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June 01, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…[E WEATHER MAN For Ann Arbor: y--Fair and. warmer. The Michigan Daily M=2 ONLY MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR I< 7 9 fin Trifi *flTTYfl nnim Cl a No. 175. ANN ARBOR, MI1HIGAN SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1913. -RIUs ' IIVa UENT ............ 'LOW BOYS ARE' EASY FOR IRON MAN B i ves Prett Exibiion of 60:me n llHonor of Rickey's Last Appearance as Thaseball Coach". file SI$LER STAllS WITh THREE HIlTS AND WONDERF L CATCHII Asst. Coach Douglas and...…

June 01, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…TabE MICHIGAN DAILY :I :te Line of Spring Woolensl Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, WILD CO. 311 S. State Street S E NIO R S ! The time is drawing near when you will need VISITING CARDS We have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed late and 100 Cards. .......... ....$1.50 )O Cards from Plate... .... . .........90 Stwze nta ~ U E EA N C . C o ere is Companionship in Good Clothes, and to put them for poor ones is...…

June 01, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

….TIIE XICHfIGEANDAILY. ... n....rrs.+ ......r. w+.rwsuas....r rwwwn.w ewo++Morfieii iwlrriwwWwi r I st stlish correct in style. _r® just offer you stylish clothing would be easy for us but would soon set you doubting the value of our store service. We study the difference between style and correct 'style so that you "may feel secur in any selection yon may make here. There is an individuality in the* styles of Stein =gloch Smart Clothes t...…

June 01, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…TH MICHIGAN DAILY Abe forest lawn Ttea iRoomi Special Menus for Warm Weather Tailorsale 604 Forest Avenue. Phone 1238-J THE ELECT May Take Finals Under Honor System Prof. E. R. Turner has announced that a vote will be taken in his class in English history at the lecture hour Tuesday to determine whether that class will take final examination un- der the honor system. In speaking of this method, he said: "The honor sys- tem with few ...…

June 03, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 176) • Page Image 1


June 03, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY te Line of Spring Woolens THE MICHIGAN DAILY Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, WILD CO. 31 S S.State Street /d SE N IO-R S! The time is drawing near when you will need VISITING .CARDS We have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed nd 100 Cards.......... ..........$1.50 rds from Plate......................90 tEHkdC.t.. s his Answer to all from a Little Slip of ;. The Answer to ing can be pla...…

June 03, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…'TRE XICNIGAN DAILY. . s ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. BE fort as well as Style LOST Las-On State street between Dill and ::Try :: CAMPUS IN BRIEF. Prof. Patterson, of the engineering department, returned yesterday fro- Pottsville, Pa.., where he was calk by the serious illness of his son, who is attending the Hill school. An oper- ation for appendicitis was successful, and his son is now rapidly improving. -Miss Gra...…

June 03, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 Now is the Season for lhite Serge and Flannel TROUSERS We have all the patterns shown by most woolen houses. It will B to your advantage to see them. They are priced right, and when Malcolm makes you a trouser, the fit and style is assured. We are showing a fine Summer Blue Serge at twenty-three dollars--for the hot days. Drop in and see the line. ENGINEERING PROFESSOR TO SAIL FOR GERMANY Prof. Joseph A. Bursley, of ...…

June 04, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…M higan ily ONLY MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1913. PRICE FIVE CI EXAM WITH BULKY BUCKETS - -- - Breathes there a man with soul so may be about, dead, who never to himself has said, emporium will be another thirst introduced on the campus Tuesday afternoon, SENIOR LAWS JOURNEY TO CAPITAL FOR BAR ADMISSION -Senior laws will journey to Lansing on June 24 to be admitted to the bar of the state of M...…

June 04, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Line of. Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, ILD CO. 311S. State StreetI SI I rhe time is drawing near when you will need VISITINC CARDS Ne have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed d 100 Cards. .............. ....... .. ...$1.50 ds fron Plate................. 90 " S t de nt' .® ® Bookstore rn el ring Cuttin oS Street ......-I arty ies Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. s...…

