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September 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…UKYPIYOF MKIHIANfir^.______ x I '"',1 L i V CUINSELTO E G ~ ~ T 2,51.5 CHEAPL~ LIO"1T 'iE%_ ! - - - j . .. _. ,. _. .. ... ._ .. j .. : U y.. ff t }} t t {,.t 1. i (.t ... .. . ( . .. ( . .., .. .it.l tct. i. 'Ali i C I... C . E.:V . i i ' 4 i :. : ,1 .... ,, , .'' , ; , , f !it Z" ;I i t' fit; 1 .. ilj a+aii jt' E'- ' 4't13 1 1i 'il ('+;! i t' ).]'t. , : illi?'!"a .i):i: , 't Yt)tt:3 t". : i;l li t i7 i+alt ^ , +'1" aE" .S-tij" {''' t ?'t' ,,...…

September 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…rIl41E NT I IIIGA N DA I L I NWS Lai g Tailors.... have j ust receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fallI and winter. The argesaot - mentIinIt he ciur A ^; .1 , Ni IN 1. i 11 Lii 1.01 BULSINESS -NANAGiii, R 0.01-O1. IIL "OiN N - iL I Al( Nit. Text Books New and Second Hand '- 11_1r tl- Iii 111 CQ . tres 10 U Wahii Z ~ S New and .scond Hand. 1he Best ai Fountain PE N In the City. New &Secon~ dnooBooks Ir - 1 liatiste '' \Vrii 1_ tif l. 1 l l r l...…

September 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…tlHE AMICJIGANDAILY--NtEW8 AUTU N PPARELThisiswrh YOUR ATTENTION FOR I . t1 >aLabto y MEN O FAS I ON Hi TOLOGY or 1) THOLOQY al liii 1 ii.:. ilrcom end i i 1 ri t NVI1( I~n lt. ti (ire5 t~c1 11te.l STE~IN BLOCH COMPANY LINDENSCHiMITT & APFEL. EBERBACH & SON, mporTERS AND IAU FACTURERS Branch Store oil State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN 1 : a t'', l i ili1c tr {°ii i'It> M. F. DOWL ER, Agt. Phie637. Office, 402 .'-aynard St. THE .. r. ..Ir _ - Ii . ...…

September 30, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…((LMIV4IA t)L'Ln1.\iU N .L a1 1 L *1 - .. .. 1 f' flaiir i),ruslies,(Coms, Toileit Sonap, Spttiigcs, i!'---t r v t1lnp f on in cir Iroom. X24 S. S.__ Si i Ott IIiC~i A'S7IN 0. 121 East Libherty St. ORkT L AND0C FE OPliN IDAY .A;:PN1011'IF, W. C. BINDE , Prop. Min Zachan's Markt Choice Meats for FraternityTrade. LOWV PRICES ON Toilet Goods Lock repairing, key fittingI GEINERAL t'TACIINLTVFORT DONE WM. J. WfNG[R 113 E. Liberty Street Every Stude...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…A ;', GAN. 8 . -S LiI5ApiC-A MOtRE STUDENTS FROM EAST 11t.11 t 3NtI e xxlr ' I tIi ! LI . , lx I ii- I - l ' Ii\ 11 Fill !HMN '"o'iIi 1,"''. xx laxi itixix01x1,11 i Ili V tx ii xxx x 'iIi il. v ix - - o iii lii iix_;x it r r t t . n lii lxAl.- r vi x " ' i ii"I lv. Cannot INow itC 1 _ lEntI-Aer Collegeli ll,1; ,iiii ii ' liii Irix ,xx ' t.~ I . x * ' II'. . a . \ i a i :\ 1 - - \ . i x l.'. \.rl i iu r , i In e ' I L v 'F>x I 'l k P ixllx 'It ...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

…DTI E °Nv ICI IIG AN D I L' YLW ' 7r r J .,._ l - :? a; h ,.. ,'.. . .. 7 _. ,. ,T '. . Tailors1 t ' i <.. N xxw and Second Hand 0 1, r t1E 1,,I lw :w - have jst receiv- edane line of Woolens for fall. din ter.The' rgJest r~asorT- aan n'~ct (ii AN AiEOII LII FOP ., EII)ITOR,;, iI lIIAI. NE A I 3. A &' .. .. . s. .. re..v. New and second Hand. The Best $1 Fountain PEN III the City. New & Second UHad Books Itr mir i iBash te" itl; 1'1)1] 1,ly O ...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

