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September 30, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily N1,01. X\1IT ANN ARB}OR, MICF{[IJAN, All'lASI 'PI'5>5s1HER 30,1905. Nu. . FRESHMEN WELCOMED. FOOTBALL SEASON ON--- ENGINEERING COURSES. Enthusiastic Singing and Mass Meet- ing Last Night-Screen Plc. tures Made Great lilt. Adry personit eio thought there was a lac o sirt t it Usivrstyofytjet-Several Regulars Not in First To be Stiffened-iore Rigorous Re- OHIO WESLEYJ rAN TODAY qieeto bd gertn 0 tm I ttt sttttttts lita...…

September 30, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…THlE MtICHIGAN DAILY GH. WILD Leading -1 MERCHANT TAILORS I iet-Iar gs t ock tin 01 ptuaIry of exclusaiae st losh ill \Wootetrasfor (a' utioumen weat. Of '5 class fabrics anad to.H. WILD & CO. 311II S. State St. 32 0 tte St. I you i--14 icrail u THOUSANDS OF ECOND-HAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE , ,, 'f iaolKooks 31 ]tsaal a Books 4 i- i rieringisBooks 1 io:(iraa-iF1rench and t crmtan ILooks LADQUARTERS FOR insoterments and Engineer- ing Suppties- ...…

September 30, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…TCHE MICHIGAN DAILY SPALDING'S, O FFICIAL. FOOT BALL GUIDE p VoRx1905 Edi~ by WALTER CAMP t'in i tt ev ly- reiscedI OFFICIAL 1L: YlNil ill LES ndc, uses-aofileadinga teatas. mbrc in of -r.> i iclaye, Price Ic I- stl ticiy all Necscci c-itt -. Athletic Goos- Decalers acid Icecap tttrs A. C. SPALDING fu . ROS. \N' Yitus C11Cci-ct ) DENriE Fcc FiAT11 As'Ct Spllin's cail.iitc iof all ahei.sot maiild fee.itay address-a. GEORGE BISCHiOWF FLORIST Ch...…

September 30, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…TIlE 1MICIGANlDAIL.Y llockillg Valley Ry. (ONTINIES ITS IE t ELENT TRA1IN SldiVI~Cl Xiccivwill lnsd Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Uncions IDepois 'Iteoll ad ('o- IoIcI ccI~S S. E. CLARK, 32 Campus Martus Detroit, Mich. 15EOORAIO ON THE GREAT LAKES pALE ANCo rI coltoll LA t 5. TSN[ 11.E > TABL oEp DETROITotCLEV ELAN D Lease DETROIT, daily - 10.30 P. M. Arrive CLEVELAND - - 5.30 A...…

September 29, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…f VXcii XVII ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN.,I RII). \ ' I'III>lIIn 20, l()IIoNo No.. OHIO W ESLEYAN MAY SCORE ON VARSITY Light Work Given Varsity Last Night --Ohio Wesleyan Comes Tomorrow for First Game of the Season. Owing to the excesent heat andel ac- cnilaminnr injuries to players. Coach Yost anid-iDiretor Keene Fitzpatrick de itnot ttoahave a cilagni last riht ind cnisequecntly tecr od 1hicht journieed to Fcy fed wededttheir wiatunomewanrd isl...…

September 29, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ts tyLeading SMERCHANT TAILORS A The largest stock in Athe City of exclusive styles in Woolens for Gentlemen war. Of S high-class fabrics ad special style for se- ds dents. SG. H. WILD & CO. 311 S. Sae S. IN BOOKS If yon would save money hy your ooks at the Students' Bookstore 320 State St. Books for all Departments of te University. THOUSANDS OF SECOND-HAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE Medical Books Chemical Books Engineering Book...…

September 29, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY [or Art and Skill in Tailoring 4' Call con SAM BURCHF1ELD & CO. The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON STREET MONEY LOAN[P Decorations for Students' Roooms.. . OnHa cthe. llion:o d-. tent-try FURNITURE, RUGS, CARPE;TS, DRAPE.RIES, STEUISSMlOKING and oH High Class Chattel and CJol ateral security. SETS, POSTERS, U. OF 14. SOUVENIRS. W. J. LOUVRIM Banners in Splendid Assortment 104 41hNs-tO Hp-site C...…

