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September 30, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…/ 7/ T.he Michgn DalI ANN RBORMICHIGAN, \WEDNE~SDAY, Sl-If "I'F>\1C , O[()8i. Voi'. X IX. 1 W T IST C L S will be a potent factor in the runing.MANY CHANGES ARE1I pars111y is thi tru 11A KN A K E thas yet to be decided whether "M's " M N H N E R ttetpfor, l . i'riiinserly AD P hT' B wil b awrded to te whole team; atalofhe ils CAPT. SCHULTS JOB say ratelteoan finishing irt of his MADE U ON CAMU S lir ae igT1!dA n h Ctr,~ 11 J~ eamn will r...…

September 29, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,l\\ \kR II( ICH1 \\ T( I SDAY, SEPTINIIiBI<29, T1908 I \'()r,. X IX. A0. T. _ __ ___.. _...w.. ___.. ... ____ _ __ __ ___._- FALL WORK BEISPO i " l -*9-.tR AT FERRY FIELD Io.Am lt' lii t ink- wh f, allFootball Team AssuredCcr DeDram spite Small Squad-Scrim- mage Commences Tomorrow. tthei-iiipaimrliit Iifi]bencha luae N BIG ATTENDANCE Nov., ler~iel talel, ,mn ~be1.MARKS OPENING ;tt Crowds of Inco iing Students Fift pefe...…

September 29, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…__he Mich iga n Dail VOL,. XVIII. ANN ARMOR, M IIGif(AN, SUyNDAY, S P I'-l BII R 29, rcoi No. 6. V RAIN MARS FIRSTlit GAME OF SEASONP Nose roke Has Varsity Scores Twice on Scrappy Reserve Bunch -Allerdice hs s itVhen it t ias touind t era ta there irasno chace foitati aitoitiof - - htosiitiies J. Pin bg it- rch-c 1-vyit wsdc edb Dict r a - to tostponet the regutilar gattichedulediti to open the. acton titnt salt-.ttntecl scriitttiige etween ...…

September 28, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…* Th MiciganDaily vl. Vok: . AN~N ARBOR, MAICHJIGAN SATURDAY. SIEPI'I\IMRR 28 , 107. No. 5. FOOTBALL SEASON WILL OPEN TODAY Varsity Meets the Reserves This Afternoon in Initial Clash of Regular Schedule. For the first time since the fatal var- sity-alumni game-fatal becas it sounded the tdethi knell of Michigan's chances, bringing as it del the injry to Joc Curtis-Michigan students will have an opportunity to see a football game on erry Field...…

September 27, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…V1 VI.ANN ARBOR, M[CICxAN, FRIAY, SFPTEIl IlLR2 27. 1907. No. 4. A$ TYY~n1ETTT1e I Iifullibak. Coach Po-it anutmee WASMUND STARS IN -latnight that he au ht give the twoWIL E A E IT StiamAs115othtler shot scrimmnage tda FIRTbSRIhIMAE ut inafootalltog"t - ito coarse NORTHWESTERN ______rI iltg ast oHaeSrnetTa Varsity Scores Four Touchdowns Dretoieived a itletter e- ast oHveSrnetTa in Fifteen Minutes-Glraham terdayfom ioiDlartnmouth asking for a...…

September 26, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…SThe ,Michigan Daily Vol,. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TH{URSDAY, SEP TEMBER 26, I~p7. No. 3. HAMMOND RETURNS AND BEGINS WORK Veteran End Gives Coach Happy Surprise - Quarterback Posi- tion Causes rierry Fight. Hfarry Hammond, end on the varsity for the past three seasons, reported at Ferry Field yesterday afternoon and will immediately begin football practice. Hammond is another of the veterans who, with Newton and the others, was not expect...…

September 25, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The MichianDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1907. N.2 Vol{. XVIII. NO. 2. VETERANS JOIN FOOTBALL S9QUAD Ne tn and Sullivan Finally Put ne A perac-ofly Scrim- nmage Today. Wish tite appearance it football re- galia of"Fredl Newton, tend and tackle on the itnft eleven, tle list iof veterans uitott whomn Coach Yost wiii largly de- pentdtt regan the prestige tat was nter Mich igan's,, was practically completed yesterday. New...…

