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September 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… W Olt f V1 H ++ y} y 11 J /V/ ! l yam "f l ' . }( it r _ t.t " '" 'yi ^' I - - ' =>r _"_ , . ° -f v , as - it . r ..- ; ' _ - ' _ > s c. . ... . - _ - y yr >, i r vi. ir, .. r, . _, / i r V. r. V v . v -+ f _ ~ 1. ... .. f, _ _ I t - _ ... , . r '' _ "f. _ _. l -- u ..t . . v *{ ._ . f. f. .f - r. - .. t .. '- t .- l I .- r, _ 1 _ a . _ r - '- : - ^f r t f. . ..__ Y, ^- R 1. "" f - 'j= r t , n f f . : _ v J w-. ^ N' "v J J r r : r t .. + ...…

September 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vi.XVII. \JK1,r 3E, \JI'll f; I 1I N I I K iNt. 2., THREE ELEVENS REPORTI FOR INITIAL WORKOUT Large Squad Responds to Appeal i'tl+x1+1 t '1c t t'l'(1 For Candidates .Coach Yost ti' l' 1I '+1L t Drills Mein on New Ruls 11t I I 111ftt1I OFT iENGL+II111(L2t+LLEGIi S I t l'roi l - r i wed 113 Itutltll'i~l -£ii(ltiiii tli I'itriri Is. Ab)AMVS WILL REVISE HALF MILLION DOLLARS THE RAILWAY RA[ES' NEEDED FOR BUILDINGS Professo...…

September 27, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…a0 00 ~m 0 C') <4 - Ht y f =, :r' ? - _ - r r. - - - e- - r _.. ...- .^Y " ,-.-" - _ - CID _ 'Z 77 a_ 7 fi j J 3 _ r - _ _ r' J - 77 - F - J ,r - _ - - _ - _ - - f - - - _ - - I - - - = r* - - f = _ _ - - _ - - - n - - _ _ _ - - - w : - - _ - _' _ - _ = - - r e - - _ _ r - - - - - - _ 77- Hn c-2 mti 0M J 0 U)1 Now" s , 5 S ; J 'J. r"r. n rr. . " :' ,., -: .. - ' t fi '1. r r Z . ti R .r, f A ...y Z f n . '. .T. C ..i CC ' J. .+ {r I....…

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

… I o H w o *..- * I Hk'' AA A1 0 .- 'A H_ A .q H- n 1 *:n IG 00L If M1 --- ^ I i H t' t -4- A i y ._ c U l ti v y C r Z t- L C ' 4 L L. b4 > .r H Q 0 p F-- 0. _ , r ' J s , . t. rte.. "' v ^r/ f ; /. . I, ". t, l: J 01 …

September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

… -- f _ .. j _ -" ,j r, .. f J ._ _... .L . - j - _ J ._ .., _ " -' . . { l _, T t. . _, r . .. f. I I - ^ J ... ' ... f - L 4, :. ... .o- J , _ , r -7 0 C bA . U ... .j ^i i 'I. 4. r; N r'" 1 f y. _ t - vl Hy MTi r, f. ^ 4 J t r , J r y ~ ^l J. ! . j T ^ Zr r: CA, . S 3 t L"7 J. 4 I 111 ,t E p, 'r J' L o mq~ k*- z , d .:. x: r 4-F Q .. - . , r c yr t / _ v .-, fa , f _ 1 _ :^f - f J + -A L 94 V a U- 7Z: 7Z 7Z: 7:z ...…

September 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \'iit.. XVIT. ANN' .\ Rll, ",MICAIA"; 1) \ 5', Si I FI k''' l I k;E::i ts A 1 FIRST SCRIMMAGE OF FOOTBALL SEASON Played in Drizzling Rain-Var.sity Scored Two Touchdowns on Scrubs in 30 Minutes. Ykttc~da.aftrnwn i the o(Il F rr - '11w fitfu w re jtalde fr theiri ahmll thirty i~inn liii () ill ) th l:n i Inll w r ad ,l>t h s I' itl . ' 1. 11 I1II11 l , 'iFsc ,l 'ul ' F11,1 . , iln\,Icinnei c"1 w l t n Wal~ilth ti b live1...…

