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January 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…iTh'e Michiga'__t .s ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIll RSiAY, JANUARY a, z1911 Vol. xxi. VARSITY MAY MEET >f Y 7 I V9RIO~ TOQIJSCAMPUS MUSICANS iNVk.sUT II 5 tie 111R VARSI 1Y T111 S SEE CRIS 1 1 H1(1 1(1111101011 CO1RNELL IN TRACK ,It the'Stu1ent1o11 1.0is1to1h1111ts. SE11 CRIIS AHIiEAD PesdetLmiortiioS Agl ot Pesi find th 11(1 11emse0les ti )ll against it illi the__-gat111ri111 of M ci gan1'11 a lm 1n1i lCtr Director Bartelme Admits That toues fro...…

January 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…311~~~ SO [F TREE' Openin Dispay of ULt LSSUITS A. !-IATY MH NIC1110cAN DAILY THEMICHIGANDAILY. EMMA GOLDMAN IS COMING Managing Editor-LEE A WHITE. Will Again Try to interest Students BusiessManucr-onss~ 1. ht.. in Anarchistic Movement EDITORS. I~tlia (;iil 11111 is t iilin ii c so News Editor ..........Harold Titus womniai tirchist awill Iheii hoe i b i t Assistant ............Harry Z. FOte within teext lewl days0Iandi wil t. K jc~) Athletic...…

January 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…________ I 111 ICUY(A 24 -0A IL'Y A Blue Serge Sit colles ito Ii,;ht hand) for an occasion~al change of attire. E xcellenit 441111to your measu-re F.sW. GROSS s A. 'uIISPALDING & BROS. 4I'a fre, lrllict1114111 Trad~a~l~ar p tOf OFF ICIL.UP AR?"5frilitle5 Q S Iq A sot n asiis TRADE. fi I. I1MIII1 a t{/rteU1 It',)&1 4liftt is I1no4vi Olv)uL Mrol it it Sotl Th vrdaWhe n ro at'ns ewiprt G a II rol teo of r4 110 is01441 r'eeoIotode 25 Woodward V A...…

January 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…THE MIC'HIGAR blkii LET LCOLM MAKE IT YOUR FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO $35 up 118 EST LIBERTY CALL ANI) SEE THE 71 NVredversity Ave. o lCumberland UNIVERSITY NOTICES Senior engineerotpleae get tickehto for 1F11(1ay'sodinreat Atietga Unio00 before Froiday oo romhthe foloiosg. Wablker KisikenlBeedit, Gagan AiTl junior fits ideirig t olitste Rusttic. band1(1caitt146. Aliot. I lecti ot of firehmen trelrecniltic for girls' atllet i soiatio fr 4 t to th...…

January 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…Vol XI.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, IRIDAY, JANI. \RY 6, 1)11 Vol. XXI. INTEREST CENTERS ABOUT BASKETBALL lnterclass Practice Scheduled to Commence on 16th of January ELEVEN TEAMS ENTER FIELD Mthogh tecclas batset bll em peitipit ti61 ot actal}lc lictinj Watrma gg ii asiii unt-icil te g ranged fior rcice tistarit Janiuaryci6. Beining 1 ths tinc the tis \01 ii prctic ciOn Ittitla ii s\ tlt d Frda igtst froImtlt;7till o"cld. ) M1oday ndThu lirday iii"...…

January 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…31 5)01~J1~FE 01y' Of -r THE MIC~HIGAN DAILY sHE MICHIGAN DAILY. t I Ii fricst sinars' ,;331 1 Managing kditnt -iii >~A WYi-iE,. Iti sllI N I s in.( s Munager- oNot 11s . 111 ,L. 0 t-,i i i' i tnt 'Tis . I ("o st 11)1'scil , tN(.ts% s Editor ..... .. . .. I iarGlsd Titus1Ilstc1. N s......... . H airy L. h l. ' - - Is it 0 ussr.W.'aiter K. Towners GOV. OSIIORIN WILL I'RESf lE ........ . .J. lFrediLaswton fusisses S ld tna... . .Earl V. Moo...…