September 29, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY BRINGhYORI UNmRAtEDPICCri OS TO REFRI[S ART SOR antdlsave hesframed with(hiet'Mouldings Only the Best French Glas3 is 23Used. 22. Main St. STUDENTS REGISTER Whenre the Posman, the xpressman td you rfrends aways look for your name and address The mot complete mnd easy of acceso. Can le used more hours of the week than any other (or State & NIUniverity A QUARRY'S DRUG STORE Ohio Centra1lLines DIRECT LINE TOLEDO to COLUMBUS Pa...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…0 The Michigan Dall.y "o>.. V\I . NN \ AICLII(), 151 1Q11 Ifj-k o.'fl+11I [) , S I. V'II[Ii'.I 28, 105,. No.-3 VARSITY WORK SHOW= ING IMPROVEMENT The lia olr, ()lko fat lclia ". in Scrimmage Varsity Easily Scored Four Touchdowns-- Fullback Longman Out of I the Game. 1 o;Crl aisf atlna ll100101, te -411 \01u te sriulll~e S hld oil Nothl i~t1 ,i; l +t. r uld lit in much hotte c~l~lcllhi 0 tai'hil p~r l'( o -t~i )ihllioro )acla lnc"l c re...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…G. H. WILD a 6q9 Leading SMERCHANT TAILORS Ikae large-ta"I tt A tle cit f< ni ~ vc e S tles in Wooln- r itntlemn nwe at(Of A l hh -latss--fabi t It A tpeitaste l fo o- JnG. H.WILD &CO~ v.6 6a 311 S. Sate Si. IfVt oud';eeIookstorc 3201 Sae S. THOUSANDS OF SECOND-IHAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE MedicalI IBttks Chemnical Bootks Engineering Boks Latin; Grteek, French and (erman IBtttks HEADQUARTERS FOR Dtawing Intumnts and Engineer ing Spplies. Sheehan ...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…'1'. XX C l5ICII ISA N I)A , Y SPALDING'S aFFICIAL .. FOOT BALL GUIDE FOR. 1905 - Edited by WALTER CAM$P p AYNG t I;I. ~v ad pI".ur in' ia emebain vr 0 iacsPrie lOc 1'or sole' by all New, .XI ewr. A1(1111 Goad A. G. SPALDING ra BROS. (iEORUiE BSCHOFF' FLORIST Chio1ieCu~t Flowers .-eced Paiet Chpin St., ietweeIiHurn ad iter Ae. Phn 009. STATE SAVNGS BANK WV. .1. Roth ,Ig. ''.V. SI XXX' WVn. Arnold - I Xe. V. C. Vagha. Ja.II. XX XXXIX C. 7i Mil...…

September 28, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…THE, 10Mis'CTAN DAILY i~our'1"rtittsD til q oiIosd arying Paar -Ai Sise isg sr N 'rait:s V' ('(ti, (Ao) ill, J1H ,C/ C~O iiuiia1 ALWAYS ILEAD-. QUALITY ~OVI RCOA1 S STY LEroc:.s 1<AINCI)AIl VARIEITY S' ITS PRICEh ABlER- IUA -iERIY An id~ps'cisssofol 055 xt'sis e stock by the student lbody is respectfully solicited. .%I .s .t STORES: 200-202 S. MAIN ST. (iRANGER'S SCHOOL FOR DANCING Grsund Floor on Mayo rd Street Opes s aturdtsy .'tcrninit....…

September 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ANN ARBOR,\ICHI{IA NV\\lDNloE l I 911A B ' I - 27, 1905.N. Vol'.. Xii TNTo. 2 FIRST SCRIMMAGE. "PEX"BEGINS HIS THIRTYXflFT H Scrubs Furnished Little Opposition- -Eleven Men atlraining cable to tery lilcl y IterdylbyCoach o11 Pirekicked -rIff1for11the1s1r11st) a 1111d1 11111after a 111n 1111ne '1mi 11t1 of l1 '[hescu1 swee1hef1gve the hall 5111101af1e11being1u1n111111111111 lnabo 01111110tri lsuredee1 i. afe and lay1 1k pa...…