…" . .b.. . f e. .p. ". iiil f ,iii '. ivaii ' eli lr nIn 11lirtU- u Ieiht NV ii t _ a®lWhiat, cnsieringthey -Ier hnaia s ri ady. i inaleschool uder 3 agovernment ior Even at Zrich cx erthiiiashort o W m niliirrtii. Thie tlenioles lhidiIeei jisitwl Irvifavii g l Ii a itviv xi w 4y S l v vsl I wAith the bIrillant ti i l c l vi vto i ic~ t 0 h r vi iiii it Ithi- >o;..,'' fit tiS ii g sit t o f ndItga 1i ll 1 6? _ s ai l ' zu I 1 /motffrCur...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…GoodMorning. Havo You Road the Daiyi N A' all ~Za N Ni I N N1ii .. N 1 .1 1al u srito'pic ti It N- ,}- -w.,C t as'llteclawo U ni1Val'Si V r1h " t~ Ut v e . lry ,S tu d e n t h is 0O w nI A g e n 1. Save Soicitors Cormmisono s.1t tl" t it ' t }ti(': f11" . . 11 11 3';t i 1 ' ' ,'i , , , :' :A. ' tF,' J i' i. l r i - ;,, r t'4''k{ 4 rz ' t't111. ~ 111_.. .. ... YItil I (t t l ( tl ii il)I 71tt .t. , 1t t, tl f 12 5 . . I r .: .iyl t Ill. ~i .1 p...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 5

…TiHE ICHiIGA KDAILY--XEW ATU NI APAEL THE RIGHT THINGS AND N \' im 1,, I iss ii to V <1sl lt" i ti i l, t iii 2 IM e 'si F r1 s1 in1 STEI BLOH CMPAN WADAMS RYA & RULE LlN'+'2E''CSCI1M 1TTi &7 tAPFll{ .Li. Tr- Shee I3 i THE ORiGIN OF ANI ARBOR'S to>e of Two Lirst Settle Jbath :itedci nt itt 1 a i a C iie Fhoto r-~r~ 121 E. Washington Street TI>1l Kt} 1." it , I' Wl il Ain 3NAV is XV iutlt .1llS~t rS lt l Al I 11-V aliteld I S1. 106 1,. I I ooii...…

September 28, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 6) • Page Image 6

…Y " I I '. I at 4: 1'ha 1K 'a :r_.afir"a j a 'Y. ' ~ ' ' t a~ ~ ~ ' ^Y IA IatXNI t Cw, ,rr i q tI 'er. (hI l . ! Cllu PER~FECTION (1 S. LA!11P IROYAL" CENTEORDRAFTI LAi IP IIHOME"SUPPLY STORE A LIithmautPLAY I )and iOISI Wool St iig PRO 'HNO\ &SChAfAIBLE. 'AAE FtE GRILL ROOM State and Liberty Sts. t' mhc ald-clt . 01el azt t~I r. t a. CORRAO & CO., Props. CIa .1" ~Modern Job Printing r The KtindYa rea Lookating lFa' Phone 281-2r, 215 S. Main S...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 1

…___ UHI RSiTYOF PMICHIGAN._____ t{ ilt:{ 4 i . I t 1' I ' '1.1i L 1111 4 1:23 N 'l~D A It. A FAST GMTD LI { O., , RO.VISIONS T Faculty Sho rt. Sert'....... 1' o L ' Yo , L Min vnu ii[(r(l , 1 4111(tlw Nnd 1;t(' t :Ir hm iitp(l 1\" l:r .f '1" chiral Union collcert .Igml . ^wI rt m"I ii (ii' ;'t i itrl' iii' 111 IIs 1I ' 1((\ I r (( 1 114 ' 1 l,. " tr 11 1 T ho :54i Ililt311-m (an IN c Airs(' 1\"i '! E \ ( tl h y I iltr I n t vliii' t (i'("ll(rr...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 2

