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January 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 71) • Page Image 1

…. .... . ..... y 1 ""'- G , .i' r 'J. r~ ,_, 'r G r r, "!, rr. '-- f. r' - r~" v % r , _. . ,.y. ."-, " ,-+ (a v " ' ~ v .f, r. r;. "' y r ^.. u "' _ (' r ~. r% ^' .-. , ~ 'rf", .-. f ,.... ! : u J. CID 77, Jv 'J ._. v .-" -' Yom.". ' :r i^ " . r- = _ "'.. 'f. iJ gyn., l^. ..I '/ . " r-! , i " f'!.' '_., f.5 JQ r f . .. J r z MM- 77: is .,7 .+ i '! '- J; . _." Z. j __ 77z 7 'IS U1 J . PER J 7 K? 7t J: ' a " raoq w+ K " 1 L: ' !~: J y "...…

January 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…ANN ARBOR, MICIGAN, T;,S)NJN .RY7 30) Vor-. XNIX. 3.72. BOIJRKE COCHRAN LECTURES SATURD.Y (,an the People Rule?" IsILegis- lator's ubject; Witty lrish- man [ilks S. L.A.Number. 3333 ti~ tty a ' ~ \Vi o3'-3'. llwi 3311 3 t .3k !i111. l l ttl il i5?'t S;;t' llll. ttu{l lc'<zi>1rIt r, ' tt1?tI'V l 1137- '' t}1 h1 s ) 1;3 1 31 I S -1 . _Ath t il cats ' 1) 333 S 33 3331't\ r c1i t h prc33333ttr(, al1 1333333 t 11tts' heed13 The.3 3~cr- fI(\ 1...…

January 08, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

… r T .S AIL i I i :. . . d , ... c< r= co I ,. _J , ; I '/: 77 r If, u l - .-. ,, ,. .. i 'v =- . J ' 'i. a J ' _ r _ . - : !; "!. :.i 1. J ' , ' .-.+ ..-, f J :may ' mil' ''D . ..! v 't. ..- _ _ .... C J _ t / _ ~ is r J " ..' f 'v 'I: '"! / w r ,. ti .i. ^! r . _. i J r. y .ti I .. t -Le f r l -+ ^r. .. / fi r- /' ..J .-. er"-i / 77 C) .. r, -r. i -- i , :. ;>, . .. 's v f, . .J ' . . v / J ._ ""l ^_ .- I 'JS . f ., r. . .-. _ ....…

January 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 74) • Page Image 1

…1in heh ,1.9 Daily Xis. XIX. VARSITY OPENS i SEASON TONIGHT , Farmers Cash Wih Corneal' Men in Michigan's initial Bas- ketball diame.y 1u io %"II Ih 1 a(1 ilii C. If tlt I :Im. Tlit li\-i IM, ii n . in 1 in 1 1 1 14 )II r a l \0 : 1 i l, noise) lo k d llc;iu ch )iIs+)A < nw ic c m lialha X I %% I,;,- itii S ~eai~ l:ts u( a lIt n :c nc rin11°~In lcilc t ;h liu ;1:'ii~ an rc:l nc1;t ni, I1 II i c) cr, hi ncmxIn >f th" 1 ,tIl nIl ihi nullcgc mil...…

January 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

… '(P ZZ " ^ r-, ^"' n ~' -- r % '-= ., ice, 7 , ~. J r ,_; ~", ~Y v ,_., . 1. .--. r" '; ^. J i 7v r"- 7 !-*, , . 1 + \ ,--. v r- C1 N ('j N I I . ..j I' l' (y .- r: . . i r J: !J f I r i .-." it I .. ._ 11 I _ - - -- CD as ti H iy s . " ' U i J.; . . J u , '-. .. _ r. _ " v. -. .- r; - - r;. .-- ^ N f -J~---- - -Y-. ;CO c:N v .-, J._ O ~ t-a ,i i '' ( ,f t i j i i M ',',.., / 4 1 J I i N 1 '' Msr i o ! . . -- i - ! i r-- r' %. - ; I ...…

