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January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…1 8901 Ir 41pp-WI rt q an I aug MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS a VOL. XL NO. 71. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGIAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1930 EIGHT 1PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS3 WOLVERINES ROUT GOPHER:. IN CONFERENCE OPENER _ __ _. _ _ w _.._ _ U AM I Scapegoat of Ft P,[,4 'l C9 HI1H IITIISACRAMENTO, Ca lif.,}Ja T After a year of .avestigatR AT LONDON EnlnJ. Edward Morgan, recently proprictor of a print in Oakland, has arrived at thi r_ -E z Plt itci1 ...…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…TH- MI C i-i A DA.1L. r Al A -, 1A .._ . ._____ CLEMENTS LIRARqY OBTAINS VALUABLE HISTOIRI-CAL PAPERS Regent Clemients Buys More Than 20,000 Items Including Gen., Gage's Records. DESCRIBE: CAUSES OF WAR r~v Ft r- % W e% -9 r h - or% -A rW P " z7 s . V:TS-r u Ar W-W W-9 "M FIVE POFSSRSATTENVD ME, OF HISTORIANS; TWO GI V Recently returning from the na- - __ tional yearly meeting of the Amer- the joint auspicess ican historical professi...…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…H T. A DAILYY _ , .. PROF. HOBBS LAUDS GOULD'S WORK; - instead of being land it was sea. , TELLS OF 1,200 M LEtD, t'SLED 1RI This was a Very important dis- ______covery. A great deal of question "Lary GoldUniversity of buries records oir his discoveries, existed as to whether or not there Michigan member of the :Byrd Ant-tweeoertocnietsnthI arctic expedition performed somej Capt. Amundsen made such a de- Antarctic and the land which Capt...…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FQVO',, THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1930 _ , Published every morning except Mondayt t' ringthe University year by the Board in t .n rol of Student Publications. Mm-e- ofXWetern Conference Editoria, .ociation.. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the- use for 'republication of all news dis- patches credited td it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at -the postoff...…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAiLY . wl+r4Mww . wr s - t- P Y - - _ CLA4SS BASKETBALL[ TEAMS WILL HUOD Schedule of Regular and Extra Practices Is Announced by Sport Manager. GAMES START NEXT TERM. Organization and Development. S of Team Play, Aimed at in Division of Players Dates for regular and extra class basketball practices, as well as plans for the first basketball spread, have been announced by Margaret Ohlson, '30, class baske...…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 6

…TH: M- HhT -DA-'uL\-.- -JA- -i r 7 VARSITY PUC 1V 1 I-MmFROVE D URING I LOETHREE JILISOOTBALL RULES JNEWARMY COACH H[[J IIIC ATHLETIC EVENTS W IL ARE UNCHANGEDI _.___ __ __ _ IpLIVLeUIILIBasketball. WE TO ~~~Jan. -udehr TO~~~~~~~ilr LI1ETDoobllrlsOIT 90 il e Jan. -Michigan "B" vs.M. Fr 10 ELIVEESA S IS TOor99 il U LU . ULTHITUaman I tihegr.3 ,til mrain ucaneaccording toI, ahaeo,_thre.itlePo PovWeather Conditions Cau t3 he uivrsjy o esLa...…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 7

…i 10 ~~'UEDAY Jr , - ±+r..... ,,* - .. HE iviw i- + AN - DAILY .. ..' a " . .. .+ ,. , _. _. n_._ ....._,._.,_.,........_.._.... _ _ .....__ . m_._..,.... ..., M vv. _.. _. ... .. .. ...... nw _ _. ...._ .. _._. __._ _ _ _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ FAST1YAE SEXI+TET nrrrATP fniriniil Int-ram twna Itemsl VL~L j ~IVI~fl~bIM~ Fifty teams will start the In- 1tramural basketball schedule Wednecsday with 50 more playing Larger Squad of....…

January 07, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 71) • Page Image 8