January 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…SHri M =; A I -. JA I Y Thi sSpace FOR Sam Burchtied ::, & Coo. 10 Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS, 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court Htouse CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' , ;llrt' r1; lrlr!T1t\/Et' MUSIC AND DRAMA (.NTI.D Still LOST (C} NON r I1ta:e ci)3I . .4_ M i91<li ' 1 ,t)i *r l 0 ~ a32 1('11 i t 1 )( cli) )1 !)(cci11cr }T Ic\ard( l ire i ~ t~t. Gt. }1' ' ?t. U, 1-. 1, 1N 5t (I 1 i111I1(~'1 1 11 t t I \ IIi 1 I }11 < 51I1. 1eilh~lli ilt)I ml...…

January 06, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…THlE M~ICIAN :s f '+ - i ''i l i Al . . , -f Y i . N, .. This style is short in vamp, full in toe, high in arch, and high heel. Buttons are. tedressy shoes. Neat and dressy and still waterproof UNIVERSITY NoTrICIIS \le i (al I aI ll S c f sce (riua all t ha a apP i t itt"'al . CA - :3: a aatttht li (>tt R ifl d lla I tat ', -cila a ll.tA ll ow rit ddpeanty. ~T~~y, January 16 wHERY B. HARRIS MISHELEN hc Deserters" N t ltt at 'ama, lio...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…at. Vol. XXI. PENN DESIRESNW PL BIIT R LSLooks to Reestablishment, of Eastern Big Four, with Michigan Cut Off REVIVES CONFERENCE ISSUEj ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANSIII)77371 ;, 7 77 57)77:1, 17\1'71\711 STUDENT ORATORS '07K~.1I( [>ah r <\ ulaiul cil e111e he A1Y FOR DAOIES .'li cas1woatird 7ll 71adlieF Lyceum Club is Ready to Supply )tatialden 77tatonof1.7.7 o ey Lecures frA yandAl 1 n~cl lal ha 1wn dvisd fr lPurposes \tstc ~ n 1ro~icstt h te eatu...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 31 AO.S FP STEET Fall aid Witer' Sye s FULLI 1'3 SSUITS 1 ,i t 1 I i N I' ii . t t THE MICHIGAN DAILY. PASSES MILESTONE TODAY, INN I1)19519I;199 N l Managing Bdditor-LuI A WHITE. Dr. Angell Celebrates Eighty-second r'otuues ron Pge I.I Business Manager-NORMAN H. H'ILL. Birthday I iI t \'li~i EDITORS.SOr. JamesC4".Anells ill cei~leIe ruumfthe .. lIket ohIlc.Until d11 News Editor.......... Harold Titus the righill it I...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fix'^ : yy, 'w . , - i ' v.l : Y ". icy, .F_ r J' t^. l.t ,y -xt-. , : ,. ... ,., ,,.:,. : Announcement! --OPENED AT-- 220 South State street A NEW MODERN FRENCH DRY CLEANINC SANITARY PRESSING AND DYE WORKS Machinery of the latest modern type, all work done under the most sanitary conditions Prices Right For Instance: 15 pairs of pants or 5 suits spong- ed, pressed and repaired - - : - - - Our unlimited contracts for the b...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…TIHI MICHIGAN DAILY H4O C KEY STICKS A Fail Assortment of the Best Line We Can boy 25 Cents to $1.00 Each. Sweater 'Vests arnd A xtomnobile Sweaters Complete Stock of the Spalding Mlake at WTVAH K' S I University Book Store -5' COMING EVENTS Satiirulay, January 7-Junior Lit loverly Party. i'arbouir Gymnasitum. Sundasy, January 8-"The Passion Play," P'rofessor Trueblood, Newbery Hall at 6 :30 P. 11. Tuesdlay, Jan. io-Cerclc lFranU is, Lectur...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 5

