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September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…R DIC LS 0 THE RISE See Weekend Magazine Ninety-four Years ofOi.411t' tu ffl lUtopian Mostly snywt ihi h Editorial Freedom IIupper 70s. w high in the Vol. XCIV - No. 20 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 30, 1983 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages ' U, minority progran By GEORGEA KOVANIS In a centralizing measure they say will reduce duplication and improve services for minority students, officials yes...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 30, 1983 U.S. Marines to stay in Beirut WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Senate, averting a constitutional clash with President Reagan over the War Powers Act, joined the House yesterday in agreeing to let him keep Marines in Lebanon for another 18 months. The 54-46 vote followed the defeat of Democratic amendments that would have limited theMarines' deployment to two or six months. Some lawmakers also e...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily -,Friday, September 30, 1983 - Page 3 175 marchers protest 'U' defense By PETE WILLIAMS A silent candlelight march to protest defense research at the University at- tracted more than 175 people Wed- nesday night, far more than the demon- stration's organizers had expected. The march, which was held in com- plete silence to heighten impact, began at 11:15 p.m. in front of the Public Health Building where University researc...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Friday, September 30, 1983 The Michigan Dily -I Sinclair -__ Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan / Vol. XCIV - No. 20 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Registered apathy O N THE surface, Rep. Gerald Solomon's wedding of financial aid to draft registration seems to be working. Beneath the surface, however, there seems t...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…. a.:a A- ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, September 30, 1983 Page 5 Cooper makes Fred By C.E. Krell 1 ONSIDER, if you m dollars (all in paper perhaps in coinage). Then, think about fifty cents. May think about fifty cents too here we will throw it into th the aforementioned four d what we have here is four fifty cents. What are we going to do w dollars and fifty cents? Fi give it a shorter name. P "Fred." Fred is our friend, demands ...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 30, 1983 Can you get what you want? By Susan Makuch IT HASN'T happened to us yet, but just wait. There will be a moment in time, maybe in five or ten years, when we will be revisited by a figure from our past - from our college days. It may be a word, a phrase, or a song that strikes a certain cord in our memories. It's the chill that runs up and down your spine that indicates that we do, ind...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…NiluirsoaS Prand Names for Less! The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 30, 1983 - pag 7 ,, Opens Monday, Oct. 3rd in the Arborland Mall. The looks and labels you like ...for less t a ", t r a Starting Monday, you'll find quality- brand name, famous maker and designer clothes at substantial savings every day. Marshalls offers the latest in designer jeans and famous name jerseys. Blazers, skirts, slacks and shirts. Jogging suits and athl...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 30, 1983 . .. - . - . -. . ' - .---.-. . .. . -s--. ~ - - - ~... -..' .- --.. -- - -.. - 4 - . - .... . . " . .. , I , I, IT -: 'd Cafe Flesh (X) "LZst TAni O in Paris (x) II If you find: your name in today's MICHIGAN DAItY classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES . ,. x, - a "DALLAS SCHOOL GIRLS" and "OUTLAW LADIES" BOTH (XXX) 00His Hang...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 9

…Women need business look, consultant says Daily Photo by JEFF SCHRIER At the Michigan League last night; Heiko Oberman, a history professor from West Germany, says Martin Luther has been portrayed inaccurately. History has hidden relLthrpof By JAN RUBENSTEIN It's been 500 years, but the debate still rages. Scholars from around the world, who came to the University this week to attend a conference marking the 500th - Snniversary of Martin Lut...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 10

…4 SPORTS ParcheezIeS5 Page 10 Friday, September 30, 1983 The Michigan Daily Bergeron takes Schlopy's FG jo _ M 4 ' FREE MEDIUM SOFT DRINK -with purchase of a LASAGNA DINNER expires 10-8-83 1000 Bob Bergeron will start tomorrow's Indiana game as Michigan's place kicker for field goals and extra points, kicking coach Alex Agase said. Bergeron took over for Todd Schlopy in the second quarter of last week's game against Wisconsin. Sch...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 30, 1983- Page 11 Ol mpic field camp toughens u err By LISA NOFERI On paper, junior Jonnie Terry appears a veteran in goal for the Wolverine field hockey team. But men- tally, it's a new season for the dedicated athlete who spent the summer in a regimented training program. "I didn't work in order to train," said Terry. HER SKILLS were polished this summer on two levels. One is nationally, where she was ...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 12

