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November 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…gbe *of 09a VOL. XL ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, M)VEM1BER 17i, 1900. No. 48. An o n e e tNTRE DAME TODAY ! Athletic Board Meeting. DETROI ALUMNI BANQUET Announ ement The Hoosiers are in Town and Ready The athletic board met last evening Preident Angell Expresses His Love Our special line to Give Us a Good Battle-Gsnme and aifter transactig aome mnorbus- for the Uiversty-Officers Elected at2:30 ne s, voed some ils an . net red___ of frin and a ...…

November 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 49) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2' D T OI T ' U MNI E S IG A ME .H G A D A L Y pETRT ALMNI AME.STEIN-BLOCK CLOTHING _________________ r tisraL edfeFist Page.)- Published Daly (Mondays sxceptd)drig the Ind cai.* of lariing in the cou~try.T r a @p Q q= Colee year, ~ af it i iit t make these advances, I NOT HIK 1HOB5lER K K EAT7 THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN ,auutQ cli ouot do not want a univer- slt}. Te sa'tedoe no wan a ecod This xmae of cloth...…

November 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 49) • Page Image 3

…THE UMVTE3S U OF MI1CBIGAN~ DAILY. 3 {j Y 55- IKNIT GLOVES r, Saw a frehrnan going down the street this morning with his hands chucked way down in his pockets. Can't blame him? Yes you can -if be wore A pair of our yarn knit ' gloves there would have been no cause fox comment. 50c TO 75c GOODSPEED'S 11 AN T .MICHIGAN CENTLRALDON 9T BU Y SU IT CASES larm Clocks S1, -The Niagara Falls Route.' Uentil you se the special 24 inch case we offer un...…

November 17, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS WORTH READING The Cardin Al's snuffhbox. .Ilessrt Harlandi On the Wling of Occtsiona, loet Chandler Harris The blear s Highway, Mfary, E. Wilsis The Lane that had n Turning, Gdbcrt Parker Mlore Fahles, GeorgadAde Alice of Old Vincennesa, Maurices Thompson in the Palate of the King , P. Marfon OCrawford Songs ai the tIorning. Estee Phttlpstta The Isle of Unrest, Jrnri Seton Merrimatn A Bicycle of Cath...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o o o V6 L~. XI. ANN AttBtl, MICI., FIDAY, NOVEM1BElt 16, 1900. No. 48. Announement SCHOOLMASTERS TO MEET. Michigan's Pedagoges Will Meet in t Our special line Ann Arbor and IDisuss Matters & of foreign and of Interest to them. fit ~ 1 domestic fabrics The fPall meting of the Michian For the Nall and Winte of xgoo has S ~ota lter' club will i held in Ans arrived and ,oarranged for inspec- Arbor Friday and Saturday, Nv 30 and Dec. 1. T...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…T1HE UN[VEtS[TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 ~Further Lectures in Higher Cemmer- 5UI, Published Daily (Moteayseepted)tlriagthe OiloTu-day Lymn. a. oovy, Chi- at a Sacrificev Cleeyaae gs isosegnenshdhsTHE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN .vets oeIt iturns en "Deep Watter- j ' he way our shoes are' going will ways," (itnest. Monday anther nt- supieyu nIh rcsta MAIN OsicB HRANCH OPIEesupieyuadthprcsht Arqu. Hidk, Man. S. Stat Street sid ictltc'r coniets to talk ...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…TEE UMVYEESI IY OF M~ICBIOAN~ DAILY.3 _. ?3 rtr F arfr frF rFF#iEEE IFEKrEtEfr rEE &EEiFFEEiFrrE - E Fi'r9F lE= e rMirr-Crev- r.CE:*.CE:FIEaEIEa:Cimpmf vrp- :vwc.F r wl:s lmits vtc:S.;6'& tc: . flan's Wardrobe Tn.cludes .no. more necess'a' bis winter overcoat. Some little difference in * haps you would like to ex patterns. You may,--if you - - - - - - - - -__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - c.c'vc s cc ss :«s.4E EE "E!'ER:E ':7lEID C'!' siF; : :dt: '"R...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY (fl-MICHIGAN DAILY TALES OF THlE Excursion Rates GO INTO E X= iAN KS W CA RW O mr than MW0 of the mot inviting style for FallY1 ABook of Hard Luck TO ALL WH-O BELEIVE' act ereever'roght ogeher.151 Stories that strictly made-to-tmeosure garmento ought to e bought below the pr LA ordiaily charg we frnkly ay, "lHES YOU -AR. RBY L ishodfroen thCU Le ndayGOODRICHl & DUKE,LAfN & (0 edii ofth Ne Yrk unAet for the Beat railoro on Earth....…