June 04, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…*TRE MICHIGAN DAILY. U°, U Not just stylish but correct in style To just offer you stylish clothing would be easy for us but would soon set you doubting the value of our store service. We study the difference between style and correct style so that you may feel secure in any selection yon may make here. There is an individuality in the styles of Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes that pleases the critical buyer--a glance at yourself in a Stein-Blo...…

June 04, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILT I . ._. ,.. . . STUDENTS-- ATTENTION We are prepared to check your baggage from house to destination. Secure your rail road tickets early and avoid the sinconvenience of waiting at depots. Special attention given to billing of freight shipments. Taxis' and carriages on call day or night. PHONE 15. POLHEMUS TRANSFER LINE,""W. Mg.' iUor . e ----amwomw OVER STOCKED We don't want to Carry Over any T E ELECT This s eet...…

June 05, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER MAN orecast For Ann Arbor: Thursday andl Friday-Fair. T 1Th3a Daily ONLY MORNING PAPER I ANN ARBOR - Vol. XXIII, No. 178. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TI URSDAY, JUNE 5, 1913. PRICE FIVE - U OLD BOYS' TO CROSS BATS WITH VARSITY Stars of Former Days Will Return Attempt to Wrest Laurels From Heads of Present Team., and MAY SEND SISLER IN FOR BENEFIT OF OLD PERFORMERS. Lineup of Varsity to be Nearly As in Former Games. SameI ...…

June 05, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . La a T -E MICHIGAN DAILY Line of Spring Woolens TIL Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- rgest Assortment in the City ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- ady for Your nspetIOnigan, under Act of Congress of March 3, ady or Y ur Ispecion,1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. JfiLV HLLUUJ... _ to%3...…

June 05, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ ..., F _. , CQ3IMUNICATIQN. materially enhanced. Again it was Even this eliminated, neither "co-ed" offered, and was this time accepted. nor "stude" canquench the thirst with Since last fall, the fountain has oc- satisfaction, for water now rises above "Our Campus Cemetery." cupied a prominent space in the the spout in a trickling stream, barely t one year ago, the drinking shadow of the university flag pole, and suffic...…

June 05, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THEOMICHIGAN DAILY CHIGAN HAS PHENOMENAL YE AR ON FORENSIC PLATFORM EXTRA SPECIA ichigan's triumphs on the foren- platform this year have even out- ie her successes on the diamond, ers, and the gridiron. Never be- have the Maize and Blue orators debaters achieved such records iave been brought to their alma er this year. ny review of the past year in ora- cal fields would of necessity start i the exploits of the Blanchard s, Paul B. and P...…

June 05, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 178) • Page Image 5

…THE XICHIGAN DAILY. fort as well as Style I ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO'BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. :: Try :: FOR SALE. Gilmore Shoe o.G 119 S. Main. Y. We carry AA to E in Men's and Women's. Pingree Made is our leader. Pa lace of Sweets Down Town LET TRUBEY Fsrrnish the Ice Cremeax% Attenftion, to Frte.rnities -n 'd Sororities ON MAIN STREET For Sale-Dr. D. Williams, of St. Jos- eph, who has discontinued his prac-...…

June 05, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 178) • Page Image 6

…THU MICHIGAN DAILY Now is the Season for lhite Serge and Flannel TROUSERS We have all the patterns shown by most woolen houses. It will B to your advantage to see them. They are priced right, and when Malcolm makes you a trouser, the fit and style is assured. We are showing a fine Summer Blue Serge at twenty-three dollars--for the hot days. Drop in and see the line. 1. Karl Malcolm, 604 East Liberty St. Malcolm Block FURNITURE PACKING...…

June 06, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

….. ;.. E WEATHER MAN The cast For Ann Arbor: Mga Daily ONLY MORNING PAPER > 1 ANN ARBOR Fair and warmer. II, No. 179. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1913. PRICE FIVE CET BIG SUMMER ENROLLMENT IS EXPECTED Work in Law Department Commences on J une 23, Other Departments on June 30; All Close by August 30. SEVERAL LEAINA E1)UCATORS ARE ENGAGED FOR SESSION. Forty Special Lectures by Members of Faculty Have Been3 Arranged. CHAI...…