…I rAGE mairr,. THE MICHTGA AMY. TUESDAY. JANUARY: T M16- __AE__.._.. T H._.MC HIG A N ..D_ .L Y__ _ . '..f . -TAT_. T r__ __ A . Ut ed3L11%Wi A 6 *UO' DOAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publicatin In the Bulletin i~s constructive notice to all members , o1 the University. Copy received by the -assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a.,ink. Saturday) ____ VOl4. X11. ,P!ESI)A1Y JNUARYtl 7, 1930 NO. 71 NOTAIES Organ Recital: Palmer Chris...…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED 1890 2 4w 4tj t t .AQW VP r 4 0 I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XL. NO. 72. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS LITEARY COLLGECARGO YLE SALES OPEN TOMORROW, 1XMNT6 IS ,jBy R. L. S. React an open letter to your fav- orite celebrity of professor in Gar- goyle's big "Open Letter" number ANNOUNE0 BYRICHwhich will be on sale tomorrow.A First Finals Scheduled t on Saturday Afterno Februar...…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…P'AGE TWO~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY XSEDNFCDX 1 TT r; I PROFESSOR WINS GRADUATI jPSHAW PUBLISHES COLLEGE SURVEY mm 900HII AWARD IN MATH i nH N DT ON ALUMNI AND ADULT -EDUCATION I --'"- o 3 .s 'nu ANNUL L I YIL1 OF NEWSTEACHERS Stresses Cultural Background Necessary in Newspaper ' Practice. ACTIVE IN DISCUSSIONS Assembly Takes up Problem Preparing Students for All Branches of Journalism. of Prof. John L. Brumm of the de- partment of journ...…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1930 1 t"i F. 1 V I T i_ H I Ci A DlAILY PANE THRM, r _, _.. a. ... i 1 1 'TJ L1 l N A \,..3.1 . C !]-.A M/ ' 1, MEXICO UNIVERSITYIHOOVER "ADOT TO A STTRANCTS f DISCUSS IOOCTO LEAGUEFROM TO BE HELD FRIDAY Meeting to Commemorate Tenth i Anniversary of League of Nations. R EXPELLEi FLA C Full Credit Will Probably be Given Here for Any Foreign Course. DIRECTOR SENDS LETTER Spanish Students Have Special Advantage i...…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…S'AGE FOBm T THE M'ICHICAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1930 T I Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise creditedI This acquisition constitutes, then, at once a splendid scholastic pr...…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 5

…I WEDNESDAY; JANUARY 8, 1930 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P MP, -INV, lw man U =A '-zs--s-z s- s LO D TRANSCRIPTS OF EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIESFEATURES POINT SYSTEM1 rATtorslNtTiI11'sisthe thins i0 a -- sFries Rf aRKiS SleT1CSif articles w in the recco nmmendations. In no other in- l ulcs .lelaiTn to" "rtici"a"in in ca"'..' i stitution is this transcript service ftdctjvdies, and the poitsystemi. The women of the University of offered for extr...…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SnX THE MICHIGAN DA 1 LY .w tt'Ft'NEO-DAY, JANUARY 8, 1930 .?...........DN.E-D-----JANUARY---,------ JUNIOR VARSITI CAGERS MEET { { J w w 7 7 3 1 1 l 1 1 R {S Jl J G F f E i t , c x c i t MIIIGAN 'B I[AM MICHIGAN DISPLAYS DEFENSIVE STRENGTH AGAINST MINNESOTA M LUUF Above the rumble of the Big Nin to qualify it as a testing block for " basketball teams swinging into ac- anbaktbljta tion against one another, the clash any basketb...…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 7

