mid-west's largest and best book stores, Bob Marshall's Book Shop at 211 South State across from Lane Hall. Bob Marshall's compares favorably with the best book stores of New York,...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 61

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY University Uses Airport For Research Projects By MICHAEL KRAFT Although any large University's physical plant contains a variety of facilities, it seldom owns an air- port. Nor is the airport usually one of the nation's major terminals, serving a large metropolitan area and more than 400 planes a day. The University's ownership of Willow Run Airport began in 1947 when it was "purchased for one dollar from the War Assets Ad...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 62

… nn Arbor Offers Long MA51 I WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION-Broadway plays occasion- ally find themselves in Ann Arbor during the Drama Season. 0 AITH or Gilbert and Sullivan. Th lec- campus with drama. Their first nation contact ture series and drama season add production last fall was primarily len McClusky a touch of the professional to the a clinic for high school students figious Advisor Ann Arbor drama year. on play production. mandy 2-354...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 63

…mwmftm .. rersity Libraries Offer 2 ,411,628 Volumes Redwood & Ross College Clothes c k STEUDLE ary may soon be feature of the y student's pro- selected reference books: -biblio- graphies, encyclopedias, diction- aries, periodical and newspaper in- dexes, almanacs, yearbooks, bio- graphical dictionaries and census material. Hearings Recorded and with aay f totall brary, open MI lay from 8 a day from 8 a Sunday fror arious service Lis...…

September 16, 1957 (vol. 68, iss. 1) • Page Image 64

…:Y 1ersity Continues North Campus Expansi By JOHN WEICHER -Daily-Richard Bloss MEMORIAL LABORATORY-The brick porti6rn of ng houses the University's giant reactor, unique in the Future University expansion will come largely on North Campus, a 700-acre tract of rolling land lo- cated a mile northeast of the main campus area. Since University President Har- lan Hatcher broke ground for the first structure five years ago, seven units have b...…

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