March 21, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 122) • Page Image 1
…c . o ' C. I a l VOL. VIII. No. 122i. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1898. PR5CE-3 CENTSa. A t 111' V1ARSITY INDOOR MEET. in the half-mile walk. Woodrff was Michigan Academy of Science A t il 's__x__ s eonl and tBrookfield third. Spin elciosjutariedEvn aSccs adThe I-In the half-mile rn lhayes 'h, de- The ilichigan s cademy ofScec S pring election ust arived! Eent a SfcessednLThmh,.'I5witheolwia eetinofethinLambl00holdeainnee-ioet...…