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January 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…{fIc Q4, ___ UNIVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN. ANN AR~BOR, MICH., WEI)NESI)AY, JAN11 \PY 7 1903 No. 72 N]) YEAR. EDUCATION AND BUSINESS :Se,-AlIii11t .ilpiar " f II' NUFER'S ELIGIBILITY Those Eastern Critics 744r Relations to be Discussed by i 4iiit' l \\-li iti' X x Ii 1 'II-Matter Still Unsettled-Decision of i'~iix'xx Il 'xxix I(Idih, his xxiii xiii)11 ei: a era at Convention of Mici- 'L II ilv "'i Prof. Waldo Unfavorable-Loss ihixls+'i rttili: gao Po...…

January 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…TIlE MI(C11I(ANI)Ail.1 N W: trous rs DA tEW tAE rousrs ThUof__________131 Yar iThe VASA ITY Nt-ltS, dYvr Crouscrs' volratth tI : iXi'c~lf rili fce w i, ll jI''X'Xlute 'X I -il F I IIXX tlll 1 I w Il l 111;;zz -111 X l tti t ill izzcn t Y Arbor Music for J Hop I r lt i~ . Hfr l,1 XX .ic i ri s le W areIIb' t o sllIhow '500(1 11"I lls's I ' lll 'l , Illes i AIT ~.HWILD LI .lll)"8'l~ ), i I SIN I MANAMO1E(15 ,Q liF:NERlS. NE WS JI 6 1ph I;. Jr.l ...…

January 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…------r11 Fl.M-II1IIGAlDAILY--:tiEW S NEED A THE RIGHDT TIG Open Ev _C )I7O~ 4~1' 3. 4 ~ 1.00l t7{ AC.S'd~d~~& ro .1 1r1 i AtI Base Ball, Field Hockey, Oi ciailt Athletic Implement, Lawnl Tennis, (jolf. Oa4i11go Ci lo t u go I'oll 00£ A.G.:!PAtCLNG1(IIlOS. Others Claim-,LT*(e 'l, We [have [hem-,1 Lair.. it I C u r l a st ' e c 'cli s w1 i4 X UIOtt: ' 1 ' . 1111 t ll : , . i. .. :' i t. NEW TLII1iv ( J... . I C:.mdCok ip k' 1 , S . i i a J ;_ '...…

January 07, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…THE PUtICt(AN DAILY-NEWS Simply this: T.,ait here l ac 111finld thbne t facts; thacorgect: s g . ilCing and effects becomiing' for .an)vm an. S as in the lar g Hiberdast. oery siahlsh- nits in larger cities. Thonlyd dince is the price. CO0M 1IN AND SEE US. G. J. BUSS, Manager 109 and 111 East Washington Street -4.i[..fOVES CLEA1NED1iF 'TCFL: ~f:M NISCIJ1111. ATl Lovell's Corner Store 342 S. State St. Christmas Most: Here I 1tH 1 HitEl 'IIIE. 1...…

January 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…. f_ '.. 1. j .." ..- ~ r .--. "+' .+ T' 17 44 t-4 1-4 43 ,yam .'; ° r"= rte. j Y,,,. ',..t"+ Fy e' .;s i"-i A r+1 "' 1 ''' Y:. '' " r i" - -+ X. _ . i ".l ,,.I 4 V "nN-t .--. ,"" w rr " Y ~A' ^ 1 Y 'y,/ ~' '- e f _ .. , , . " .,,. .,,-. :y; ^.. .rte .- .". .., '/, w ... -J+ +3 f, .- -. w Z 0 z: r- C7,,7: Coj 7- W 'C Iw b , r. 't. .-.+ /. "-- .-. J ^- c ! - - J !. t. . f ' f +". of r S ._. V ! - .-. ... e !. 'J. /. f .- . -- _ 1. v 7. cn 77 7 ...…

January 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGA~Nt 3I.2N v: trous ~r DAT I~NEW i 't s ttiI tix i ofth I! ' i- by l I1)-1 . f t IN'4: '> N KARL ELLWIN HRI4N 108 LL~i1g)1S ANN' ARIOOP- AlICIA. Dr. Newell DwightH[llls BOOKS "t iNr ti tit I , . ti t :tt- it t t, c Il. t liii' li tii ' t .t i l l., at. t it '. lii l 1 Ii iid ,,rtitt" Iwo- it l i ri V New subscibers $2 0 it n advanc 1)1S e h ii l'iSh11 eliift'itl CHRISTMAS BOKS For Lawyer or Student tmceiltie' ily ArXti ti ce-...…

