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October 29, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 26) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ~ NN''ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,"' Formerly Alimeridinger Piano and Organ Company. Necw Wo'r oos, - Corner eo JMaii cad Li t 5 ti eels ; ., _ , .. Iztwill "Open the Ball" by placiog a fine stock of tGiitar, a li jo', etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH 'YOU. Find i7"=s Y' M s a SrQ 25 South Fourth Atvene, City. The lateht in itenmarket, matiufactured by Rdfus Waterhouse, New York, Cleveland Brown &4- Co., Bo...…

October 30, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. M': WE ARE THE PEOPLE., $ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,d Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wfarerooms, - - - - - - Corner of Mo (in and LIberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find a7-s7 Y's Lvsic roR, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Owyingo theiExpirtion of Pat t i arsellingNkel<Plte eisteDift Lamps at greatly Reduocd Priees. $1,50wi...…

October 31, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…THE U.' OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE. - te ' ANN ARBOTR ORGAN COMPANY Tr. ~~~Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. , 7r_ New lWoreroomoa, - U orlscr q l nd 001Libel irk . rcefa. 1 will 'lp n the Ball"'by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Bianjos, etc. C C ff -A'''--- The latest in the nmarket, manufactured by Ru/aLs SWaterhonse, PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. New York, Cleveland Brown &C Co., Bdostont, and Cot- ter & Crossette, C...…

November 02, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 29) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. W WE ARE THE PEOPLE. * ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, For"E'rfy Ai mendinger Piano and Organ Company. New IWa-eroomos, - - - - - - Corner of Alain and Liberf Streets. I Will "Open the Ball" by placing a itie stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find TI=Tsrr's M-smc Srom=, 2s South Fourth Avenue, City. Owing to the d piration of oattt, We are seliag Nickel Plated Centre DrartnLampsat greatly Retiuced Pri...…

November 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. |E WE ARE THE PEOPLE." - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,d Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroomis, - - - - - - - - - Corner of Mai and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. --AT- PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find o-rs aE 's M-s:tc SToR=, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Owing to the Expiration of Patents, We are selling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Lamps at -g...…

November 04, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. ?KWE ARE THE- PEOPLE:" - ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY,~ Formnerly Altmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroosos, - - - - - - - - - Corner of Miaiiencn Liberl ~S/reels. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Baianjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find xm vM vsamc SL R Eoc, 25 South Fourth AveaneCt. Owing to She Expiratioantof intents, We are selling Nielkel Plated Centre Dlraft Laimps at ...…

November 05, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 32) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE.: :-- ANN ARBOR. ORGAN COMPANY~ Forerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New JIyocemoiu, - - - - - - - - Corner of' lila/ct and liberty/ S/y-e/ls. I will "Open the Ball" by placinlg a litic stock of Guitails Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find M-U~'s~atS0c S m= N.5 Seath Fouarth Av enue,City. Oawing thaetExpiratinaof Patenta, We ane' wihag Nickel Plated (CanteDrOft5Laaps at areathlyIc~l...…

November 06, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…THE Ull OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE. ~ ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Forerl Almeningr Panoand Organ Company. Ne Ivrr~,8 - - Foro -lyAln -ste in - - - Corner of Maini and Liberty Strets. I will '01pen the Ball" by placing a fine stock of GitarslBanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.I Fin(1 w I..s >'s 2kMxsc awOR , 2Sooth 5Fourth AvenueeC(ty Down to th ires oatison of Pateots, We are selling Nickel Plated Cente Dralt Latops at greatly Reld...…

November 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 34) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. 4K WEAR-TE EPL'w,> ANARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, New Waici'osois, - - - Formerly Alimencinger Piano and Organ Company. Cre fhm adLbiySres I wiliopen the Ball" by placiing a fioe stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find Wis m's Mtpmic STORE, 25 South Fourth A esi e, City.S C O L A NEW LINE OF - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED)185i. a~ r0('OI'RSE, one year. Three foill termis S r p3, required. Terms begini,...…

