July 19, 1978

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July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 46-S Wednesday, July 19, 1978 1 . 12 Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents plus Supplement Profs ByELIZABETH SLOWIK Some professors are picking up extra cash by selling sample textbooks they have received free and pocketing th money, a publishing industry executive said yesterday. And though the practice is no widespread at this University, it has recently grown across the country, especially in the Northeast and other parts ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Panel backs ERA extension WASHINGTON (AP) - -The House Judiciary Committee recommended yesterday that Congress extend the deadline for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) but not allow states that have already ratified to withdraw their approval. The final vote was 19 to 15, one more than proponents of the three year, three month and eight day compromise ex- tension of time had expecte...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 3 Bakke decision attacks minorities, By RICHARD BERKE Members of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade (RCYB) last night blasted the Supreme Court's recent decision in the Allan Bakke case, calling it "a sharp attack" on minority nationalities and urged people from all backgrounds to fight the ruling. Using the Bakke decision as an example, two of the group's members explained to a seven- p...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily michigen DAILY Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Mnvnord St.. Ann Arbor, M1. 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, NO. 46-S News Phone: 764-0552 L Wednesday, July 19, 1978 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Must swap Soviets D AY BEFORE yesterday Rep. Robert Drinan (D-Mass.), chairman of an ad hoc committee seeking the release of Soviet dissidents Anatoli Shcharansky and ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 6

…Page 2-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Some see fair as an annual nuisance ART FAIR GUIDE STAFF Judy Rakowsky Co-editors Elisa Isaacson Staff Writers: Mike Arkush, Rene Becker, Richard Berke, Brian Blanchard, Karen Bornstein, Owen Gleiberman, Steve Pickover, Jeff and Steve Selbst, Elizabeth Slowik, R.J. Smith, Sue Warner, Shelley Wolson, Tim Yagle John Knox Photographer Christopher Potter Cartoonist Bo Manning Joanne Schneide...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 7

…Artists flock to A2 for profit, pleasure The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page3 FIRST DOWN celebrates Ann Arbor's Art Fair with great savings for you Athletic Shorts Dacron/cotton or fast V drying nylon $2" to $5" By BRIAN BLANCHARD In six years of Art Fair exhibitions, stained glass maker Bob Vavrina has never quite understood what he calls the "feeding frenzy buying psychology" he has noticed on the part of his customers. The fu...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 8

…Business booster has gained artistic repute Well, it's interesting . . . Browers and buyers persue the fair's wares at the corner of South and East University Streets. By MITCH CANTOR Once again booths will line the sidewalks, people will crowd the streets, and some jerk will mutter, "Y'know, some things never change.' But the fact is that the Ann Arbor Art Fair, now composed of three fairs, has changed since it began nineteen years ago. Ori...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 9

…CLOTHING SHOES BARGAIN DAYS CLOTHING SUITS-SPORT COATS-SLACKS Reduced Up to 50/ and More Furnishings DRESS SHIRTS- LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES SPORT SHIRTS-TIES SWIMWEAR, etc. Reduced Up To 50% and More MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOES DISCOUNTS FROM 25%to50%re on our finest quality men's and women's shoes PLUS Incredible Savings at our STREET BOOTHS Make Sure to STOP BYI I ON EDF UR STORE OPEN WED., JULY 19th Until 8:30 p.m. CnE AT NICKELS ARCADE ON STAT...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 10

…Poge 6-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daiy For the novice: how to survive the Fair hi A WT P1 4 ) HG1R By ELISA ISAACSON Somehow, the Art Fair always seems to coincide with the four hottest days of the year, and those fair-goers who plan to make the entire rounds of the festivities would be wise to heed these survival tips. Be prepared to sweat. The com- bination of the sun and the jungle of bodies one must scramble through suggests ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 11

….Themichigan Doly-Wedneaday, July 19,1978-Page7 Demonstrations highlight South U By TIMOTHY YAGLE South University is the most placid of Ann Arbor streets, that is until mid- summer, when it becomes a formidable task to take three steps to your right. Back when the Ann Arbor Art Fair was still a manageable event-when the ar- tists maintained a spark of originality-the festival, known as the Ann Arbor Street Fair, took place solely on South U....…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 12

