November 01, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 25) • Page Image 1
…The Michig9an allIy4 ANN ARBlIOR, :Xl Cl I(IAN, 't''tf ): lAX', NIVFIXMIIHI i, iiot. NO. 25. Vol. XXI. NOTRE DAME LOOKS EASY FOR VARSITY Since Michigan Has "Come Back" Indications Point to Big Victory WILL WATCH OFFENSIVE POWER For the irst timse this sionthtis XX s s'i'sini's beigans puactici e llrk fs ilieek end gaiste withouit seties worr th t the outcoesi. Nc)one doubts, that de- spite ears' toriue s d et iu s Door 10 So igs, the Notre D...…