September 24, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1907. No. t. Vol. XvIII. VARSITY BEGINS SIGNAL PRACTICE Coach Puts Football Aspirants Through Drill on Formations- Return of Veterans Brightens Prospects. "1e ecat eat Pennsylvania." Filledl 5withtthe cofidence orno (fetermintatio, Ctoactt Yost ant is Ind 0(( of hutsies hae atretty begun the long grindl of work which has for its cltn- aton the all-imtportant hFent game ott Ferry...…

September 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \'iit.. XVIT. ANN' .\ Rll, ",MICAIA"; 1) \ 5', Si I FI k''' l I k;E::i ts A 1 FIRST SCRIMMAGE OF FOOTBALL SEASON Played in Drizzling Rain-Var.sity Scored Two Touchdowns on Scrubs in 30 Minutes. Ykttc~da.aftrnwn i the o(Il F rr - '11w fitfu w re jtalde fr theiri ahmll thirty i~inn liii () ill ) th l:n i Inll w r ad ,l>t h s I' itl . ' 1. 11 I1II11 l , 'iFsc ,l 'ul ' F11,1 . , iln\,Icinnei c"1 w l t n Wal~ilth ti b live1...…

September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

… -- f _ .. j _ -" ,j r, .. f J ._ _... .L . - j - _ J ._ .., _ " -' . . { l _, T t. . _, r . .. f. I I - ^ J ... ' ... f - L 4, :. ... .o- J , _ , r -7 0 C bA . U ... .j ^i i 'I. 4. r; N r'" 1 f y. _ t - vl Hy MTi r, f. ^ 4 J t r , J r y ~ ^l J. ! . j T ^ Zr r: CA, . S 3 t L"7 J. 4 I 111 ,t E p, 'r J' L o mq~ k*- z , d .:. x: r 4-F Q .. - . , r c yr t / _ v .-, fa , f _ 1 _ :^f - f J + -A L 94 V a U- 7Z: 7Z 7Z: 7:z ...…

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… I o H w o *..- * I Hk'' AA A1 0 .- 'A H_ A .q H- n 1 *:n IG 00L If M1 --- ^ I i H t' t -4- A i y ._ c U l ti v y C r Z t- L C ' 4 L L. b4 > .r H Q 0 p F-- 0. _ , r ' J s , . t. rte.. "' v ^r/ f ; /. . I, ". t, l: J 01 …

September 27, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…a0 00 ~m 0 C') <4 - Ht y f =, :r' ? - _ - r r. - - - e- - r _.. ...- .^Y " ,-.-" - _ - CID _ 'Z 77 a_ 7 fi j J 3 _ r - _ _ r' J - 77 - F - J ,r - _ - - _ - _ - - f - - - _ - - I - - - = r* - - f = _ _ - - _ - - - n - - _ _ _ - - - w : - - _ - _' _ - _ = - - r e - - _ _ r - - - - - - _ 77- Hn c-2 mti 0M J 0 U)1 Now" s , 5 S ; J 'J. r"r. n rr. . " :' ,., -: .. - ' t fi '1. r r Z . ti R .r, f A ...y Z f n . '. .T. C ..i CC ' J. .+ {r I....…

September 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vi.XVII. \JK1,r 3E, \JI'll f; I 1I N I I K iNt. 2., THREE ELEVENS REPORTI FOR INITIAL WORKOUT Large Squad Responds to Appeal i'tl+x1+1 t '1c t t'l'(1 For Candidates .Coach Yost ti' l' 1I '+1L t Drills Mein on New Ruls 11t I I 111ftt1I OFT iENGL+II111(L2t+LLEGIi S I t l'roi l - r i wed 113 Itutltll'i~l -£ii(ltiiii tli I'itriri Is. Ab)AMVS WILL REVISE HALF MILLION DOLLARS THE RAILWAY RA[ES' NEEDED FOR BUILDINGS Professo...…

