May 30, 1906

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May 30, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…The Mli chigan Da'ly NN N\ RB.R I lCIG , 'Dl(X 'SI) XX XlMW 30, [9) V'OL. XVI. No. '74.. BASEBALL CHAMPIONSHIP DEPENDS ON TODAY'S GAME Michigan and Illinois in Final1 C.11 \XPIO.NSlIP RLCORI) OF [VI V'5.(0['-AN II ViIi [[V jL' N I ()R SI NG TO N f1G1 IT. LOW RATE TO CHICAGO Struggle For the Supremacy- Sanger Will Twirl For Mich- igan-Both Teanms Anxious. cha pioshi wll e fugtV[pot Vsi be [weenVthese rV ['['S1 '[V'ag greg tionV[5this )e ...…

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