April 19, 1923

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April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 1

…I .Aa . t %."Mmmmwnfth - EIGH~T PAGES ANN ARBRI MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL4 19, 1923 EIGHT PAGE&, TChester Project '011m 1T[IQN RII~SoloistIn Band Worries Europe [UI/VILJIVIIEII[i UUI VIL D Concert Tonight FORSPRNG A CNCET TON'IGSHT~ t~hoc Non 1 ro F esii n d opli. 11iii Prc' e-0: Ptogn- m i f.~ 11 iteen l ,est):5i urtir~ e Ic~ n 5)" n . r 77 eT: ouncil Tu RfEGISTRATION fE ALL-CMpgPUSS SATED TO T TE-\ JUIORQJS ]NAMED TO If f I N ANNU...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 2

…____________ ~T" E MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IL 45OU R ~ ET YORK TO HAMB UR G ppp yyyy ..Actual construction work 10a st reo ible, de ign < lto mal' trips be.. Acm~e to Encourage Work Ni Fine Aris -Peenllirly Fa irale to All Parties OVE-RtNTN1 TO RAISEh 'MOMi1Y TH11ROU GIILOTTERY Stockholm1, March 29.-(13y A. P.) -Artists in Sweden. --wio happen to be narrow circumstances have sud- 4y~ been cheered by the news that to government .st...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 3

…'CIE MICHIGAN DAILY Girl Leads Rescue ' Of 600 From Fire Lomen I rlife memiberships to' eaguo should be made ;sible. Checks may be 'thy Wylie, 1052 Bald- cts with other enter- yen for the benefit of, of Michigan League' the Panhellenic ball m)ed until next fall. rr horse-shoe pitcing will hXod rt 'meeting at 5 o'clock this aft- rL in B~arbour gymnasium. Facuilty Women's club will dgve lge tea Tuesday,, April 24, at the nece of 'Mrs. Burton....…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 4

…THE-IMICHAIGAN DATILY ..~- , .. .. NEWSP~APER OF THlE ;ITY OF MICHIGAN ery orning except Monday' versity year by the Board inl lent Pulblications Western Conferenlce ]ditorialF -ed Pre-, is exclusively en- for republication of all news ited to it or not other"Wise paper! and the local news pub- means for identification. F+indi one of slaught of the disease. Let us pray s them now, register at the booth as- that the terrific plague does...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 5

…THE MlCHIG.AN DAILY r ,. yews From Th& -hive ,,tudents will w-ork to the Orient this sumnmer iumusical in 'trum uats. They ustitute the official orchestra nwricaniceein liner lcaving Freit shortly after the close le e cyear. 'L1olill (N. .)-After an lex- -of the records of all :the stu- ently, it was annouinced that LLLjorty f the footbail team aniong the highe._t grades t year. °D. L. Williamson, '23,3 :er mani, has never fa~iled an on s...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _.,,. ; d /. m immm. p k wvft ./ 101111111111w) (rr y I -.000orAlk, . .. MO RAY TIL Le*ks Slow Up Runners In Early season Outdoor Work V AULT "SENSATO; k J IE ILP BEN SHtOW WELL ach P~rrel continued to give his i lgt 'rk" yesrteday ato pre- them 4 the trials that will be 1~L this week 'or early next. It is rini the weight events where there Smuch good work as the men ;do' their best or near it when they L...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 7

…THE MCHIGAN DAILY ,. I ,I THIS. COLUMN ICLOSE$ AT3P, , VERTISING NOTICE WANTID The following Box Replies are at the HOUSE WANTED-I have a client at the .Daly office: Jake, 12, BC, M 'BA,18, PDU. ..|ICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED.. RATES Classified Rates. Two cents a word a day, paid in advance. Minimum chage ifor first day, 25c. Minimum thereafter, 20c. Tliee cents per word per day if charged. White space charged for at rate of five cents ...…

April 19, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 142) • Page Image 8

…______ ~TH E MICHIGAN DAR"iL_______ _w.__k_...__. ._.._,- ._ FBULLETIN i on InA the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of rty. Copy remvdmii ~ . .M(1-30 j.. m.Satiiria.) r yrivdAY, APi 3*,TL 1D. 2 I _ _ 1 I the Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans Thursday, April 19, at 3 p. in. M.;I4 BURTON. IvrsXity Lecture: Professor Henri Eauser will deliver a University lecture upo.n the sub- ,t "The Present Eiconomic Situa...…

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