…I WEDNESDAY. JANUARY B. 1-930 THE MICHIGAN - 1 L W~flN11~RDAV~ JANTTArnV R 1 ~1fl THE MICHIGAN P AlLY MATMEN TO MEET r t n nnl flr'IIflflR Intramural News I'. & V.bIIJI AI I . .I Three Lettermen Will Wrestle Competiti on s Keen ,TODAY S GAMES for Wolverine Outfit i for Sima Delta GAMES Opening Clash. BASKETBALL. ELEVEN TO MAKE TRIP Qualication peiod forf.aternity 4:15-Psi Upsilon "A" vs. Psi Mu Icompetition in Sigma Delta Psi Delta "A...…

January 08, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 72) • Page Image 8

… PAGE EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAIL Y W~1TN1ETDAY, JANUTARY 3, 1030 I:JA jji/iil . 4l iilf ViliV d. V ++ i" / DAILY OFFICI AL B ULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) Screen Reflections After two weeks of having to be- the comedy laurels. have liko human beings in other 1, At the other plot extreme is...…

January 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… mmmim I , , ,,I I I 1890 'I.E 7i I4 ASSOCIATED ----------- VOL. XL. NO. 73. ANN ARBOR, MICTIYGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS ERRING FRESHMENi TO BE -DISCIPLINEDYT[ -.;CP9N 1 BTEA CAPTAINS Failure of Yearlings to Wear Pots Brings Student Council Action. CO-OPERATION IS ASKEDt Installation of University Flag Dance Team to Appear In Two Recitals HereI Georgi and Kreutzberg Will Give' Two Different Pro...…

January 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN D A I LY THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, s30 Tnr T jEI S Belgian Princess Weds III T T | |i I nVW IPTARTICLES BY PRESIDENT M!Heir to Italian Throne it.ST I bflU IN I' CREEN I| | lL nIHJ FEATURE JANUARY FTE JRANUAR RU TH EN ISSUE OF 'ARK' I VRLU LII IVIRA I LII11IRL; :N ON UROPEAN TRIP , hA7': Information of Ancient Greek Inscriptions Received on Short Tour. DATA TO BE PUBLISHED Rockefeller Humanities Fund: Provides Expenses for Un...…

January 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 73) • Page Image 3


January 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

… r~A T L 'P' her export sales would produce; -though further anxiety may be Published every morning except Monday caused by the knowledge that with- during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial would be hard put to meet her war Association. *. obligations to the United States The Associated Press is exclusively entitled and maintain herself as a first- to the use for repub...…

January 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 73) • Page Image 5

…* ~T4~ MTt A tEr PA 6 f~ #. M A. L.n AP.A .R Y A " A. u.:a F'M 1 R .. !.-ll I+ .FRi .Y. MMLVAVA r 'wAUMM3 W&N 111IT! WOMEN \DE(AIERBELLE SAYS NEW STYLES PREDICT O(T R T EARLYHISTORY OF POINT SYSTEM 'tILL S9T LEUSLU|L PLEASINGAPPEARANCEFOR 1930D9LUL RELATED IN SERIES OF ARTICLEStotL By Belle pleated. There seems to be a defin- a ties. The scholarship requirement' Le IIo atces u it~ n e liI I, Happy Ney Year! Here's hoping ite tenden...…

January 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 73) • Page Image 6

…THE M-I'H-1-GAN _IRL THURSDAY. JANUARY J, 1930 T H_ M 1 ___ v °, .r TU ___ _____ _ _ __ _ __---__ .]1 /3l l V L11 V1.111 1 ~ "i7 HIV MICHIGA CAGERS ST RT DRILL FOR BOILERMA ERS Meets VARSITY GETS LOO'Wo"verine Tracksters Prepare For Indo 9T PUOR BPL Michigan Alumni inS TIGERS DROP PILOT POWA SHARPSHOTER Shires Downs aeth Veenker Works to Remedy Tr-Cities Establish With Kayo in Tw Poor Playing in Second Half ii ~flT Against Gophers...…