November 09, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. r" WE ARE THEPOPLE4 x .ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, 9 Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. WresWarcoosss - . . - - - - Corner ofJlains and Librr/y 3reels. I will '"Open the Bill" by placiiig a fine stock of Guitars, 13istijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL_. ASTONISH YOU. Find " 7iizs=Y's HMvntc STORE, 25 South Poart Aventue, City. A NE5W stuNE OF ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTrABLISHED) 1851. 'Strops, COURISE, site year. 'three fut...…

November 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 36) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. <WE ARE THE PEOPLE." +i- ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, ,_ Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroos, - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WWIL ASTONISH YOU. Find W7IsE-'s vMs'mic SToRE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW LINE OY 'Strops, Razor; ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTAIILISHEI 1851. COURSE, one year. Three full...…

November 11, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. E WE ARE THE PEOPLE. K- ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,' Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Warerooms, - . - - - - - - - Corner of Mai n and Libeiry Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find I"zsE's MvrsU ffSToRE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. StP( -A NEW LINE OF ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1851. yCOURSE, one year. Three full terms )PS...…

November 12, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 38) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. 'vWE ARE THE PEOPLE. -Aj ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Form "erly A iendingor Piano and Org-an Company. .New Woo erooois, - - - - - - - - - Corner oJ thin and Ll iui I yStreets. I sill "'Opein the B3all' by placintg a fine stock of Guitavs, anos~, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. F'indil Thizs wm s uMsmc s'romE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW tINE 0F5 - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. St ro ESTAB3LISHED l85t. COtICSE, onie year...…

November 13, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 39) • Page Image 4

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. j"ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY A7 TT7_ ~~~~Formerly Aimendinger Piano and Organ Company.r 9i; xnc .ffew lya er oon,18- Locr fplazcesa e Lite'rtl~lq resrr. I will '"Open the Ball' by placlllg a fbe stock o1fCGuitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU.; 2l5 Seuth Fourth Avenuee. City. -A NEW LINE OF- ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. .Stro I ESTCABLISHED 1 51. {(OURtSE, one year. Three faill terms J"" ) re...…

November 14, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF H. DAILY. SWE ARE TH E', PEOPLEJ, "..= ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. AeNci-c Yoms,-00208, - - - - - C'ornof' 01 2la and Libei ly Streels. I will 'Open the Blall" by placing a linle stock of Guitars, Baiijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL. AS'TONISH YOU. F'iind 72 TTTs:-t :s ,.xsmxc S-zc=, 25 touth F6irl Arenue, City. Strc A NEl+.i NE OF - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTAB5LISHED 1851. "COURSE, one year.- T...…

November 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE. <:- ANN ARBOR' ORGAN COMPANY- Formerliy Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. .Ne W Fr C 0211, - - - - - - - - Cornoer of iMainandoicLbei /,.Streets. Ixwili"Ovn n le. Ball" by nlooioe a 5ie stock of Guitars, I-lios. e~c.I __Ar-- AS SYIH IS A15 CiNl,4X BDUiE PRICES, THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. TAILOR Find T?"LmE Y'sM vxsmC STORE, 25 South Fosurth Avenue. City.MADE r A NEW LINEt OF I ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. OEC...…

November 17, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~:WE ARE THE PEOPLE.4 ANN ARB0OR ORGAN COMPANY, .i~w Woi erooio~s - Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. crc JJice n le ylcl I xil 'Open the Bail" by placinig a fise stock of Guitarslianijos, etc. PRICES THAT WELL ASTONISH YOU. 25 South Fourth A venae, City. Str -A NEW LINE OF IALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED) 1851. ) ~COLSRSE, one year. Three fuli teriiis DPS } Irequfired. Tberms begin. September, January anld ...…