January 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily X,.XIX. AX ARBOR, M2tIJ( tCX. 'I1-VSI)XY, JANUAXRY 12, l 0(). BASEBALL MEN IN ANNUAL MEETING Captain Sullivan Will Address Baseball Candidates Tonight-- Oberlin Comes Saturday. \ititt tn ieoitt preparatiition toe the seeterex'amit andu Ili( J Hop have Felon, hiton, he w r ill Ie for- hitl it tt r t i tone' ig ttt - Ie atainl tee f~ tt t candtda-te o te rntir- nc sitt ofl keein npclegt ok w ill ihitd i te topht roo toti ...…

January 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The ]"ichis n ANN _ RBOR. 1l IC IA [GAN, 1t"l DNI' IS1) )". rIAM'AtO",' 13, 1909. VIot.. XIX. FRESHMEN ATTEND BASEBALL MEETING Many New Men Will Try for the Varsity Nine-Fitzpatrick and Sullivan Talk to Candidates. I ls' than tlifty It trsponddtoI Cap-0)11 tanL ull i ti sfl o acalcn i outloo i 51 s 111111 551-, 5iasmuch 5as 11h illS :1115 mater.ii l i l 5 I iV well Iit ced.11l( held5 th1 i lls i ll eIV Tr, xctlt CHEEIR ('I>' YOU '11 11 II ...…

January 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan IN '\R1(R IIO \llt l\ 'IlLlI St) V \1,1:\ [: \ t Y 4.t 1 t O 78. V'OL. XIX. NEW CONSTITUTION JNI(Rl 1elN\Ti I' XS 1(11 ABOUT TO ISSUE1S 'itll),khistiegwiewrtya Long Deferred Athletic Associa- t"ieeclt i ite i ~ )i tion Document to be Submitted to B~oard, 'rhen to Students. ,- ;,;. tee c the auh tle. 11( --- -li~~~~ter Ciie ' inijitre h d el at~d I'he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t c1(1nite Iect d o rpiete toe wa; 11 c i'i'il i tio h i n ti ecn~t...…

January 15, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \N-ARBOR,\MICIGT(AN, RIDAY.. \NI NR\ 5 ',i( )No.7 No. 79- Vol-. NIX, NEW CONSTITUTION CNS1UT RI (0k 1.A>G1~ Ff HEARD SATURDAY > (ctnu ofthel~nfi-t iuhsoit ti Revision of Athletic Association c'giiwcrinii chairgcofte oiitrctio of the New I iiuetonchannel at I ito Document Conmpleted; Can Be loic-nileOtcotItc Voted on One Week Later. twertitvlestthe buildi of thlestcc ohnth te :Athlletic (-s-ociationluieet- edte faot 50o0...…

January 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…ltoThe Mic iganDaily \\ Ri~R\hIII,'a\CR)N\\tgliif10DCi Voil. XIX. o. 8«. FAST OBERLIN FIVE IS-HERE TONIGHT l''ractice Shows Varsity Stronger Than Week Ago-Annual As- sociation fleeting Taday. If Nblcn t defeaits Obrl' int tontight 'i 1-1111 n 1111 team that ha te turned nta h ) it schoo Ith Sea is noct cxeto i n 'I iii co iic of t .Mich- ix;1 1lII dii altl s h ih was A.C' ls Sauray has ilt i l reto lii '0 1-g Va tit ha c i i"a liii I liit...…

January 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol- XIX. \ANN'.R Mld NIHIGANX, SXDA.j\I'\ldY 7, 1()()(. OBERLIN LOSES TO MICHIGAN'S FIVE Score Was a 'Te at End of Each -r HalIf; Extra Time Rounded Out Score to 27-25. 1 1I~ .- ( rc . ' 2t \f > sMfisgiss i1;dc>. 11°cnl~tr ~a 1r11h111ll ICSISTITCANDIDATE SHFOR clas" rela' loam, classtrack nmanager. STDN ONI tnt!s list year. 1I .Wahrod tot is t pintth enir° dct~eSSi \ ebscrrsociety. JosephliPristeau, var- one isse. he ...…

January 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…Th~e Mict n - )ily ;\,NN \1{B17R \IIIU\\ i s)Y.f L\iA' ) )) V\%t,. XIX. VARSITY ATHLETES TO HRAVE ADVISERS A\udent Conmmittee Is Organized t to Watch Over the Studies oft Promising Athletes. Nas eoo t the ctIolt- lo Jsi n Nilttlo- da ~ien Fc1111111can the Comtin tt vvil t he tls '.ltiitthe Iame o --leant tiho whosewoikhe ill atch I ad1 rep rt 1o-te ca111( \1t of the1 III tou t ii it Tlli; (it is oped. iad t eil yII ill it 1o lle 1111,,0 1 t ...…