…1 T a 4 e 12 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 30, 1983 wommomamm- nor"'' --- MONO scr beer. We kol ovs B richcosts so much of % r od Aq ° tprduvsa $,'e a7' s ° fee O iuf i0dh~n 0 S4) 9 I sof eballrplayoffs0nev 4 r t 4 4 4 ar It's playoff time again for intramural softball, and a host of teams are screeching into the post-season with perfect, 2-0 records. For the Fraternity, Independent, Graduate/Faculty/Staff and Reside...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 13

… -J L. 0 E 0 -J 0 -t i2 U L I r 0O co i - 0 'I, , , rt- f 0 I- a) Mv so L 4)' I.. 0) J0 ca vu 'U' Cal UW E/A - - C > IE O O Ce!Ec N W i 2 T CO a c C U 0 t a y 4y . 0 E V W 'ED WI W V ZU L ;jvi I-I Ci LD In a(. Q . C i _' 1 OJ j O C'U m Vf LD f) W rt 00 Or~ Z I i If …

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 14

…v"yY jy+ i U'l nricc fix} F J 0 d x . q:vr Kiwi y .l .r .. f..:_v....... ¢ . COVER STORY Page 1 Rising radicalism With sit-ins, vigils and marches, a growing group of student radicals is demanding a less secretive University. This week's cover story looks at their right to overcome Pentagon influence on campus, apathetic students, and their own image as throwbacks to the 1960s. Cover photo by Doug McMahon. MUSIC Page 3 Musical Menagerie It ...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 15

…vi s IRW lw w mr IW 7 PSN from Page 1 beyond rallying on the Diag and speaking to dozing regents. "It's very frustrating going through the system-you feel like you're beating you're head against a brick wall. It seems like the radical approach is more to the point," says Valerie Flapan, an original PSN member who participated in the sit-in. Now in its second year, the group has grown to about 50 members and is gearing up for more in...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 16

…w w w w -Iqmp- -qmp- -mmr- -Ilw- -qwr- -Iqr -Iqmp- mp-- -Iqmp- Seiture s h The big thrill Lawrence Kasdan An interview with a University alumnus By Susan Makuch < 'COLLEGE IS the best time of ,.. your life ... You'll look back on those years forever ... Your college friendships will last a lifetime... " Sounds familiar, doesn't it...Parents and older siblings continually deluge college-bound relatives and friends with their fade...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 17

… 9w e~ tdrdntf mr 1w" W-F . MW m .. ... ...............}.fff.'............ .... .. . ......... .................:: . . . . . . . . . . . ..:".:.". ..r:4. . . . . . . . . . ..... ...... ..}::::..":":::;:.":..". . ..r....:... . ......"..::. . . .... .. Refried rancho Chi-Chi's Restaurante 3776 S. State St. Hours: Monday-Thursday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-12 a.m. Sunday, 11 a.m.-10p.m. By Barry Witt I T ONLY TOOK me a summe...…

September 30, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 20) • Page Image 18

