March 22, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 120) • Page Image 1
…The Michi an Daily VOL. XX. ANN ARBOR, MICH-IGAN, 'l' U ESA 1",\I_ RC 1122, 1010. Ni). 120. RICKEY INSTILLS GINGERAND "PEP" Baseball Men Given a Good r- Workout Yesterday=-Practice On Ferry Field Today. Giger and1 irssis ibin rsosare tns (qualities wichh Coachsi Rihe is ots edieaorig"toins till isis suadttiof tar bseassls ipilaiters 1f the ieter- minedispiit ad arid iiwsokicihewere (iplalyediat te Mitsui isftroo prac- tiec at the ihir r...…