September 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… W Olt f V1 H ++ y} y 11 J /V/ ! l yam "f l ' . }( it r _ t.t " '" 'yi ^' I - - ' =>r _"_ , . ° -f v , as - it . r ..- ; ' _ - ' _ > s c. . ... . - _ - y yr >, i r vi. ir, .. r, . _, / i r V. r. V v . v -+ f _ ~ 1. ... .. f, _ _ I t - _ ... , . r '' _ "f. _ _. l -- u ..t . . v *{ ._ . f. f. .f - r. - .. t .. '- t .- l I .- r, _ 1 _ a . _ r - '- : - ^f r t f. . ..__ Y, ^- R 1. "" f - 'j= r t , n f f . : _ v J w-. ^ N' "v J J r r : r t .. + ...…

September 30, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N1,01. X\1IT ANN ARB}OR, MICF{[IJAN, All'lASI 'PI'5>5s1HER 30,1905. Nu. . FRESHMEN WELCOMED. FOOTBALL SEASON ON--- ENGINEERING COURSES. Enthusiastic Singing and Mass Meet- ing Last Night-Screen Plc. tures Made Great lilt. Adry personit eio thought there was a lac o sirt t it Usivrstyofytjet-Several Regulars Not in First To be Stiffened-iore Rigorous Re- OHIO WESLEYJ rAN TODAY qieeto bd gertn 0 tm I ttt sttttttts lita...…

September 29, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…f VXcii XVII ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.,I RII). \ ' I'III>lIIn 20, l()IIoNo No.. OHIO W ESLEYAN MAY SCORE ON VARSITY Light Work Given Varsity Last Night --Ohio Wesleyan Comes Tomorrow for First Game of the Season. Owing to the excesent heat andel ac- cnilaminnr injuries to players. Coach Yost anid-iDiretor Keene Fitzpatrick de itnot ttoahave a cilagni last riht ind cnisequecntly tecr od 1hicht journieed to Fcy fed wededttheir wiatunomewanrd isl...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…0 The Michigan Dall.y "o>.. V\I . NN \ AICLII(), 151 1Q11 Ifj-k o.'fl+11I [) , S I. V'II[Ii'.I 28, 105,. No.-3 VARSITY WORK SHOW= ING IMPROVEMENT The lia olr, ()lko fat lclia ". in Scrimmage Varsity Easily Scored Four Touchdowns-- Fullback Longman Out of I the Game. 1 o;Crl aisf atlna ll100101, te -411 \01u te sriulll~e S hld oil Nothl i~t1 ,i; l +t. r uld lit in much hotte c~l~lcllhi 0 tai'hil p~r l'( o -t~i )ihllioro )acla lnc"l c re...…

September 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ANN ARBOR,\ICHI{IA NV\\lDNloE l I 911A B ' I - 27, 1905.N. Vol'.. Xii TNTo. 2 FIRST SCRIMMAGE. "PEX"BEGINS HIS THIRTYXflFT H Scrubs Furnished Little Opposition- -Eleven Men atlraining cable to tery lilcl y IterdylbyCoach o11 Pirekicked -rIff1for11the1s1r11st) a 1111d1 11111after a 111n 1111ne '1mi 11t1 of l1 '[hescu1 swee1hef1gve the hall 5111101af1e11being1u1n111111111111 lnabo 01111110tri lsuredee1 i. afe and lay1 1k pa...…

September 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily VOLUIE XVI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1905 NUMBER 1 FOOTBALL MEN AT WORK IN EARNEST ASSOCIATION DOINGS. STUDENTS POURING Men Go Through Stiff Workout in Preparing for This Season's Hard Schedule. That Michigan has the hardest task in winning the western championship this year that has been faced since the advent of "Hrry Up" Yost and his methods is evidenced by the fact that the coach, although not sending...…