January 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 73) • Page Image 7

…Tlln AY, JANUTARY 9, 19:30 HP, tMICHIGAN A, PAUL SEVEN DAiLY PAGE SEVEN MANN DRILLS TEAM OF VETERANSI VETERAN SHOWS SPEEDI DISPLAYSSTRENTH TA NKMEN FOR INDIANA MEE t - A7 I' ~ Ijtramural News -x EIGHT' NEGRO ATHLETES HAVE GAINED LETTERS AT IOWAl FORTY YEARS OF COMPET IN ITION f Michigan Swimmers Hope to cep Conference Champion- silp Gained Last Year. HOOSIERS ARE WEAK Swimming practice has been re- sumed with renewed vigor si...…

January 09, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 73) • Page Image 8

…TH M H e1A DAILY §, Ig"Rta O'A "Wo low NOTICES Faculty meeting, College of Lit erature, Science, and the Arts: The regular monthly meeting will Lbe held Monday, January 12, at 4:10 p. m., in room 2225 Angell hail. John R. Effinger To All Men Students: Students intending to change their rooms at the end of the present semester are hereby reminded that according to the University Agreements they are to inform the householders of sueh inten...…

January 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…1890 )OrW Aitva I ailil MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS, VOL. XL. NO. 74. ANN ARBOR, MICTITGAIT, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS TR ' Interpretative Dancers Will Appear in Second Elect Da mrts Vens Physician BO OKSgC U 0 !At S Recital in Women's League'Theare Tonightl E Y R EQCEl I toEDCanEmeritls V eceture Today P E BOARDICONOEMNEDWshngon E AMECildPschloy FOR ATTT UDHE N 0 E>NC1NEERS' AIiDD J r. Ader's System of Clin...…

January 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…H i C Lj 1 t- 'Y Aftf1[HC Of 11111W! NEW AMBASSADOR TO SPAIN ft LILJ I IU~JL DICTATOR, GEN. PRIM DE 1AN FOR A9TTACKb I 0D1SI[AO0 ACT w "York .Representative Says . :.*** .*> ,:. /* -~~ 4-- -1-1- -. I - -.---- - - 1,6,f .~ '~t r~ Pr.hiJ MEETS ! RIVERAPOELT AK Series of Three Lectures by Noted MNanr Will Feature DR. GUTH E ASSERTS ININR[A PT INAMERICA N OT NEAR EXTINCTIONL r Fq Giving his answer to recent1 ofsmoral dettrioratio, qut claims ...…

January 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…I f11 IR L 1[it1dJWUU~ L d L ! E~UCAIDNLRISIS Professor Maintains Difficulty l Due to Different Aims of Learning. DEFINES UNIVERSITIES Declaring that the crisis in mod- ern education lay in the fact that it was difficult to coordinate the different aims, scientific learnng, educational research, moral educa- tion and free and liberal play, Prof. DeWitt H. Parker of the philosophy! department spoke on the subject,: "The Crisis in Modern Educati...…

January 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…THE, M I I-+ A DAILY 147RTf)AV.' JANITARVIII 14.An A r.._______ -- - - - -aaa ..'* &~~ U, L a , ... + 7it n nF 1-l n A--- - 1 t Published every morning except Monday during the Trlive-rsity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thi...…

January 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 74) • Page Image 5

…1930 1TE- 1M11C HI-CGANi DAILY I '. "Vlmomo"49-4-"' "A"". . ..... . , _______-.___.._. ..._____._____.._.____ . ___._.. _.._ . . ... . . .._.. . ..._... . .._ _b_. ... .. ..,,.._ ... . ... .. . . .. . __. . _._._. ...___...e._w_._.. . __...__.. __ __. _ _._...._.. .._..._... IrnI-EARziLY HISTORY OF POINT SYSTEM rrn YVONNE GEORGI DISCUSSES ROUIN O 19L LiRELATED IN SERIES OF .ARTICLES iU rRO U UNDERLYING EXPRESSIONISTIC DNC r:,,T iA'i , ...…

