November 21, 1973

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November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…KENNEDY: TEN YEARS LATER See Editorial Page Y itr4I- A6F :43 a t t LOUSY High-56 Low-35 See Today for details Eighty-Three Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXIV, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 21, 1973 Ten Cents Eight Pages UNANIMOUS APPROVAL ac IF"YUSENSHPMG.- tA1 Program for disabled The University announced yesterday it has received a $77,000 grant from HEW to establish the nation's first Disabled Student Servi...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…Page Two 1i THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, November 21, 1973 -.. :. i ., , ' II ll . I 'Book collector talks on Miller Come Alone Tonight WEDNESDAY (singles night) OPEN 'TIL 2:00 A moving experience in sound and light 341 S. MAIN ANN ARBOR LIVE ENTERTAINMENT SUNDAYS (Continued from Page 1 believes that the total output rep-1 Miller and Tennessee Williams in no doubt about it. Their ability to resents the author and that in the jth...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…Wednesday, November 21, 1973 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY rage i nree Wednesday, November 21, 1973 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY rage nree 11 Future still uncertain for Palestinian refugees By PHIL NEWSOM UPI Foreign News Analyst Beyond the questions of cease- fire, prisoner exchange and Is- raeli withdrawal from occupied Arab lands is another so far receiving little attention but pos- sibly the most difficult of all to solve - the question of the Pales...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…Poge Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Four THE MICHIGAN DAILY JFK ten years after: Man and myth IlitllA I I II I I IP PIgy11 IPMIPP li 4. Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of the assassination of President John Ken- nedy. Presented here are three perspee- tives on the impact of Kennedy, the man and the President. Co-Editor Christopher Parks reminis- ces about the Ann Arbor visit of a young senator, hot on the Presidential cam- paign tr...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…Wednesday, November 21, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Po e Wednesday, November 21, 1973THE MICHIGAN DAILY ie Fi, Amazo': Weirdness 5 airwaves onW By SUE DISE Look! Up in the airwaves; Is it a bird? A plane? Alice Cooper? No, it's "Amazo Theatre!" What is this new radio weird- ness? "It's Amazo Theatre,' that's it!" says Dan Carlisle, WABX-FM broadcaster. That is as apt a defi- nition as any, since "Amazo Thea- tre" promises to be anything a...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday. November 21,1973 I .. , .. _. ..-I. .r .. . . I r I Daily Classifieds FOR RENT LOST AND FOUND LARGE ROOMS for rent close to cam- LOST - Black male Labrador named pus, kitchen avail. 2 bath, washer Cinder, Wed., by S. Univ. Thick tan & dryer provided. $110/month. 662- collar, no tags, 665-2683. 97A021 3228. 13C106 --- - -- -- - - LOST - Male puppy. All black with FOR RENT-Own room in large house white sp...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…Wednesday, November 21, 1975 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Ihigan set f An =AH he aa special a Fhanksglving treaT Nov 22-23-24 Thurs-Fri-Sat ESTHER PHILL Woody's boys last, toughest season foe }. , f -3 By BOB McGINN and All-American right tackle John Five years ago Woody Hayes Hicks, who destroyed Michigan's walloped his way into Michigan all-league Fred Grambau a year Stadium with a team people ago. likened to the Minnesota Viki...…

November 21, 1973 (vol. 84, iss. 66) • Page Image 8

… Wednesday, November 21, 1973 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Wednesda,Nvme 2,17 ___ Nixon to governors: 'No more scandals' (Continued from Page 1) headquarters last year and other "dirty tricks" _against the Demo- crats in the Presidential election campaign. HE QUOTED the President as saying to the governors, "I'm sorry if I've added to your burdens." Speaking of Nixon's new aware- ness of his political troubles, Dunn declared "I ...…

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