January 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil \A\ \BOR \lisl'l~t\\ S~sID I Sf35--\\--16--o-1105) --.-83 Votl. XIX. No. 8;3. A TLETES TURD) ell ott ut not to the amte degree ats in iootholl.Some etcuse 5(or' lasehall A Oi EXAM NATIRN remains inab atiliv ie iof the 11to1tie TOEXMNAIOSgames had tont lem caicelled onacon Foloi ng i the' report as retiered Light Practice for the Basketball 1yIf. A. S uitishu. fina11clotscretry Team During Exam Period-- 'tftil(Iaesotio: 'To...…

January 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…The Mich-iga n Daily ANN ARBOR, MICIG AN,. THURSDA\Y. JANU"ARY 21, [900). Vol. XIX. N0. 84. f OLD CONSTITUTION POESSOI AI NEW- BLOOD FOR I II \I)("\ j.1 Ij\1i1>\' NO SCEMIC EFFECTS H AS ITS FRIENDS Thiroutgiltie wrk o rf.0 . ST DN1OU CL t1101 11tmtmesri l t etx ilek t~tl d of te lliversiy natdieo SUDNwCUCIlltttn>be o 11 tt GRACE SHAKESPEARE he11.itte rsate coottttoe co mmeiotsso t he1w101 11Ootlt il Members of Athletic Association ti Ir1ws...…

January 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…The MNichiganDa'ly \N\1 kRB&)R, \Jf(lflfCA\ I 'ZIDV\ 1 \\A \.RN 22,'1900.N. VoL,. XIX. c . 8, I I- t) :t . ) ti C . i t t 1 1 K ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~e (IIP I~O toi h h oit o CO~~~CHOP 1CONCER'DTUTVLY A R110IlS SSEISS ClSS LI~~~~~ twenty~JIuJ i llVA AI minuVVtsitht titme waslAIogV VIUTAlN11141 1 :A\EI) 011) 1510NVITTIONrS Il~flTI~ IVV(enough for aises*rtgge. The gr''ADAAIL TO NIGHT i'CONTES11tanyenfet. ha giesthecotndIer LOCALtitVat (Vhi ct ...…

January 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Dail y A\ A RBO R. iItCTIIGAX, SATURD)AY, A \M RX 23, 19N. N. No. 86. Vat._. XIX. SHALL MICHIGAN JOIN CONFERENCE Changes in Rules Make That, j~Step Possible, and it Would: Elevate Athletic Standards. Th i ri lh-ispill ink iithe Januiary: \iA~lunnias Justissueat I 111Iatilipthe are that it efc tually prevssnts tiny hack- wairdid tepis. Iititl(licefar casier for onil uiveiyt o leii it downaitthe i-ale-, titan lfor suchIiani sit...…

January 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 87) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \NA RBOR, IFCITIG AN.SL\NI) Nk, JA~NUAXRY24,rc. 0 o 7 Vol'. XIX. DEBATING TOPICS AGAIN DISCUSSED W. D) Lane Claimis Warnings 'lam Against Misunderstanding Are Disregarded by Readers. Th ent in attemptedl by tite o1)l1- i< s (aatd i yeterays1'issue o1 The rail t c nar1row1111s1olit ( I si 0' 111 d11( ad an11110c0 rare 'oiousto e11011010 Nor these lopics, 11(1 111011nd 1poli ica ti 11nc, c t,11111 1 a1111111 and11( vittl. ...…

February 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 88) • Page Image 1

…The ia al VOL. XIX. 1\N o LyAC fXIX.\ S'-R)ANo.'I-)R 88. :Y0 o. . JUNIOR FUNCTION A SOCIAL SUCCESS Both Gymnasiums Were Blazes of Beauty During the Hop- Lights and Solos Featured. With all ihe sharminof ii sitilal gonis. lights, n-is 1and1 li sts c hre Tiunior nio theclssof100 X ra elehratedi ini thr -itinsill i 1s I ridazlitis lit. There wers-morce stnstehundslr~iedcoileis oiltl t ouiisr ini Wa termanssigymu-when.ithte 1 adsirhb~i-theli-...…

