October 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 27) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan Daily Vor.. X IX. A\NN ARBOR(, B11- ON ''lLSA.OC~I"Ci31R 29, 198 NQ. 27.. VARSITY SHOWS Tth rtake DEFENSIVE CLASS 21151111h ener ilt1fo log1gins the jniors The liup Husky Scrubs Unable to Score on of'o Snietscii Regulars in Mid-Week Scrim- Z.a....-. . ...Falgn mage-Two lass Games. \opt....I .L....... icrI I - - ) icc ct. . . . . . . . ... . k Siicciwigimarkei mprovit ement cl ii t intde 3 caniii .. .G ......i able toi t ite h...…