November 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…VO. xi. Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of r900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The eie careful attention is'given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for hbusilness purposes or for full dress occasions. 6. H. WILD CO., rrb L. Washington St. OATH TOWELS AT. ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM OR THE GYM Wilder's Pharmacy 3205S. State St.I EVERYTHING Onr sonle n o ...…

November 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…2 THlE UN[lV h ISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. o e ~*L Oo~tt~ IN NEW QUARTERS. SII-L C(COiIN -- (Continue from fit pooe) Published Daily (Modays rcpeddrigftie 000 lhin liii' itifoul't of tle sfli~flii'iii' , OTili ifOBIR , HET D college yearat lon; hi eore, this reeiliofi is gven i iS-IK H T THE UNIVERSIIY OF MICIGAN spee rio::.'1fo1-le Citiens. Then ito the MAIN OFFIcE BNsCHiOIEev rlthforth anua eonilece- This mas of clothing s cn- Argus Bldg. Main ...…

November 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE UDMVEBSflY OF ?M(BIGAT DLAILY.3 3 " SALE OF... MEN'S SHIRTS A large assortment of Stiff Bosom Fancy Shirts, regular S $1.50 values, sold by all other A dealers at this price, our extra- A .9 c E c ordinary purchase enables us ~ 9 C E c to place them on sale . - - - - - Best percales, latest. vertical stripes and, desigas- blues, ~ grays,. helios and nect style, pocket nek nd, ncot retainer, pair A .61ic0edcuffs with each, sizes -13 t6 1...…

November 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE UJNIVERISITY Oi MICHIGAN DAILY TALES OF THEl EX=TANKS A Book of Hlard Luck Stories By OLARK 'co.Lotfp (YL 2KE N R-e-published fromu the.- Sunday edition of the New York Sun "Any man whe can. appreciate a a good thing and faits to read this book, will be camping ot-that's all." FOR SALE: BY Sheehan & O. 320 S. STATE STREET, You can get 'a HOT LUNCHn AT TUTLE]'S Buzrchffield's Fine Taoring .ra. . Our sartorial skill is eqpal to the best in...…

November 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…4 be VOL. N.. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMB3ER 14, 1900. No. 4. An ou c me tIOWA LIKES OUR SPIRIT. Lyman Cooley B.ore the Engineering Varsity and Scrubs at I Again. CheeruForeMectganoaseWellThe couldand snow yesterday were OuHaeca l ke eyer o Mciana Wlarly codin e to good patce ant Ou pca ie as For Their Own Men-Great Last e4on eoe h niern scoseqence much fumbling and 1W of foreign and Ovation Given the Victors. iociety Mi-.% Lyman Cool...…

November 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…THE UN [VERSITY OF ' MICHIGAN DAILY. ............... 2. ._.EU~EIST f WUGNDIY Published Daily (Moodaoosexcepteddrngthe College year, ao THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MAIN .ORelco I0OANCIF Oee CCs Argus Bldg, Main S. 336 S. Stale Street. Both 'Phones 13. :yeow Stat' 'Phone 123. _ NIANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HANS. '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, - Fi. NB rr~.I~xr. '00 Y, EDITORS: ATBLLTICS, . 0. 11-osov, '01,E A.B. McDoOO.I.,'Ol B W. A.XNKon ,'Ulv,'0. .. MiSs ...…

November 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THUE UMVEESI IY OF MICBIGAN DAILY. 3 SUIT CASES All styles, materials, colors and prices. We call your attention however to our speial Case. It is made of colored brid ti leather, steel frame in top and body, strong locks and catches, heavy stitched leather handle, Irish linen lined. OODSPEED'S' 117 MAtIN K, . MICHIGAN CENTRAL -oooo~~o~++~ooooooooo BEiLL BRAND" 1.1 Nagar FaIs 'l%/e. H*VMndolin .and ulr String costs 'TeNaaaFlsRue"E,~L.INRLX j...…