February 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 89) • Page Image 1

…i 'e A zanDazi1ly \iit XIX. X MINNESOTA GAME FILLS SCHEDULE1,cfk ttr lifi Resumption of Relations With ~ Old Conference Rival Arouses ttctiri.iii Y ww., Interest--BaseballStarts Soon. jK~i ilIrh t' 1 SUCCESSFUL EDITOR hi1 APPEARS TONYIGH T truc n1 tt S.S McClure Is Well Qualifie i rr Fo ell of the Makingofa prt i3 O?3 Magazine. lr Ir ; lc Mc~livc(I<<i :M i~~hi"11 C3- lc RWT~i tiloarI( 5sti lacietIi, in ia po ic- i e ine] IUM ~ B ino ti fr]t...…

February 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN\ \1RPOR, MICIGAN, \. \ l\1 D V 111 Yl \lti to ojo VOL,. XIX. BASKETBALL TEAM' IS STIRENGTIIENED, ',Cons" Do Little Damage and a Number of New Players Are Added to the $~quad. reipiets t' of "tong' still others, icludi- ing- sonic of 1he test tplayers ii theo tit werit)-r ote tooble to practict with the first squtad. \iotg titese latteit art 11 iayeCoo, hi1lcr antd Lot lot Witht ilht idditionttf these mwt to t terst tt...…

February 11, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail1y : \ A.RBOR.,\ii( CIT( \1 G ,1I1 .t RSV)\ iA k r C. 1'No 51 - . < . VOL. XIX. BRIGilT PROSPE.CTS itgeltwithta siotev llaigtt ose tt wertccoed bel ba'stairatie FOR BASEBALL MEN lstc irolti"hs ie .ill's nelt ________ear h1altof tCit C'iiner' sIcmelite Cdach McAllister Starts Work Slitlsno 're erouiaictte'theio110"Pa With Battery Men Today-8x-i..WtshaoerIw tadshdt aedo cellent Schedule Arranged. " ai' Cptin sllti t51~1"it...…

February 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. INN ARBOR, MNICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUCARY 12, 100Y). VARSITY TWIRLERS LIMBER UP IN GAGE Coach Advises Men to Work Ou Slowly - New Infield Looks First-Class on Paper. Te long inoor grinditiat sill termii- nte ith111the springtp 1ntothe south begniyesterday afternoon, wheit Coach .Mclishtryttet the candiiates for the is tti psitions aidI"goe tiein their 1114stworkouti of tie sesni. Aot thintyimten rpotedl iluiftorm...…

February 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michl aiLl Da.11Y ANN .Ai'l"C)R, ,11('11I AX, S.VI'[ RD.AV, tol- X I X. N(. t), ICHJIGAN HONORS LINCOLNS MEMORY Ida Tarbell, Introduced by Pres- ident Angell, Eulogizes Great SStatesman. th poition flt the heaht .\ tacticai," ra- it-aue-asociatioan, Friiat nilhti. While clb tr :tiiicattiua tilt t ahe to lstn t fm u ortor, nti tal-iit. .btb eul,_r itt t he artyrid pit i t i Mlc':i; tu nt a d r act5 of I li \i~ ittci t tti it iihl tIttlu...…

February 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily, \ LRFIGR \I CIIIGA\ SU INDAY, F RL Lid' Y 14,1909. Vol. Xf . REVISION STARTS P1ENTY OF A LITS AN D LAWS FACTIONAL SCRAP ( ~;11 CV111--I.e ,ttotid lb tbor pole HONOR STATESMEN Board of Directors of Athletic cagepracice.The lpeit01ed l Literary and [)ebating Societies Association Appoints a New speed and 1clirves,bltsieoth Discuss Life and History of Committee. un rtwrso 0ivt ,colthll ii ti1 Various Statesmen. 51111cloukti...…

February 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…The MchgnDail A\\N R IITCHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRI \kX te, 11109 N170L. XIX. PITCHERS WOE K OUT WITH INDOOR BALL McAllister Wont Have Any Glass Arms- Class Relay Races to Start 'This Week. IlIo c all, o as a e as of 10I1 l c t 111101011 hobyCoach McllIiterr in i1 11ae I aco 011aa1110110011111. 11he 11c0. .rc ditiid into teams a if iv _ i 1111lodger hall is thought by the 11111toh 11an 1c1l1ct1meansof 11ct t~_ tic ins inns11111 ,, h p \ih u I-,1...…