September 30, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…T ich igan VOL. XV. NO R[SEIRVES Consequently No Scrimmage Yester-' day-Coach Yosts Emphatic Remarks-Carter, Love and Doty Out. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY. S>.,PT-IMBLR <>0, 1904. S[NIOR CLASS [ELECION '41W [I37 Y FI[LD First Ticket Alreudy Out-Big In- Brink'.. ull Nearly Finished-Pro- terest Manifested-Close Con- po so dL. c ._n. of Diamted and test Predicted. ( Gridi:on-':Vork Bieing __ Fu hed Rapidly. i--iliii - classc liic r, slurs cstrn tis...…

September 29, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., .THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1904. No. 3 [I[RCE PRACTIC 'Varsity and Reserves Struggle for Fifty Minutes-Graham's Work Pleases Spectators-Another Scrimmage Today. It, 1is0v1'ylevidentIthal(Coach Yos has no in lenI 1101f snding an 1unt1ried leven oup gainol ('ase in Salturday's gatme. as lhe put he men11 hrough a scrimnmage yesterd'(ay whlich latedi nearly 'fityminulles,. wihly (one01 shortbhrathing 011...…

September 28, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daly VOnL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEIDNESDA, SEPTEMBER 2a, 1904. No. 2 FIRST SCRIMMfrAGE. B[ST IN THE LAND. First and Second Teams in Lively a yiNvM t.i Michigan's Engineering Equipment is Unsurpassed i hs Cuty Mi-up-StuartanDDereeShoimt onBuilding - Up Well. ehBulig 1h t vv te t i ~s uildng oi 1Iesi tis-ay aftrnon ths r owdttioI f 5ttti ithlbsstheilirtsi (rsitir oltheci msa ii st aorslai t Perilriy FM sldl hidirhoIistsis tialy rss...…

September 27, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…The< YOL. XV. T[AMr AT WORK. Varsity Footballists Go Through Live ly Practice Yesterday - Scrim- mage Today-The Sched- ule. Just at present in Ann Aror ther( is only one isueo which calls footi much attention from the av rage stu dent, It makes little difference io him who is going to e elected presi dent ut the urning qestin of ths hour is 'What sort of a team are wes going to have this ,year" In spite of the threatening weather over twelve h...…

September 30, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…TheMicigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1903. No. 2 [OUR SQUADS OUT. MAY GO EAST TO CONDUCT FES- EXTENSIVE IIPROVEIENTS NEW ATHLETIC BUILDING. TIVALS. The Athletic Association is now Hard Practice at Ferry Field - New Prof. A. A. Stanley, director of the Made on McMillan Hall - Social settled in qsarters of its own. A Men Showing up Fine - Crowds University School of Music, is a busy Meeting Saturday Night- two-sto...…

September 29, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…Th chtan Da il VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1903. No. 1 IIRSI [OOIBALL PRACTIC Big Squad Out on Ferry Field Yester- day-Much Hard Work Yet to be Done-Scrimmage Today, The first regular practice of the University of Michigan football team went off with a briskness and earnest, ness that augurs well for a succossfal' season and on the whole it was a well pleascd number of students that trooped home from Ferry F 'td after...…