…IIt:'0ICHIGAN DAILS NEWS ' ed alewlneo larest assort- mentin she city IILSINE SS AANAGL&l. EDITORSt, (iENIElAL NE«'S 1Text Books >1 1 1>Newx and Second Hand 3lteansc tlp1 te -4, C _4 , rw .4:- i ~ ~~}~s~ore AN IN t S - IlCti. 1Ioicio~1lBooks New and econd Hand. The Best $1 Fountain PEN In the City. New& seoun UHand Books El«oiig lit ii1iml Sol. i in- Bastiste"\Vrii11 1, I l p lil . H'1 0)1ti l I SH EE H AN & CO.U' University IBooksellers, 320...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 3

…(The Wesleyan Guild all cali,-Ilo l cu <t c'ccnth1 ic Pn -O E T 'A ccc ' ofc cc1 uni zrct it' icit' L RNED OUR EST" ?n" rmu i t5 tY. 1 h 11c Ph'n t v i t~ 11 t'he' No 'en n .<TENNIS PLAYER. 1.t11c x,1,16 ti,._A1 a 1 d P . I ,,i 111t c fc01 eroy cc-cc'rIa t ihe J t_.- ;1 ie1,1 I a \I P11 '.. t ll ll (11 I 11 t ti 1 3 lt ." 1 It il,. \( 1. 1 11 1 -1~ l 11 1 ; I ¢L 0d0i a BESl[STO 1 P1 l t lK Ct 7l tth 111t<m Loerykindof lotroP itme1" ,ol<. I1t n...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 4

…A SGood Morning. Have You Read Ibe Daly cL B I U (L ' Delivered Daily Before Brealifast- LSPECIAL PRIZES TO SUBSCRIB 'RS. Not OPeln to sub IScis o lefer. r lilt, fil- tT -$Il-.-0t $ 1 ' 1i). ' frf l 3____eo L 1~ r L y.{ AlA I. 0" LA .01 0 01 w. . N 01 01 o 111. I IllOr I ] a N No. tt, No. r rLI 4t VE RFI) % Ill 111 10 'All 'II I i '' t '., i ..1.. . N. . . .. . . . .. F ifr.l ; if 10.1111w 1111 *'It; E tlE, )I00t t j. . . . . . .1,(2 li 1 t1.~...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 5

…THE AMICi3IGANDAILY--NEWS 1111N APARELThis is worthy YOUR ATTENTION FOR t 7I 5EN BLOCH COPNY LINDpirt4SCHMITT & AP y-; BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, $ HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY EBERBACH& SON, IMPORTERS AND t Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN i o r Meai S Ever thon 1) lll> ii to the CollegeAlai M.tstice O0 a no7 i - i{F, r'_ lt tl I 2? p xxii ii 'l i ta 7 . O f i c , ' i i. , p; ' h l lxl x e r xd l 1 h a f ix \ t yi Ni (!xxi i t I C ATTERS t...…

September 27, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 5) • Page Image 6

…THE MICIIIGAN DAILY--NEWAV U"O H I U 'JOOli 13sfS110 Hair Brushes, Combs, S Toilet Soap, Sponges, I Towels, Talcum Pow- der---ex erything f o r f tour room. CALKINS' PHARMACY. 324 S. State i. Bailey & Edmunds 3 101 1)EC1-iClATIN6i 121 1~ast Liberty St. 1: PO0"RTL.AND1 9C AF OP:N IDAY AND NI(HF, W. C. BINDER, Prop. 120 I .. It trim St. Zachnj1,0ai's Market3Wl1;I] i. Choice Meats for FraternityTrade. LOW PICI.ES ON' Toilet Goods _l to At BROWN'S...…