June 06, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SLine of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, WILD CO. 3 1 S. State Street ENIORS! e time is drawing near when you will need VISITING CARDS have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed 100 Cards........ .. ...$1.50 5 from Plate........ .. ...... 90 EHAN %AM C . d . t.' IT all along advaucing t you wear well sup- Liberty Street Academny of RDein g ea Every Wednesday and Saturday ...…

June 06, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…;,TSB NICHIGAN DAILY. .i Ot In style offer you stylish clothing 3asy for us but would -soon oubting the value of our FRATERNTY JEWIELERS AND STAT'IONERS 11 LYNDON'S NINTH SCHO ANNUAL OL END Clean-Up Sale of Left Over Prints at Half Price T'his means one or more of almost every one of this year's negatives. I Jewelers, Stationers, Opticiaans, and Fraternity Jewelers. VVe study the difference between ae and correct style sop that you...…

June 06, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…THE MCHIGAN DAILY -s- __ -- -- r Now is the Season for White Serge and Flannel TROUSERS VNIVERSITY NOTICES. Mid-Exam Tango Party, C°ranger's, Jute 1 ,. Baptist Guild lawn social tonight. Alumni baseball game Saturday,2:30 o'clock. Soph lit class meecting today, 4:15 o'clock. All senior sing, Memorial hall, 7:00 o'clock. Quadrangle meeting, Jue 11, Union. Varsity baseball practice today, 3:00 o'clock. 1914 opera music dlue at Union, 5:00 ...…

June 07, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER MAN EXAMS WE SHO ULI) WORRY! The' hl a ' : F - i , y s . ; , TLAST EDITION. No. 180. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1913, PRICE FIVE ( w --- ]KEY IS BACK OR TILT WITH STARS'OF OLD MUTUAL JOV 1' 1' r MC>REI ' f ' 43 -114 9T F P) Coach Surprises Team by Suddenly JIetur'ig for Last Gaime of Season and Will Be on Bench Today. BARIBEA U TO IL1L A AINST CAMPBELL, '11, AND ITLEY,' 04 Regular Season Ends Today, B...…

June 07, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY te Line of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, WILD CO. 311 S. State Street S FA .4 R The time is drawing near when you will need VISITING CARDS We have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed ad 100 Cards....... ... . .........$1.50 ards from Plate.....................90 1E EHANCa.!td*.".7. nt MOPMOMM, GRIP GRIPTH ESES rld is full of talented o scatter their forces C or r e s p ond...…

June 07, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHfIGAN DAILY. ..4 )omfort aswell a tylI .: Try Gilmore Shoe Co, IF%-~ 119 S. Main. We carry AA to E in Men's and women's. Pingree Made is our leader. AIDS IN THIS COLUTN N ARE TOBE PAID FOR IN AD1VANCE. FOR SALE. For Sale-Dr. D. Williams, of St. Jos- eph, 'who has discontinued his prac- tice will sell cabinet, vulcanizer, forceps and other dental instru- ments which he will display in Ann Arbor about June 5 or following week....…

June 07, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…' T fl MICHIGOAN DAILY TRACK MEN WILL SELECT CAPTAIN* Annual Picture Will be Taken on Mon- day, and Election is to Follow. THREE JUNIORS ARE ELIGIBLE. REGATTA WILL BE HELD NEXT JULY ITair -i IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT OUR COLLEGE-END SALE MEANS. ASK' SOME FELLOW WHO WAS HERE-LAST YEAR, Boat Club Also Adopts Athletic Association Scheme of 'I g.1,11 0 Choosing Officers. SWIMMING PROTESTS DECIDED. College-end Sale MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1913 to ...…

June 24, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…A AT YOUR DOOR THREE E IHE OLY FICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75eSUME PUBLICATION Vol] IV. A\N ARBOR~l, MIC.i] (fAN, T'.U'' Th-4t, J'NI21,1.11. No. 1. rA I S w 1 '9ID'w t f g ( . I lhies 7. Pnn vh ii'7 I~~~ B Y1(' wt bfu usuo frl,1iH, 1 1stb iii'a us 11 ll i' 4 17, 1Pen, yl 'nlsa , dni of a lovely -'' "nl'u 'ivnassorf- ' n_.'i tellfi~'jusr- -. Idilsastrouns 11'.i ; \ .111 r <i t ie h iu uii niflfaf i iivI ii l 11:4111like a hit-aisl-rt iiests i...…