September 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…UKYPIYOF MKIHIANfir^.______ x I '"',1 L i V CUINSELTO E G ~ ~ T 2,51.5 CHEAPL~ LIO"1T 'iE%_ ! - - - j . .. _. ,. _. .. ... ._ .. j .. : U y.. ff t }} t t {,.t 1. i (.t ... .. . ( . .. ( . .., .. .it.l tct. i. 'Ali i C I... C . E.:V . i i ' 4 i :. : ,1 .... ,, , .'' , ; , , f !it Z" ;I i t' fit; 1 .. ilj a+aii jt' E'- ' 4't13 1 1i 'il ('+;! i t' ).]'t. , : illi?'!"a .i):i: , 't Yt)tt:3 t". : i;l li t i7 i+alt ^ , +'1" aE" .S-tij" {''' t ?'t' ,,...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…A ;', GAN. 8 . -S LiI5ApiC-A MOtRE STUDENTS FROM EAST 11t.11 t 3NtI e xxlr ' I tIi ! LI . , lx I ii- I - l ' Ii\ 11 Fill !HMN '"o'iIi 1,"''. xx laxi itixix01x1,11 i Ili V tx ii xxx x 'iIi il. v ix - - o iii lii iix_;x it r r t t . n lii lxAl.- r vi x " ' i ii"I lv. Cannot INow itC 1 _ lEntI-Aer Collegeli ll,1; ,iiii ii ' liii Irix ,xx ' t.~ I . x * ' II'. . a . \ i a i :\ 1 - - \ . i x l.'. \.rl i iu r , i In e ' I L v 'F>x I 'l k P ixllx 'It ...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…___ UHI RSiTYOF PMICHIGAN._____ t{ ilt:{ 4 i . I t 1' I ' '1.1i L 1111 4 1:23 N 'l~D A It. A FAST GMTD LI { O., , RO.VISIONS T Faculty Sho rt. Sert'....... 1' o L ' Yo , L Min vnu ii[(r(l , 1 4111(tlw Nnd 1;t(' t :Ir hm iitp(l 1\" l:r .f '1" chiral Union collcert .Igml . ^wI rt m"I ii (ii' ;'t i itrl' iii' 111 IIs 1I ' 1((\ I r (( 1 114 ' 1 l,. " tr 11 1 T ho :54i Ililt311-m (an IN c Airs(' 1\"i '! E \ ( tl h y I iltr I n t vliii' t (i'("ll(rr...…

September 26, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…I 4 D i rS 1 4 -, ., : I '+ : - -i I^_.. 4 f i .I<' ; i' rr"° i °" ^: J 77 i i 4-4 "Fr t © U2 "r " rrJ n "' "r ct ^ M r^ J . 77 CIS Z:j Ui) LUJ "I. r t: ... . . - .- .-. - i ._ 't. r' l: -fie ..- 'J. e ! ". ! t; :f. j "i. C.... :z 71 tf . , Q1 rY f / "- i't s-/ f . i-+ . C.J w " 1, - . ® _ ut. r t'', r + v. _ n M t "Jy _ ./ .. ._ _ ' , I x in t_ - .,-. - ., J . , - .., ;- .t 1. I - , _. + . ~ !. 'f. '!e ®. '!. U, .. LU. 'Lv ' I ~: :! p 77 . r ...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…_______ ~ ~~~ ,lUNIVERSTYOF MC A.___ 1 4i [ N ) ~ I M 1 o l't Yif F'1 ARo. N0OTIMELO Men\rdH tc l a S ti st P10-i LoP * *~ NE FRAERNIYiHOsE P ii'o~oi tt:.t : ( _t.. f Hot .I oy.h f o-t. ( ioolaAb llEfl1111 iS El i F?1 in a ton Iow o VoiPo \ed Pt h i I '' Oo it I 0 in tite kan dike o I i 0 m 1 I I t.i t O . iWt PiCES. Pteoi'o N 1w ( ill )t T f )f Fi]I\ ;11311 .ice t), 1) ;ice iC 3 i 1'IIr ltl7lit l'i;lt ?1 11it' tIll! tl t.) tl)) New V. of M. C...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…LU WU 0 t -J/1 v Q f} _ ^, .=; , , - ..- _ =' _, . _ -- . f - .. ;. - _ ..' t. y J. - !. f 1. /. ..... ;r1 - w ._ H o ; ; r. . C __ , '' 'It . _. ", -- ,r' t n.. t-i ' "1 J.' Y. , t 9 .- ' ..r , ;. rs, Y ,-- 1- ' ; }'. -.a. -+ t ".Y .. . I P {x s { j mow,:; ' E ' ..... __ .. p I E . C t ) s 1 't c 4 1' : i } 5 y " ';'<J c : , _ 1 ; x i ~x: t Li _: _... d 4 /-.f 3 ,, a - ~n i w ,_ ::_. , :--; ° , a . -; , ; , "r ,t I i ; , := ,~ {; _ < of I ' 4...…

