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December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…oe " 21, C :It % A SF ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1917. -I in ASKS STUDENTS TO. PRESERVE MORALE Prof. W. A. Prayer Outlines Duty of Amerieans at Union Mixer Sunday "Whatever else happens, we have to see to it, first of all, that the mor- ale of the country is what it should be," said Prof. William A. Frayer, in an informal talk at the mixer held Sunday afternoon at the Union. Professor Frayer spoke of the du- ties whic...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…w Zr' h.bp a K: at .iJ DAY 1 I' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1917. PR - , RICE n n LERY1 ANYI ADELPHI SELECTS VARSITY TRY-OUTS Victoria Adams, '19, First Wonian to Secure Place on Varsity Tryouts Results from the Varsity Mid-West debafetry-outs held by the Adelphi house of representatives at University hall last night show selection of the following: Samuel M. Epstein, '19; 1. Victoria Adams, '19; Valois E. Cr...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…Some of the same jokes in the Christmas Gargoyle were greatly en- joyed by its readers in 1913. Cuba can only give her moral sup- Stylus will meet at 7:3Q o'clock to port to the Allies, but at that she's h. helpig moe tha Rusia. it with Mrs. Clarence -B; Goshorn, helping more than Russia. 501 E. Madison street. Dues are pay- able at this meeting. THE BLIND FAITH When a man becomes of college age, he is expected to have a breadth of toutlook, ...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…186, af t ized will doubtless be a thing of the M N U- IuLl I I UIK[ service. - past. - E. 0. Haven Second President title We should aid the Red Cross and le was followed in office by Erastus s dis- war movements generally if we are to O . Haven,a native of Boston, and a nes leaders among Michigan men. We -- member of the class of 1842 at Wes- must continue the fast pace Yellow FIVE PRESI1ENTS BRING tNIVER- ioyan university. Dr. Haven held a...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…11I LNIU GM ES LterS iApi 9 a good fullback, leavesa while Weston, one of the, ui rtHU a gi lu LAMBERT d All-American rn teams. and chulz, the best center o a Wolverine uniform. st, and active, and is up plays when playing n defensive. He moves attack quickly and gen- -r in - - " ALL- AMERICMt~ t Team ..........'....L. Tech.......... L. 'ech.........L. gilnia............. ................R . ta ............R. rg ............R. . ....…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…r IEJIVIUI DuALI DHLL PLYES DISPLAY GLSS arr But one man has shown up for the shot put. This man is Baker of last year's All-fresh, and while he has R shown fair form, he will not be able to fill the hole left by "Cee" Cross and "Pat" Smith. Simpson, who graduat- ed last year, hardly has an equal in this year's crew of high-jumpers, al- st though Haigh, Johnson, and Later are- e rounding into form. While pole-vault- 'e ers Cross and Robertso...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…rary Critic Says arrick. * * in "A * Com- * icture, * PRIVATE PEAT, by Harold R. Peat, I Bobbs-Merrill Co.., Indianapolis. Private Peat wasn't a man to be their gas bombs; he lay two nights and a day after he "got his" and wait- ed for help to come; he took part in victories; he saw his trench compan- ions captured just as he was return- ing with ammunition; and through it all he kept the fine spirit which is so characteristic of the Canadi...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…I.T TOOK him just as he went up over i- the trench parapet-took him full in his bare and muscular throat. It was hard- ly bigger than one of those rubber erasers tinned to the ends of lead pencils. But with the driving power of high energy powder behind its steel-jacketed nose, it was an al- together competent and devilishly capable agent of destruction. He lay quite still, a of the trench, where his rush had carried him. The morn...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…18.1..,.... 1 IPLANE FLYING recruit soon -trim, smart, would attain success-you a. rn Suit or the man who wants to itt, Apfel Co. e M. iQUARDT AGE Agents for Oakland Sensible Six" line of Accessories, I Hood Covers. s by experienced men. Street We have both the inclination and the equipment to furnish the best in banking service The Ann Arbor Savings Bank INCORPORATED 1869 Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00 Resources . . . $4,000,00...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…it :NCIES LII Ui nUILI I i DESTINIES Of HOAN otion &C o. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LEADS; 46 MEMBERS AND 107 SHOAW- ING PREFERENCE Seventy-nine per cent of ,the men and 93 per cent of the women students in the University are either members of churches or expressed preference for some particular sect when regist- ering this. ear. Space is provided on the registra- tion cards1 to be filled in with name of the church of which the student is a mem...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…SWEAR 61 MEN IN NAVAL AUXILIARYHY I WHAT'S GOING r 'i S SSHOE gulation Law School Loses Large Number Enlistment; Many Engineers Also Enroll by ;ON LAST Large Shipment Just Arrived a. s All sizes and widths Regulation or Oil Tanage Price $7.00 j alk-Over BOOT SHOP - 115 S. MAIN ST. ®° 1 of the University of Nichigan to inspect our splendidly complete line of handsome Suits and Overcoats, Smart, Clever Models Sack Coat, and full belt...…