February 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…0hThe MichiganDaily ANN ARBOR, M[TCHTGAN, WRDNESDAY, FEBRUARY r7, 1909. VOf,. XIX. ALL CANDIDATES TO REPORT TODAY Coach McAllister Issues General Call-Junior Lits Defeat En- gineers in Basketball. ' Varsity aehall will rees'e a further impettes today, for the candiates for all posittion aceec~itedl to rlport to te coch int the gy uttasitttl let wen lhe houtrs of t and( 3. T11e cage, wich, so tar, has ontti ben openi to thatter mel, wino1w t...…

February 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

… ~ rC .. U; U' V r-^ ^ ^ r !' rte' % " ' " --' ... v. .-. ^1 n rr. .. r _ n ,.. _ _ y , ~ 1. i {f,' . r r r, , rj ~; << f.; - .r . . _, . _. . . _ ., =+. ._... " ~ .^ ^. r^. ! M~ ) r ~ . ~. i. is .- f. ~ 77, v .~-. ^ ,! r-n r r te. r,. r...y f: ' y ,- .. r i ... . ^ _! _ / _ .~.. : . ~. " .!' r - + :!; ' -' 7 !: ' n 1. ' "-' r" .._. r ", ^ .-- .- , " -r r. "" " 1. "" tr, %i ," '!; ~ n r- " '""" ' !:." "'. ^- ( . ly. u r- 12 r r s. r i v ~ f ,...…

February 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…The higan Dally FRESWSOPHi SNOW IltofI is il <] il BATTLE -ARRANGED tiyIl, i~1>f1 Underclassmen to Take Advan- tage of Wintry Offering; Fight c""i' e ci1 Lc Ma eoeAnnual Custom. lcd~caottl jctlc bu it2 iccill the ltic i i ,6t tiltine il the wayv tof frei -op .10011 it 11011ontanousic froim the fertiie brins ofn ccir ii t~~dncattl Pcl uiiidirclassitcn, wh11( r o un o ta c e1 lcM nh keep up11 clas-c antooiit te m rr cudi. Tlic batlc isc sccdldt...…

February 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…The Mic ignDal Voi.. 11f . MICHIGAN PLAYS PLANTERS TODAY, Varsity Basketball Team, Greatly' Strengthened, Goes to Lansing -Dents Defeat Pharmics. >Seve memer of liCl the bsasketbasll team11, w fith Coach Corel leWii.iavc thismonn f 5rI1asim and will meet~ theC M. A. C. te m in a retur thatch o1 n I till IIC ' ggia'' ii lI this afternoonlf. Thei. \iiliical ea will pret'C5 a~ 15 1 c sC 'tron~ger line-u tii hanl 11( r~l :ii11( 'iere difitl i. ...…

February 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

… w en u c u o !la V r. ,. '1 y f I f. _ f. .f r- 1 : f a-. ti. .. I mil, ^- .. r^, .. , J ' t. 'J; i Tt i , ..J I ^/ v I j , H r + ffW H-t Y i b4lLD v r I -' I' . : w :: ::.: : . : = w .: ,,. ..,. j o w .- 1' w , " ' ' , > o ., :: r _ :: r- t ,,, , .' 1 ' . .. '_ -- . t. I f, 1 _ . ,V r ^ . .. r -r v , . .., i T _ ^' J J{ n _ 1. ^T _ ^_ -rte ' rt m ^:./ of J . -+ ., H C y , "- r . ii 'c~ v, ! ~ . it J .f 1 .. t G u CJ., J V " r" ' J...…

February 24, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily IAix. Nit 101\C IA II) h: A ,112, t (?I.. _ l \. No. roi. ATHLETES PREPARE FOR ANNUAL EET Freshmen Will Conpete With Sophomores for Track Honors -Basketball Results. - CV tic lntic n h aiiy tio-tf ith ir star calltlikthe omin, mut, Sbt fre lh- n sophomreanathnlli-s areJwilk- ing har to ge ino cn'ti lit forl th ;imlntl fresh-s itph in o r uai chl t I tic i chedutltd fric t iedii- at lii- ii nihtilln Vi V ii -ml gmnium I ...…

