November 17, 1966

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November 17, 1966 (vol. 13, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

…0 5s, r-4A ,0 I CHARDIN !> 0 (from page seven) lates us when we receive him instead of we assimilating him. Teilhard loved the age-old Catholic de- votion to Christ's Sacred Heart, although he rejected many of the exaggerated prac- tices that sprang up around it. To con- ceive of the physical heart of the God- man as a symbol of God's love become generously human and close to men Was for him the most natural thing in the world. As De ...…

November 17, 1966 (vol. 13, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

… 4 I '9' a, yf rx f JN .F vol Sr ?;: if j: ix l! _ Z7 Y,.$ ............ . A r i ,'.. f{ . r . r e. .t4x :{..:{ t,. +. f l .. i .l .. ^ .ti' Jf'}j +. 'S DISSENT Ak THE NEW LEFT: Fellowship of Bleeding Hearts by Prof. Stephen Tonsor T HAS BEEN the experience of a number of observers that in spite of the inordinate amount of clamor made by the "New Left" they are a singularly inarticulate group. Paul Jacobs' and Saul Landau's T...…

November 17, 1966 (vol. 13, iss. 2) • Page Image 7

…00* A W A Q a W N '.4 0 4-4 0 0. 4 4-.3 Co 0. o3 p C) tCo 0 I3 $. - OA 4a o. .w 4 cd o444)4 Co w - CO 441) 'oc td 0.4? 4i a3 -4 0 wC- ~'0 0 '.C 4.4 42) W bD ; H K ' K 4 J r H y 1 r k / i N N >. I N t f M P.4 4) .r3 (U Q. 0 C4 b)( (U . v6 r) 41 0 0 v -44 0 C Z U '0 v-'C 43V ca 4). 4.1 0 .4 S4) 4 0. 4) 4) w0 Qo "M '4 W- +inU dp 4 3 4 ZIr.4 0 4) (U.0 su, C 4. . c 4.40 Coo 4) +N -4 -4 U :4-a 4? 4-4 U0 cd t0 t(U o 4- ys~ d), (U w4.C ...…

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