December 18, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…t REPORT SHORTAGE Of CLOTHING AT CUSTER LACK OF PROPER SIZES PRE- VENTS MANY FROM PARTICI- PATING IN DRILLS Y. M. C. A. PLACES 613 IN POSITIONS 11 AL NEWS Vool Fabrics Woolens are hard to get. But despite assortment of all-wool fabrics in the patterns for men's stylish clothes are on 'his is an event you can't afford to over- ver. $30.00 buys a good suit that is truly )METHING EXTRA MALCOLM. 'LIBERTY STREET 4 .. in Economy Our Pric...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…M t' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1917. HERE r Change; tion in nt Jun- tor for ve very littlo are receiving wly. Sales of duced by th.' one-ton ord- for any one at-of 10 cars by Mg. Beal :ted to relieve ipon arrival. suffering be- .ty have been the fuel ad- may now be department order of their HOUSE STATES US, I MISSION SUCCESS influeince of America Albroad is Para- mouin - .Ssys Colonel to News- paper Men PERSHINC DOING DIF...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…tia Church Huron Streets CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State in which to impart iency and energy to which this war willj concentrate it in the e experienced organ- s been recognized by for ch a concentration of ad- action in this matter absolutely necessary and aestly call upon all those tribute either great sums he alleviation of the suf- istress which must inevi-' ut of this fight for human- aocracy to contribute to ass.-Woodrow Wilson. that a...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…ispired by Marchig as Students and Play Real Football ,said Fred- ho has just front. "The flat on your as over you. . is so great ttail a-ainst e a Aay fr'om :ther Michigan last May. They I then to France s training. In d at a training i, and were then n the arnbulance ses of that trip the alumni of ne, "and I want ity to tell them, were for their jEast Lansing, Mich., Dec. 15.-Co- eds of the Michigan Agricultural col- lege watched their gr...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…has , of C is aroni al circles >f sentime amping t critics s ill rema s already Here's M But thes ree that here to and vigo .rarsn ofvar sty The management of the Majestic is tten y Chiago A um us offering a varied program this week that will be likely to please patrons march tune, Against the brutal force of tyranny, of this theater. Tom Linton and his given a set 'Old Glory' leads the way. Jungle Girls appear in a miniature musical comedy ...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…I IpI1Rp I UUiL JLLLd lrull lglU PER TON IN FRANGE 1i 0 WILL MAKE MUNITIONS Your inspection - -- & Co. MAIN STREET OUR DRY CLEANING SERVICE Affords a method of practicing gen- ine economy. Renews the lii'e and freshness of clothing and other articles and thus obviates the necessity of a new purchase. TEST o'ur promptness as well as our workmanship on next STEAM IKS FOR NG too Smalfl or too 'AL Large P y"~ SHTENAW TRIO SHOI ,...…

December 16, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…A 'y dates I PL T9 Ulf' 1 e'. _ . ..-.. ..:x. -1 For wS But despite Eabrics in the clothes are on ifford to over- is trly Difference Others on 5 Rolls 15e 25c 05Cea., 90c ............. $1.1 SAVE MONEY sooner than others. and Group Pictures stions ICE "Sleeveless," "with ;" Army Shirts, and also those wonderful TS" in Black and Arrangements have been made by the Michigan Union for the following holiday party rates on the Michi...…