February 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Y i. ~ t _ AFIO <(R, MIV[E-IIG 1.. ''JI iR; l)_AY, EBR.(VARY 25, 190~c). LEGAL LIGHTS DOWN SENIOR ENGINEERS Splendid Teani Work of Junior Laws Wins Them a Place in Basketball Semi-Finals. 1X ibiig he let tea stwrk that has beenishwn i itis rs iterlass tiasttlslcteilst the juiotr lais wo hir wy itolithese-filstatVcWdies- ~its ii' Ibyisfting slthle seircn first =ion ia d as a resultt the itctre the second lthe lamis i fost...…

February 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…The Mcia al 'aN Ai-': OR.\ttClItG \ III)_\Y, II 1-i \Ri 2(iOi). fT T . No.f 03-* ENTRIES MADE FOR FRESH-SOPH MEET C test Between Undercasses Promises to be Close-Opp- nents Drawn for Relay Races. Saturday night ithe aiieuat fret-oph it fe trics iby xbo ih clase it trisesln toIle o- f more than ordintar) interet. 'xt'here aii-rtaargijter. Sili etered~i in eatch iii t bi ltiec tis olthi me more tttha tin ii ipt otih al ali tti- grade meniin...…

February 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 7 X,. >10. 104. FRESH-SOPH DUAL MEET OPENS TRACK SEASON Uinderclass Athletes flix Tonight in Annual Contest, Both Teams Confident of Victory-Engineers and Laws Will flay for interclass Basketball Championship. W\cxcith heanult l inccaixpiomccct tiat ithe iprettietatight iotfttenmetat ndt dual cinset, icig tc's aincdcoratack sca- cicitc tcc fact thact thi evet cialic son cwll have its formaltI open t cing tn i t. esicatic...…

February 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil \\' ltt N\ C 1~\NS.\) tIb Da d 8 l(i \Vol.. XIX. SOPHOMORES,,-WIN FROM. FRESHMEN No Records Broken in Indoor sleet; iood Form IDisplaytd "Throughout; Finarl Score 54-27: boai~,l o -fc tdihc"_tiotilt ivin - f R, )- dic the ivi-rl ' i t h irkn IrI c c m vr l )iolr t lii rafet t h the cvut. 1lll ithle fr ies d the Or rko i l :uti nches;' 1 j1( It. the It -- 4 fllto il ( 1111(1 hig "m teshtpt hr m te t;- elle L; fe t inchs. Il...…

March 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…Th..e Mic igwan Daily ANN R)I.\ IC'l I ( .\\ . 1 ( -F\> . ; V~)Y, Nt\R('l 1 000~t. .to. N ox.. xiX. , z d6. TRACK PROSPECTS PLEASE DIRECTOR Showing of Underclass Athletes Gives Fitzpatrick Hopes--Oe- feat at . S. U. Accounted For. Dirctor I. cn xxFitzpatirick i xarn a Yosit ilicthesei days.kit(ndit i ceasy to gussthe- reaxon. prvideld xii iat- tnddthtii rc-k cph cit-ituxtr la igt'Tie criat traieriiint hapyr beaue hefri-sthen c xxiee %cl b...…

March 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…The. Michigan Daily Vol.. XIX. AN'N ARI (M, M K I I ICIAN, 1t'I:,I):\ SI). Y MARCH 3. 1909. Ho~ C.TW R NWI iFI NE ()F U NIii 'I GO 1 11)1 i"S1 SPEAK~IS 'FR1~ID~A'Y hts~14 botittr. it S t-e'c Address on "Diplomatic Life and 1I tinit h~ic theabene t it' ~ rl i~ ae rt t-ntte'tttlunt for iiii Diplomatic Ways'' Is Ninth secitt. I1 ast ohi S. L. A. Number. l'eritt;. ete t'" bliitr ltes't hi m- - elf to tbe titteittittie ConCitt e i s t _ ...…