November 14, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THE UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY CTALES OF TaiE IEX=TANKS A Book of Hard Luck Stories By CL&RENCE Lotns ()uLLEN Re-published fromi the Siunday edition of the New York Stin 'Any mAn witi can appreciate a a good thing and fails to read this book, will be camping out-that's all" FOR SALE BY Excursion Rates INTO GOOD CLOTHES *WE CAN SHOW YOU more than 1000 of the mest inviting styles for Fall and Winter Suitings that were ever brought togethe...…

November 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…Wbe- fl 4 ( 9~ AiL-* VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1900. No. 45. Announcement S Our special line of- foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Win(- of 1900 has arrived and is arraiged for inspec- tion. The nuno careful attention is'given to the styles and fiishs of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. . H. WILD CO, io8 F. Washington St. BATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR R...…

November 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…2 THE C{'NIYER SITY OF MICHIGAN -D.A, L E-,Y . ..H.NVRST FMCHGNDIY (Published tDaiy (Mondt seeped)dring the Colle yer,at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIR 01rrICE BRAsNHOr tee Both 'Phones 13. Ne.w State 'Phone 183. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. iH. HAN'S, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER. EDITORS: AT~HLTICS, - G. D. itt L)NT,'01 E A.. B. tcDotiGA.LL,'Oi E. W. A. KsNI(we '51 1L. MISS L, X. SAstR. n'03 Cus. DVORAK '01 In rviewin lg the work of tlit'' r- ity Sturdat...…

November 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THUNIVERSITY OFMICHIGAN DAILY. 3 . EI E Fg~fE 1E~~irf f'l f it FEE !E***. p-IE:tE9**. ti4#F ESEEle~l Q iSfE trw C***Cw e Notice to Magazine Readers. We have obtained the agency for all the leading periodicals . ~in this country and are in the position to offer them in c+ at about half the publishers price. If you read such ma1 '!* McClures', Cosmopolitan, Pearsons', Review of Reviews0 it * yon to inquire. ** ~ioodspeel's rcc~~cc~ c~. ~ ccr...…

November 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY -OF MICHIGAN- DAILY TALES OF TH-E EX=TAN KS 'A Book of Hard "Luck Stories By CL&ANciOLouis (DULLE Re-published fromn the Sunday edition of the New York Sun "Any man whoe can appreciate a a good thing. and fails to read this hook, will be camping ot-that's all." FOR- SALE E$Y Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can-get a HOT LUNCHn AT Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our, sartorial skill is equial to the best-in the sta...…

November 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…be o 9 .k P aiI ALI VOL. Xi. ANN ARBOR, MIH, SUNDAY. NOVE BERt 11, 1900. No. 44. IOWA .28, MICHl Michigan Suffers the W Recent Years-Iowa's Wins an. Undisputed --Their Team VS Revelation. IUGA 5 irons- was "t it ls 'to he broken, and it fowea Cityp men met this -one went n-s }toiv falsoat it on Miichiganr's 3-ya was onoe toi lhe very pr'ty tunle of several better. As ean afterthooght, line. Browzn takes W11il's place at 28 to 5, the most ...…

November 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…z THE UNIVERSITY 01i MICILGAN DAILY. veisty faney letter paer and pads in Sh oes ti the ine A styles. aphadlertno-go g Ili"____",'.Vain XIISt. Shle'sBoat a Sacrifice Pfublised Daiy (St kleLS t-s ni ittisti Coie sscar, t - _ THUIERST OFMCIGN I ~li~~ielhe sway our shoes are going will UNIVOzESITY CHO i tniAN Anno \ cementsrprse you, and the prices that Argos titdeM t , SSt -i. t.t ae makingt ,them go will surprise Both P I S 1 Ne t-it t ite s 55...…

November 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF M1HG JDAILY. +k33i rE~~ f~F r#iffI tEi 1 rE *ff P**#~sev wttc£vr V9.9E*C* -** :Elw ir OUR STOCK Embraces a number of original and exclusive ideas New patterns of ours cost you 'no mnore than cor *sources. You cannot afford to have your fall su. seein our stock. 'a i wa rIi r lit in fbric andpattrns mon gods fom oter4' made util yu h4' 4' 4' n fbrcs nt satrs ti non or god frmohr Yong4en 11de WAtHINyouNhav i' . .. ..... .......…