June 24, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…THiiE W 0 L V E R I N E ;ea TRY T R U BEY' S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Special Summer Session June 30-August 22 All Branches at Music Per Catalegue or ifrmation, call at oflice or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capital, $too,ooo.o Surpies, SMosaic~ THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANI ANN ARBOR, MICH. Sae Batkingeand Corteous Tratlet otfs o...…

June 24, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE WOLVERINE NINE UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL Drugs, Cigars, Candy, and Stationery. Agency Moore's Non-Leakable Pen Mack's / K r JMack's Tea -K : Roome Roo FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. DINNERS SERVED FROM 11 A. M. TO 2. P. M. Service a la Carte. Ladies' Rest Room in Connection MACK & CO. (Tea Room Second Floor) 1 t l T i f i c A 1 _ 1 DEFEATS PENNSY. (Continued from page 1) Toomey threw...…

June 24, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…T1H11 E 'W 01,U v r, tOI N E C'OMMEINCEMENT 9:00 a. insProcession starts. WEEK PRIORAM. 10:00 a. m.-Commencement exer cises. Address by George Edgar Vin- (Continued from page 1) cent, LL., President of te Unier- sity of Minnesota. 8:00 p. rn-Reception > y te Uni- 1:15 p. i.-Commenement Dinner versity Senate in Memorial hall to in Waterman gyn. Tickets must be invited guests, graduates, former st- dent andfrieds o theUniversity. proeured at th...…

June 26, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 2) • Page Image 1

…AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75 SUMMER PUBLICATION No. 2 Vol IV. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1913. STAR WOLVERINE SOUTHPAW LOSES HIS FIRST GAME Poor Baserunning on Part of Michigan Helps Pennsy to Win 1 to 0) IMLAY PITCHES GOOD GAME. The Fates frowned hard upon George Sisler yesterday and although the stellar Wolverine southpaw pitch- ed as good, if not better, ball than his worthy rival, Captain Imlay...…

June 26, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 2) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE 1 TRY T R U BE Y'S ICE CREAM Also Martha Washington and Crane's Candies 116 S. Main St. Phone 166 UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC MAYNARD STREET. ANN ARBOR Special Summer Session June 30-August 22 All Branches ofM Pusic For Catalogue or Information, call at office, or address CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary Capital, $oo,ooo.oo Surplas, $So.oa.oo Undaived Profits, $a,000. 00 THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. safe Bankingand C...…

June 26, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 2) • Page Image 3

…THE15NVW 0LVVE51I NE5 UN 1IVE SITY V ENUE IAR ACY ^ .U1'NG .WIKE lires, Cgar, Cady, fldStatsotr Agory oores Nn mmekabl19 e Mack's Tea Room . F ;: - ' , t - " , __ - , , a ., PillS.YI~tlYl'S 111 El III IA ISj (Cootiooredfromopaoe 1 IL" 1") O tiC so t,- -- r the conlimoooooo 0 has s: imAlo to he mothe1. 'Ihis os the nme- tot11 00 o r bo r Sh e o w any trroliiO orr ere o f the or r o (( - centric the- ory wh~ichr hasroso intensee ly'stimurlar...…

June 26, 1913 (vol. 4, iss. 2) • Page Image 4

…TIfH WO0L VERI N E ALUMNI 1110MOM ALL ('OUNTIITIES lands, Cal.; J. 1H. Hemingway, Klanmp- The score: JOUR>NEY VlA.CK TO RtEUNIO. ton, is.; Judge L. E. Knappen, Grand PENNSYLVANIA. --- Rapids, T. E. Bliss, Cleveland, 0.; A. Martin, rf ......... 3 0 1 0)0 0 'I1wo Members nof('hiss of '7:1Ha-ve A. Birney, Washington, D. C.; Rev AGSFR II'D A I Siiis i G:. line (' lass Herbert Davis, Ann Arbor, W. 1ll. Cur- Coleman, It ....4 0 1 2 0 thiiFear. rer,...…

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