November 18, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…THDE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE. PEOPLE. i ANN ARBOR( ORGAN COMPANY, Forme'rly, Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. . - A~T ,o, 'I,,~rnr.u o Corner of * Main and Liberty Stecets. lY GGf! rY Cl! G'/'UUT/Ge Iwill 'Open tihe Bail" by placitg a ine stock of Guitars, Banijos, etc. PRICES THAT' WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find TIvwm c Swom=, 25 South PrssesS Avenue;,City. -A NEW LINE OF- "ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Stro] *ESTABILISHED) 1831. COURISE, one ...…

November 19, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. r A WE ARE THE PEOPL.E. < ..-YAN.N ARBOR~ ORGAN OOMPAN\Y, ; Formyerly Atimendinger Piano and Organ. Company. New Wayrerooiria - Corner of aino and Liber ly .M eels . it vvv r " GL/ VI VV!lGU r f "' ' T. I I will "Open the Ball" by placiiig a floie stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT W1ILL.ASTONISH YOU. Find 7i"=9=-s UTTiC S-ZoRE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW LtNE OF0 ' ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABtLISHEJD 15...…

November 20, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. - - ~:WE ARE THE PEOPLE. <.> ANN ARBOT( ORGAN COMPANY, Form~erly Allmendinoger Piano antd Organ Company. New Wareroonns, - - - - - - - - - Corner o]fIilcin and Liberty Streets. I will 'Open Lhe Ball" by placinga fine stock of Guitars, Banjos. etc. Not~ SikIbrl -T-.1 1K.PRIOES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. 1+ind ST"=zsN z' tMvw cSTR= 25 South SItrrrth Avenue, City. BUT -il4 1 A NEW LINE 0F Strops, R azors A,1 ALBANY LAW S...…

November 21, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 1WE ARE THE PEOPLE.' <>MANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Forrmerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New loareroomsa, - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open thne Ball" by placing a taie stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find ' ' 7"=zsY's Mvszc S~om=, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Not ,Silk Umbrellas __BUT- AT, L. NOBLE'S A NEW LINE OF aStrop5 Razor; AT- CALKINS' .PHAI ...…

November 23, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ;WE ARE THE PEOPLE. : ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY Foimeily Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. .New Was c.,oeines, - -_ - - - " - - Corner of' Mine and Liber y Streets. I will 'Open the Ball" by placing a flue stock of Guitars, Ihnijos. etc. PRICES THAT VWIL.L ASTONISH YOU. Find 7ixLSE's 2xM'asZo S=Ox=, 25 BoSt lorihAvenue, City. A NEW LINE OF- ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Not Silk Umbre]]aS BUT- Stormfistaying Ulsiors, AT As L, ...…

November 30, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…THE U., OF M. DAILY. ~:WE ARE :1..EOPLE. -<> ANN ARBOR( ORGAN COMPANY, V Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company._ New Was crowns, - - - - - - C'orner of Ma n and Liberty _Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Ioaijos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL°'ASTONISH+ YOU. JFid 7Ixr2ZsN'T' S 3kv-mw STTC TOR, 25 South O Oarth Avenue, City. Not Silk UmbrellJaS B UT -A NEW LINE OF- } iALBANY LAW SCHOOL. AT . L NOBLE'S SIGN...…

December 01, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 49) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE.~ - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. .New Wfarerooms, - - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and Libei St 3reets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. N tSl m rla NoAT-kUmrela PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find i TsmY'm s MymwcSTORE, 25 Seuth Fourth Avenue, City. A NEW TINE OF- -Strops, R azorc AT ALAYLAWC SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1851....…

December 02, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. It V WE ARE THE PEOPLE. "ANN ARBOR( ORGAN COMPANY,-A Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Win eirows. - - - - - - Corner of Main and Liery Streets. is ciLV " r u,/ U! vviicc7 a --- .. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find IISE v' mc SOm, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Not Sil kUmbreI laS -BUT- rALL NOBLE'S StP -A NEW LINE OF ALBANY LA...…