November 11, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIV E ITY:0Y--M-fC-- IG - DAILY _. .: U IVR.TY..- IC IGN,.A TALE~S OF THlE [ EX=TANKS,,;, ABook of Hard *Luck Stories] L B3i CLARENCF Louis CULLS~e Re-published from the Sunday edition of-theNew York San 4Any man who can appreciate a a good thing and fails to read this book, will be camping out-tkat's all." 3 FOR SALIE BY Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. T You can get a Excursion Rates INTO GlOOD CLOT" EIS WE CAN SHO0W YOU more th...…

November 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XL. ANN ARB3OR, MIIL, FRDAY NOVERBEit 9 190. No. 41. CHORAL UNION SERIES. onnryactin inadoand will bevie VRST NWINDTRI A ou cm tir: gr a-f work by an F gh rempo- VRIYNW! ERI The Musical Society Announces the ThcAc Ic l i Aca recnb'tyi-(TlS aTksu Conceartsetivolract'snstTtelfn-hTe Squd Taks upQuarters at the Our special line CnetFoIsTelh ea creaing inexpoese, and as it is impos-f Country Club-List of Men Taken. o foegn nd t le -i rumnc ci ...…

November 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…bemm .A of ,4 PaiI VOL.. XL. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, NOVEMI3Eu 10, 1900. No. 43. An ou c me t WARRIORS READY TO BATTLE Winners in the Debate Preliminaries' Mass Meeting a Big Success. llswkeyes and Wolverines Gis'd Up tt'ds1Y tore he ld 'the prelitolinarty jIt1.liehigptn hilts upatn iga aEtti s iter-Soelty debatst tub lite Ir pt the 'tote! aIt ttbe oti s ltetiat- Is i Our special line Their Loins and Wait 'or th1 andutlass' h'.is'Itn It...…

November 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICI[GAN £DA[LY. < P ,11 3. eatists are Puzzled. _____________ __________________ Prof. Itse(lfllif nl a. bone oen he 9 Putblished Daot i 'tnt.a xted'. igthe 11 it e gi ( reat edliteh laeross tie Celleena, at -Stee vaiii la s tat'rday,wultliiis r("<.rs lS tunmll interest am~oll;ng na- TEUNIVERSITY OF MIIICIANi' 111 1s iieer stoesii4Tiol «trie MAtIN O0 ICi ">> e C f111: } 13 l . rtie Weduteselay It t'eleeniY A ga Bid ,MetSt. ...…

November 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…2 a THE UN[VERSI81TX iOF MICHIN D .\I)A. IPsbiished 0 ll y F(Moeuai so.-ntepelsi-sirdgi clleg ya. at THE. UN IVRSIY OF MIUMGAP Argun Btdg,;\1:assst. 336 S.Sae Sir: 5t. Both hlss 3. Ne t'' Ssi o I 1S?:e MANAGING EDITOR, 0. I11. Hiss.'01 BUSINESS MANAGER, V. L EL ssAss.: ' eiiL EDITORS: ATHLEICS, -5..G. 1. HSrisr in.'05 E A. H.;Mlcisessr., 'iri . X. A. K GiT, '05 1 Miss L, K. Silors::'03 Cii ls. DvoAc '05 H. .Wosoxm,'04 W. P. CsiAsr"es.L T041i...…

November 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…7 7 7 i 1 a THE U1MVEIISITI OF M1CRIGAI DAILY.3 Is the main thiun these days. Wgear "Jaros Hygienic Underwear" and you will have solved the p -oblem. G OODSPEED'S 11 - MAIN ST. S. MIHIG i ANN c +c [OS TO RENT .The Niagara Falls Route" C . 4 y.O. . 01 T CENTRcAL STA.NDIARD TIAIE. Nov oil the floor at Taking effect September io, 19o00S GONGFAT,709 N. UNIVERSITY PRVE!'UE etroi Ni ght ..Music Sto.fe, Atlantic Expresso.........7 45 We have oil our...…

