March 18, 1896

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March 18, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 121) • Page Image 1

…lAD 1C t*o r NESDAY . R I 1 8, 1 101. I'OU PAG 'ES-u CJ' ITS. Voi,. VI1 No. 12 1. ANN NARIIOR, TMICHICGAN, WEE MfLIANSrCIEIL The American University. AC~I)TL OiIN P R~Lt..kJ NM OUR TEAM NO' GOING EAST- Ihyc(r zot"o ~z _lil; rtt( PROF. THOMA SGOESTOCOLUM.. lixe.rlsr olit o-i 0,9 e10 CHICAGO 'OUeRt eiAINf beRIVAL. ~lll BIA.-HEPORT CONFIRMED. $HI i~it'y( r iti' tall{,ci chi, 5(? L.)ill we. III fll hiia sel'vItiil t e iea ,ir .wlot Lst of Ga...…

March 18, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 121) • Page Image 2

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ii ~r r f tcic t semi' to have oot beenl. 0s yet, ++l t U+ txcitedl to aoy great extent. This fact W.hasttproed by the general apathy Plisllhedl Dotty (Sunday exceeptetd) during shown at the timte wlien we were the College cc' r, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. tchoosinig the mten liwo are to baIttle OFFICE: Tithes tatltding N. Matn st., opposite for us agatnst ('ticago. Tht' eteates no,; Oficeci ore pnorly-...…

March 18, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 121) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MIC4IGAN DAILY. MCHIGAGCEI& L Good Tailoring - Time Table (Revised) March , 189.e Ma. la E s300 MaY.ei- 8 157 3 No lottery schemes. You pay for what you get and- - Eastern Es.i..1 12 N. s. Lmite... 5 2 CASH saves you 25 per cent. Every garment fitted M Ea 1n Atiantic Es .7 30 Pacific Es-...12 15angurned Thsnsoftdnsaeamgtor . N. Espress.... 5 W, Westers Es-.2 0 'ns uaatedoTosad o suensar mo t u 1. R. Esress --"1 05 Ci. N. Es.-...…

March 18, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 121) • Page Image 4

…THEI UNIVE RSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. THEV ICTOR League Bali will bat further and last longer than any other make. It contains the best materials and shows the firest construction throughout. Every "official" league all offered to the publi san.u Demand toevctor ins'll cas. Our trade merk i a;ura tee 01tineat quality. OVE-RMAN WHEE L. Co. 1o rscf i to loo 'oti. 0 p d~ G.SpldiycG~j tlo o duc to Unfom 0.r0t'cAN, -idO er + 61 .0, 0 w otooo r...…

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