…THlE MICHIGAN DAIL Y ~. _ ._.. ABlue Serge r Collie"; 0 17 1 gb 1111a41y for 1all occai onal chlanlge y of atire. Excellent value to onor ® w TeSpalding Kac i't Ill Qlm 10 1'(T 'frlltl) i I erll05,11 /Tcll1.1 1l11'o$100 1C(lo 1111 11,1%11 1. 1 1 1 tt400 ,010 4041 10 , he 4*A a>1 a 'What' ewinDor 254 Wood1v rd Av. D.1 fitMill Ca,-, Mead d LbesaviSt,,0,1t ("'4 011114, MICI:I.s W1. 1. Booth., '10 1711011f WV. (C1A1110SON, (11 CLASSIFIED ADVERT...…

January 07, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 69) • Page Image 6

…s.. r. W L E TUNIVEIRSITY i) I IY r iA IhallIT all, 1c' IIt N , cbaltcml 'ar imdyJanary 16 - HLNRYi. HARRIS rTS 11L3 r A v NEW YORK ' -7 A COLLEGE MAN cvMnAlways Welcome "a erms for College Teams I iation. Near Theatres, ;Shops asnd Central Park rModern, Absolutely Fireproof rI ates, $250, with Bath, and up. Oat:':cde Rooms. Send tor Booklet. is I1 N 1 Iior. a c Ii ' I Th Nic t111111 rfI t A E 7: (5- 111 th a L1 11 , 1i' It Chadie r N...…

January 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

… i Con u 7 F°- ci 0 s.. 0 0l "'0 0 c:> O0 0 -, - H 0 a w r H c0 r,' :,; a: rn i i n v .-. ,_ v f a. ., + ._ ' _" :n rn ' '.. ^t, ice-. ' +., r ..._. f l- r v r f n-i " ". n U -e-+ r " v .. , ., a _ , IS= O M C I _ I i s a:' c i i i 1 I 1 i Y i I y = (I 1 WNW ........... w .r; W f : a, : f< v! . T CO 0 d O 0 0 0 C, o U 2: 1 w f 0 z , H a C-1 J C3 H C7 a . d . . 4 v . .c " _ <" >> LL 0 c ; f . i .R- i r ti r . ,^ 0 a 0 0 z w...…

January 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…'lGMI CHIII GA NDAiTL Y Co rs 'IEMICHiIGAN DAILY. thti''clly ,lailItlci1c Manaig ag lditor-L trA, Wmtt. iiiti 111llthei 5 al fthct)1 PisinssManager-NORIssAis1. It Lsts.. b' Pm il he ~t,' flews Editor ... . . H..... arold Titus ,lp1 f 0 te1 im )fCi ii141al Assistant ........ Harry L. I0Ez [)a 1Xiii>cl Ic 1 "[lr :i i Athlt ic Editor.. alter K. 'Powers ,posistii I ci 1t hropm1nsv A~a t ........J. Fredt Lawtoniu lsli IV~e ac.n 'i a tusic and Hra...…

January 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…TuI' EMICHiGI AM Dl 'FOR Ann A rbc.r., Lia g _ i1- uonS. p.lod s l , ii ! M C -A i )lt(1-I i ) li~h1g MUSIC AND DRAMA lrhur 1 It:- %0 VIit,<c-' ti catct -IttC ;e i it FOR MEN--The most complete assortni n various styles and sizes to lit alt feet. No slip or gap at the heel, $4.00 the Popular Price FOR WOMEN--Fancy Satin Pom p in While, Pink, (flue and (Gold, Blnck Suede and doll headed it- itt ackt:i-c _1 as c it. r. ii iiith t ti rtii...…

January 08, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…HII5 MICHIGAN DAILY i - : , E ____ _ _ A5, >5. This style is short UNIVERSITY NOTICES Nfeetiiig iof ihe Ililaci C("il laris hail, MSidail ita 77 ". Cadiatsfo' iiori i e miai ii, Mionday, titocok 1 INew hitney Theatirc fr&:: r .15$ t4. Lia ornaer- not scanted prar ply. iamit,, full in toe, Saturday, January 14 Matimee arid Night The Musical Comedy Surprise Monday, January 16 HENRY B. HARRIS MISS HELEN high in arch, and high heel, Bu...…