December 03, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. VWE ARE THE PEOPLE. " i = ANN' ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, T Formerly Ailrnend ger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroonis, - - . - - - - - Corner of/ Main and Libec ly Streets. I will 4 Open the Ball", by placing a ine stock of Guitars, Baunjos, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find ~I~~yM~Taec Sz = 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Str A NtEW LINE (OF - ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 151. )C mCOt'lSE, one year. 'Three full t...…

December 04, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 52) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. L: WEARE THE PEOPLE. MANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY,; Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New J1ctus ij 00 - - - - - - - Cornesof Main and Libe ly# Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a ine stuck of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find - -=sE Ys Mvsea-nw m 25 South Fouxth Avenue, City. Not bilk Umbrellas Stormf S1ayilli Ulsiors, -Strc -A NEW LINE OF- 'ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. E~STABLISHEDi l8...…

December 05, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ll- WE ARE THE PEOPLE. "-> ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Alimendlinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroon, - - - - - - - - - fiorner oJ lit ison and Liber-ty Streets. I will 'Open the Bill" by placing a fille stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRIOES:THAT. WILL ASTONISH YOU. Fled 'S7 7=zmE 'sM vtmc Sromm, 25 Seuth Fourth Avenue, City. Not ,bilk Umbrella3 Stor stainBU sT rs AT A. L, NOBLE'S SIGN OF THE RED STAR. A NE...…

December 07, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE P2OPLJF. ANN ARBOR7 ORGAN COMPANY," "'Formeorly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. Ae~sW Warerooms, - U'orner ofJIV d hl'and Libert SIureets. I will 'Open the Ball" by placing a liii'stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRIOES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU_ Find -z-2rEii -a-z ~mc SwomE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. .!. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABLISHEDS 18.51. Take a Camera i COURSE, one your. Three full terms 1 requi...…

December 08, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE. ARE..THE- PEOPLE., < ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,~ Formerly Ailimneinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wareroonis, - - - = K _ - - - - Cornaer oft Main and Liberig Streets. I will "Open thie Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find -,u' ai9E-zs Sivc , o~E 25 South Fourth AvenuoCity. Not ,bilk Umbrella3 -BUT- ALBANY LAWs SCHOOL. ESTABLISHED 1851. 'COURSE, one year. Three f...…

December 09, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. b: WE ARE THE JPEOPLE. -<: ANN ARBORI ORGAN COMPANY,, .' oVrmrt y Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Woi croouia, - - - - - - - - Corner of Main and LibertIg Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing'a ine stoclc of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find %"V Tzsm-'sM vomc SOR 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Not bilk UmbreIlaS ,Siorm S Utg0s r, AT A. L. NOBLE'S SIGN OF THE REiD STAR. Take a (Cam...…

December 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. "WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ~ e ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY,-A Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. At H C .r" ,,. -~c _- - - . (Crner of laeins and Libety to reets. Ivew vyaa'erooms, wul ltul t,./ -- -,.- -", ,v - -v -. vv wi yr arvrrcV 1will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. NOBL1Er PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. SMKN NE.EATDSLYO Find 7zsE Y's Mic S'rm-7 25SuhFut vne iy SMOKING JACKETS...…

December 11, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE ,PEOPLE.: - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. NVew Worcrooiis, - - - - - - - - - Corner off- Main and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball'" by placing a fire stock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILLI ASTONISH YOU. Find N7JUiismY's Mvy~c Som 25 South Forurth Avenue. City. Take a eamera wlith You Whens yu so losr o r Chrlli'iis as. iISY ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ElSTABL...…

December 12, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE.: 9 ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY e Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. New WarooGOO, - - - - - - - - - (orer of Man and Libertq Streets. I will "Openi the Ball" by p1'acing a lioe stock of Guitars, Bansjos, etc. O L PRICES THAT WOLL ASTONISH YOU.1_MKN A LGN lI LYO 25 South ourth Avenue, City. i SMOKING JACKETS LAT COL -AN D ALBAN L1A COOL.NOVELTIES -:- IN-:- NECKWEAR ESPIAIiLISIIE:D 1851.1 1. TaeaC...…