January 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…VE. I ______ PALA ' Ill u Nva 1(1 A0 C - \ Pt, one 07 it 'For S. All Spali~ I lIt~ 7 .a' l) MARK Base Ball, E i i to I .1e .Oficiatl Athletic f m ?t;ioo'nt, ioo;i1 A (,.G. , - 1 ,;,.,.I) 1 r& 15 N~lte Nj\a TA It :i 4 F IIIH0Ni >.' w" ip I.. p w I or\t .. 1 f !t. 1: . PAFF prim. l"." x . acs , 14 I _ f9 - w t Ca usI) rug Store. I1 HCIA1E :J ndPiE CA -YU l1 DANCEt iatl You can learn ti. dance for $3.00 at the Univit riScolof Dancng, Stale Street...…

January 08, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…t ,l' y rR ..:.""Yf , "" ' 1 !3 Ngp ;..swA - '_ TN "'N AlP tleo WeWmn n v I THE LATESTOUT ur New "SpuicF' tast I Large New Line of Patent Leathers Just Received[ J ~I I I SOUTH MAIN STREET ' I Ii, N I I ii i 1Iti' T 'I FRAMIN You will find an assortment ot Xmas Candies ('oi'. laid '11Il irxn l t. AT iCEN PS 'ti1"'U'S.I choice CHRISTMASCIT I r A -s .s1 4. A Successful lancing Party j\It \i I T )II il\ \ tI\ 1'':ItSti.\.\I. I lC +1'fll l ltlal',...…

January 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN AM-I}lt. MICLI IFRII)AY, J AUARY .}, 1903 No. 74 t ai rl r of I ack v. Aw T Race Lawt Even- It ,. QV V Itln l 14t'1.r' 1,1.1,,;_ _ "_\"t1 :1:i lliJ11 1 !i; l':{1:4 l" llE;;lli. .111(1 f)Jit I," d ;li;1iwi- , i211"indhig i11t' "Ill 0, 11t;Et i , Il;iin i, fl ill i li1'ir 11;11111's i. lti;tr l'sI t t1i1;1r1 Iii, T m lin er 1' i!r ;t:l ! ir'i: is 11i 111 t'l:ttl'ri tlti 1, iti i11 f l (" ;)[11 1 :1s t ;I1 ...…

January 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 74) • Page Image 2

…TIEl:M1CL1G XND t~TjI-SNKW,- trousers trouscrs We are I])](, to shXXX'50 of tht e A -4pntterlos ill Ei glshS<. fc1 met't i o U.T H WILU CON .,cF flgCIU of the an iesity every time the taXx ________________ 1)rol is p1 XIXueX'XI but this 'XattsfIOCt3tr 1DTT TO'1&TC tllnc i I ow~citm' 'hotitt take a good Al C~rP~tt1INGitIcI i' t aeo f tXIX e lte c s of is TIe Uof M, DAILY, 13thXIX XXX111XI( 'X1111 fl'1I i X at : IX'ir b i T e ' A S T N E St ,IXe...…

January 09, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 74) • Page Image 3

…NEED Ope Eenoag HIEMWITHE RIGHT THING ENOUGHOFTTHE Suits, O' v rC&At "f17. ."x, <l.ats , °C' %.p l .. d ' ..,he , - '.4 ne 'ael it Xeln l 's u ruiirg i~t ' 1 121-l2(3 M- ins:ieet ii > Y t t:'fial ^ of O ii i A,! -lt PARK~ IFOLWS Othesimlemet, aWe Teni s, (jolt Ne3 o k ( li:,i o i School nirIt- lr 338vSe fhe m. ShPI'ITOG RAP fi~liiI IS CALLhO Cl ast L. PEd is )i. ro Coark Tip. THH i+4N-++4s-*+4 -Sf 4+I IN _t' r tr'i+++1'A_ f . + 4 o1I n S.iW....…

January 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…UNII.IF-RSITY OF MICHIGAN. A NN AUiti) flh, MIC(H.. ', A'I I'lItA YI ANU(A H 'Y1, 10 SalnOti) \s Xi. HIGHLY HONORED The Taft LUcture Proessor Lockwood to Play Before iI Xl. ir. I. ii '.O a 11i Q. tile Piesfident 'Hl i'Hr. avel I v r ' 'H 1o n el teIlil e l r, on 11, s rij c ' .. a; ills t c l l rsl i Upn I'm, I''arluIcclo h cclcs t HIM14 HI ~".I o IMlsh, hsb cq licr l i rh ib h a n i)ri ilv LIFE IN JAPAN AI:11 -:1111)1"iii. :i 1 ' . i l 1i I j...…