…Page 8-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Summer Arts Fest: Artists free-for-all I By OWEN GLEIBERMAN What began seven years ago as a fringe on the official Ann Arbor Art Fair has since blossomed into a diver- sified and exciting event of its own. The Summer Arts Festival, established by University Students as the "Free Fair" in 1971, will cluster around Main and East University Streets and include a variety of musical offerings, mi...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily--Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 9 July The Ann Arbor Street AAT FAIR On South & East University A model of the South U. business area is on display at Fileccia Bros. during the Art Fair. EXTRA SPECIAL ~Ej$ aeaSo -" STREET ART FAIR SALE W INE SALE Wed-Thurs-Fri-Sat mmmm31 .~5~sJULY 19, 20, 21, 22 J umy u17tn-22nd Bargain Prices on Everything in our Store- "he If1irfptl ,~, Save on Cameras, Lenses, Gadget Bags...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 14

…Page 10-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Abolish the million-dollar typo! By JEFFREY SELBST Ann Arbor cares passionately about art. Religiously. For ten minutes every day. After breakfast, like cod-liver oil. Once each year, in the manner of large noisy congregations who make a big deal out of Easter services, Ann Ar- bor has an art fair. That is, art of sorts. This event comes around the end of July, when the picnics of the fourth...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 11 Fair takes crafty twist to reflect trends By STEPHEN PICKOVER That first time, many years ago. I remember it was sometime around Labor Day, and the early signs of autumn, Persephone's departure to the underworld, were beginning to creep in- to the air. The breeze was cool and crisp, and as my parents meandered at an easel or two, I strolled through the many streets and famous square, fascina...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 16

…Page 12-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily THRONG MAKES WORKERS HUSTLE Hotels, restaurants mobilize for masses By RICHARD BERKE The onslaught of a quarter million visitors to Ann Arbor for the Art Fair comes as no surprise to local hotel, restaurant, and bar owners who are ready and waiting for the largest crowds since graduation weekend. The city's 2,250 hotel rooms have been booked since early July, but David Scully, director of An...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 17

…The Michigan Dolly-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page13 Fair relieves merchants'summer slump By ELIZABETH SLOWIK "Sale" is the word for Ann Arbor merchants during the art fair, and "bargain" is the word for consumers looking for low-priced goods outside of what the fair has to offer. Merchants along State Street and South University plan to slash prices to attract the crowds brought in by the fair, and everything from shoes to records to Egyptian ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 18

…Page 14-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Summr~Art.s Tstivalf.At TO US-23&dI/-9&& 194 P HURON ST~ sT ssWASNG~TON LiUj I -n NORTH UIVE-TY I ~~EMOiSTI _A1",N1 UNIVRITY i ( " s'04'H uM/l5rir I! ~ LAW QUAD~ o SINC7EjI THE I INMaZIZIZ . Riv STRAI GH1'.THRI KEG BEER COD ER R CAN&IxIMPORTED Ar+l' ; S i± in SO W *t v~nWILLIAM/ WIAANE~ LIB/MAIN 4th/WILLIAM THOMPSO ARTY SPLE 9:43 9:45 :50. SIcESS M EW IC PW S10:13 10:15 10:20 C3S OR BLOCK 10:...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 15 1978 Street Fair Locations &!Shuttle Bus Routes July 19,20,21,22 ~' SUrnier'ts f ~~LZ f WIhe Ann Arbo W144 ~4E AR * 'z-.N EU./ NICKELS _WILLIAM/ EAST U./ NICKELS H U. ARCADE 4th/WILLIAM LIB/MAIN 4th/WILLIAM THOMPSON SOUTH U." ARCADE 4th/IlLLIAM 10:05 10:10 4:13 4:15 4:20 4:30 4:35 4:40 10:35 10:40 4:43 4:45 4:50 5:00 5:05 5:10 11:05 11:10 5:13 5:15 5:20 5:30 5:35 5:40 11:35 11:40 5:43 5:45 5...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 20

…aoga6-9/dnessd y, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Artists must qualify to exhibit work in fair By SHELLEY WOLSON It's not easy to become one of the select artists who get to show and sell their works at the Ann Arbor Art Fairs. Being a good artist in no way guaran- tees one the honor of exhibiting. The three different art fairs follow their separate procedures, and each has an acceptance committee which decides the lucky artists-to-be. For t...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 21