September 26, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 1

…I 4 D i rS 1 4 -, ., : I '+ : - -i I^_.. 4 f i .I<' ; i' rr"° i °" ^: J 77 i i 4-4 "Fr t © U2 "r " rrJ n "' "r ct ^ M r^ J . 77 CIS Z:j Ui) LUJ "I. r t: ... . . - .- .-. - i ._ 't. r' l: -fie ..- 'J. e ! ". ! t; :f. j "i. C.... :z 71 tf . , Q1 rY f / "- i't s-/ f . i-+ . C.J w " 1, - . ® _ ut. r t'', r + v. _ n M t "Jy _ ./ .. ._ _ ' , I x in t_ - .,-. - ., J . , - .., ;- .t 1. I - , _. + . ~ !. 'f. '!e ®. '!. U, .. LU. 'Lv ' I ~: :! p 77 . r ...…

September 26, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…THlE \IICIIJGAiN P IL NEWS 7'lerchant Tailors... have gust receiv- ed a new line of1 Woolens for fall' and -winter. The! largest assort--ni ee TXTBUOOK New and .Second Hand. G The Best $1 Fountain PEN In the City. New & Seiond Hand Books E~ i ouht a111(1 Sold. _ I ISHEEHAN & 1CO University Booksellers, 320 S. State Street. 11 ' :it.' ,ia a M1ANAtjING EDITOR, EDtITORIS, il-A lA V-. I. ii NEIIAL NI X s i' it l 7; 1 1 1 ; I ?1 1-I iI The Beinning...…

September 26, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…1HE _',ICIfai AN ~ILY-.NEW6 SFOOTBALL VOPENING LIPPlac kkor1 aisdrio lck c ninale {on eys ass pen aoking-good, straigh iiie o simmge.d tatteopoigaccrate kitking ofthe pigskin ball. Outlook for the Game in Other Co- teams shll line up together or no (tco i:iarov sd Orville F A ero-Discussion of Some ofthet farthi than fieyards apart, so thi1woiodre lihe tls mo ons sosloiiI)S- Now (ridion Rlesis 1 1ing sal 0 01e,1)01 E. r ic Siuis>ht, coi a s sa...…

September 26, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…i . ..4 s 1 rr '1 1. . ". 'r: .{. ", . _ .i .. i. ii . G,,..1 i 1 7! _1 1 J _ L 1 i.. c _ .._ 1 Y C~~ ,oed Mornig Have You Read the Daty~CU SP~cIA elivered Daily Before re at, SEILPRIZES TO SUBSCRIBERS. Not open L~ ubosC ~ ,'resOn C'i'hoffer, h aivNx 3_1'iQ i>N NXLY Vl> AV LIERE '2 'OR-". 2 , t2 O L L E GE< 1 EAT..It iE t t Tr c t Ei- { it Ili: c 21 i~ '}S s22. < 1 (?. . e IT C, ( _ ., rv ,to(1-2' St'ti" !";)I2 , zr~ri , . ~tr i(:t1 '., . t: t...…

September 26, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…THlE RUClIIGANDAILY -NEWS TUM APRL~ T E RIGHT THINGS AND APw FOR ENOUGH OFTHEM 1011 (. r-, Sui ~lF )A11ts, OvercoatsH t pai l h z1 c <1 .g i I 5 . l > R I : yl U i H t C a s . I i llth itef.tis#11al i1it coll Itn W's - t i i n XX2'L't :11t It.l iiit 1t '1TE INLttOCHl tl 2' 1tiCO P N ___~i1 WADAMS RYA &. REULE.t",t 1tS,.4 & APEEL _____11__1 __ s l1 #4h l f e a t u r e s 1 11 1 w i l r c. 4j. 4 .4e. i 1 1 . { i f 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . . . . . . ...…