January 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…xlI ,i \N xi 50K1v-Y N 4 1 C I x] 4 T i Iii ih 1I.. 11 i All ,:i Xlix XI1I liI' xvi1 tilt l:. :i i ('c o k cif iixxI~o lx xtl xx ti r w xi' AT 108 E. Washington St XINIAVxxxI i x ~l'() EA 1,Ex1i ii Ot- i that. E'xxlx Abor by ?KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN. $1 20 n DOxWN TOWN 11fartlt r l; , J. N l:,I lI h N i o." " ol'V O 'Iw'"I ixwillihe vi1111 ANS I RR- MICH. xx xxi xx - i xiilxixxxlxxx N xxx xttttl l, It ixx I lxxix - 1ltnie !St!fi.t x P .1v N4 'N' i...…

January 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…1k111 M2t ll1CANL)AlLYr-NEXWs If you want to kilo whlat smartly dressed ~I(V ..~ flh _ll w~l ear this sea- toil see 4 F ijttrj.I' i Thi s i s w:UvYU ThT H111 1. (-iXC Co L .L )iX- __. C ,. a . s ' 3 4 I .~ -iT- PAL r or$goo All going wvit h a r _ls!] [,, p( 6_~ " ,.ooo+r'c> f ! i' '' "\y 7r i Base Ball, I i x=h. ( hODiei] Athletic Imir r at ~ . tLaxxii Tenist.(hi~. A.OG. "PA ' Dl~I " I & QS. January VI 12. l t' Jt i1 \') x (xx(l l V 51 x. .. 1...…

January 10, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…lihI (II it t.\N 1hAILY-NPI. t i X ] Y fd Lw Ask tLas Large Newi Line of Patent Leathers Just Received We s I I I SOUTH MAIN STREET Blicken sderferI Typewriters 3,24 S. Staite St. 121 East Liberty St. PO0RTLAND1 0CAFE (A"' N DAY AN) ifi -ITl W. C. BINDE~R, Prop. IIIA. 1, Fresh anid Sal t 17eats. BUY YOUR SHOLIDAY GOODS At BROWNS DRUTORE151. t Lock repairing, key'fittiiig UCi NIiZAL fIttI N V. I DOitNE *M..J. MMNFR, 113 f. Ijfrtly Street Avery ...…

January 11, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…___ ~~UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN.__________ eSHOOlt YAR. ANN ARBHOR, MICI., SUNI)AY, JANUARtY 11, 1903 Nu. 761 GYMNASIUJM WORK The "eJ" Hop PROF. W A. DEWEY Good Government (lb Daes ho eto dt eof the J11011 raws --tilt 4 oil ! tt't'ittt 4 elib tto hs Many Studetts re Trin ling for the t er tttos c tittl i ttttt to professor it, Michigan Hmeopathic 11in t tnoutit t, it nette ats for th ^n nitU ee tote 1i4tu ttttii'te to1o ' <it oo rhi . ' ytue' t- ...…

January 11, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…rf IC11I(4A)4D %.IaN rou~rs DAILY -4EW' lbe VAF5 IV NEWS, lklIllI ithouii t .It I~Iiiiti i td <II - i tras . I:II w l u t sy tIo b aci()I11~is ed i t is ou tr t ti ll thisii im l. PC tlil fi tlt I u U AH.VJUT D 108 E. Wcashling tnSt Miii N ittl'S),i ii I'Oql, EA 11 Lit L hutl iN. it, 0:. 1-- 1S) .11t. i R i 1 :t' I ;it)J i~ t II v I } i t. t} III .t i t ' Arbor by ,L KARL EDWIN HARySN $1 20ne tDN lbiN f MALT WHEAT BISCUIT 4,000 Stlude,,s will ...…

January 11, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…'11-1I Al lt'13I6A N DAILY--N Et ,- Ly 1. ]7 !_ THE RIHTTHNCS rho E NO(.DUG H OF TE T1' I Sot' OerOa ,Ut" C1 nda h 4 y4 1 s }j°° . ° ~j." -- 47e ra °"i ' e''#awE ~ ~o u. °..a_"~ .. ..Y / CJ T " P4 00S Base(all. i,'i ey,(ltio Athetc Itt'N t L~ TRADEjo (ot Plain and Coark Tip. 11*it.%S INO ES S t t t iii ' O t t iF t ft . "I al ", : Ill \I II ' . t'11t' r>11i.3 (! Cent us tDrug Stare N wl Y' tl .1 .t;t Other s L- rnM'lhrrm, 'Ac Ii v N ' i tt The...…