… The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 17 Novice buyers beware By MITCH CANTOR Among the thousands of enthusiasts who will attend this year's Art Fair, ther6's no doubt that some unwary buyers will purchase works on the lower end of the quality spectrum. In other words, there will be suckers. ' Most experts agree that purchasing art can not be done astutely ina matter of minutes. "Buying any kind of art is a' process of educating ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 22

…Page 1 Wednesdoy, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Set-up crews get the show on the road By MICHAEL ARKUSH As you gaze meticulously inside each booth, spending hours and hours to avoid missing even the most hackneyed detail, take a brief moment from fighting the crowds to look at the booths themselves. A lot of time and effort went into setting up these structures, without which there couldn't be an Arts Festival. More than 30 people, mostly ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 23

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 19 Summer Art Fair Happenings WEDNESDAY 10:30-Connie Huber, Guitarist 11:00-Watercolor painting (Marilyn Bishop) demonstration 11:00-Silkscreening (Chloe Boehm) demonstration 11:00-Workshop street art fair 11:30-Felix-Guitar-bass duo 12:30-Workshop street art fair 1:00-Medieval Troupe - featuring juggling, plays 1:00-Tantra-Jazz Workshop 2:00-Watercolor painting (William Borden) demonstration ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 24

…Page 20-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Winning Kiln God to scare demons away By MICHAEL ARKUSH Don't worry about any evil spirits in- vading the friendly confines of the city's Arts Festival because a group of ceramic artists will hold a contest featuring the arch enemy of the spirits, the Kiln God. The winning kiln creation should be the most beautiful, creative contestant and should exhibit the greatest input of effort. The scu...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 25

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 21 Year-round art in A2 galleries By KAREN BORNSTEIN Once a year, during four days in late July, the city of Ann Arbor is transfor- med, major streets are blocked Off and evolve into open markets, filling the city with more crowds, chaos and crafts than any other time throughout the year. But the permeating atmosphere of aesthetic creativity, originality and in- novation is not something that h...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 26

…Page 22-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Doily BIRROCAL PUZZLE SCULPTURES Berrocal's sculptures disassemble into many intricate pieces, each of which is a virtual sculpture, in itself. Wearable finger rings are elements of many of his works. Berrocal's unique achievement is combining visual beauty, tactile pleasure, humor and intellectual play. Some of his signed and numbered editions have appreciated as much as 1600% in ten years. Pric...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 27

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 23 WESTERN SHIRTS $7.99 DENIM JEANS FROM 7.99 DENIM JACKETS '9.98 Women's Tops & Pants 50% OFF ALL OVERALLS '9.98 Gemii, two veterans o fnt h re r air, strum tneir tunes for tne responsive festivai audiences. Concerts soothe souls of weary fair-goers (Continued fro Page22) As the East and South University Art Fair seems to have devolved into collections of booths which reek of cloistered insul...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 28

…Page 24-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Artist psyches up for big debut By SUE WARNER On the left, the black lines curve gracefully in thin, smooth strokes. In the center of the canvas they transcend, forming harsh, almost geometric blocks of light, and to the right, heavy, dark, yet subtle shading dominates. The eye moves across the canvas, notes the changes in texture and tone and ab- sorbs them. "For me,.it's a lot of discovery...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 29

…Burgeoning talent Even the kiddies get into the art at the fair-and this boy is into it literally, engaging in the wonderfully gooey, squishy splendor of fingerpainting. Abolish the Art Fair (Continued from Page 10) American Lovable Rogues. His John Wilkes Booth is a big seller. " Main Street. More clipper ships. Also more middle american, if that can be possible. Three blocks under a tent. You will emerge with a wad of gum on your shoes. Sou...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 30

…Page 26-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily MOONGLOW PRODUCTIONS presents ARTFAIR E VAGANZA FRIDAY, JULY 21 SATURDAY, JULY 22 9:00-1:30 am 9:00-1:30 am A Dance Party Motown Revue with with the fabulous DICK SIEGEL LONNIE JACKSON and his amazing GROUP MINISTERS OF MELODY FULL BAR Come dance the night away MICHIGAN UNION BALLROOM State St. at S. University Air-Cenditianud Profits and crowds bring artists to fair (Continuedfrom>Page) th...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 31