January 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…V.XX.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 1191\ X'XYTo, itl. Vol. XXI. BASKETBALL'GAMES TO BEGIN EhARLIER, Eligibility Rules of Interclass Basketball Series to be Enforced JUNIOR HOP DELAYS PRACTICE )1 S lit11 y ll 11 . r i isa d aslie w Iil hre l ic tii-Ci c<,>d b t Mt iti beivt hathe 11c"d tap a r 1 est SUGGESTS TRACK CHANGE XX ould Replace Spring m, et by Initer- class contests C it C .1 lit } ' iI l . 1 l i 3i l 1 i't < f' 't~ l i 1131-t PLAGUE FIGHT...…

January 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 71) • Page Image 2

…" H1 MICHIGAN DAILY '°HE MICHGAN DAILY. Opcri i D~layof P 1 c Winer S le V7l1 T Managing Edditor-Loat A WHITE. Business Manager--NORMAN H. HILL.. EDITORS. News Editor...........Harold Titus Assistant ............ Harry Z. Fotz Athletic Editor...Watter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawtos Msusic and Drama...Earl V. Moore Exchanges and Files.... Dine. S. Birney EDITRILSs. Arthur J. Ahhott. G S Lasher. Paul Leidy. NIGHT EDITORS. A....…

January 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 71) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHTIGAN DAILLY C-L ASS FIE Su e 11II-it11 occasion)al cli uge7 of attire. i1 'a >CI,-A INo L I rr;fo xcellenit lue o 0)you0 nleasooro ' 4.GSPALDING & 30 ..- or OiiN for I.O I e 0 t 7 Ayt,3..It; sportsoadrpssine. Illtlcif, S o Y ll u l & O Co MARK .) rI ~c rio 0.1)r~ it'c dlcS Qo.'';) .r.tisry lA. :G. POPA iDING C='. lO. & 't( iiof t 254 Wnooward-rdAve. trtr Ymi'r. LA t it50. 1) l Sorpasand PrsoioltO.Oot Oil (roo^2": i 'i y « r- 1 ' .0...…

January 10, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 71) • Page Image 4

…Tl M I GIA N DA I fY LET KAEIT ."S ANI) TUXEDO YF LBERTY \N FTHE jUNIVERSINTYICES Juntior enineelr caito t 1; \Vtittt-otiy it 7 P.In, .11 Episcoplligirl- invOited. iri girl eiton()1DIil ier V day 4 P. it. ini \irittro-. v1 ew 'hitney ,, e tatre Par~is .1 5 1. Laa c rn rs 5 t eted PDoeemptIy. ia t rati celi t 1il '. if ( ml. sharp. N1 tr ilt it it 111111 itlil ftrttsilpi k(thalltcattmtirpitrttt nigt a.8Wokfr '< t r SatudayJ far y 14 IVORT...…

January 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…Tl e hlArlhoan II .t 3- Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR KRAENZLEIN WANTS' (11.:1!r+'I'\:____ _I11\WII AT11LETICS FR ALL iw ) cri:all11 : htcti 1x Trainer Appeals to All Those leer to hieilie - )IFh W'ho Like Track Work At ahwhit hir 10111te1l111(I All to Turn Out ())1Friday lte reset 11 11 star01111 ________,It o l asiig ll 1111 10001Suc SAVORS OUTDOOR CLASS MEET sollrnillIe o 1-<r~11towns,1 spir__ 111101-1111tinln 01111 m; il h I'r lnn ll tra t: at leic...…

January 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…311SO S'ALIStEET Opcnr gDisplayof i~~lan Wner 1%HE MIChIG AN 0DATlY ___ 'TI-E MICHIGAN DAILY. The 'stirissisIs A Li i. sisit i is NitSti' I,(lG ANA) t,A'l'l'li\ -- __ t its fuitioss sto sit is ai pIi ttiss i 5,1 ta~shiS Flit it t t ltit i'Lt . Managing JEditor-L u: A 'WHITe&. titplaieliforte jstatio siits Business Managesr-NORiMAN N.H.ILLs~. irohltsisstan a pas Ifr tc whcti , inat iii ii t Fench siiiiit' _______o______________________ tt itIo...…