September 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…t n-Woolens oreoa ehoice, ionf 101 11 e lt of Foreign .tnil I1nin, t toiio o* ; We Showe pm, : cin(nd to us for this t ~e pefetly safe iu pliac- n+rpif, enpeel 01 iiin-very hight, Sir -,ie o toiliieeean ordert u II (w IBtz ill ou r lielee iiith al t11ol1,il 11,'1iee ~oy If we 11na ( iiyour liitnci s il i take c'lre if itself. (0.Ii. WILI)CO. 311 S. State St. IF 0 1 WiIHiT Save lMoney oi y or I Boiks tnd I totru- too its buy at The Students'IBo...…

September 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

… n r Lol r. S t: rn r-P f r (D r+ : 'f y r.. I ~tlot ? I v *. r' I r 1 CA 20 7n ;t .:. ri . r ( '-r } {.j A yt 4y _ L t"") rr rt M+ h. r^i 1y t {"' v :-7 ;l r+ ro G . i ,. {!} =x _ . P' - 7 :+ C v v e-r f :% 0 z v n: r y c M a °rc r l 7 a .--. f !, 77 ! r J i. 7 , v r I, i E r r ! r J ( . J= , Cff __-7 -~ 0 7- - =MOM t #000 y x fi .. m w cn J . l O ^ vt4 'l" b w w -Ai Z r' a y o .r .. , a c ti a . . . ;f ;r , Q, r - -, , -- ,: n u.' ...…

September 27, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…Fall hailoringj I e<c ttC a t it.' t::', i t I r irt a d i nt E a- t r i 1 it 7 t1 tt --i tYY Iftcuil a-itotatradva pfttittut of ,ndIk i r akidng po ';01alSuit. is ita oI our ub(tllillit ~oItianti There's Nothing Beyond Us in(Garmient Making. itt 1 atnlnt ~ecl tti-it arntl 'an tif 'oit n 'tiY itltdo(Jul d eel'v pi t i a- ii' dtou, for ' tut (i. H. WIefecl) Cof. i le 311 n xpcatos. aery Stgh Si' i a %(It 'k \viuord it h itfr i till t vr ie...…

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…rn «-3 fi =t I J f Lq n V* t^ u jr, o n « Q "t S .... ."'.+ M" v ,,; N Q . n ry fs n V u , ro ro s r_ - o xf L r1 F"_ r_ V J l V j .tea r 0 H 0 rr IO RIDi r- FLF-i- F S _ tt G1 - ,. t4 . m T' . :. i7'4 . p %c -0 -° c f 1; y = - F~ ~ FCC 'I 77 N ' f7 :N f s r. r n w n m W v w cf 10 ____ w w r,.ti y o _ rt y r rr .L.. LL ' . n :- _.rr "." " CI =' CF - CFCC? C) CA 4 =.....CCD CO C = CDCCU (-I x z i. rt r I^ia Z7 ft t F - J -...…

September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY fali Tailoring Who makes orothest Rather a pertinent and poinetd question, to be ure, but our oh- ject in aking it is to ineret you in our Superior Sot of Tailoring. I you are not alrady a paton of ours, we wt uld like the pe- re of making your Vall Suit as a tet of our ability ti it and please you. There's Nothing Beyond Us in (larment Making. lOr tnw Vwotents ae a choice selectiont fromcithelet of oreigni and lDomceteeiti...…