December 15, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…A4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1917 attenc.- It night ES [evil lE IS CAPTURE y Duels Continluing In on Al Three Fronts CRIFICE TROOPS the most a,;- Echoes," by atima," by Ir- Heavy A rtiller vogue rOIN s A( land rec D star IN PIAVE SECTOR ADVANCE '19E, Reports from Russia Say Bolsheviki Delegates Empowerei to Enter ; Peace Move{ Il re -___ )ers," (Summary of War Developments Pre- Davis pared by Associated Press) mar...…

December 15, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…I. WW{1 e now conside he draft age. age who have t us say that wisdom is se of service at ueer that the Inlan er enemy of Unive ias a staff consis of them. More pra atial .ver- PROF. H. I[. HIGBIE URGES THATj por- MICHIGAN PUBLICATIONS BE SENT TO MEN IN SERVICE. ring To Editor, The Michigan Daily: -not Undoubtedly every Michigan man they who has gone into the national ser- lect- vice with the army or the navy, abroad this or at home, would...…

December 15, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…Quinte ' J4 L. : , ii sk( via m E ii Rondy i. allen to Lo hi _ 'j 7 6 MNade Up Largy V - U layers Football Eh , Minneapolis, Mirm, 14.- th the football season ox , l:er st n athletics at the Uni si; f cn - COME sota centers in basketbn. S v members of the Gopher eevci are Lon candidates for the teai and prosct< for a winning combination now semr bright. Rondy Gillen, ele tv! e.pta t su etball ceed Pudge Wymar, who is in miftary a, the se...…

December 15, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

… )TLewoi E:Due to the blow-out of a hurn ow them how their r the German gov- coil, Westminster house, tIhe im not influence the dormitory for . girls at 602 t we can put them Huron street, has been temporar and I want to see closed since Tuesday. The e:.ide e must deal relent- which occurred early Sunday mi mies of America." ing, resulted in no serious dama not surprised by but made it impossible to he i the secretary. building. The nineteen r...…

December 15, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 65) • Page Image 5

…ISTIANS 1'' I u II l lluu Llill I lay. The recruit soon a soldier--trim, smart, ould attain success-you Bloch Suit the man who wants to I C®. RQUARDT AGE Six' ccesvries, overs. ex perienced men. REV. J. X. WELLS SAYS "GO-TO- CHURCH" DAY ONLY A STARTER Ann Arbor pastors have given their full support to the plans for a "Gb-to- Church" Sunday for students to be held tomorrow, and the attitude of many is expressed by the followin...…

December 15, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 65) • Page Image 6

…SEVERAL DOWN MAY SHUT OF FUEL YI 11 ly 20 cars of coal have been pro- d to Washtenaw county by State Administrator Prudden as a re- of the trip of Regent J. E. Beal, administrator of Washtenaw ty, to Lansing Thursday to se- shipments of coal to this local- WJIAA1' UIN UIN TODAY 1:30 o'clock-Voluntary hike starts from Waterman gymnasium. 1:30 o'clock - Cavalry ride starts from Waterman gymnasium. 2:30 o'clock-All-campus mixer in Barbour gym...…

December 14, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1917. R.MAN TO LR LECTURE English Department "American and eals" Today erman, head of the nt in the University peak on ."American ," at 10:30 o'clock om -203 Tappan hall. ers who heard the a Chicago earlier in rize the talk as ex- y it is being given rnalism, although it uraalistic lecture. s written a number e New York Nation, ihuted to other mae- AGE LIMIT SET FRp NEW NATLREHSERVE DISCUSS AWA MILI...…

December 14, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…I ,s; I 'eace prize for 1917 has to the Red Cross. d when I got n't want them, very little or nan, I literally classmen who, i, amounted to >us. And now e, I look upon to keep in my eeling of pity. idual, but be- s, too, on the Bricklayers are wanted for the non- flying section of the aviation corps in France. Just what they have to do with flying is not explained. British tonnage completed month of November almost4 the losses by enemy a...…