September 26, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…1' IlL 1iI lI(AN DAL) 1LY- NE''" SPECIAL ANNO UNCEM"ET Contrary to our planning the alterations for our store on are included in our Washington St.xwere not competed for the arrival of our clothing and furnishings, now thew are here wve are deter- m"ined not to move-tanything that lowv prices wXilt sell. All the latest stvles in Coronation Mixtures and fancy S otch, x\ cueeL '" LE j FI C ll III..h1< t , 1\' t'I ilL . \IiIfl '''l'I I t'I'0. WMg...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…_______ ~ ~~~ ,lUNIVERSTYOF MC A.___ 1 4i [ N ) ~ I M 1 o l't Yif F'1 ARo. N0OTIMELO Men\rdH tc l a S ti st P10-i LoP * *~ NE FRAERNIYiHOsE P ii'o~oi tt:.t : ( _t.. f Hot .I oy.h f o-t. ( ioolaAb llEfl1111 iS El i F?1 in a ton Iow o VoiPo \ed Pt h i I '' Oo it I 0 in tite kan dike o I i 0 m 1 I I t.i t O . iWt PiCES. Pteoi'o N 1w ( ill )t T f )f Fi]I\ ;11311 .ice t), 1) ;ice iC 3 i 1'IIr ltl7lit l'i;lt ?1 11it' tIll! tl t.) tl)) New V. of M. C...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…. lLNI TheI IN )AL'NEW b - mssD.L/C~r~ have just receiv- ed a new line of, Woolens for fall, and winter. The' largest assort- ment:., in.. the_ ciy BU1SINE.SS -IANAliFR(, T. 7rt ( -.15. C .1 ~' v OO(s New and Second Hand. [rhe Best 'it Fountain PEN In the City. New & second Hand Books 177 ir Ila.tste''W n 177 II ,8 I1 SHEEHA & CO - 7- --- ---- £ 4 r nia/ rs it t k TextBooks willNewv andI Second Hand B Oror(stres " 1- (A.5 5. at1 I ' ily of 0 -...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIG~AN DAILY-NEWS - - S. L. A. ~Tckots ETI y our Work IN, ti Neuv_ We a~-1;II i:0t11' " It T[l 4 ,i s oodyea~rr' ii t h > l1 J e iV=Ca sell b' Corner ~r (7 r -tj Corner State ad Liberty Streets J ~yo our own Pen x Fom 15 fitted with a 14-Karat TOSOLID GOLD PIEN forM $7.0 $"1.00 AS ALEADER.\P %e Every Penk Sold By Us is Guaranteed to Give Perfect ,Satisfaction. 1 °\ - u. t r ., . z 'v t'S: "2. ? :_ c ,i~iy, ,y,,' .. ' w,.t. r' + - i 4" ...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…ThtE MICtiIGAN IAILY-MIEWS Cood Morning. Have You Read the DaIC~ B Delivered DailY Before brea fast _ SPE1_CIAL PM/ZES TO SUBSCRIBERS. Not oPen to snbsc-rii ron lubin1We (T IIf N f,1 1 0lIt' I(F r e 11 ee , ff E A ),[Itjv I II tbsl-blt 'loN eivery until paid in full. it illllNews.Ii C Mail subscription price to Daily, ...... ...... ...News, City. Hazing Resolutions Il,2 :11'sltil r )o 1411 '\ 4i1 . 1 ' lli 4 I I ' ltl i~~' 4t 1 1 1 i r,.t 1ltl...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 5

…THE ICHIGCA\DAILY-NEW AUTI IMN A PPAREL This is worthy YOUR ,ATTENT~ION FOR ME.N OF 1"FA SHION ( I I ASl' I iL H HjAE r 'f t xiI~i l I llill l' ea I. 1e Wel hat.tN X' 111 tei l xx ixx rli I ix 11 ST E IN BOHCOMPANY, LINDENSCHMITT & APFEL. 1i w l lakf, , I i BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, HISTOLOGY or PATHOLOGY kp lostruinents &Splies 1, _ l h s a o a oi4'E B E R B A C H & S O N , M PE RS U R S N D Branch Store on State St. PALACE AND PARISIAN - j - -...…

September 25, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 3) • Page Image 6