September 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…Ti sl lIa C 1)Nt G. H. WILD° Leading MERCHANT TAILORS Thte largest stok in the City of excuite S styei Wooles for ( ltetlemen wear. Of S high-lace farics'nd 95 spec ial tle for t- SG. H. WILD & CO. 00 311 S. State St. B ARG0A IN S IN BOOKS i Youwould sav emoney hy yourt' boks atthe Students' Bookstore 320 State St. Boleks for al l D eparteents of te I itereil. THOUSANDS OF SECOND-HAND BOOKS AT HALF PRICE Medical Books Chemical Boks engineerin...…

September 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…MOWN:01I~f; N it f, lFor Art and Skill in Iailoring MONEY LOANED Decorations for Students' Roooms... Cl or Watthos. trtoott. tiv-ry FURNITUREC, RUGS, CARPIIS, J)IAIERtoS, STIN,, SMOKING toi Utitaot-t oo-tric SES, OST 5, , U. OF M. SOU~VNIRS. SA04B4CH IEAs ,CON W. J. It,0 CRt 1-tuo Banners in Splendid Assortment TeRecognized F irsdTiloing Trade of the City "" t"" r tIto 4,3tt 106 EAST HUVRON STREET BusiessStritlyCnfidentia MACK & CO. SPALDING...…

September 27, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…CiCl 7 4 1T1 lAN tDAILY ING oic x iCUFRAMCEC s C 5 DEFRIEIS ART STORE an e thiiemsicfsramed with Coiiec Moldigs Only the Best French (Ias3 is Used. 223 S. Miin St. STUDENTS REGISTER Where the Postman, the Expressinan and you rrends alwayyeloole for your name and address. Tlemost complete and easy of aeses. Cn be used more hours of the week thin any other (or. State &N nverit A QUARRY'S D)RUGi STORE Ohio Central Lines DIRIECT LINE TOLEDO to CO...…

September 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily VOLUIE XVI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1905 NUMBER 1 FOOTBALL MEN AT WORK IN EARNEST ASSOCIATION DOINGS. STUDENTS POURING Men Go Through Stiff Workout in Preparing for This Season's Hard Schedule. That Michigan has the hardest task in winning the western championship this year that has been faced since the advent of "Hrry Up" Yost and his methods is evidenced by the fact that the coach, although not sending...…

September 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .+ ... .f THE MICHIGAN DAILY. crning the policy of the paper have STUDENTS POURING INTO ANN G. . W L enmade in the kindliest possible man- ARBOR DY THOUSANDS. Drawing Inlstrlmfenlts Entired as second-class matter at the Ann her.' Arbor Postoffice The management wishes tlte student (Continued from page 1.) for bS atsediylodyer - . ody this year to feel that the Michigan .- - -the ribhons and the attendant maideiisENI ER OC.Pu...…

September 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…®e. THE MICHIGAN DAILY SPALDING'S DOBALL GUIDE FOR. 1905 Edited by WALTER CMP C."ontaiing the newly revised OFFICIAL PLAYING RULES and pictures of leding reams, embracing oner 2,500 plyes Prc oe For sale by all Newsdeer. Atlti Goods Dealers aid IDearment Stores. ( A. C. SPAL.DINIG ft BR OS. NuEwYOsRi CHICAGO DNaVR SAN FANsesse Spalding's cattstiiganof alt athletic spors m ailed free to any address. GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cut Flowrs-a ...…

September 26, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ill -- Hockifig'Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo snd Co- lumbus S. B. CLARK, 32 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. 5PENDYOURVACIO ON THE,'tGREAT LAKES y' V-( 00 0 fly RdO _ - Q s V1eAt BErt, EE oeEE e4-o ,fACW ACIS a" MICHIGAN' SUMMER RESORTS. TIME TABLE DETROIMvOCLEVELAN D Lease DET...…

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