December 14, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…CASE QINTET LSES SEVEN__LETTER, MEN, RIICHARDSON AM) CLARKE ARE ONLY TWO VETERANS BACK ON SQUA1) Minneapolis, Dec. 13.-Paul Flinn, friends' that he planned to enlist in fics for a place - the speedy end on the University of the artillery at Duluth, his home. eleven this seaso Minnesota football eleven, is going to Flinn was drafted, but his name was as the logical cho join the nation's fighting force. Before so far down in the list that he wa...…

December 14, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…AT THE THEA r[r kTi n ERESTS I *I I1 * "So Long Letty," at the Garrick. * s-A t- -~~~ s has EXCHANGE OF NOTES BETWEEN pping COUNTRIES CLEARS UP LONG anced STANDING PROBLEM t one .reed ; _ 1 *1 "One Girl's Experience," at the * * Whitney, Sunday, Dec. 16. * as adva and at been a ed there * * were Tokio, Nov. 30.-(Correspondence ofI 1 Feek; 0 a I obstacles to at- The Associated Press)-Japa can do nothing likely to infringe pon...…

December 14, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…I " PoS It IILlUI lli 'ISLE EMERGENCY L p i ID SEt'RETARY DANIELS GIVES FORMATION ABOUT PRE. PARE1-NESS Washington, Dec. 13.-"We ready now." IN. For the first time in University of Illinois senior banquet. its history the is to have al For your Xmas Candles, Cigars, Kodaks, Stallonery and Toilet Goods Two Stores 324 S.State St. 1123 S. University Ave. are & Co. MAIN STREET R DRY CLEANING SERVICE ds a method of practicing genu- e...…

December 14, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…ormation obtained from two Ann r banks yesterday discloses the that a considerable number of nts have failed to meet their ents on Liberty bonds. Ten per of the student subscribers at one have paid no attention to their ations since the initial payment.j official at one of the banks states they have had numerous exper- s with students who, after theyI given their name to a solicitor, to the bank and insist that their subscriptions 'be cancelle...…

December 13, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

… MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MICHIGA IV FOR A LAKES TIhe Michigan ter stme time ag In Pri Physical examination for the new nd Michigan naval reserve begins at 8 ng o'clock this morning in the boxing rooms of Waternan gymnasium. of Word was brought back from ;eeth ot the Great Lakes -navel training op station yesterday by a Univer- of sity student, that an officer and s- possibly an assistant or two h would be in Ann Arbor this morn- he ing re...…

December 13, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…11s It. thr ristmas carolers streets of Ann eve singing the Y. has un- a chorus he holiday years ago. d in the tomorrow n the ser- '20, will ation. en up by ,h the Red >f the '.S WIFE E CONCERT d MacDowell Will Play 's Compositions This Afternoon rd MacDowell, wife of the )n composer, will play as tin the third concert of series given under the the School of Music at 4 afternoon in Hill audi- clock Mrs. MacDowell's program will con- s...…

December 13, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…9't PEHfFORM\ IC F S A Sport Critic Places Weston, Lkambert, S Sparks, and Culver on His All-Conference Team Four Michigan men were placed owi COACH MITCHELL'S BOYS BEST FORM OF SEASON SHOW th H e All-conference team of Luther Coach Mitchell's varsity basket- uston, international news corret-lballers showed better form than at any tinie this season last night: The" indent, this eleven being the forEF only fault was their failure to scor...…

December 13, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…ag an effort to field by means rm boys during ese will open at and will con- s. Any young ture, there will be other short courses also, in dairying, horticulture, poultry, and farm crops and soils. Unity F. Wilson To Work In France Unity F. Wilson, special student in architecture last year, sails for France in the near future to do research work for the American Red Cross. Miss Wilson is among the first few Michi- gan women to have enlisted i...…

December 13, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 63) • Page Image 5

…wants to r" SO ZEL ANN ARBOR WILL SELL [00 sh. Hoover Steel Ball 50 sit. Michigan Crown Fender 20 sh. Hayes Wheel orshee & Kuehnle Investment Securities e 408 41: 1st Nat'l Bk Bldg Chop Sucy lot Rolls - 2 for SC CHIGAN INN s 948-R. 601 E. Liberty SECURITY PRICES DECLINE DUE TO SECOND LIBERTY LOAN PAYMENT Mints in the United States are work- 'ing in three, eight hour shifts to pro- duce new coins required by trade ac- tivity, and the holid...…