March 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…77- .yy '". ('D r:" -. j .-,- ..r C: , ' , ,,, r'; ~ , t , ." J t; .J .- n l; ^ (" ; , 77, rz, v3 ! e--f ry "S ! gip' 7 ... t , . .._. /"i 'r~^ (^ n r^ J" J: l"; ,. :Y.. ' ' '1 ; -f-' r:. ='' .r' '; ,-. , . ! D :-5 . -.- Q :. rj " , _. r~ r; "" C" f ~ ^ r: y~ r; r , 'r: r' .: . v , .- (; y r> J: n n r> r- rte. C - r :,; ... ,- ^ w v fem .; "- ..'. li r ! l .-. .- u fV :, j ! :! f ~ ,. ("' 1. !, r'.1 -= "/ M -.- "^ _ ^ ' -^+ ' 7;, r'. r 'l r. (...…

March 05, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…The Michign Daily M\\1Cti1t1CAiNIii \ ,~lD R CD il)(X)r' Vot.. AA.. . .......... . .......... .. "NOT THIS YEAR" BUT NEXT--MAYBE Prof. Patterson Intimates That Michigan May Formally Re- enter Western Conference. n~m ad ukcd or 1prmisiontoiienter team inthis5yer', iCnferece ime t, Prf.G srg \\ Pa sttissntof lihe Nl- 1g the ic oai llii Con troililIst ight pracicaly ad itte th t ielationiifl S i miii'i ti more siindimttre fsfsuuly tand that i...…

March 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily T Ot. lA A\\ ARBORl.'ifIClIlIf .\N, S,,TLI)1-M, MA R II 6, 11)09. BUCKEYE WARRIORS SHLASI P)I~al TO lYIEET VARSITY fan(hlilt iofiSof iiit theI\iriftzii, ' ' " if i iti i tltedan onettwichtiets~k' . \o. x w AREN'T THESE, MEN THE MEAN THINGS? Now They Don't Want Real Cho- rus Girls in the Union Opera-- Horrid Old Sticks, So There! C') _(p ra oes area 11not for ils Last Basketball Game of Season" Played This Afternoon; Tea...…

March 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

… " E.r wJ b a f t?~ C I- * - H J P, _ --.. .-i .J f '1. - ' J. J - _ '_' i r r L _ '~ _ . _ !1 Ja f J , 'r. y f. ,y ,r _ eti J ^. ', { .v 'f 1 J "l. ,i-+ J a .- v :f .. i ^' J :7. _ J .-.. _ I J :.J .-- ^. r I . ;, r ,. -, - i' ' V f .- ti f: 'f. _ :f '1. v ' ~ J J .. .... n - of " J': _. : -- , ; , , .= .. f. . . f. --- r, f. ., . J '/. " :/ J .. J . n "' '- c f. ;a r ,_, r. 1. C!, _.. .J. f i . .-, r, .. r : f :J .- = . ! 1 .- of "'...…

March 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…TheMiia Dal NV )\ , \ j .l (K NI( t_-A\ I N I . N NI (IsP:"?1.).1T,.Y!,7.1 l'tx. BAIRD ANNOUNCES I HIS RESIGNATION P~redicts Bright Days For Ath- letics--Basketball (Jets An- other Chance. _ nn10l i'twill h ra1c. L s t t>h , ftt the (n t 111c, r. Lird de--it 'fte1>ts i cd mc e rh 1 - tti ( lc ' n rit itte inns< te di r.ta~ i to c lin c ll he of ice 1i1oc id M r. R il-( "1 ave ried t() c°-unt f unil JUt W l l p 1c lk inithe a,;cciat()n nd m...…

March 10, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 113) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga'n Daily AN \RBOR, ?I1ICI§A , VIIDNESDAYI lMARCH i o o( ) ) o.13 Vol-. XLX. No. 1 r3. TROUPE OF NEW ZEALANDERS VARSITY RECORDS MAY BE LOWERED Annual Indoor Varsity Meet on Saturday Night Will Giive Lie on Prospective Material. il be 11e1d SIIrdaO. loro, 13, 011d will ;;ire 1110 first 111e1111t1 opportunllity to see the entire prospelctive trac: 1team 1110' rI men1,01 1an 11 1110h thesestar work- 111ces that1 have marked,01 prvil...…

March 11, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 114) • Page Image 1