September 29, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…-J. ,. r, 'i. f. _ 'J. 1. ,.. off.. , i ,_ °: f _ ! .j _ j r 7, r Gx , [ i. t. u , . f. V f _ ._. .. - "!. - - 'y 1 . f t 4 . .. /. 77: L- E. T c o C l) :r.o c0 .-r 'J. "/ .... 1. 1 , J. 'f. ' .... _ .,,. r+ _ ' f +K w f v /. w /. " . N Yt _ _ t..n 'l .®. m " T . .. . a ;770 I. *. - /. . P ..i. j_' v fe 'I. . '" _ . _ .. .> 'I. ! : "4a , a ,' w 0 ; : CL p w r " . ro p N N .l-.. tJ tJ +++++++++++++++++++++++++4-++++++++ Q -I (C 'I. + *1' . 7- _...…

September 28, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…v "I-- 'J. 'l. , ' -+ " V H +N _ '% W f '' . rr ~ J ,+ ..a 'r. .f f . ! r~ r + .... F '1 'v .... ^ % , ",,, rte . t.. u :+ w+ :'~ . / -- . j' ,.., _ r ' _ _ 'l l "f. I. , . '/. f --' l V ' ,- ./ != ._ .,. :i. , , - . - .._. ._.. f- =f. !. Y, f. . f J' - y /. V ' _ . 'f. "-- t. '! _ ^ ./. " r n '4 - 7i - :4 's -:5 ~G N p .... ^ ,rI.. r _ -l -" M - T . N. f', 7 7± --, J :, _ _i Ir i.. { ry j. "f ... v I _ i i.:. f l . . . . +" .. hr ,.y . . f y....…

September 27, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…-f ,_ f . >," fi _ 3 _ _ i ' r= %. '= ! .JY 7; 7^ i 7: _ .,R ! 1. 1_ f. o j r. 7. 7 _ f 7 +i! i : - : .. ,. " ' +' «- 'J, +.V I it .. ... ._.. O .. v. - _ :' -' l Y+. "- 7- . 1. - . 'f. y _ - 'I. _ .y r _ .... y y 7_ _ _ _ v .. ,: f - _ 7 =, r .f' ,,- - 7, - . '/ _ _ "" r _ i -" _ _ . .. i. r. - _% . ..i . , .r .__, _ J_ .f .f+ '/. Yf f . ...J - ry i. w f .. .,, _ _ %. _ f. r. :. . y - W f i. i. . _... _. . y " __. '1. i _ _ - .. r _ _ _ : _ I...…

September 26, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…_ ,_. f .r . f. r. w - 7, r J .. - % . -- r. " _ i, _ " ry " f , - 7^ - J Y ....- r.r.e r - rr " !. - , /, G w v. r M, C r r-. r t-+ v tf s . iJ. = r u y -_ " _. t. n ^, , f ', - n .. j '!. "" f _ .f r -. zz 77 T. r. - J ~ - _ _ ^ '^. 1. = r = i. _ '.t f rte. !i, -!" .. ' y _ - _ '/ co w >, . 4.f \ +l " 4.. + v ,. '/- 'J. f"'i. j i. rt ! f .sue ;a. ._ " f '"" +- ^ ^-" ,_, ". _ - ,-" '" of -+ H H _ t r w .A P t' rt C,) ,: - C~ ~ r Ul ' ! ;' . _...…

September 25, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…4 INA 0 0 z LAI I- v _o 0 ax 0 -- - - . . _ _ _ y ,. =r ,_ -. _ -, '- _ u .~ - r" .. .. "' .. .r "-, . .... .r ,-. d. . .f 'I. ._ . .. ,. fir. , "' '-- t '!. J. is ,-, r. .' .' r ._ 'r ._. .... ._. . r ' . . ,r .fV.. r. _ _ _ f. . - r -.. " , _ .. "r. _ _ Y. _. _ !. a _ . _ - - _ , _ _ . ... r. _ 1. __ - - . _ _ e :. _ -- _ i .- _ f l. - '_' _ t. .I. _ '_!. :C -!. _ i : .: t: _ CL .;. '. J. " ._ -: J +-' + v. .. f _. - M ..._ w _ -" rw .-. s l...…