November 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…TBE UNYVERS1IYOF TW1CJAGA1' .DAILY. 3 .( *r We know you cain't keep everyhing in mind, but don't forget the itVARSITY .HAT.'' This hat we have sold for several yea'rs past and the quality has never been in doubt. ' ~The Varsity is- up-to-date iu every detail. We urga you to see it. O ODSPEED'S 0I 117- MAIN $T. S. MICIGA CNTRLIThe Most Renowned Ladies Shoes AamCok 1 tThe Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL S'rANnAED TIME. The Glove Fitting, For The...…

November 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

… TALL UNMMSITY OF [~; ORIGAN P A MT ..._ ... T Q 1 X~(4 4~ TALES OF THlE EX=TANKS A Book of Hardy Luck Stories B3y CLaHREEC Louis(CutLEN' lRe-published from fihe Sunda edition of the Now York Sun 'Any man who eans appreciatq a good thing. and faila to read thia book, will ha, camping oat-that's all.' FOR SALE BY Sheehan &Coo 120S. TATE STREET. Excursion Rates INTO GlOOD CLOTHES WE CAN SHOW YOU more thon 1000 of the moot inviting styles fo...…

November 09, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF. MICHIGAN DAILY = TALES OF T"hE Burchf ieldt s Fine Tailoring Trade... EX-WE LEAVE E1"F X NIS, Ouir sartoriat skill is equal to the best in the state A Book of Hard :Luck ot Michigan, EXCEPiTING [ONE. Storiesi ARTIST ICALLT IVECIIANICALLT NET HUSA B CL&E CE +Louis CttlLS-N1 We will be glad to proveit to you, I T U S Y Re-published fromy the Stinday Truly Yours, edition of the New York Suit S.E3 CHF E 106 E. Huron NOV, 15 "A...…

November 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…Wbe Nor 94, VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY NOVEMgBEit , 1900. NO. 41. Announcement SEATS FOR GAME ON SALE Popular Biological Lectures Stagg Picks Michigan to Win. Indictions Point to a Big AttendanceI Fo' sonie lime past there 'has been Coach $tngg of Chcao yestrday Our special line -Choice Seat Will All Go To- felt in he Uiniversity a need for some piked Mkihigan is the winner of the hect rll game w ith Iowa net Str- offrinadday. enerl...…

November 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY 0'OkMICHLQIAN, DPLY. ,Published Di~toly (i~oudaoo:icepooo t todrng te collg'lyear, a THE UNIVERSITY O M~ICHIGAN A rgus BlIg, Man St '336 S taStt 6. Both 'Phones 13. ONew St:' 'Pioo 18. MANAGING EDITOR, .1. HANS, 't1 BUSINESS MANAGER r. '1 1L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - 0c.1. Ilooco. '1 E. A. 1. MOit0000.. '1 ;. t. A. IKot::to, '1L.i MiOsL, K. Soo:6 '3 Coo:LS. DOoooo'0 1. IH. Rtow00,'00 A. P. Cooov'011, The. .subscrt1ipto ...…

November 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE UMYVERS1TT OF MiCHIGAN DAILY.3 To choose where no admitted and whiere are best and exclusIN Ask to see our new .c"s"c..c.r"c "a.s c.s'c :ccs:c r" l C .l'"i i"C- C '" !""' 'iY.R iE 'l l=! "R' "'3! "!' ' ; trashys you knot pat tern s 4' 4', 4' o it ar4' W Style O Oorts or are fostylesI~e G~4' 110 WAHINGTN E 4' -*A0 *a34:aaai a-a?, aaa33 E3 ?3 3333 t 3t3'3a aa...S=-saA a a44ai a.saaS-:- 4:44 MICHIGANCENTRAL TeMs eondLde he Alarm Clock...…

November 08, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…4 THlE UNIVERSITY O1 MICHIGAN DAILY TALES OF THE Burchfields inRe ITailoring Trade...AN R W.' Li I"1iA14IiS Our sartor~ial_ skill is equal to the beet in the state_ A Book of Hard Luck of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. Stories ARTI5T IALLT MECHANICALLY AMERICAN LAW Br CA 'c LUIS JULiONWe will be glad to proveit to you, Re-published frot the Sunday Trnly Yours, Leading scholars pronounce this edition of the -New York Sun .EUG FED 0 Hrn new work to...…

