May 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 150) • Page Image 1
….'NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 7\i'ON , IgY .190 Vol.. XX. FARMERS ARE HERE FOR CRUCIAL GAME! Michigan Aggies Mfeet Varsity Today With Best College Team in State ttile j111111tmedics,ttand the sophs 'ii eir tttofle samte idepatrtmtent twill "['ie' 11)11enin~ieers will conttest ti 'tietwiitthte sophonmores. 'sttiS SING TO CROWDI \ X sitSTNCR iOF THIE BAND. It St ay ot ihandotticoncert last ecent- Nit.crow d gatheredl aroutit h le wd i w;ted olfor li...…