…fil II~I IltA21N lIA ILY->NL\VS PUR:TA I1 U HairBuilics, Comobs, loudi Soap, Sponges, du---e' erg tl nug t or r yor room. 1,EN1>11'-,' FiePicturesl'~w~ Ait (9 llwOe e lt' it ;t,' +DeFRIt)S ALINSPHrMACY . ". . StaBin I., Z P' han,'S N(i1T Zahria'sMarket. Choice M eats for FrzaternityTrade.' 1_41,x'PRICE SO0 ~Toilet Goods z kJ A BRON'SDRUG STORE O ri : 1 M. 4 n11 r .0 1111?s0 Lock repairing, key fitting GEN'ERAL 1IACIIINEWORKONE\I0 WM. J. WINGER...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…LU WU 0 t -J/1 v Q f} _ ^, .=; , , - ..- _ =' _, . _ -- . f - .. ;. - _ ..' t. y J. - !. f 1. /. ..... ;r1 - w ._ H o ; ; r. . C __ , '' 'It . _. ", -- ,r' t n.. t-i ' "1 J.' Y. , t 9 .- ' ..r , ;. rs, Y ,-- 1- ' ; }'. -.a. -+ t ".Y .. . I P {x s { j mow,:; ' E ' ..... __ .. p I E . C t ) s 1 't c 4 1' : i } 5 y " ';'<J c : , _ 1 ; x i ~x: t Li _: _... d 4 /-.f 3 ,, a - ~n i w ,_ ::_. , :--; ° , a . -; , ; , "r ,t I i ; , := ,~ {; _ < of I ' 4...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICII IGANLDAILA -N EV S; p ] i - -lerchan, t Tailors....10 have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The largest assort- ment in she city s¢ 1G~ 1. \Vsfiinon Y Ne wand Second Hand. [he Best $I Fountain PEN In the City. New & Secon d nd Books I' i} ;tr: I S I i - 1r ou r B tiseWi tI i i SHEEHAN & CO. University lBookellers, 320 S. State Street.". E' i .~ XtRl!7 %i_ 1 t ti11 _oleeYear lmo''. For University Text Books ...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…_ 'tIEE MIC-alGANDAILY--NEWS % ~ S. L, A.LECTURES A Fine Course of Lectues is 1 ee Thi Y ai Macyo~ ?.n_ if e: TlI, Your woa. 4v' Lr7-rsty weU Co- r Aidstcr C ca s I .. d fr m $ .08te iha14-aa ~fr, DOW1 / NIER1IY RA CH 116 Sout.h .F om ° Ma' issin Street C or.w State cr iberkty" ts . !'e t" 71 IE P P 15,2c,2c~ 0 pud WE PATRO , L InIZEr GOODYEAR yy)4FOr.' DRU : GS. eHs …

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…THE M~ICHIGAN I)AMLY-NEWS,_________ Coeducation Not In Danger By Mr. CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT, President Ntonl Amriecn D O N 'I Woman Suffrge Assocaio . Ii IIII "[[fr:Cr rc-C U B BI N 0G '~~ ~~ TO ' 111) >,1)'-4 ) -% \v N I)-I OFFER c7 £Li\ (4A- tit. VV NII is0 (; $1 .0'11 1.0 *N . . , I $0 0:I': 1.1ILt : NH IHIA AI'N N N I 0 I ~ I1<No.I N. I N l ,,LIILNI10 NII VHIIRATE I I NIilrNI )flnl12 l i r j ita 10a0111f.111tk o i rmII f110 '-1 l at-1t ttt NI...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -NEWS 4UTU N A PAR L ~ THE RIGHT THINGSANO FOR O ENOUGH 02 THEM IOIII lAL JABI ) ,II! ,Suits,Overcotsh atsCaps andall the 1r ii xest Men's Furnisliinf 1I1 l )I~n~ }l t I .,; el nl c~ 111 i Ito w toI t a ( P - 1 i I1 i I i i ' c . SII B LN0BLOCHCOM PAN Y WDASYN&RUE LINDENSCtIMITT & APFE.IW D ! I kBSnherefer 1. I...........+...4 +#######A..+++#++#+ ! i 61 444444444i4" BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. i ± ' 1It_ l'a~~l ', } r...…

September 24, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 2) • Page Image 6