November 07, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

… 4 4 Fi D Vol,. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICR., WEDNESDAY, NOXTE BEit 7, 1900. No. 40. NEW SONGS AND YELLS 6 et evesry point 'we'll takec the-n one ALUMNI ROOM FITTED OUT Announcement and___ all loast. tn'i ~'o iRooters Can Now Yell Thtniselves toigher Alumni Association is in Comfortable Our special line 1Hoarse .-Mass Meeting For Prac i:"acigTi-ui toga Quarters-Seniors Invited to of foreign and tice Friday Nigiit. Mt1l Ml(-igunl is mnarching on. MAk...…

November 07, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…2' THE UNIVERSITY OF I H IGAN DAILY.- . . . - . pulse Diy(111)g 313.11 11 i. ingUt THlE UNIVERSITY Of 4ICHIGAr MetzOh 11. BRA1 .101 i1 Both 'Phooi 3. Nioo srooo 'Phooo' 12 MANAGING EDITOR, . 1H. Ho'o'., 01 BUSINESS MANAGER, EDTORS: ATHLETI3CS, - 1G. 1). }131 1'3'11'01 r1; A. H. 15C1olG1,.1.-ern'1:3. i. A. K'111.111'OS11L. Mis L K. 0.1111111 13 CHI 1,.. 00A'ol0 gully1.,0f1111 Mi1 1'1i1'l11 i1111 llil Iill cht 11111'1ll1'1a1'0. 1a111111113 or...…

November 07, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…THE TUNIVERSTY OF MICHIGAN .DAILY. SoxInnD ts a-Hi lanolrs double heel, sole and toe. O!5 O 7 a G OODSP FED'S MICHIGAN C ENTRALi e-%z wtv f 1 PIANOS io RENT The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRl'IAL.STANDARD'l1E Taking effect September io, 1900 Dieroic N ght Expres.......... 5A. t !z Atlantic Enxpress.. . . 45, ( Grand Raptitle Ettes ........11 10 Mail and Express. ..c ....... 7 P ±x N. Y. Boston Special ...........45 Fant Eastern ........ .... .....…

November 07, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…4. THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY TALES OF THE EX=TANKS Excursion Rates WE CAN SHOW YOU more time and Winter daiting, that inerteterb A Book of Hard Luck TO ALL WV Stories tliatntitlra timani easurne gam ordinariy hargeil ne franhly say= By OL&RENou Louts CtLEN Re-published fromt the Sunday GOO DR I edition of the Now Y ork Sun Aent for the Bet Taionor A.Tny roan who can appreciate a a good thing amd f...…

November 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…SATURDAY'S GAIIE 15 FOR THlE CHIAIPIONSI-IP VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I6, 1900. No. 39. Saturday's Game Will Decide Chain- Lyman E. Cooley to Begin His Lect-( Michigan Section of American Asso- A n1Qnuncem tnt pionship Honorsues Tomorrow. ciation for Advancemet of _____-I Physical Education Meets in Our special ine f (firsuo 1000 sO O t Lyenon residoeny icur a.-lB arbour Gym. of foreign and poenotry il fte omiddleAvt have al...…

November 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 39) • Page Image 2

…TffE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 .. PubisteilDaily (lona.itus -eptetli iuigtte College yea,att THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICIiGAN ArgotBIdg,Ma of S. 3C6 S. Sate Street. Bth 'Phoet 1. Ne'Stae 'Poete18. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. H. HA\S. 'St BUSINESS MANAGE, 1 'ELr-vRiai, 'ittL EDITORS ATHICTICS, - G.C. I).Hesre.'1 E. A. H.1 COCststtt'1L. W. A. Ksiur , '11 L. MtS L, K. S'ttBIN'03 Ct SDVORAKi'01 H.H. Wsoolet'54 w. 1'. CANtes'011L Prof. Davis Pogessig F...…

November 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 39) • Page Image 3