…The Michig-anDaily A-N ARBOR, IIC[IIIG X\ FF11 RSDI\Y, )MARICH i Itoo)0 NiyI.4 Vol-. XiX. NO. 1 1 . t''.LY1L1, I}}V''1,STARS PREPARE T X LYOPL HVTl MUICTPANDflDRAMA Q .TO UDAY NIGHT ilU1Um u SHINE ON T RACK ii iii ill ily - epetsIIwill COM INEdTOIGH __serieswil bedeliered cibly Prof. Xec- Prospects Bright for Exciting tIcyin St. Xindriw' churich ntext Suinday Famous Actors and Musicians in 11t7:30. 1Thisllellttrethe svh cltiof Contests in...…

March 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…The ichigan Daily Vol-. 1Xin. l\N ARBiORL-t11(1IIGCAN, IARTI)AY, MARCII 2, 1-it BENEFIT SEAT SALE Ml-VIR T I 't YIOTNGT OPENS AT 9 O'CLOCK ,Iin~i- la I ila 'iu kl GREET MAKES BIG HIT' IN STAR ROL&' :-Wed by" fleaultiful Symphony Orchestration, the Nottd Actor Makes Strong Impression. Theater Box Office Opens Hour Early to Accommodate Crowd;, All Seats to be Reserved. 'Ill iesre tet -salt for the and it-it i performance at I-thelajuttic th...…

March 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…The "--ichigan Dxl :\\Ali()R, IB. TI(A\,SA\TURIDAYilNI. i13,1909. :t i'. v c: r 3 (). MEET PROMISES CLASSY EVENTS Capt. lDull is Expected to Lower (iymnasiurn for the Mile R~un, Fast Men Entered in D~ashes. t r o14 \vtr-theic hlytO 1.1w- f t- c-~t t I'(I f)I- the i, th t ia u b r o C 1111(1;lts for vmsl - ii H lm s r itt lt( ~ tilt-1r t."cot occirds. A.\\miles v ~ t an () beterttttil0 e\i c r uet.h f - lapped.ii :\siiti I e a,(i n t i s...…

March 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN> RIXI>OIIIJIIM\ ICRZy,5. NDAX \,1\ZRfJ.IH14, 1(1)) VmO.. XiX. No. 117. RECORDS BROKEN IN VARSITY MEET New Marks Established in Quar- ter Mile Run and Pole Vault- Captain Dull Did Not Run. l'wo indors1rcc 1101wereIoknland sr 011 ohr;ier n I grof being t \"0Wa'errn l >110010(00(1St(10 nght Da lly 11(1 1114 0111 1of1424(I -5l i n t 111el mile. \ (:o, od dev4e4long int 11(1(101 1P1(1made 11it1imp'o111111e1for1te 1lei (10...…

March 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN \K1li)(Z III._l \ lItIif I~ih f. I ;SD hA M \liI V 6, igy \ 7t.. IX Nit1 i18. HAYS WILL LEAD BASKETBALL TEAM Was Unanimously Eflected Cap- tain Yesterday-Track Men to Clash in Dual Meet Saturday. ft anteettng o the hsctbatlcll tetmt Miodalyt-night (tiltit H ayes, guard Va-s cosean captain of the teatt for ext fso.lather, of D erit, tas tten- t i lit for te I itcit, uton hs m t n nie. Ilati- cotitis tflon Cicleille, t...…

March 17, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaly Vol.. XALA. UNION. MEMBERS TO DINE FRIDAY First Membership Supper May Pave Way For Weekly Affairs -Forty-Seven in Whist (lame. 01i01 Fri tcinii l. o o'clock ithe001 membertots will pass t Pin tohprtake 1f1the1 lib~' 13 133 it tmit i p sapp I er.ii T hei wav whic assort 1the. sucess ot " itt - C~ti:. h i nner S i ll be served hi titlity to patae tfiago d n'tltia11 3i11301, ]titi to ltthem ingt too'tie ol Coiniig' 't an alyt ...…

March 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…Daily foi..n AXA. \\N tRdllWld.MAllktllIA\, rllR*R DAlt ARCH\['1 8, iooo. RUNNERS THREATEN VARSITY RECORDS Dull and May Meet in Mile Race Saturday Night-Board Passes Eligibility Rules. 1e brokenilt i l' dul tact m et i ch willt be- hl~d Satura nt ittigt it Watr-i mI gy mrsi i b tteCtt tiam ticap- ail.iine y ul an l- iitla It at I i lli mak"auot~o allmplto ad sttn iMor inces o -te ipese t pleval rco- ul . Th i i ventii oiII i t ">u tttin ci...…

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