January 05, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 67) • Page Image 1
…iTh'e Michiga'__t .s ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIll RSiAY, JANUARY a, z1911 Vol. xxi. VARSITY MAY MEET >f Y 7 I V9RIO~ TOQIJSCAMPUS MUSICANS iNVk.sUT II 5 tie 111R VARSI 1Y T111 S SEE CRIS 1 1 H1(1 1(1111101011 CO1RNELL IN TRACK ,It the'Stu1ent1o11 1.0is1to1h1111ts. SE11 CRIIS AHIiEAD PesdetLmiortiioS Agl ot Pesi find th 11(1 11emse0les ti )ll against it illi the__-gat111ri111 of M ci gan1'11 a lm 1n1i lCtr Director Bartelme Admits That toues fro...…