…w w w w w T T -qw lqqp- lqw e -i t view of Rudolf Steiner's Spiritual Science (Anthroposophy). The Rudolf Steiner Institute (1923 Ged- des). Call 662-6398. Also, see Mon- day's listing. Free. .:;.;:..;;::....... : I ' .......... ... ..... .. I I Bars & Clubs Ashley's (996-9191) - Guitarist Jim Carlsen mixes today's sound with some favorite folk tunes. The Earle (994-0211) - Jazz-with bassist Ron Brooks and his trio. The Habitat (...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-four Years of Editorial Freedom I P 4an iitai1t Smashing Late night fog lifting by morning with a high today 80. . Low tonight in the 50s mid- near F Vol. XCIV- No. 19 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 29, 1983 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages -,--I 'U' works to improve 'secondary schools By LAURIE DELATER The University reaffirmed its comm- itment to improving secondary education in Mi...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 29, 1983 Burford testifies before conunittee WASHINGTON (AP) - Anne McGill Burford testified yesterday she might have made a "flip remark" about the Environmental Protection Agency's role in the Senate race in California last year, but she denied withholding a $6 million cleanup grant to thwart Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., the Democratic candidate. Burford made her first appearance before a congr...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 29, 1983-- Page 3 I Abortion rally draws 4,000 LANSING (UPI) - The anti-abortion movement flexed its muscles yesterday drawing 3,500 to 4,000 supporters to the Capitol in the largest demonstration seen here in at least three years. "If the crowd today is any indication, this is the year we're going to be suc- cessful," Rep. Michael Griffin (D- Jackson) told the cheering throng that gathered on the Ca...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…C OPINION Page 4 Thursday, September 29, 1983 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCIV - No. 19 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Bi Ten take a bigger step A NEW BIG TEN proposal barring freshperson athletes from competition would be an im- provement over the existing eligibility requirements, but would fail to solve many of the stud...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…The Michian Daily - Thursday, September 29, 1983 - Page 5 i AP Photo Gone fishin' A fisherman casts out his line into the Detroit River yesterday, while the early morning fog clears to reveal the Windsor skyline on the opposite shore.icaivestm entstalled Reagan: China visit won't hurt Taiwanese relations WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Reagan, who will travel to Peking next April, now believes the status of Taiwan is "a matter for the Chinese ...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…4 =ONE" THE FOLKS EXPECT YOU TO ARTS WRITE HOME ONCE IN A WHILE.. Page 6 Thursday, September 29, 1983 The Michigan Daily . HERE'S AN EASIER WAY A push for Love By Larry Dean Tractor THERE MAY not be a helluva lot of good music coming from within the confines of good o1' A-squared, but there's lots of wonderful stuff zeroing in- to the pulsebeat of our fair city courtesy of Joe's Star Lounge. This particular lure is in regards to Athe...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

…The demise and rise The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 29, 1983- Page7 Parker is no ordinary word of the Fle M AY 18, 1983. The Fleetwood Diner, queen of the Ann Arbor greasies, declares bankrup- tcy in a Detroit courtroom. Gover- nment agents bar the doors at 300 S. Ashley, provoking wails of protest throughout the city from regular and fashionable patrons alike. Two weeks later, the Fleetwood reopens, a tenuous grip on existence affor...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily Thursday, September 29, 1983 - . - - . - -. - -- -U - ~ * - - * -U - - - - I. - - - -- -'-9- - - - - ~- _ '- --' * . - - - ~-_* _ _ -~ -~ - - - -. - - - 9-~ - - -~- .,. -~, . - .. - ~ ~ - - -~ -~ -.'- - ~- .a,.4 ~ - - -. - - - -~ - ~,: '.* - -~ -4-- -~ - -~ ~- - - - - - - - ~- - - - - I *~ ~ - - - - - - - - -~- ~ - a-, - - - -~.. - - - - - -,~. ~- - - - - 4- -*~-q- a.4 - - ~ 1.4-. ~ - ~-,., i.-,-- ~ ~49 ~,.-.. ...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 9

… The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 29, 1983 - Page 9 How the 'U' is helping schools W1 2 I W1V TI] : LI NDIVIDUAL THEATRES 5th Ave oatliberty 701-0700 (Continued from Page 1) education in Michigan is poor, Sjogren said. But he contends that strict standards may not guarantee quality education, since students might opt for easier classes to obtain a higher grade point average. INSTEAD OF setting higher stan- dards for all students, sc...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 10

…4 Maize n Blue Student Athletic Council meeting -7 p.m. tonight at the Women's Athletic Building SPORTS I.M. Softball Playoffs Instant Scheduling today at the I.M. Bldg. 11 a.m. to8 p.m. The Michigan Daily Thursday, September 29, 1983 Page 10 Tigers win, 9-5, as Petry gets 19th By LARRYFREED IF 21 birthday wishes . . BALTIMORE (AP) - Larry Herndon hit a two-run homer to key an eight-run second inning as the Detroit Tigers beat the Ba...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 11

…Haji-Sheikh puts best The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 29, 1983-- Page 11 foot forward By JOE EWING Two weeks ago, Haji-Sheikh booted a Ais g o 30-yard field goal 3:38 into overtime to 'Ali Haji-Sheikh is getting a kick out of beat the Atlanta Falcons, 16-13. New York, and the New York Giants "WINNING THE game felt pretty are definitely getting a kick out of him. good," said Haji-Sheikh. "I knew I Make that a few kicks. could do it."...…

September 29, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 19) • Page Image 12

