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July 08, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 33-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 8, 1980 Free Issue Twelve Pages Richter resigns as marchin band head By KEVIN TOTTIS Michigan Marching Band Conductor Glenn Richter has resigned the position he has held for only one year to become Director of Bands at his alma mater, the University of Texas. Succeeding Richter is Eric Becher, who for the past two years was graduate assistant to the Marching Band. He will ...…

July 09, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 34-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 9, 1980 Free Issue Sixteen Pages CAR TER HUDDLES WITH LABOR, AUTO EXECS. Auto aid plan unveiled J By TOM MIRGA. specialto The Daily DETROIT - President Carter, ac- companied by an entourage of domestic policy advisers, stormed into the hear- tland of the financially-strapped auto industry yesterday to unveil a com- prehensive plan aimed at reviving the ailing corporatio...…

July 10, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 35-S Ann Arbor, Michigan--Thursday, July 10, 1980 Free Issue Sixteen Pages REPUBLICAN LEADER MARY CRISP weeps during a meeting of the Repub-, lican National Committee in Detroit yesterday. Crisp bowed out of the Com- mittee co-chairmanship after a bitter disagreement with GOP platform writers over the Equal Rights Amendment. GOP votes no on ERA despite heated i From AP and UPI acknowledges "the legitimate effor...…

July 11, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 36-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 11, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Hostage to be set free }E E Khomeini orders seriously ill vice- consul released From UPI and AP Richard Queen, one of the 53 American hostages in Iran, is seriously ill in a Tehran hospital and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini has ordered that he be freed and sent home to his parents, Tehran Radio announced yesterday. The radio said Queen, 28, a ...…

July 12, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC., No. 37-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 12, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages calis for 13% tuition rate increase By MITCH STUART EE-Copyright 1980, TheMichiganDaily Thirteen is the magic number. After months of uncertainty over the exact figure, the Uni- versity, called for a 13 per cent across-the-board increase in tuition for the 1980-81 academic year, The Daily learned yester- day. The Regents will vote on wheth...…

July 15, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily The 1111 11 Vol. XC, No. 38-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 15, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages 10,000 rally for ERA Hit GOP platform decision By BONNIE JURAN Special toThe Daily DETROIT - More than 10,000 men and women marched through the streets of downtown Detroit yesterday to solicit support for the Equal Rights Amendment and denounce the Republican Platform Committee's recent decision to drop its 40-year plank favorin...…

July 16, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 39-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 16, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Republiean delegates easily OK platform From AP and UPI DETROIT - The Republican National Convention voted over- whelming approval last night for a 1980 campaign platform that blames President Carter for economic mismanagement and military weakness and pledges "a new begin- ning for America behind Ronald Reagan and the Republican Pa...…

July 17, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily' Vol. XC, No. 40-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 17, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages It's official: Reagan! epts v.P. trcs report DETROIT-Ronald Reagan, the 69-year-old former movie actor and a past governor of California, formally received the Republican Party's nomination for president of the United States last night. And Gerald Ford, 38th president of the United States, accep- ted an invitation by Reagan to be the vic...…

July 18, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 41-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 18, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Reagan, Bush set sail Nominee vows to 'trust the people From staff and wire reports DklTROIT-Ronald Reagan em- barked on his campaign as Republican presidential nominee last night, vowing to end President Carter's brand of "trust me government" and supplant it with one that puts trust in the people. He said Carter and the Democrats have brou...…

July 19, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 42-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, July 19, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Court k'is draft registration plan Ruling turns on sex bias issue From wire and staff reports PHILADELPHIA--The government's draft registration of young men scheduled to begin Monday is unconstitutional because it excludes women, a federal court panel ruled yesterday. The court "permanently enjoined" the government from requiring the regist...…

July 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily vni xr Mn- 4As Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 22, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Protests, fights mar first day of registration From AP and UPI Construction workers singing "God Bless America" crashed a rally by 150 anti-draft demonstrators in front of Boston's federal post office building yesterday in one of several protests marking the first day of President Car- ter's military registration program. Police intervene...…

July 23, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 44-S Ann Arbor, Niichigan- -Wednesday, July 23, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages plus Supplement St. Helens erupts after six-week- dormancy VANCOUVER, Wash. (AP) - Mount St. Helens broke a six-week silence with four towering ash eruptions yesterday after a series of increasingly frequent earthquakes, the U.S. Geological Sur- vey said. A pyroclastic flow of superheated gas, ash and rock also rolled down the north...…

July 24, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 45-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, July 24, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Billy to face inquiry Senate to scrutinize Carter's ties to Libya From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - Senate leaders last night agreed there should be an in- vestigation of Billy Carter's links with the Libyan government, but were unable to agree on what form the inquiry should take. In identical words in separate inter- views, Majority Le...…

July 25, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vin Yr Nn A&S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, July 25, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Senate to investigate Billy Carter's Libyan ties From AP and UPI WASHINGTON - The Senate created a nine-member panel yester- day to investigate Billy Carter's links with Libya's radical Arab government and to determine whether the White House influenced a Justice Department investigation of the president's younger brother. The chief White ...…

July 26, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily -Saturday, July 26, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen-Pages President's men tied to Anderson smear plot WASHINGTON (AP)-An unsigned political tract prepared by the Democratic National Committee to discredit independent presidential can- didate John Anderson is being distributed to federal employees by administration officials loyal to President Carter, reliable sources report. Federal campaign law prohibits the distribution of pol...…

July 29, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 48-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, July 29, 1980 Ten Cents. Sixteen Pages Renegade Dems meet to lead our ticket," Mondale declared. FromAPandUPI 'I- 5e7z"I intend to do everything I can to in- WASHINGTON - A group of disen- n open COflPli1Ol sure his renomination and re-election." anted congressional Democrats ch launched. a lobbying campaign yester- day aimed at throwing open- the Democratic National Con...…

July 30, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 49-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, July 30, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages U.N. backs Palestine Israel ordered to abandon settlements From UPI and AP UNITED NATIONS - The U.N. General Assembly voted overwhelm- ingly yesterday to demand that Israel begin withdrawing from its occupied territories by Nov. 15 and make way for a Palestinian state. The resolution was passed at the end of a fiery six-day emergency deba...…

July 31, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…Ask a parent: Orientation to 'U' not child's play by any means By JOYCE FRIEDEN "How important is a grade point average when ap- plying to graduate school?" "I've heard that most of the teaching is done by TAs - is that true?" "What are co-ed dorms like?" These were some of the questions asked at an orien- tation session held in the Kuenzel Room of the Michigan Union Tuesday night. The session's two leaders patiently soothed the anxieties of ...…

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