December 13, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 63) • Page Image 6

…-. 7:30 versity 8 o'cl Hill au( in Wa aate K Dr.. *P. H. DeKrui corps, Camp *F. P. Currier,] "ps, Ann Arbor; Ogle- Sherrick, lieutenant, M euten- ish expeditionary for( Dr. E. Dr. R. J. Snider, R. A. Arbor; Gregory. Barracks, A M. 0. land; Dr. William L4A st Co., sanitary corps, Camp ant M. Dr. L. D. Stern; E. R. Jonary tenant AT. 0. R. 0., facoby, 0.; Roy L. Land, lieul enant, 0., Camp Oglethorpe, C L.; Dr. Treadgold, lieutenant, 0. ...…

December 12, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…o _,. Ui "'I hI I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1917. * * *~ * * * * * * CONGRESS BEGINS DENTSA9ND MEDICS WAR INYESTIGATION ACCEPTED IN NAVY Special Inquiry Into Work of War Students Enlisting May Continue Departimerit Ordered by Senate Courses on Campus Until Committee - Graduation EXAMINE ARMY OFFICERS FOR TRAINING PERIODS DURING FITNESS IN SERVICE ABROAD STUDY THREE WEEKS YEARLY * I- el 4,000 more ' * *-* * #* I n...…

December 12, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…1' Ji ngell ha PRO-AMERICANS ARE TO ADD NAME TO LIST. people of Ann n those of the, ies of its size. e Ann Arbor is is about to be started to gather all of the send them to the army .t be well now for the aternitiy houses to in- for the collection and these magazines until e committee. rs who float big loans orable mention," but ho imparts elasticity to art of his allowance? boys could only decide into nch of service they are go- uld be ...…

December 12, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…J fiE I I1U Taking Dotng ana passing. the scrubs, has im- iket shooting, ringing 1 angles last night. will be able to get nights of good hard takes his men to e opening game, Sat- ElevenI Phllps IUniversity Files GUp oi~f 20Points to (fimn. Total ents' 61 betsch, former All-Am- an halfback and one of Michigan's atest gridsters, who has been thing the football team at Phil-; university this fall, developed the t powerful team in the hi...…

December 12, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

….rrick. * vl"Awk4 .40 ence," at the c. 16. Majestic-Vaudeville. - William Russell in r Heart." Also Corn- r. Christmas Fashion S -Helen Ware in Allah." "The * * In the Second Floor Salons E Arcade-Irene Fenwick in "The ". Woman." Mutt and Jeff Car- *: *x *: * * You'll Need a New Suit for the Holiday Trip- BUY IT NOW-AT HALF PRICE ys. Brockwell in Obey." Keystone Hula Land." * ,; * * * * * * * * AT THE WHITNEY The complete w...…

December 12, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

…OF V r iZUij 1I 1E ? . lANE'1H U v LI l 1 1'0' 1 ' College exchanges HAS TIS I /I Inspection C ems & Co. MAIN STREET ..._.. UILT JCT OF PRIDE FOR 1- 3AL TIS Small or too Large WASHTENAW ELECTRIC SHOP "The Shop of Quality" If it's not right we make it right -PHONE 273 - 200 E. Washington Ann Arbor 117 PArl Ypsilanti STOP AT TUTTLES 338 MAYNARD For Lunches and Sodas Michiganensian and Appointment Commit- tee Photographs SWAIN...…

December 12, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

…TO ON WAR WE S GOING i iext S .s are hard to get. But despite ent of all-wool fabrics in the for men's stylish clothes are on event you can't afford to over- good suit that is truly :0 Our Difference Price Others on6Rolls 10c 15C '25c 04c ea. 05c ea. 90c ..........................$1.15 it US AND SAVE MONEY day to day sooner than others. Capt. E..Baxter Will Explain Trench Warfare As He Learned From Actual Experience Captain E. Ba...…