…4 Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 29, 1983 To get ahead, you've got to push the right buttons. Big ideas call for big functions. And you'll find them on the keys of every Hewlett-Packard calculator. The HP-11C Scientific Programmable. Powerful functions, such as permutations and combinations, hyperbolics and a random-number generator, are all at your fingertips. And with help like that, you just might end up with your nam...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-four Years of Editorial Freedom :J.. LIE an 1flai1 Devious Mostly sunny with a high in the upper 70s. Vol. XCIV- No. 18 Coovright 1983. The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 28, 1983 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages GEO, University rea eh accord Contract agreement first since 1976 By GLEN YOUNG Negotiators for the University and its, graduate teaching assistants' union reached tentative agreement on a c...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 28, 1983 U.S. denies, tof P,,ans to retrieve Korean jet E v, recorder From AP and UPI Washington denied Japanese news media reports yesterday that U.S. . , Navy search vessels were preparing to retrieve the flight recorder of the South y Korean airliner shot down by Soviet fighters. "As of this afternoon, we have not found the black box; I'm not waffling on that one," said Lt. Gary Shrout,...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 28, 1983 - Page 3 MSA to hire 'U' budget researcher ' considers By GEORGEA KOVANIS The Michigan Student Assembly last night voted to hire a budget researcher to keep them better informed about how the University makes budget decisions. The newly-created position would pay about $80 per week, and would require the researcher to report on the progress of the University's "five-year plan" to reallocat...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…C OPINION Page 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCIV - No. 18 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Why Watt stays employed SECRETARY OF the Interior James Watt's time has long since passed. He has slighted or insulted group after group of people. The policies for which he is largely respon- sible benefit only big business at the expen...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…ARTS Wednesday, September 28, 1983 the Michigan Daily Page 5 Angry females getting rough Wood' S last By Joe Hoppe : E VIOLENT FEMMES have gone bigtime since their last time in Ann Arbor. T-shirts and buttons are being sold by the cigarette machine at Joe's, and the price of admission has gone up a couple of bucks. They've just retur- ned from Europe - been on the road six ,months now. But they're not singing ,about how tough that life ...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…4 t Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 28, 1983 As a Marine Officer, you could be in charge of a Mach 2 + F/A-18A, a vertical take-off Harrier or one of our other jets or helicopters. And you could do it by the time you're 23. But it takes a special commitment on your, part. We demand leaders at all levels. We teach you to be one. If you're a freshman or o fa i sophomore, ask about our n undergraduate officer commissioning ...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

…I.M. Softball Playoffs Instand scheduling Thurs. at the I.M. Bldg. 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. SPORTS Volleyball Michigan vs. Northwestern Friday, 7 p.m. at the CCRB The Michigan Daily Wednesday, September 28, 1983 Page 7 Lott relishes role as defensive leader By LARRY MISHKIN John Lott is not your typical football captain.f He is not flashy, nor does he stand out in a crowd. He is not a fan favorite and does not have superstar statistics. In f...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 28, 1983 - - -. -.. - - - - '- - - - - - - - ~- . - - _ .. ---- - ~- - - - - - - - - -4- - - - - . 1'- ~ - _ - . - - - -.--, - - ~- - - ~. *1*'*~** - - ~ - . - - ~- ~ - * - - -~-t~ -+ -.~-- - - 'I"- *. - -w - - ~ .-~- - - - - -v.. .' - -~ -. - - ~- - - . . - - - - - ~- . - -w - 4-- ~-.-..... ..~- - - - I - - - -. - ~ - ~ - - - .* . - - S.. ~. -. ~- ~- -~- - * - ~ - - - - --- - - - - A .. ...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 28, 1983 - Page 9 Spikers humble Huron s in three straight By KATIE BLACKWELL The competition was closer than the score reflected in the three-game Wolverine sweep of Eastern Michigan in volleyball action last night. The Michigan spikers toyed with a young Huron team in the first game, coming out with a 15-4 victory. But Eastern came alive in the second and third games, giving the Wolverines quite a ...…

September 28, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 18) • Page Image 10

