October 12, 1901

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October 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…a 'ti<, f3 mow i _ fT Lew, r xmarr . ; I1Jsr TYEAR. MICHIGAN MEETS HOOSIERS. Tfile Heavy Indiana Teams the Varsity's Opponent This Afternoon-Last Year's Score 12 to 0. ANN ARBOR, MICHI., SATUTR[)AY. OCTOBER 12 1) X01. No. 17 Smallpox Case. ____________Brook Oratorical Association Debatings Dates t aod Pirospects, 'i! ll w c v pr liliit} d h l s w i S. 1. A. NUMBER. ke's Marine Band and Orchestra: at University Hall Tonight---A Unique Organizat...…

October 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIGAN DAILY -NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT lflILORS OUR FALL LINE is .the best Nve have ev'er shov.-n, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a eery fine tine of Fan-cy Suitincgs and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color= ings. The largest assort menit in , the4 stte -D-AIL -.EWS The ,o Mi . 'i. AIIAY, 12111 Yr. The 'VARSITY NNV:i,, 1- hW A .". ,r i'r } ' s. oft r (i Al H H( New subscribers $2.5(0iin adviance "1'lwil tho ...…

October 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-N EWS +~ that wse cousld d )thsit wsould ten 1 to inuduce you to biay + ij. STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHESj, woulsd he tea ietroitisse yous to a man who has worn them. + 3I. +;+ We cannot smansi the language swKtiitswhich to teillso'u hose + . + gOood these clothes are. 'The niakers attach their label ho- + + n eath she coat collar of their coats, andI they are so) prosh ot + 4. + their repiutation, that iiot the slightest defert eithe...…

October 12, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS + ! CALKINS' IARIVACY C caC+ + 324 5. STATE ST.Tiktargodhe + Tikt+r odhr au + ANDREWS' AMERICAN LAW AMERICA'S GREATEST INSTITUTIONAL LAW BOOK A tretaiseon(ithe- JURISPRUDENCE, CONSTITUTION and LAW OF sTHE IUNITED),STATES. CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, {Law Pubishers, hic go .)o S NN azhi O lI.I. '(" 1 ,3441 STAT! E . )pst- , v 'ci l FOUNTAIN PENSB $i.oo each Linen Paper 15, 20 to 25c fa lb. SPlaying Cards and Poker Chips. M A R...…

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