December 14, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 60) • Page Image 4

…THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE .'->"'ANN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY Formerly Almondinger Piano and Organ Company. New Ivarerioooiiie - - . - - - - Comne) of 'Min and Libei°t y S greets . I will "'Open the Ball" by placing a fide atock of Guitars, Blanjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find - -7-T sm-s M' TSC STORE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. NOB3LE IS MAKING AN ELEGANT I)ISPILAY O)1 SMOKING JACKETS -AID D- NOV...…

December 15, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 61) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'WE ARE THE PEOPLE. /r"ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Wveo og01/, - - - - - - - - C'orner of Mainm ond Liberty Sireels. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a ine stock of Guitars, B~anjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find Z-=zsE m'' 1 /Tyu-sic S m 25 Sooth Foarth Avenue, City. 'LAYLAWY SCHOOL. ESTlABLISHIED 1851. Takea Ca eram'2ea (COIURSE, one year. Three full terms arne...…

December 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. - ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY,J~ Formerly Alimendinger Piano and Organ Company. orew /a cVrroooss - - Corner of Afootz and Liberty/s S/i ccs. I will 'Open the Ball" by placing a flee stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- Find -TMn. SEY c MTTS STOR=, 25 South Fourth Avenue. City. ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. NOB3LE IS MAKING AN ELEGANT DISPlAY (I SMOKING JACKETS -AND- NOVELTIES -:-.IN -:-NECKWE...…

December 17, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE. THE PEOPLEI1 1w A NN ARBOR~ ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. New Warevaaass, - - - - - - - - Corner of Mlain and Liber, Streets, I wll Ope te Bll"byplacing a finle stock of Guitars, Banjos. etc. -A-- N )B L E PRICES THAT WILL. ASTONISH YOU.1IMAN;ANEGNTDSLYO Find Tmx~'sp o-ww S ZOmm SMKIGA LEATDSPA, 25SuhFourth Avenue, City. ISMOKING JACKETS 'ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ESTABISIHED) 1851. Take ...…

October 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…THE TWO SA1'h AGENTS FOR- -"YOUMANS" AND KNOX Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnist Call and see sus. THE U. OF M. DAILY HATS. (+.- The J. T. Jacobs Co., hin~s.The J. T. Jacobs Co., ANb2 MI The J. T. Jacobs Co., j 27AN MI ST., ANN ARBOR. . 11.'Tz. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of ILight Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly Reduced :Prices. AnAroretaii JaIDfry, C 0 ".A T. GEOGE Moore WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.I FOR HA...…

October 17, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 16) • Page Image 5

…TH--E-U. OF.M. DAILY- --AGENTS FOR- __________* 6i "YOUMANS" AND KNOX HATS. cam The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishings. The 4. T. Jacobs Co., Call and see us. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. 1L... 3L1'lZ. N. 1.-WVe still have a nice assortment of ILight Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. All Arbor Ntaum JWHO,' Y~ COG A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Mooe a pear) + + WORK CALLED F...…

October 10, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE. , - ANN ARBOT ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. ANw Waeroomas, - - - - - - - - -. - Corner of M iao and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, BIanjos, etc. W DB 00D Rown,----- PRICES THAT WILL. ASTONISH YOU. Find i7~aLs Ys \/ smc SToE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Oewing-to the Expiration of Patents, we are selling Nickel Plated Centre D...…

October 17, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 16) • Page Image 6

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. WJWE ARE THE PEOPLE. : ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY, Formarly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. few WarerooMs,- - Uorner of Aain ana ee res-e ay I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. O Rfl r wA E U~ D~ R FOR THIS WEEK. Piqud Bosom, Utica Muslin. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. A S-rTI-1->t}4 Find Z"s Y Mvsirs zo Ro , Cheap at $i.oo. OUR PRICE, ONLY 69 uENTS. 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. A...…

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