…4 Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 28, 1983 6 A 54 '4 k k ONE DAY ONLY! Noon'til Midnight. Thursday, September 29. A 4. 7 00l PICKERING 77 Save $58 *$ Save $27E Save$12! AkaiAP2l0direct-driveturntable Maxell UD-XL II premium C-90 Pickering OA66 super-light- automatic shutoff, straight tone- cassette tape. weight stereo headphones, arm, front-mounted controls. regular & walkperson plugs. Save $51! Deluxe cordless tele...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-four Years of Editorial Freedom cl ble LIEw IEIII Somnambulant Sunny and mild today with a high reaching into the 70s. Pleasant tonight with a low in the mid-50s. Vol. XCIV - No. 17 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, September 27, 1983 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages - :1 Reagan pushes for arms talks From AP and UPI UNITED NATIONS - Declaring that "a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…4 Rage 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 27, 1963 Wazzan resigns 10 aid BEIRUT, Lebanon - Prime Minister Chefic Wazzan and his cabinet submit- ted their resignations to President Amin Gemayel yesterday only hours after a cease-fire stopped fighting in Lebanon. Wazzan, a Sunni Moslem, and his 10- mpan Cabinet bowed to the demands of the Syrians and Druse leader Walid Jumblatt and resigned to pave the way for a national unity governm...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…I.) 1 The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 27, 1983 - Page 3 WELL, HERE'S ONE SMALL STEP FOR MEDICINE, ONE GIANT LEAP FOR RATKIND! p1 / v/ j L f. , r4 . ,, , , ,, /r / ,r.. / fir' %j :' 1. M fR ,. li / Rodents to board shuttle 'for anatomy experiment By PETE WILLIAMS A group of University rats will soon be in orbit around the Earth. The rats, a # delegation from the anatomy depar- tment, are part of an experiment on spac...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, September 27, 1983 The Michigan Daily An accidental peek at campus racism 4 By Barry Witt A few lines in a letter I came across the other day told me more about racism on this campus than any of the niews stories I've come across in three years here. A freshman who worked at the Daily earlier this year wrote a personal letter to a friend out of town and was dumb enough to use a Daily envelope to do it. So w...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, September 27, 1983 Page 5 'Zelig:' Success sans zeal - .. By Richard Campbell W OODY ALLEN'S latest film is al- most as odd as Leonard Zelig, the story's main character. That makes Zelig, the movie, peculiar, light, and not par- ticularly interesting. Allen holds a unique position in American film history. Few directors have developed their art so publicly. His early films, Take the Money and Run, Bananas...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 27, 1983 Soviets return items, documents from plane NEVELISK, U.S.S.R. - Soviet of- ficials gave a U.S.-Japanese delegation five crates of fuel-soaked clothes and other debris but no bodies from the downed South Korean jetliner yester- day, leaving the visitors disappointed and suspicious. "I was not surprised by the meager- ness. I tended to think it would be like that," said one of the Americ...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 27, 1983 - Page Then get in on the ground floor in our undergraduate officer commissioning program. You could start planning on a career like the men in this ad have. And also have some great advantages like: U Earning $100 a month during the school year As a freshman or sophomore, you could complete your basic training during two six-week summer sessions and earn more than $1100 during each session Jun...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 8

…Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 27, 1983 -ti- - - -..-- -- . .- . " ,.- - ---- - - - - r-,* ~ - ~ - ., ~ q.. .- _ _ * ~ ~ - ~ - -- ~-.. ': - 5 .'. It I, Cafe Flesh (X) Frat House & All About Gloria Leonard (XXX) II If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAIL classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKET to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIE La cage Aux Folles (The Original) ~His 03Hangups r Are i ,ii , ,1~.1ii ,i...…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 9

…Volleyball Michigan vs. Eastern Michigan 7:00 p.m., CCRB he Michigan Daily SPORTS Tuesday, September 27, 1983 Field Hockey Michigan vs. Toledo at Toledo, 4:00 p.m. Page 9 Michigan Grid Statistics 'U coach sings the blues TEAM Passing .... Total First Downs . Rushing ......... Passing ......... Penalty ....... Total Net Yards .. Total Plays ...... Avg. Per Play ... Avg. Per Game.. Net Rushing Yards Total Attempts. Avg: Per Play .....…

September 27, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 17) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 27, 1983 4 'M' sailors ride the tide By DOUGLAS B. LEVY. Shifty winds, bad luck, and a skilled Ohio Wesleyan crew thwarted the Michigan sailing team in its efforts to qualify for the National Championships in the Sloop division. Michigan sailors Scott Ferguson, Doby Byers, Ben Capuco and Scott Bird competed, along with seven other teams, at the Detroit Yacht Club on the Detroit River, last w...…

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