January 08, 1908

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January 08, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…The ichiga Vol. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, NMICHTIGAN, -,OENt;1}Y.JANsVX.iX' 8, tons. NO FATTED CALF ON CONFERENCE MENU Conference Dismisses Michigan's Proposals of Change - Prof. Denies Ill Usage Michiganttis tatid ilthei.t i'oferce. I The action of the meetig of the Con- ference delegte in LhicaI go, Jan. q, demonstrates ceatly tat sie wil e welcomte i ie til st13in01] a par titithtie oter coleges. ittt there is to disptsitnotn11)1]t prt of te ot...…

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