September 24, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…,14 . , "J( DAI-ft EW r T-i i-A ANN 1A1BO1, MICHI., TUESDA. -.'4ITEMllER'd 04lI!,01 Io REGULAR PRACTICE BEGIN. t oach Yot nd His (harges { eed~ an Ox.1.ioH oH Rpx n i eld. 1 xliii xx()Hit pusLille" id 1 000t. xxx Noxi 1ii' fn; Lxxxiii xx I' xxC:-11Y A SAD A CDENT G4 J. Mi x xx~c HFlostei ix I l 111. L xi i to rl xJ . _ 11 j1( ? .{iir 11 "fI ;t l l t l xxx I ix xii " ] -i l 1 111 , li . 1 t~t:1 t xxi i+ '=.I. .':t t ll ~ ti( Il ~ tl' i 'iix +1....…

September 30, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1900. No. i. MAKE A GOOD SHOWING asion e sowed t0hat e can beconme dale on ther 1-yard line by a miser- Anno nce entrattled for he wvao quik at a loss upon able fumblc, ani Meyers kicked it out ______________________finding the ball so suddenly and Ime- to at safe distance. And then Begle Varsity Players Run Up Score On pecediy in his possession, sd touched 'hd jut put it in again within a yard ...…

September 29, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…be Nor Patti)* VOL. XI: ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29,:1900. No. 6. Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrved and is arrangedi for inspec- tion. The same careful attention is given to the eyles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for husiness purposes or for full dress occasions. 6. H, WILD O,, so8 E. Washington St. BATH TOWELS' AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM O...…

September 28, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…Sbe 4 *~ -VOL. X1. ANN ALIBO1JR MICH., FRtIDAY, SEPTEMBER~ 28, 1900. No. 5. Announcement Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter Of T900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The Farmv careful attention is given to tiretstylts and finish of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. 6.,IHe WILD CO., ' OLD 6"DOC" NAGELE Dies During the Ssmmner Vacation-- Another...…

September 27, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… WWI, lill o io i 'e VoL. XI. ANN~ ARBOR, MICI., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1900. 1~ \O. 4. 1 l t i I MARINE ENGINEERING. Football Practice. WOMEN'S LEAGUE. Announcement k __________________________ New Course to be G1'iven in this Line '11let- rowd remlaininig behind tilt' tlll Membership in It -'Its Objects and Orspecial line ataMcliigiion1 to11much better, lf2ti01t1"l' Pursoses Outlined for the of foreign aid h ~~lltit 1 tle illllt ltr...…

September 26, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

… o ' to i ' VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1900. No. 3. PRACTICE UNDER LEA. j Announcement -- The Men Work Willingly belt there isc Our special line a Dearth of Material for the S 'ith te advent ofliead ('ac u m of (freign and Langdoss Lea the prospe toiar a it "b domestic fabrics ning team at Michigan this year ae"' For the Fall and Winter of 1900 has to cwach his methods of handling tit arrived and is arra...…

September 25, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o to 1' k o VOL. Y1L ANN ARBOR, MIR., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1900. No. 2. Announcement I~Our special line' of foreign and BUT FEW CANDIDATES. First Day Finds the Usual Conditions Existant. Yi-i-erI-da vale lirst. afternoon oi f domestic fabrics l~l~i 1feeis il e h ol balseoon of 11001. Froissft abolsle- For the Fall and Winter of 1900o has ly -n(tising 1-au 1)3eljudgedl asto svlat arrived and is arranged foria spec- aliii- lean tha...…

September 24, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1900. No. 1. MICHIGAN SQUAD. more cards and reading and by 9 BIG ENROLLMFNT. U. OF M. DAILY hotel, a quick change to bathing togs, and a nervy plunge headlong into the .SCHOLARSHIPS How the Boys Train at Gratiot cold water on the shore. It is too cold All Indications Point to 3700 This Beach-Preliminary Practic. to stay but a minute, but skins glow Year-The Banner Year. $827.50 when the men spri...…

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