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 27 YEAR ROUND CULTURE: Ann Arbor's mood breeds art By STEPHEN SELBST I came from the suburbs of Detroit. Despite my parents' attempts to educate me in cultural matters, when I arrived as a freshman six years ago I didn't know Picasso from the Pyramids. So imagine what a shock Ann Arbor was, a small midwestern city that virtually defied the stereotype laid down in Sinclair Lewis novels, a commun...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 32

…Page 28-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily HE1WLETT- PACKARD CALCULATORS and accessories IN STOCK-for immediate delivery but more important-we back the company warranty. REGULAR LINE LIST YOUR MODEL PRICE PRICE HP-10 Desk Top Printing Calculator......... .. .. .. .. . ...... ..............""""15.00 14.75 HP-19C Advanced Printing Programmable-Continuous Memory...............345.00 293.25 HP25C Scientific Programmable-Continuous Memory....…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 33

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 5 Senate approves coal package WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate passed overwhelmingly yesterday a compromise measure aimed at saving the country's dwindling supplies of oil and natural gas by increasing in- dustrial use of coal. By a 92-6 margin, it approved the first part of President Carter's long-stalled energy program. Although only a relatively minor provision in the five- part energy package ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 34

…Page 6-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily The Ramones By R. J. SMITH dummy who won't admit he's Hey, you know, there are puzzles, bizarre, twisted goings-on out there - THE RAMONES are a grow and I don't mean of the Loch Ness sort "punk group," please - who - that are scary, yet fascinating. New York. What they look lil Every year, it is estimated over 15 to describe; something like million women are beaten by the men thugs you might ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 35

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 7 Postal contract bargainers still deadlocked WASHINGTON (AP)-Bargainers diers union said the two sides were national-have been negotiating inten- later changed his mind. on a contract covering more than meeting apart yesterday and were sively for a week in the hope of settling The Associated Press obtained a copy 500,000 workers failed yesterday to being assisted by federal mediators on a new a...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 36

…Page 8--Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily L"S AND F"UN FOR RENT FOR RENT FOUND-BOOK OF POEMS, Mark Strand The SANS SOUCI Thompson Apartments .ateLurThompseon CAprtCmes FOR SALELarge one and two bedroom furnished apartments Located on Central Campus available for fall occupancy. Apartment includes Efficiency, one and two bedroom furnished apart SOLEX MOPED-Excellent condition, 200 MPG. heat, free parking, and a large balcony or patio...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 37

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 9 1 1I Ii (Continued from Page 8 Student Services assistant wanted for work-study job No. 63. 20 hours per week, morning or after- noon Cuff Mke at763-223nor 95-215. I1H715 '72 OLDS STATIONWAGON. Great way to transport a ot of people and things around town. $75, price negotiahe. Calf Nancy, 764-3246or 769-365. dN7tO '5 MUSTANG wih 19ft 302 engine and trans- mission. Red and white interior. Hi...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 38

…Page 10-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily Profs peddle promotional books for bucks (Continued from Page One) new book that is "up", or being used for publishers, Amerman explained, is the with sample books they give th professor has a part in the process, a course at that time, will net a sending of sample copies to professors. away. A secretary in the econon that's bad faith." professor half the list price. For books Close to 5,000 ...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 39

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 19, 1978-Page 11 JACKSON, MARTIN SQUABBLE ENTERS NEW ROUND Reggie NEW YORK (AP) - Reggie Jackson reacted calmly to being suspended by New York Yankees Manager Billy Mar- tin Monday night after he "disregarded the manager's orders" and bunted in- stead of swinging away in the 10th in- nning of the Yankees' 9-7 loss to Kansas City. "He doesn't want me around here, he should be happy now," said a calm Jackson w...…

July 19, 1978 (vol. 88, iss. 46) • Page Image 40

…Page 12-Wedneday, July 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily IOC REJECTS FINAL OFFER: No LA Olympics By The Associated Press LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles ap- parently lost its long fight to host the 1984 Olympic Games without risk yesterday when the International Olympic Committee rejected the city's final take-it-or-leave-it offer. "That proposal having been declined by the IOC," Mayor Tom Bradley wrote to the City Council, "I am recommen- ding that the ...…

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