January 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…C'41 H I (ItAN DAILV ___ Reserved FOR Sam Burchfid "s -Coo " Ann Arbor's Leading J. L. CIIAPAI1AN, Jeoeve Alarm Clocks 79tc Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm (locks $1.,00 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully G rtU , 1THE CA011LLIANDO m[tIArNiCi- 0BA1K MtAIN ANDi "UPON S'l'ttlataeaF Capital $50,000) Surplus ant Profits $10oo il( t a E; r a ara t ootar ae~. 3 p ri-att ait m 1ir ad :ao'rasa tar:-itsa. a lty ii' ;ctraiox- tt~ - ,S.0andrlapo;arils R. tO P Pr (" 11.i-...…

January 11, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…HEMICHIGAN DAILY ;i I I I , i. I 1 i i .. ,,. qa; V , ,,,.! FI , % ' . r i ,e 'f :..- -n F! F / j: This style is short in vamp, full in toe, high in arch, and high heel. Buttons are t-ge dressy shoes. Neat and dressy and still waterproof I UNIVERSITY NOTICES Mieeting of the Juit x 1 t) il llc at Ze'.ta Pi houstie t _I:I; iiia Six lit c> clas t o ilxto , I i Ip.Il at i Tappnthli nsxxxx tead x 'tixh M ci xiii ot p t <iit t l ifies t a a l: ...…

January 12, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, IMICHIGAN, 'Ii ISi)\\, JAN.\Y 10111. No. 73. Vol XXI. POPULAR ELECTION WIDELY PREFERRED Private Appointment Principle Disliked by Members of Association MAY BE DISCUSSED SATURDAY There seems to e a eal plossiility that the matter of the selection of stt- dent tmeners of the Boarti in Control of Athletics will e hrough efoe the Athletic asociation wh en i t mees on Saurday. Tie agitation which was e- gnn with tiecotmttutication ill...…

January 12, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…Go H. WILD CO. 311 $0. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 S0. STATE S BEET lypc wrV"itcr S ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room. 4 Press Buildiog. Oppossite Majestic Spalding's Auto grath ;ARE VICHIGAN DAILY jT1,1 MICHIGAN DAILY. INEWSPA, ER WOMAN WEDS -- ureessatLee. Hockey Sticks Managing Edior-ILEE A WIE. Buinss Alnagr-NoRMAN IH. HILL. Ewrrous. News Editor.......Harold T...…

January 12, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…THEMIC14IGAN JA fly A 1Blue Serge Suit comeie~ n nilghty haindy for an occasional change of attire. Excellent vaue to your measure $25 F. W. GROSS Liherty Street, cor.'. ourth Ave. A.G.SPALDING & BROS. paldng ore the lar~ estmano- PieSpIUII~ facturer'. tn thewol Trad-i 4ric of OFFICIAL EQUIP- MENT,forallathieic 1,,u0iNca sperts and pastimes. 0 tI( O f1ou e oerinterete o itotttr cSport uou MARK shetouldttetgra copy of INV4 te Saing Ca~ftIta tF...…

January 12, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…# fI3 s EIISGAW DAILY - LET MALCOLM MAKE IT YOUR FULL DRESS AND TUXEDO $35 up 118 EAST LIBERTY CALL. AND SEE THlE New English Styles Henmry a .nd Com pany 711 N. Unxiversity Ave. Hotel Cumberland 'r UNIVERSI TV NOTICESj All members the Studeitt Counci meet at studio - Randall & Pack Fri- day, January r M111,at 12:15 p.1i1. sharti for Michlt_ nensian picture. _\l. D. Bensley, Sec y. All candidate- for jttnior lit relay team nmeet itt g. n...…