…THE UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. That's Stylish, NA CKWHAR That's Effective. NECKWEAR Oh That's dainty in desigrn and finish and in every way desirable, can always be found at O ODSPEED'S '%I 117T MAIN ST.S. MICHIGAN CENTRAL The Most Renowned Ladies ,shoes Alarm Clocks SI. The Niagara Falls Route."_______ c:ENTRAL STANDARD TENTE. The Glove Fitting, For The Hygienic LT. of M. Pins 50e .to $1.00. Fine Taking effect September so, 1900 Street Jn...…

November 06, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 t TALES O THlE EX= TANKS ,A Book of- Hard Luck Stories By CLAR :pectst Louts CutusiE Re-published from the Sunday edition of the New -York Surf "Any mane who. can appreciatea a good -thing and Fails to read this book, will be camping out-thats all." FOR SALE BY Sheehan &Co. Burchffield's Fine Talorig Trade.,. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the elate of Michigani, EXCaPToING NONE. ARTI5TICALLX...…

November 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY NOVEMBEI 4, 1900. No. 38. HOOSIERS DEFEATED. bnit over Iatley's head. W roled to YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL SCORES Announcemetit.hir____ r lne here 'Hawley fl . ,. , ... ..,.on it Anid stayed. Pk punted 'accu- 00 g- -- -'- Indiana Taken into Campi by a Score ately 4ind the bawl wa delded to ]have Our special line of 12 to 0-Officers a Very ;on out of beern roat he 25-yard line. Michigan 12 Indiana 0 ~~~~oaof foreign...…

November 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 38) • Page Image 2

…1HE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 U .isticiof ;gentlemenl. Road~lums of # I 0 . the St reet might have hboeenxare(ted ___________1_.o aatintle'thing noas didthe MAichigan Publishedl Dail-(Moa s o. pied) deingt1,eI '0 r tire", sterclay henall the1tuiings College year, 'at wEre t 111 laheir liking, 'htt i( is tir- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I stgthat yaollg menl.'io have the MAID? OrFICF BRITOFFICGilE 'iltion irt-liril their being students ...…

November 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 38) • Page Image 3

…THE UIJVERSITY OF Ml1UGAI' DAILY. eli COO EF'FETS----Grays prevailing with tendency to green or brown tinge For tall particulars give us a call. Tailors for Yo 110 WA li ' il D3e )ung Men LSHING ON E a a3a::aaaa 3aaaa3??"a aaa 3aaa3aaaaaa3aaa saa 3 ?,! 3aa"aa"aaa=3-s-aaaaaaaaaaaaaa=: a a a a aa:3aafssII:Sar MICHIGAN CENTIRAL ',The Niagara Falls Route." CENT1RAL STANDARD TIME. Taking effect September io, igoo Detroit Night Exprecs............…

November 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…A TALEIS OP THlE 13X=TANKS A Book of Hard Luck' Stories BY CLARENCE LOUIS CULLEcN Jge-published from the Sunday edition of the New York Sun "Any man who can appreciatea agood thing and fails to read this book, will ho camping out-that's all." FOR SALE BY Sheehanl & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can get a HOT LUNCH THE UNIVE1~RTY 01 M ICB1(A1N DAILY INTO Excursion. Rates 00OOD CLOTHES WE SCAN SHOW YOU monre than 1000 nf the nest inviting style...…

November 03, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

….99016 1 ~ ti 7 -41 i 0 0 VOL. X1. Announcement V Our special line of foreign and ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURfDAY, NOVEMBER, 3, 1900. VARSITY MEETS INDIANA "Happy" Will Fill "r'ug's" Place in Todays Game - Hoosiers Have an Unusually Heavy Line. uomresti- itturilcs the- liii,- wki i k-higau tm ril )- For te Fal andi~i ner a 1900han iii.fir tiniis is ii51tioii this slfti- or heFal ndWinerof-g aions«will siotrbe the i' asii ighat arrived and i...…

November 03, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…Z THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publishe Daiy(Mtttdtnsexctned) dutitts the Cttiioge yeart, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN ORrICP BRANCH Ott-tCE Areas Bidg, Mall St. 336 S. stttle Street. Both 'Phonet 13. Nest State PYoe 82. 'Todays list of fat-bitil gaimes east nd set, furnishes the first set of de- inc contests for titis ears football 'etistsn. (Tonight will fintd two more of the big we'tersit ic...…

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