January 11, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…THl V 111HGtA N IA! LY- NEw's Simplyths: That h .ere you can f'ind-I. th57es at; h urc tle-nc1ai ~ ~~and effect._"s becomiing forYany nun.S :is as i . VIint -hrveHibrdashery establiso-3 mens ini larger cities. The onlyT differenisce is the price. COM'YE IN AND SEE °_U. G. J. BUSS, Manager 109 and I111IEast Washington Street CILOVES CLEANED AT Lovell's Corner Store 342 S. StateSt. WtAedy ind Saturdaiy, I'i ;c iitIsis Lamps Oias Portibles W'S UC...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SECOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIH., TUESD)AY, JANUAlRY 13, 1903 No. 77 ATHLETIC ELECTIONS Rumor Concerning May Festival --A r. muory lis sit 5tsrsist(rally sit'- Zandidates are Scarce-Roberts and ;ealated anti studlets antd others Verder ut or Fotbll it the May Fes-tival would not take Terler ut fr Fotbal plao this year. WNhen seen tty thte Kanagership nallyNews last evettittg lrofes sor - .-.- Stanley :;aid positively that...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…T N %I[C)ti14 v«U tL i-N ° troucrs.AIL N4EWS The U, o Al D ILY)1thtea The 'VARl' IX NIEWS, d5v '~hA~A A f atffairs ais any odwr' freshmtain. In lie Eas'lt I is of 1111 se :somtiewhat (11ferent, is~s-th le jitlfelsusiii d'e- I')s litBu It h~n1iellit sei'nis 'll ii v its iti « i l i' ill 0 u'tilt t t:55.i LIrvuIIr[ tYS tI 11 ri II g, Itii t r iiti of NIichi- >;tilti -:4t tt of thie ltett ternils ItI 1111,11 V otl 'ID mtsi tic ALT G.HWILD CO. IIA...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…a If you want to knowl 'This is wrthy YOUR ATTENTrION ,va mrtl r esed1 30 n. Vint "v R9 6- zoom, ta xa xRCasc' R x ath ter , - ? § . men will gear this sea- seaskto se tS m at . r I Va. s I!, oC Taf1lOtjIA(wY ~torv A)(lf'i B[IL., 1.L 0 i or0P TiIOLO N_ ..F I rum Sup~ies J 3 _<i L 1 31 , A t l N,) PALAC . /I ~ p ~ O~L H1kArT A .GSad&r~ 0c ieckvsear for 35 Arltl N NI.) Basie Bill, iF-1, ii Pr1,c 3 lcii l___ Athletic jjj 3i'i I ft, aIcniss 1%itiT...…

January 13, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI(-&N DAILY--NEXXR Puritan Shoes, PuritanlShes ry All Styles for lien, Women and Boys THE LATEST OUT Our New "Spud" Last Ask to see it Large New Line of Patent Leathers Just Received I I I SOUTH MAIN STREET ' t ' ' ;?'1 r"..r' . ;+, w :.tywt t S'Inn .ri' . .. 1 t. C l: s 'i ..C' ' d1.+ - --------------- ------------- 11, MY ! = Il r7 L v %, " We sell Blickensderfer Typewriters RE TSC H1LDR, {ARTISTIC F R AMNG PjlOTOoRlAIl R. AT RR7w Co...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. +,',,oNit YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICH.. XWEDNESDAYX, .I \NUTAI 14, 1903 No. 78 WESTERN CLUB =-4yMuntain Students to Organ- iz One-Purpose Social and Political At-at- tti.tent is oitfoot to form Wr1,-i Clurb oa it s :e lines that St. s-na itt-IttClub, now exiting, was ftm .Ther is ,sfeeling among ti s~dnts from t.)v West that -uell a- F-Il will -he -- lising beneit. It. ,s 31 rn-ih ilt 0)11-I~ttaty for -loser tits-i-- irh ai-i...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…THE MIfll(4AN I)DAI L)-NFW;= C :rou~rs DAIL: EWS tr u e s The VARSITY NEWS, N21ar CPA 1Ir a rcvlr~."innonittcrI AnnA i ther e is no drat worthy tlienamitue tolday, tliia ,spIrit of ( 11111(1 chili in rules tie cta'e A .. sidTat lvi timke the (ii li w 5hi I LR it, is Il Iangi't'r n a111 wt c irs leii slvltoftill jlilit hey i givl A boe 115 ii iil osde tol uy t lliirapccii iti fth i lI t drallla of 'iod;iN° «r ols (, c (,:ts o it) rant 1 01 1 U-...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…IIIE MIC-HIGA:N DAILY--NEWh Low Crown, Broad Biln, Flat Set, A re-diffe ren t fI n what you wl u lehr WAG ER & C , SOLE AGENTS. THE RIGHT THINGS AND = ENOUGH OFTHEM Suits, O'ecrcoat., t, Caps, and all the nes t Mn'3 unihi to r ay'Cork2Tip. l A l l - BVCH IEFNTAILOING TRAD''OEN S. ri-FI N o N )( FILD Base Boil, Fiew liot key, Official Athletic Implement, Lawn Tennis, (iol. Mailed any OHAdde A.G. -PAl DINsG&LWPOS. ewYork Chc;-o ,dT evr11 : Other...…