January 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 74) • Page Image 6

…THE SIvCHIGAN DAIL [ MEET' STATE COLLEGE v/ /KLVIE1 OF MINES LLt BE FIRST OF MICHIGAN-PURDUE CAGE TITLE MA1 TW in lVE EEBRINGS PREP MATES TOGETHER VUUT~VL U I~ he h Wo lveiecgrsme er u oterotingWsen rIldIIm DT D Tfl Intrarmaral News CGERfS TO LEAVE FORH PUplflE M V L When the Wolverine Gagers meet year due to the rotating Western, the Purdue quintet at Lafayette to- Conference schedule. Invaders Held High Reputation iorrow night, t...…

January 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 74) • Page Image 7

…! t 11I 1DAILY1 nnnrnn A Meet MineHO'VT UNCOVERS 'B'p~ b tf WEAK I mucsters__ ggregation'Tonigt YEARLING STAR II~(Conlnueil From pa - e 6) ___ fl fl~~~flV~tis reserve forwards, will probably (CniudFoiae6 be claled upon to carry alternating tinued. Courtwright to Order Int nsk,,e dt ihtesatn ilf~l Tannic, Damm, Cox, and Self fe. t Dril ftr almaooThe Wolverine defense , hich ' have shown to the best advantagev DrbAtrKzr~an proved to be so iro...…

January 10, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 74) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IZRTr)A'Y _ TAVTTAP.V 1A 141A _. ......... . . . . ...ryu i.iT_:_. I...... .... M I CI G A D A I L Y...... .. .....-... ..«. ..... . .. .s __..._..e______.... ........ .........U.............. .. ...u......e...w .:. ii'L~T hftV T~fl. ..........if tlU, .lyt) DA'ILY 'OFFICIA'L DULLETINi Publication in the Bulletin is constructive novice to all members of the University: Copy received by tlhe Assitant to the Pre ;i- dent...…

January 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…STABLISHED 1890 1 Abe t r lo MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS - ----- ---- --- VOL. XL. NO. 75. ANN ARBOR, MICYT7GAIT, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS f HETORIC -ENGLISH MERGER APPROVED4 BY REGENTS' BOARD Pass Summer School Budget; Transportation Course Is Established. EFFINGER OFFERS PLAN Expenditures of $285,000 Are Secretary May Lose j Board Chairmanship' Referendum Asks New'CRInetgig Board R 1H SU NT FdrlRes...…

January 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN D Al L Y SA'vimAV i A ~lARV '11. iQgiO LAI1 J1'111 Sl44. 11, 1:1 3V OR, ALDER SPE AKSDeForest Is Chosen Radio Engineer Head ONPSYCHOLOGICAL [CTURE PROGRAM IM Foundation Plans Open Forums, Led by Untermyer, Wise, SERICE[S HELD Funeral Ceremonies in Florida Were Conducted by Dr. McConnell. Western Independents and Young Guard Gain Recognition in RQw on Committees PRIZE AT EXHIBIT Architectural Instructor Wins $300 Prize; Oi...…

January 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…SAT'URDAY, JAINUJARY .1u; 1 T HE M IC H IG AN O A II LL Y U T PR Group of Diplomats Chosen to Represent Italy in Approaching K TE P E Tr R Commander in Chief Wodd Power Naval Conference at London for Armament Settlement' U Kidnapped by Bandits TODAY [N LECTURETESTED BY BR N NT Forchead, Cheeks, and Trunk Four Found to be Warmest ±H ,a Eminent European Psychologist Sections of Body. Will Reveal Researches TEST GOITER PATIENTS EE NED on Child Ad...…

January 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…f T, ? -, Um. 1 -M.1 -T 8 W t T- M i ~ *~f~j~~ l tin"POT, FROH.L" er i i i at li#I Qc gi h tdn oni r' t)Ib5-hhed every ivorning except Monday tnc agi th Sud tCo cl during the r'niversity year by the Board in has delivered an ultimatum to the Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Freshman class--"'Wear your pots, A ssociation.1 or face an 'inquisition.", The Associated Press is exclusively entitled This is th...…