January 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan _ __ Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRI.)A), JANITARY 13, 1011. No. 74, ACTION OF BOARD WAS JUSTIFIABLE Athletic Association Directors Did Not Exceed Their Prerogatives SECRETARY SMITH EXPLAINS That the alt100 of the Directors of the Athletic asseocatttion itamig t~e stdetotmeottsto (f the Board il Cot- troti (f Athetiswas autthorized appears foaletert twhtch11Secretry Sitit htas twritten toItCirman ~tICarpeter(f thel' Board ...…

January 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…i'IIL M JhIGAN IJAILY. G. H, WIL CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET- Opening Display o.f Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 SO. STATE S [ET ' ALL PRICES The Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Biliding. Oppotite Ma ftt Complete line of SSpalding' s Auto grat ,vaolr ig110 In h r, i..0i'0 iiiP' t Ihisto Islti liit ; iti.i l it ' ou! ii I W Il" c'oi s at their iics ~ o iiy, i oi ciiii 1 1 iiof thi ow is 10 W 1 i I ii "loti...…

January 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

… aitr ~ 1~t1 MI-UIAN ;A MS "~'CLASSIFIEO ADVERTISING T his Spa e 'liiiiitei-f, itily iIi sll iiiliitlkws. MUSIC AND DRAMA FACt-UIr5YlilNCF'RT LOiiSTP. Thle vioa is iinfstrumeniit thatithas FOilbt little iteratuire, and 15iseldomsih1eard FOR i ~~hst---old ssatch and fob, last Tuesdtay il ta tsilli i stlei noon oiiliMain, Ashley sir . Jeller- snstreets. Initials tE.-W. oil w pesiea11tch.e i 011 ii l S m Burcimfied idrplease lease at litlesis ld...…

January 13, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 74) • Page Image 4

…t ~This st-yic is short full in toe, high inarh "Ind high>cl ; I Ctk' t ' on Neat atii fr:, t ls n till "aint aat 'P13 IiGAN DAILY UNIVk 1TV NOTInCES 011 '113,ll t rztti. Iit intlx1c 4, t I1 ducii 1 11 t 1 C i cc71 ? fal ret clock NoXl f1 _i1 1 1 I I to i illI l* I~il<11 ; 11tii 1t12 t I l.111. 1 Nqew Whitney lrTheatre Curtt r 8.15.81, . Laze car mot seated pa'-e.ptty. j f i I t j )Vi 'I 1; ) } ti ?$ Saturd ay, Jau ary 14 anad Mig...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Mchga ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAT URL)AY, JANUA,\RY 14, 191.. NO, 75. Vol. XXI. nxRACK rliviu ILL FOR ESTE'RS AHR FOR SUCCESSFUL. SMOKER. HA E ! US S A ON Ove0on hunsdred foresters gatlsere Ii A rJ B SY Uik1U~iat ter'Michigan Union last ev ening for - their mo115 successful smoker. lollo1w- Sig' refreshments, Prof. ilibsert Rotls, Every Saturday Will Be Filled swhos acted astosmtecldfr With Interclass Veet Forced . ltlfortl and C. L. lilt, ...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…g J~lL ICHAGAN DAILY. 'IIIGAN DAILY G. Hs. WILD Co. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE SI7EET TypcwriCtrs ALL PRICES The. Students' Typewriter Supply Co. Room. 4 Press B4iding. Opposite Majestic [ Complete line of Spalding's Auto grath I __ y_ e I I .,.. Hockey Sticks ddosaging ditos tie e A Wmuc. esioSss News Editor.........efarldTitus Assistaint......... u.try . Io...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…THdE MICHIGAN DAILY STICKSt A Fall Assortment of the Best Line We Can boy 215 Cents ts $1.00 latch. Sweeter Vests and .Auxtormobile Swee~ters Complete Stock of the Spalding Mlake at WAH K'S University Book Stores Jo A. TRUWBEY FOR High-G rade Confections Pure Ice Creame c -1 S. C. A.==DAILY SUPPLEFIIENT SATUR~DAY, JANUARY 14, 1911 COMING EVENTS Saturday, January I4-t Membership Social, Mc illats I all at 6 :30 P. AM. Suntdav, Tanusar...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIG..N DAILY I I -- . - . - . . I -, - , - I MUSIC AND DRAMA MAJESTIC THEAUER. Among the interesting announcements in connsections with the Majestic theater is that pertaining to the cengagemecnt of an eminent Chinese celebrity known as Lee Tong Fon, a higtsty talented native of the celestial empiree whose chief fame eests on the fact that he has a magnifi- cent highly trained baritonse voice. Lee Tnng Foo sings grand otera ins French...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Blue Serge Suit comes in mighty hands= for an occasional change of attire. Excellent value to your measure $25 F. W. GROSS Liberty Street, eer. Fourth Ave. A. G.SPALDING & BR~OS. The S palding ar hlrtetau T~-e~d-M~-k MtNT,forallathletlc ~Pt NG sportasad pastimes. TRAD MARK shd.haee a coy of 4I / o th Spaldiflg Cata RGusP o labjae. Its a 'mplete eaecop is o isrkoawnothrow oalont Vh thold asoaa hat'sNein Sptt Gsaa~e..'teo. ...…