January 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…TBI MICI(+A.N DAtLY-NE A%_ Simply this: That here you can find the newest facts; the correct styles in colorings and effects becoming for any man. Same; as in the large Haberdashery establish- ments in larger cities. The only difference is the price. COME IN AND SEE US. G. J. BUISS, Manager 109 and Ill East Washington Street GLOVES CLEANED IRRN1TSAIIFAOR.EEt AT Loveli's Corner Store. cr.J 342 S. State yt.AM (as Portibles ai 1r{ti+ ~1OAW'S HOME...…

January 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN AR~BOR, MICIL., I IlUtS1)NY, JANUA1IX 15, 1903 4JOND YEAR. N o. 79 TRAI Tv O? utdoor Ome Pr Prelir fli iia--r . y ,1 tit N'I~ t'i 0 OK ATHLETICS A Merry Fight -- --- ~Politieso 0 ilt- the ve t f th ibi-a] w eets With Chag- ell-itioit of A1thltit- Asooiatioo ottietro omisi~ Canidate- todividitiy toritit at prroi;nt. imirm r~rll lllr Canidats- no ,in faict, than it ttaisthe o r sft ev- ninlary Try-Ouit on irzit ye-ars...…

January 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

… ?r : ?i eii KARL I)WI HAR I I jLAP6MTOIE 1 .Ela4IN CHRITMASBOO G.K I A XT RIOR - MICHJ. r Dr. Newell Dwight H[llis BOO "KS 4. wr t B ok .r Ii f( I I ,S. 2 Iii~i Ittr a d t~rr~c r..i.,x ........hxi 5 T o t lr o~ l i r l I i ii . . . . 1 + i D v d l ) Di ll.. .. .. . ;l w ir, in oIix irt 1'i.' he rlx tr , r 'l i r 1 M d r Univerxsit Booksellers 320 S. State Street. 2i,,, ij i l r ; i i j) ii i. 7~ ' ilt "r , ,i; i:: ; r .i f:i. ,r i>t l...…

January 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…I ~I JJJM ( I(Ai'D 0311 --NF\\>; II ouvv ant u n -11 c ar uhisv, _ , sonisp l S4. r 0 1 a j Ni te I yc! III I1Istr'~E~1 J I M F. CNL AgJ t ;s ON CLOTH .{J_,, YIMgI t& HATS1/ ~~U1~~& t~~rO~~I 0 ekxrfr3C Ba e (f : It4s ut i lt I MARK i~ i tU IC E iiir t r' v 'N ; Ju7Cte t A.G. PA, ;{-ll' Il r'& lsi Oii S W uStati I ) Crond loo, 32 ard Jr wJc3 tOW i'YS (Hc)O[AI[ Gasoliiie Lar mps S t I i ' LI L +. .N 7i hUR;ih C3}ftESand' tE lil Ti L -N( I i; . ....…

January 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE Mil(III1(-AN L)AILX NINXX. -AirAsktoAse i Larg NeLnuorPtntLetersJ Speciud Ls I 1II SOUTH MAIN STREET We sell Blicken sderferr Typewriters cALKNS' PHARMACY, }324 S. State St. Bailey & ELd nunds FISHNETS., 121I East Liberty St. PORTLAND CAFE. W. C. BINDER, Prop. Robert Zachnian DEtALER 1I, Fresh and 5Ialt CleatIs. B.1S 1UY YOUR .. ~DRUUIST6OODS At B ROWN'S DRUG SIO~t. Lorck repairing, key fitting IlICNEtiAL rtACtiINI- ' A'O Ck1)ONV VO. J. 1W...…