January 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 75) • Page Image 5

…. ... ~ .THE ..:h i _'H I G A .. v :. :._ r... , _. _ s ~, Vs R. 11 DA. SOD NLY"B ViII-RIP OAflTV rnp' WOMAN T'OTRru rnm LEAD SOLDIERS PROVIDE HAINES POPULAR STUDENT OCT ~r OHIO MAYOR I iUILI VUVILI MUSMEN FR LISRE OUS ISMADE _OFFICER; JJNiIR T OLIT4lU us a a .u :AIODV QrIIflTArfl TRfflhTq Liill 11 iil~ IIll VUI XLIProfessor BToasts Collection Of other unique ways, some of whi~h ., ext._ Soldiers Unifomed With he stumbled upon accide...…

January 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

…0 T H F, M I C44.'l G A N :'D A 11, Y SATIIRDA-Y'. JANUARY- 11 193(1 1 T.H..aEa MIC HI.G ..a " a 11Y " ... AMAI LV' 11 1t1)L~ti - S ,iJ3V QUINTE T ENCOUNTERS PURDUE TONIGHT MICHIGAN T ~SlBE LE TflNICHT Strong Fr anktiin and Marshall Team Will Play Host to Wolverine Grapplers.- SWIM2IING SCHEDULE F.11 Jan. 17-1xdiana there. er J - -7to 'Ont) Y. Al. eI. 1-Al. S.C thei. ERS M[ETI YPSI Feb. 2t-Nortoiesl t n there. ,.Mar. 1 -C'...…

January 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 75) • Page Image 7

…MURaDA L i r AMIT.... i. fir i930, : C J-4 I GA DA1L WVolverine Cage ,eams.'.',J or Varsity Cugens MICHIGAN WRESTLERS TO OPPOSE ir Clqshes with Purdue P ;lay Ypsilanti Tonight'H aCn m g b yO - edF onP ' )FRANKLIN AND MARSHALL TONIGHTJ i;i n t ben1 ''. C ntfviw of Pacndl,1loc6)____ _______ displayed wolds of power but d S benched___________fa_______f__P___dell,____H____, yet ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~n Coombeeuabeo ittwhile_____...…

January 11, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 75) • Page Image 8

…°T"H v1Vt n IA T IT 1 z+c r. traetma", s Irv w s ".+inr " . e5 sr -I «+t .. - ---- - -1, a - ..Ra'ate 1" .11R .ls . .~ *.TL MiV'7, TAITUARY 11, 1;73 Corrloia.Club meets at 73,InQ Lane hal. Al members WI 1 INC M 9 °yI LL HOL DA L FF C A UL E I iieds <recordiallyinvie.____L _[ LLUIUNUUIVL QU UINUA N NEER S E SOA C rfsmen meeting at 7:30 at Masonic Temple. Bring a friend n na n--r- i Pulcto1nte ultni oDtutvaoietoalmm Xte for first ot of t...…

January 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHE 1 890 Jr Sftert t rt VOL. XL. NO. 76. ANN ARBOR, MICUGAbl, SUNDAY JANUARY 12. 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE F;VE CENTS PURDUE Fi, E 0 O IG Directors of Union Approve Merit System NE~ LAN IVENBoard of Regents Names W. C. Rufus 0 EDATIObservatory Head' ProfID.LC.IRfIsIofNthedepart- ment o1 astronomy, has been ap- r one hira ftedepart- Iment and. acting director of the 01~ University observatory, it was an-! _Yra C MM ITSoul...…