January 14, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

…THE It [ IGAN DAILY MALC MAKE IT YOUR FULL DRESS AND) TUXEI)O ti 5118 E A ST L II E T Y 7110N Usi a . v Hotel Cu erand S. W_ Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., NLW YORK Noer5th St. iha anx;,l4. ~v~cJ 1 icitt oph Sitfol tlrii , iii.rm _TV NOTICES 1 i'ti, Al lt i, i NeLWw Wh*itney Theatre C. -tate.. 8.15 P.8M. Lae co.ecseeotsse atedet eoseptly. TO l'55 ti-NCiii )kit littr ittt I it ivelli t t- lts l-, c - is f ttid tt1) t i Saturday, Janua...…

January 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ~y, Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAYX, JANUARY 15, 1911. ->,- 76. PAVOSI,ACE NNTOR BANQUE;T. 'WI' SA Af'TTQ nor~S 11 AOICf C R SE TM N AVhOESSANO'GRE HASKNS AIN 'ETRI RS OI\XXE :.TFi LO E F DIE T E E TO S Should a class banquet be eld{ at the ThRSO UTINS niiate debate tryuts .hl last ELECTION RESULTS furnishinig the repas? Thsis tilelies- broullgt forihI (((le x ellnt ilmaterial ion that is agiatinig tie junlior 1haws. Tile A...…

January 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…'T"11E I JTOAN DAILY. 4{oT s: ,, t '; r ; . : ;. ICIaN _ DAILY M llanaaing lsiitar 1l xiiA Wxixi (I. 1v , l j)')aii .6-a.itie a laszapuxcl iiva.' t1N I. III~, -v',sIc O ur.. . .. I arciri Titis xia . ... .. . 1 .l airy L. 13 I i v igix i hI .'clditor. . . ..4Waltero K. 'towers of I liii 44 -r iwhoi isaroi in ithr .....i . J. IF redL awton l itilclv ita play, lD-es-rtxrs,'' is laer- ' atIdlDraia...... Earl xV. hlooertv rc I e.lnl on1the ...…

January 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…FHeltMIIHIOAN DAILY NOTICE WE HAVE A LARGE PORTION OF OUR SHAC KAMAXON FABRICS FOR SPRING In the hease now and aiso othe r lines. We can get net few more 0 ess Suits for theI"lop." rTheire is no qluestion but that wi nave few equs i. d noclipsierirswhen it conies toin ikin. DRESS SUITS S. W, Burchfield & Co, J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Clocks 79c Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guaranteed Waath sR0 pa..lrltnj a...…

January 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…rr ~r' l! t' +" .j "F -!'rL ' 1 y : .:y i :f, tjf; j, 1 I .z.. -... .,., : ' c' .<. , r = Y l f . rhis style is short in vamnp, fail in toe "igh in acih, .nd high heel (rc''"Bhoos. eat and dressy andi still wacterproof [AGNEI{ & CO. . iiftei '. ci t;i < IUNIVEL .TY NOTICES Mancdolinc c-icc' Iccrsil a i DtclIi li l iii l ofi c ' d *Xi cut i ild i-li, c cwiliiiig cs ft I clbatth 111,) ;t: l ' lc . 'l ii liii ci i \adl ccstioi a:'' icoclck i...…