January 16, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…y' 'VH UNIVERSITY OF MIOHIGAN. ANN A.K1OL RMICII.. FliI)AY, JXkNUX it ' + !, N. 80 NIl ! &HIGA'N-CHICAGO DEBATEI University Committees in Legislature1 SOCIAL. SETTLEMENT WORK( This M sning.-Helfinan, nd Kensy Will Defend He -oner Against nt g Chicago Team T 'l , Ic kt i .t ' i i H. i d' I3i' 1rll at~ l v11 }' Ii] I 4 i r HI...H. 11(4it, TheI',]]] III,(144.II 11411']]the. l o st SI']]I(' -SI 44114. 4II1]I4. I']] 'I 4(1 1140]]] -5(,'Ill]]'444t=1...…

January 16, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…flit \llVlII'l\\' D~IL~~N0Wt~' trousers Croses We are, al' tI i i0 :10 1 (} Ufte.~ t ~ HAVItLIwILU 18E. Wa1is(,0h itn S Y~t~tit matter i il(he possiieto lprest i j to (lle~~ Ulierlty a 1l(111 Ill"I'4' 0.<) - Ti ~~pe( 'VIot n '' fll(' I n':I'l'ccnllll'1' curntl o loll Ilhanll islll'n1inw nlthe 1) I '1 IIIS 's'S ~ 111 i 1 It i s theI l ll "Iio ll ('Jl theli 17). tit tlt~r t t i lt, uir r is'of lio in- MAN I a' i0001 1t111 on, '\i'5 CANoGnk i3 li...…

January 16, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…lip: NIt II CAN DAILY-NFW , LowvCrowNn, Broad Brim, Flat Set, Are different fr-iii what VOLTxwil ii find elAsexh, rce THE RIGHT 4HlNGS AND ENOUGH OFTHEM rI . I 1E t1i tt rc I c ;3F' t ! S i It' ~1 ilt v)II ilI c IoIIot,1 Suits, O ercoat-c, Haits, Caips, and a lthe 1- C"Ili^1 Men's I l k i ni't~ ~i tt -j 1 ? ili ' lit) t) iI t tf . tt ii1 4f t }i lt t ? t { 0 1 ''tl i ~c + t !a 1 ti tl ' " E t'u y WADHl 'S, Y __________ 4'+'e+ O ± +++ +++ ''i.'...…

January 16, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…TIJI I I. 11(I(2cAi, I)A ILY-"NENX during ths month, all custom made Special sale of white and fancy vests. SPE,,:I,-L SHIRIT SALE M. Y P3 id G. J. USS, Manager 109 and 11 1 East Washington Street i LOVES LEANE l IAI SILi:I, ATISIC)r'FRAMING 0. M. MARTIN... A "Iiiii''UG lIll E'l-]. .T ENTISi GLEU'. i FUN ERAL 1,v lSCorner Store, ('r. Cain 1 o uronS s.Ploine 3.'!0 Ings. Ot DIRECTOR i.tni 342 S. State St. st1r ^ 1AMUSEMENT~S t;1"i't il;I,lu +>7I...…

January 17, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. gKEOND YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICI., S .TI THOMAS DIXON TONIGHT School of Music Quarterly -- A mlass (mtng of the stude-nts of Famous Orator and Author of "The 'tile ~ioeroty Scoot of Mnsir has is-onaucal(led for $Saturday aft(-(-to((at Leopard Spots" on the -4 ci -k aoMle Scooltof Musit- to ils- S. L. A. Course Mss the question of estatotsinisoa - osojoal quarterly un(1r1'lhe nlie Ttien iownt Ito-S nor, las ntor -ndotof tihe...…

January 17, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…1".JMCIG5AN DAILINEW:i' rousers D AIL - NEWS trouscrs IheE1,ofM._AIY, ___ Y T'lh I I AW I YW,?dY r7 xA o i l-' ! ;.r O ,Ln" I '11 IAr trouserstl'", We re ilirlrto So 5100 1( ort the hlrte4 '"t Itirir' i Eniglishr, sc-ti lul'"tics 11r11( ri r'd l'o u nr'' AT G. HAVILD cIII 108 E. Washinigton St ANN ARBOR - MICHI. MANAOl'Ij rE iror, At)i'th thlet"UNc's l"b1l Itii Dir' ,011. Assignmn t Edoitor' CI CSr S ?. i lt tI NIV rrI of'r'rof lc'ro-,ductirrt...…