December 11, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…tati ;A OPO L ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1917. i to IS N LIST LIST AL UNIT utl 10o Tclcl Mean Go To USPOTLISHT AUD EILLE FEATURES OMA'S QUEEN lEMAIN IN UNITERSITY ApSSPRES. KUTCHINS FATIMA'S ON LIKENESS APPEARS ADVERTISING POSTERS URGES PROFESSIONAL MEN JOIN RESERVE CORPS AT ONCE TO of the great demand for the naval auxiliary reserve, . Clark, enrolling officer at has granted permission to Beach, 18E, to form ...…

December 11, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 61) • Page Image 2

…,i ( [4 .tion. In this time, in addi- beeping up our daily work, s should spend a portion of getting something from the t of our courses, skimmed too lightly wile the canoe- still good. ions to study during vaca- JUST OUT! and-"just great" The Michigan Calendar CHRISTMAS CA] NOW ON DISPLAY Slater's Book S STATE STREET LIMITED EDITION-Each one put up in artistic envelope ready to mail. A very excellent Christmas Gift --at the attractive...…

December 11, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 61) • Page Image 3

…e, the famous a new story in ies in France comes e back home. nal strong man in the n iron bar and gripping o hands challenged any hience to keep a grip on seconds. Several tried hman broke their holds em into the net placed action. group of Amercian of- ected his challenge at A broad shouldered ed at the awaiting audi- pted the challenge. The ized up - his opponent, and in ten seconds was he net with a force that wreck the entire struc- .mm...…

December 11, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…1 T1 r, 711 BIGH Dec. 10.-The American mil- ommission in Switzerland, it unced, has just contracted for itional two thousand wooden s to be used as barracks ust be delivered not later than bruary to the American mili- thorities. These will supple- 500 such barracks ordered ago. barracks are to be about 100 g by 20 feet wide, and are of thickness so as to protect the from cold and dampness. They1 ?ine and are so built that they shipped in pa...…

December 11, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 61) • Page Image 5

…[C [MIES ay. The recruit soon a soldier--trim, smart, d -ou would attain success-you Bloch a tern Suit for the man who wants to -i- mitt, Apfel Co. k GIVE US THAT NEXT ORDER FOR WINDOW CARDS, and we will deliver the goods "right on the dot" DAVISI&HLINGER PROMPT PRINTERS Phone 432"J 109-111 E. Washington' Op iwy Us - 2 for i not MICHIGAN INN hams 948-,t 601 E. Liberty Response Liberal For Fighting Men's Christmas; Many Boxes We...…

December 11, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 61) • Page Image 6

…leid T kipment Just s and widths or Oil Tanage e $7.00 Walk-Over BOOT SHOP 115 S. MAIN ST. Fills Gargoyle humor Magazine Plays Santa Claus To Campus Organizations In Need The Christmas Gargoyle, realizing, perhaps, that war-time giving will be somewhat curtailed this year, has at- tempted to supply the deficiency in its double-page drawing, which repre- sents a huge Christmas tree, loaded with gifts. Nearly every organiza- tion, club, and ...…

December 09, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…Baers who refuse to eoopera iris to obtain 'a pm'per distz s.' This was made lear 'to! ir Garfield giving the text ofy to' a. Philadelphia fi"rn "acti ,n 'The telegram said'i paur ted that yogn refused to co- 'r. If ;iis is kithecase, the a Lit the ,coal shipped toou div co-operate With, this adint at the charged; made against -operate fully . NATAAXlIA TAE PLIAATDXl tNAVAL ; ' ' ." OCne hun.dred and twenty forthenavalalfryre teant ,H dare nrh...…

December 09, 1917 (vol. 28, iss. 60) • Page Image 2

….uty in Re- 1R. S. Lor- ""' EMPLOY>MENT cla, of Buenos Religious Oon-j before th,e Stu- ublic is invited. F BUREAU will be open during vacation from 7:30 to 10:30 daily. 3"YTERIAN -LURCH ST. Work should be listed next week. IHfuron and Division I 10:30 A. M. :KEEPING TH~1E HOME FlIRES BURN ING" Students cordially welcomne e war puddle, it is up to all of us keep them going. Who said anything about drama at. e University? Don't we r...…

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