November 22, 1928

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November 22, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 I g Lwrujan #ai MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 52 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1928 EIGHT I Schubert Memorial To Feature Program Over Radio Tonight THEODORE HARRISON TO FEATURE ARTIST; WILL SING TEN NUMBERS BEI DR. CANFIELD TO SPEAK Symphony Orchestra From School Of Music To Play Music Of Schubert One of the outstanding features of the current series of Michigan Night radio programs will...…

November 22, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 52) • Page Image 2

…:..THE M I CLI G AN D A I L Y THUDAY, NOVEMBER BAPTIST SCHOOL WILL' 1B OBJECTOFPROBE (I v Associated Press) BIRMINGHAM, Ala.. Nov. 21.- HoFwLard college, one of the largest Baptist schools of the south, was in an uproar today as a special committee appointed by the board of trustees reviewed charges pre- 2erred by 21 students of improper conduct on the campus. Among the charges was an alle- gation that a member of the fac- uity had asserted t...…

November 22, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 52) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HEAR PLAN FOR FUND TO STOPEPRDES MAINE GOVERNOR. PRESENTS] PROPOSAL TO STABLIZE PROSPERITY SU6GESTEDBY HOOVER Calls For Reserve Of Three Million Dollars To Be Used In Times Of Approaching Panic (By Associted Press) NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 21.-Ralph 0. Brewster of Maine, acting upon the request of Herbert Hoover out- lined today before the Conference of Governors a plan for th creation of a nationwide construction re- serve of $3,...…

November 22, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGANDAILY___THURSDAY, t 1 (04t Strxi~~ti Published every morning except Monday Suring the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student ublications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association, The Associated Press '-is, exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the pnstoffice at Ann Arb...…

November 22, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 52) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN U AI Y TH MCHGA DAILY "--I IN'SOCIETIES ARE ACTIVE; ARRANGE A1 SOPHOMORE WOMEN Hockey Awards Will '( PROGRAMS FOR NEXT MEETINGS ALUMNA OF MICHIGANSwomen who have Be Made At BanuetE CLUB SINGS_ : 1111 IIU 10 llL L I "Where But in America" by '30, Elizabeth Quaife, '30, Dorothy Oscar Wolfe will be presented by Twiggs, '32, and Leonore Twiggs, Mummers dramatic society at an '31. PTIjfl T open meeting to be held at 4' o'clock this...…

November 22, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 52) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY VARSIT.Y HOLDS SIGNAL DRILL IN SNO 4 I Tii~'c ile rTrek;. CX~urse In DI {~ A V I PL~L YILL A [tIIIIIIIIt11II1111111111111111111111111111111111lli lllilillilll!1111111111111111111' HARRIER&' G IBTS~iHARIERS RGRID BITSRU ;- By Morris Quinn L i i U || '.0:$ 111 111 w ill III ttI8111111111 11 1111 111111 111 J111 tt1111 litlitlltllll. | | t n ite of the coldest weather days of Aubrey Devine, Gordon To Start On of tie sea...…

November 22, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 52) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN D 1.E I' _: YEM HIAWMY Badgers Fear Attack Of Minnesota Eleven, Play Of uisinier Conry Ca."taln C Ready For Badgers I o ~00 STRONG HAWKEl 0 GRID BITS 0 (Continued From Page Six) for Iowa's success in running the ends and off the tackles. YE TEAM POINTS FOR MICHIGAN GAME Penn Schedules Tilt the pivot position is being con- pendable Nelson was called from With Bears For 1929 sidered for all-Conference honors. the bench and d...…

November 22, 1928 (vol. 39, iss. 52) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Sigma Delta Phi: There will be a meeting of Sigma Delta Phi at 5 o'clock on Thurs- day, Nov. 22, at 1205 Hill street. It is important that all members be present. All absences must be excused. British Meteorologist Accepts Ho...…

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