September 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

… 1-3 0 n .o ro N W 0 C a f r. y r -h r,4 r f ' bI iL rn n .-.. . n : 0 w y (nR , f^' " ' r ...W r" ,.a" try, M N Yy"Iy> +a^' } J" yM "{ #^ 4+ 4.' v !"T " 0 0 C "'o 0 +C o c m m ¢ CC+ f c*:, VIL WA 04 0 4 o CMH = Co C"MI Jh - cf - w O = A N; N ~ p - Ii - 0 z C3 'f: 7 1"' "1- - v + V - - _ _ err.. nKJ M Ci n J: _ r .r .T J 1 C (D O ' I 4f . X h+ ..' ~ O ! ir, f" ..- " f T . --" r _ r~z 0 …

September 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGA.N DAILY . ,..3' - ° : ;, _ , d, ,° - .. t, , ~ ', k 'I :+.. rf 4 __ J 9 8 A P ts tne igh pr1iced tmerchant tailor shop where voil knots I) titi-,-i .serest iressers in town are in the htabit oi- going, and l)at them patterns and the styles. Ask what he wants to taitor alit tomeature ou t of the cloth yoo fancy. Then come hack here ;il!scif we'vcn t reisely the same sotrts of fiabic s and just as csir 'ii i's in C OL[[6[BRAND C[O...…

September 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Samf Burchfi W'sFieTailorinig Trade Can Deliver the Goods 106 ]EAST UROtN STREET i IL COLEGE IDEAS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Furnishings for Dens and Frat Houses U. of M. Banners and Souvenirs in the Latest Designs Mackes. QCo. r' Mchinest loolS1 Cutlery and General Ilardware CALL ON MUEHLIG & SCHMH)D 205 S. MAIN ST. CHORALLJ",I N MAY F ESTIYALl CONCERT SERIFS Season Ticket,, $300 Including;Fl, et , pi Schumanoleink - -...…

September 27, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY rd * t ; , ,r ._ _3 _;;j I r - f, .; , a D 'j 1;' 141at ito l i.t}2 ,l:-dinit cpatot llt dt-11o1) lii iiyosi n o tljso tvgctcst illzs .scs ill tovtsi are ill the habit of goinig and loatthe patternis and the styles. Ask whit lie wans to tailor a3 stit to mi '00 te' itfthewcloth yoo fanicy. Theniconicbick here <Inl ~ ie f 4 rot1? eisc-~ly t lleolt-,off tb ics and-jut as COLEGE BRAND C[0IIIES Stade in New York City 'lHElC...…

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…I--- THE MICHIGAN bAtiY Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailorinlg Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURONFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET a i t 3 CLEEIESI ETFFurnishings tor Dens and Frat houses, U. ot M. Banners and Souvenir,, in the Latest Designs Mack (Q o. fi'M I Wt l iAND) Mt CI1ANICS 11%K 10115 A ti f lION 511.1 1,1, taO, $50,000, Sorplus and Profit,, 565,00 -i 'tt' toxv o r it. A. NVI1o1o1t" M. \-t O Ma til UNER~AL AM0010 511;F01 CAT1 FO...…

September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…THE M1C~lIIGAN DAILY -1 l~a~dT D ROP in at soine high lpricedi merchant tailor ;shop w here you knotw the swaggerest dressers in towni are in the hait of goiot-, and look at the patterns and the styles. Ask what hie isans to tailor a soil to tmeasture out of the cloth yon fancy. Then cine hack Ilet c and see if we've not precisely the sante sortIs of fabic ts and intias extreme styles in COt[[6[ DRAND C[LOfl[S Made in New York City THE CLOT...…

September 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Samf Burchfield's Fine Tailorinig Trade1 Cifn Deliver the Goods SAM BUR1"CHFIELD & CO. 106 EAST HURON STREET w I 7 COLLEGE IDEAS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS Furnishings for Dens and Frat Houses U. of M. Banners and Souvenirs in the Latest Designs Mack ft Co. 11 Ca 1 I tt ; I- it , . r Machinest Tools, ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN ST. Cutlery and General HardwareIJ CALLL_ ON A D V A N C E ST Y L ES IN FA LL , C LO TFIIN...…