January 17, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…'11JE AIICIIlGAIN DAILY--NEWS ( ___. _ _ If you want to know This is, 4 ~what smartly dressed s men will wear this sea- r sn ask to searru, 10 I ow i taco ?M. : " , , A. '. _ y g ' yS 4 rf~(tid 0 t~nr s NCLT[ T worrth YOUR ATTENTrION Y ory P\10L-0 XN n I. r1t L Su pI ies " . : . ''s' i' ,. R ! rf ,Y f '" , f " +'. _ 1 : 1 f i " { ' .. A ' yL'' 4 + S4 f } {{ f I ± f: # 1 1 J f lkk I 1 . r F 111.0 ItdI, 11.l'~i, tfficial t ltImpicnint, Lawn...…

January 17, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…I If P, NI IC '(-As , DAILY- ltih, %. iPuri tan aSCesaurit S All Styles for.lien, Women and Boys ~THE LATESTI' OUT Our New "Spud" Last _ 1 Ask to see it Large New Line of Patent Leathers Just Received s... I I I SOUTH MAIN STREET UItI ' SClIL 3,It, ARTISTIC FRAMING We sell PI'ITO'GIZAPI'UTR. ATSCHL E'IwS. 131 1c visd erfer I (tacr. Matntand ttal llta ts. 814 iaiatat. 2.57 ~i), Tpw trsAMTUSEMEFNTS j MICHIGANNOTES. 324lt'' i 11 .t St ,t l1'i 1St...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN ARB3OR, MICH., SUNDAY, JAXtJ~iY ]Is, 19013 "sit AR. Net. 5k 'BACKBONE" Practice Try-out Meet ROBERTSOELECTED Re 'I'se lfist prelimsiary' iiy- tisit 51t l-bso "tsCh anateristic is Necessary for frtelisrsy rt-iti a' Presdet of Junior Literary Class is sr yot ra afternoon istIthe yms innisAsiisi dung Man Who is to Succeed- ''hrr iwes-ritaisr'-v snitlwrsor'coin Chosen1'Varsity Football Mana- uu ti ftune by Mr. Thomas Di...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…I'l EMICIII(TA N l)\lL) -NEWT , R E 4fF Y F. E C 'y ' Y; 4 F ra 4 _ C4 :' 5n t" , C Il AID E 1 i!(l t in I 1 111 l o {1' Il . iAi'.' m i ) Tile I.(- Bct P r"~ Paoir i'f :' r ' <i1 , ~ ' 1 Im EAIl AN b:l1. otll-' 1N, 1.211.1 1 I1 . IN Il A hl t VcIsA 10 0) A 110iI hI n f \.ia I( f1. X' .iiigor S Dr. \Newell D wight [lulls: BOOKSi 1~ea Tools111 'I,,Li I e co .1 201 I Ii 1 Ir e" rr'r III II l o .. 1 fX I)tci' 111c o t K n;. . . . - c rI III 1111'...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…_. I I!1 if11 16 A D[A I I Y-N F N L I% Pt i ed CokTip. THE RIGHT 1HJNC"S AN ENOUG OF THEM1 fi / Sut. 'rcot-1kt , C 5 113COti xII S.M i' a ~ r - 1i l'l ; r jl t &" 1S1t BHIl i L4- ' _ o 'i 0 01 4ts . F 1 , 1 I', Illli Atliclic Iil 6 44441, L~av i ;ii> 31(jua l lii,,. C 11100e1.. , it 3... A> 0 \ 1 11t"I '":''i ii~ l ' .444A' 4. v , 1f 4 ll I W li r The Schooli 1 ,r Dancing CR N(i 'W Ground Floor. 312 Maynard Street, TUTTLE LOWNFY'S (llO(OLAI[S...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICLI 1(-Ai t)A I1Y-.NE\ (luring this mlonth, all custom mEade. 5p1ecial sale of white and fancy vests. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE CUTrIN~G-., RFYE2-~crI. d, G. J BUS, Maager109 and 111 East Washington Street GLOVES 'G E N D I2tTi~L 2 .I1')rt1f i~t 1IT1iITI( kI'1IAM1HENG ;111vt .0.M. MARTIN... A 1OIOt11h11.TN(ItA i FUNERAL tveII's Corner Store Cot.'MainFnd Huron St;. gllra 3Y), 3 rio'gs. DIRECTOR Ofle215. 4th Ave. 'Phone3. Ites'- 342 S. State St....…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…__ _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. __ S-tt YA ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, JANUIARlY 20, 1903 No. 83: CHICAGO DEBATE CLOSE tn lii (ottitofthe 1) 1Saw's iFERRY FIELD IMPROVEMENTS ur'tii~ ' c-n a it li ad ews wi~ 1)t i fiv to our ote.The ichianl1e a fittingti ry (i 1iOsin;u- patrit- --alumni N rwht ines e to -at ant r"Ktonfor Ail11 hi n h aSt Ev-enly Fought Debate in dsiit-v~srtt-iI e l~ - feitith the de- To be the Best University Athetic-- hihMichigan H...…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…I'll HN1ICIII(T, AN OAI11) -N N KIWI- trous r DAILYNKNEWS n n"i The t' fM lDAILY It o Thc 'A{l l NEW;I xixZ, 'VI~Ixix l iii x i "f the x l xxx xx lxxx x xx ( . r ir a s i h s xlII i i ' I 1 i i E i .il l ' ' ''i I;I t " i!111:1 a - i i xix x. lor xhi ' f t E 1 I 1 : I ll a I A ' '1 1( lilt ? tlIil t'i i 3' h ich c w lf~t'lt-x II> lixish i , Bli's lixx ItlV 7tt 108 E. Washington St BxxUS x "-xIANxN! 1t t [)l'. 11UEl ''I N liix'il' i ii 'xc. 1''...…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…I1,NAl(1IIIGAIN LA3IIY-NFW:- If you want to know1 Iwhat smar11y dressed as llx erhi a k r.. This is wri 4 /C L 1) K -t ( dl l . r r~ )~ ' 1 , OU. AThNTL - I P Ai I i1I c cc Base B-41, i, tV li Athletic: tici 1 ictcLava ii TIli4, (Its .. }} J{ fo N ck r r 5 Mu Il111.1 I1 I I ,ce H r . t ii,.Si - i AkS A.(i. A!c\1)l\ I c cit The 'S1hool kcr} ttI; c ,..c il~\ liir N W M R BB g gDi ''8 rC : t c l-I hi{ i ij 1 C cl I I _ _: _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ ...…