January 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…A THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,SUNDAY, JANUARY.A2,' 3 0 . .. .... ... --- --- -- II 1 |1| U 1fCOMBINATION OF RHETORIC-ENGLISH DEPARTMENTS flflP |!( Educational Students | URRY l LL lCONFORMS WITH AMERICANEDUCATIONAL PRACTICE! uDOCT1R Plan Unique[Program'UO When theRegents attheir patFaculty Assenbly ni ffhffll h eet tter meet- ,retrcand the pioohof hs ,.,, 'iertr n 1i. n ,1{., figlslFia obie h e-py PVP at :J i aa. sprr~rt fEnls n reoi tog hfis p...…

January 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…T1E-- --1C 141 GA *A N-. PAGETURE a, e *i OUR ANNUAL 11 I BEG I NN ING 0 R. I I1 Ii Fo 1® i At Greatl Reduced Prices odnab rvy aolr em-ee .:U 6 9c Volume - 95c Volume I Hundr6 Lu Ot 1 IV-OLU *61 £ la Off 4 1'3Off 4 49c, 98C, *2,m-7 SALE AT THREE ST' RnWuDnU A Tr'V U , I I …

January 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…0 ~rte Cto TH M I VNrAT I. Published every morning except Monday during the Hlniversity year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein.) Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as sec...…

January 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 76) • Page Image 5

…3I~D~, 3WUAZ -i~ ~THE ICHGAN AIL FMAIFI FIVE mwwv- -wp II:I IMMLT4ATA V, As AIM Mn s ----_ --- CLA SSSTO SELECT COBNATIONS TO oFrGAES HOAS Announcement of First Teams and Three Second Teams to be Made Jan. 17. PLAN SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Annual Basketball Banquet to be Held March 6 to Make Awards. Plans for the remainder of the class basketball season have been definitely formulated. Thus far only practice sessions have been held in groups ...…

January 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 76) • Page Image 6

…GEsix THEF MCIIC M hi CTLirlA VV 'A *fl* A T An _____ _____ _____ ____i~iV~4~JA.. .4"'.4A RY i2, l fl" ILLINOIS CAGERS TO SEEK WIN OVER WOLVERiNES COI INDIANS SPUR RED Illini Quintet to be Bolstered by Return of Mills After Enforced Rest. v S1 _ . i - -.._.. .. .._ . .A - . _ - _ s ., 1 1 MICHIGAN GIVEN EDGE In high spirits because of a well deserved victory over Ohio State in, their first Conference game and the additi...…

January 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 76) • Page Image 7

…S'CwNtAY, JANUIARYY12, 1930 THE MICHIGAN AILY- THL M......N....L Michigan Grapplers to b11 eet Princeton Tomorrow CASSIFI DVERTISE TIPED prI uOCQTC IOWA TRUST FUND Okar nuTu iiu nisi IIlJLIJIIIL nIUJJ INVESTIGATION ON D"DKUn511 t2 r soeated I'm Secretive in plans and powers, i Western conference faculty repre- Poweful astenersExpetedsentatives investigating the status Powerful Easterners Expected;of eleven suspended University of...…

January 12, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 76) • Page Image 8

…PAGIR MCiRT T- E M-1IHSA-N-DT .JUNDAV, 3AIMAR? 12, 1S0 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University.. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday) VOL. XL. SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1930 No. 16 [will be the principal speaker at the Wesleyan Guild Service at Wesley lin Charge of, Operations at the Oakland Motor Car Company, Thurs- fall at...…

January 14, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 77) • Page Image 1


January 14, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…TiiT i U ic- - .e , . ... _ . ; -.L4& :l'ff7 4."llLI< kL ' j lJ . 'ERSONALnYiGIVESAppointed for Czecho-Slovakia 'W~ERTOHUMAN INDAVRS9B NS 'ait Surpasses Organization, Institution, Legislation, Says Convocation Speaker. [EN INFLUENCE HISTORY ,idividuhi Instructors Determine Calibre of the University as Source of Culture. 4 Per~onality is power in allfed DEBRAT' Prof. Densmr Meetings Series FINALS T( pore Announces Last sfor Preliminary s...…

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