September 25, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY LAMPS I '1!Tw.(1 r:Student linowith Whit :shade, $2.25 1to $6.oo itoRo(yal w ithsii white shade, - 75C to $I.50 11 o 'on Ilipo ~liillttO - - - $1.oo to $5.0o tf l aoip T11)otop to - - - o to 75c (Ctr Red Star Oil his nto clial in quality in this narket. It ,0hit ight. (lollit smoke the chimney, does not fill 'a51 ,,ii tsikenting o(lor. Sold in Ann Arhor only hy DEAN ft CO., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. i i 4 °?1ENITAL PARLORS. t...…

September 26, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…THE ICHIGAN DAILY , 0 ANN() NCEMLENT 112 tO 1i], (ll p1ts of Natuorei 2 u- o exte\nd1(1to ourfred 111 0 (11 c :i an d 0121 itiit n1c ret r in1112 o ( 11 1;rd (,e hl a ]borate pr6 s - i, t o 02 (. 1 12no our patrons wit Clothes, Hats and Toggery 'A (t (1251(1 '2itcare thecho1i(e1stx pr1)1 212 1<< 1 )w 2 120 101 1 22an22facturers inl 112 t -cj)( li r 1 t isoair d1etermina1ti1on2 to i(211 2 12hi 112)that 1(s1n1tItorougly 7 good. I 222r pr x ...…

September 27, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THL ICHIG4AN DAILY HOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington The ILargest Assortmnt of Stud ents' Room FIurn buhigs L am p Waste Baskets F ish Nets Brushes Pictures Books Stationery I'lirrors R.azors Knives Scissors Leather (goods Banners Pillows 5oa ps Jewelry Playing Cards LAMPS Nickel Plated ;Student ILampsowi t 11t eh zlc, " . 2to $6.t 0 Nickel Platedl Royal btpa i thCtwhilte ha I ,- 75c to $1.50 D~ecorated Lamps coulpleti -- I .0 1 to 00 Glass L...…

September 28, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…TIIILu t rI1A A DA11lY IIOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington 'I he L-irgest A-slv tnei of Studetnts' Room In iiuigs. Lamps Waste Baskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures Books Stationery r11 rrors Razors Knives Scissors leather (foods Banners Pillos Soaps Jewelry Flaying Cards Lanip Trimmings We Cut the [Price on Alarm Clocks HOAG'S RAH! RAH! RAH! Mll1)(' I y n1 Nt1 ill - Ina 41 I )f Vnes t st Proof11Linen, ,9xf; f1 t+a1";11114 11 4l1 )fIl 1. S. LI,15Qt...…

September 29, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY HOAG'S Cor. Main and Washington The Largest Assortment of Students' Room Furnishings. Lamps Waste Baskets Fish Nets Brushes Pictures Books Stationery 11i rrors R~azors Knives Scissors Leather (foods Banners Pillows .Soaps Jewelry Playing Cardls Lamp Trimmings We Cut the Price on Alarm Clocks HOAG'S oraMichigain Pholto Net. Soot hingon tirel1new or ouroIIoooo r saVarsity best, uailly tliot oo slk -.(; iil- -. your ...…

September 30, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…)AGoS tilS ALARM CLOCIK'"4.' Chapman's Jewelry Store 2 ooS 0IUIH :I IN;iii. Ca *Pstively Cash fo rse parties or entertainments wi; ie t_-s. seean unless cash ac-. croase i ls 155115- ANNOUN C-EMENT I al ;, t7 t e t5 is litnI $1.50 ; W r)555 Isje 5 1I t1etsf1ss sa t: c$3.01) ii a...$2.00) [IRA NCH STORE Al WXallkeras ivsery Holmes' Livery 204 South State Street Robinison & Co. W., H. Stark Ii\,I i ii OI )1' th 1 2 t 4 '; ? : 5 5'l o r...…

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