January 20, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…TIII-.IMI(II(= : LAIII ''A t All Styles for Tien, Women and Woys Our ~ew"Spud" Last THE L ATEST"r OUTl OurNe to see it Large New Line of Patent Leathers Just Received . 1I SOUTH MAIN STREET _ _ _ _ f - 4 'q '" : .' 4.4A ,.3V. -Jl+ + i 11 ' ~. .. .1 " Ft b:"' T :iC.i I, fit, i! I We sell Blicken sderfer Typewriters J ~ PHARMACY, I ' aiky&Le 'm6c f 41 FISH NETS 121 E-ast Liberty St. PORTLANDCF O)Pf-N DAN .%N, tilI'. 1,11 1 O IRA I'llP. It AtrSrI...…

January 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…' LL 1 r1 FNr , 1k," Cn cc w IL z : :7 M F- . rr - i 1°'r y- + 7 r" n..1 W F1' w F-i Q ' 's , . r 1i S S I r " x I ' t JjOct LLAJ Oct - 1-? LU Gl c f _ f i.r 44 ., W .z cz ... f . C, O _ r C.,z _ 4f '. 1 :- I f. .' 1. ..--. s J - f W v 'J. - r W - O J. _. , t-' "' sj f 7Z 77: 77 - . y i_ : . r. ':1. :r " t. f. ._ -% 1. - -- - , ._ - - _ ii _- .- j- _ .. a _~ - /' f. _. 'f. . A _f 77 _. ,. T i / .7 . - .! ® _ _ -- _ - . rv - . .f - .. _ . - ' -...…

January 21, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…01IIIl( -1ti1)I Si -, ;., i'4 $ ,oq 'C - r -NW It , N " I , t i11 i " il ii h I , I Fr (I~n Iet1 N NIJ ;iI INI ; ' , i fi i . .. . . a f{ .i f1 A .. z "( ' a i : .. .: "" ' ... _:. .. .:...... ter _... I~~7 JF N sh~toiS ANN AtICk I 9- 'IIf Dr. Newel N wsubscribers $ 51) inadvance rti rf]Iw E it'i';Il l ;Illlll t ltli !t alit III,, 1'lli1orsily. i1~ i ti ll l'fi 3illic' ill lli 1 is illil v :I Ii- "ii iI;( i} :1ilo:1 (1, \ ill ,i l- 1, i 11t' 1...…

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