…"THE MICHIGAN4 DAILY-NEWS .. r . .. .... s. w . w. v a n r A. / Y / i.I .t1C7Y. E. ss" " " r rURITA { 11 . 4n , 4,9 J'l f 6 'i °'.y'r_ n s .^ r., ,c n.. . , r,, n f; . , , ; , . !', 'y ~ c , F°f. .'' ~ .^' t ,r ,.' . . .. f e ~ .' ,. . ,yC / ' ... . ' '"_ (fin ', i ' ^dS " . 44 ' ,; ', ? ,/ t n (, . ~"t ..s - ; , . , F4: X , Q, L . 4 f ' 4y M' s'!' - i °< , " 1 . . . , y' F., pp . y.: % f d .h' i, ,rf 1 . _, ' . , W "4 r' ' ./f " !.' ", ,1 1 -...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…I II''3I(IIGA 1AIIi, TT T , uI_, 1Btining Iea ea .-r, --'rchau Tail ,.rte,. Lkti.3O0I S J ave just receiv- Woolns"for fall andwiner. The~ UI N~Xand Hn Iand. I he B3est SFountain PEiN In thei t U Nw & S(on fd HadBook tI 7 ti . 320tS.Sta e tret XI XN 1 112 121 ItO I N lt~tNt 1 IX\X~t IX, .1 11112 17 - +UoresI XX'XI.ItP, t ..It .'Xl .2v 3. 1 , i i. 13 --- ' II 32 ~ ~ t I1IIE. * o c 6 every article wve sell NOLI is fumiy .gua ranteed.: (jet our pr...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…----------------------------- W c, CuUBB IN6; ,. l N The Da ily N w IlNLANDlER! K FOi HE' C LLEIEFYER !l . Intercolleigiate Football Schedule. ILLINOIS. IZG~t :t\ S(t?i ..IalI n'd H. S. 'it Chamaigin MICHII t.N ii'i .pf-1 Eeden at tChampaign D :ept "i..., .: tA-i Arbr O r 1 XX N2 hi gon 'at Champaig~n )c r 4..... ,! . ~ t i ii cw r.IS' ....'' 'nhi-t Chamlpa in .. .Xi' i ( IN V " .. . N z i l U I E, .. ... ... .IfNN'1 t: . .... ~rr \ at . _ ..N...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…'TllE MICIGAN DAILY NEWS SCOLORED STUDENTS' CLUB Goodspeeds's Guessing Contest. IwblLOe rasrytoitow prosperiM _____cospiac y WoO 01',On fou by tsac Houe Hs BetsRened r te P w-ill ucduar anlor Mdi': ]to -f-,tS uionarola out of tile Hous Ha Bee Reted or he Pr- o nt'0 (.utitaii Pc nI uc~lek y U. Au r1 r to appear 'before ti' pose of Prosiding a Hcats + lm I+ 11o0 b ill toPtj)(. was1 0 0imlt0 1 . 0 tl r j 'iiCoored Stdnts. '0 t l c t oto ' I...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…__ ____ _____ TJILMICIIIGANT DAILY- NEWS A TU N APAREL his is worthy YOUR ATTENTION FOR Na F FAS-10 BACTERIOLOGY, BIOLOGY, ,_ _ ! S O O I'o PA H LG;i a Il+ { r 1:. I, r0 . I 1 1,I Fl DX II Y STEN LOC H COMPANY EBEBACH&SON, IMPORTERS AND LINDENSCHIMITT & APFE:L. Branch Store on State St. 1- PCE AND PARISIAN GOj MeansI I~s ti fil, .Eto the C M. , OWLRAg~t. - - Eve rythingll-) ,ollege Mlan IST YELA 'ii:(01UP THE SIG7IA SIGMA SOUTIHERN 0.11. LCIZ,...…

September 23, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…"THE MICHIGAN DAILY --NEWS rU R11TA L v 0!14 ' l XIXA Kk F, !.,L o ^,«..: ",, ".. w Fti. ya,- .. y .+, n y( e% -,7r 5a, ® " ' ,. :J' a" i+"r yRf .'4 PIL.. r';,rk, s 'F 1. 1 . ^ ' -..,t +c. . e b. . y '! X ,ter ., - , yes" o _ /". ,Y, ,, , , ,! l'. A : h.i' 4 . . " .; ,r y''.s .? tr 4 < .: cam. .,. . ., :i c Y,_ :G - :. :; ,.,y , r O bb' f ,r rr ' f r 'Lv," .+' :.. f si,' fJ o : ' ' 9Y ,. " t. i ,,., ., . tr .. .,+f tY . '+/ / f'v.u'° ,,;' .r _...…

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