January 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUFSD\AY, JANULRY 17 ](11 Vol. 'N : o WHERE, 0 WHERE- CAN BARTELIVIE BE? Athletic _Director Goes Forth Into Parts Unknown On Secret Mission JAPS MAY PLAY GAME HERE Director Ittrtine is missing Nc race sf imti cold lbe found in his ac- custoimeit haiits al1u)t1 the office of the Athletic asociaion 3esteriay and with flie Coitilttei disinclination (f his assis- tts to aiitiit eveiitat there is ai Grad- nlc liiDircted-i, th...…

January 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…TH L NU~ ~ ~ CHIGAN DAILY.Itetonb. pct Tetnirsf CO O __ - ®IIthe Union U> him froite.{'tenlderofi IGo HI. W ILD C . Muinagiug fEditor-LEE A 1HT tre IBusiness .hlunagCr.-NuRMioscH. IHILL. \ ae.:otime, queti oiid the abiity fi t Di r ecetors 'iftie sc i a I EuTiot . tioni to inori' ei ifii0 mn for the Asitaut ....... . I Hairy L. Folz the ideis'iiiti' if such 'covernment, iii athle tic Editor .. altec K. 'Towers The ti dntii> ii i ters of the 1b...…

January 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

….-.. A Blue Serge Suit conie' tn utights handy fhr an occasional change of attire. Excellent value to your measure $25 F. W.GROSS riietyIStreett.. Foarth Ave. A. G.SPALLMNG & BROS. Tihe Spaing O} aethlreau Tva%,d-Mark of OFFICIAL EQUIP. M ENTfor aullath letic PyIN ports andpastimes. TRD Q Vhiini ' If youo 0re interestedI J !U, 'm tlitetie Sport 000 MAR10K I shold 1h11e10a0copy Iof (((((01 T~cF togate. It's a o leli te encycloplliia (f the woa...…

January 17, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…M A (;,LMAKE IT YOUR FULL. DRESS AND TUXEDO $35 UP 11 8 EAST L IBERTY CALL ANI) SEE THE 711 NR. Vndvers Fy~Ave. IPateI Cumberland", S. W, Cor. Broadway, at 54th St., Nitar :)Ot St. Subwiay and tid St. Elevated. NEW YORI TH it 'TGAN PATLY UNIV. ijl TY NQOTCES Ifeua mui t of sencmor gri's'svc Ho ctoiDtlk rVrei, toigit at 8:,op. int. i 1 ccr Vcrin trooms. MuctigiOf ;'.xtcuivic counici' of ; OU . Il. Ittdtcpcttt ctst' arc 'int o ]tciopt sign l...…

January 18, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga __ ANN ARBOR, MICH'IGAN, WED)NESD\AYJAsNUA. RY 18n scss. Vol. XXI. DEBATERS ARE TO MEET WORTHY FOE, Michigan Will Encounter Team of Stars at Evanston Next Friday Night EXPECT TO WIN NEVERTHELESS Michilsgan sdelaing enthusiasts are «nnlerissg jst hows strong a ean Northwse stern will pit on the patf om ,is isthe lig esontest ones cff Fiay lgi. WordlfroimsEvanston ays tsat thec three sen, s.iF,. Wiitesise, J. N. Phielpss, sosd J. ...…

January 18, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…-_'0HR (CIIGAN DAILY G. g" WILD CO. 311 SO. STATE STREET Opening Display of Fall and Winter Styles FULL DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY 311 50. STATE STEET iypewritcr } ALL PRICES The Students Typewriter Supply Co. Room 4 Press Banlding. Opposite Majetic LOOK 'I OU )OUR $3.00, .$3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 Sweater Vests Reduced as iow as $1*00 Made of the best all Wool Woresteds STUDENTS' IBOOKSTORE STATE STREET 11 ICiGAN DAILY. tlnnmaging ...…

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