March 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 120) • Page Image 1
…TB" n.Or P1. DAILY. xli'. ANN ARBOR, TMICH., FRIDAY, M4ARCH 13, 1903 No. 120 ILLINOIS ARR VES TODAY aor tke utal Meet Saturday Night- a3terscholastic Meet Will Take Place ofl..Usual Inter-Clasa Contest Next Week PThis, aftertoont it 4:58 the tratck 'liof eivei Isea relpreseli tiog the ,zss of Ilinoiis will arrivei Lion Arbor ini pletity of tittl to get a ; hdiightit sletep preparaitory to the '('Mlit Iis gt'rtitllty believed thtt '5it jjani wi...…