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June 25, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

…THE WOLVE RINE Vol. 1. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S.\TITRD.,Y, JUNEC a5, 1Q10. AGENCY FOR Martha Washington CAN D1ES Gilbert's Chocolates Tice's Drug Store 3 Suites for Rent-Also Rooms for Light f ousekeeping ('ALI, IN PERSONiI ALUMNI ASSEMBLE NEXT WEDNESDAY Elaborate Plans Are Laid for Entertainment of Return- ing Graduates HILL TABLET WILL BE UNVEILED WXednlesdiayJttne 2, 1 is lllum ilta at tihe uivei y. ly n11tht aylltthe 1o1d NAUGI iTY'-N t...…

June 12, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The'Michigan a. ?ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAXY, JUNE ago' . t 90N.Po VOL. XX. No. igo. ......... ...t.(I . tll EN O ONE, YEAR'S SUCCESS PUT MICHIGAN ON TOP AGAIN Wolverine Athletes "Come Back" and Land Maize and Blue in Front After Taking Dust for Three Years J- EiNGINEER AMAKES PLEAC FUR CLEA N EINIUIN.'IiONSi. The D II,i s in receosipt sof the follow- igcoci' icit on 1)sit ''tohae coote to anthler perotdoo of eci iltiitch-.Tere a01.aItog...…

June 11, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dally VOL. XX. STRONG BAND I MEET AT WHIT] If welve"M"Men Expect Next Fall Besides aU of New Materia QUARTERBACK IS BIG Q the gricliroii N rriors will ai Whitmiore Take aboiutt the the cointtg titietiti r to tg of minhi,; ready Miciga' ettf+ WVithlt iicit veteranis eligi wealthi if olie(r romiinig mia wich to si telecti there seemtIt tht te' tourN -iip coatch wit antt ivincetile maitcinie tht it gilt the ot it oni (Otor 8 _ Yoist...…

June 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…VoLNN NEARBOR, MIC HIGANIFRIDAY, JU NEIo3190. XX. FRESH ZITS TAKE THE CHAMPIONSHIP Poor Fielding of Senior Medics Assists First-Year Men to Victory rBELL GIVES BUT THREE HITS Copioussss mspjlas by lithe imedical seni ors enabhledi the fresh hits to wal aissasis wih lie fecsii.gam II heI( tesrclaiss baselbill series Thusrsda laf- ternlocmi. The freshsisen siami the chams- poship hy scoring tell rutis swhile their oppiioineits Coul lut but555 ...…

June 09, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…M . Frhe Am : ti't Vol-. XX. STATIS'TICS SHOW A POWERFUL NINE Lothrop and Hill Prove Heavy Hitters Waltner Stars in the Field TEAM AVERAGE IS EXCELLENT 'MNN ARBOR, ;MICHIGAN, Tii tic1 . J 1 BOOKCASE TO FITZPATRICK Council Committee Decides on (lift for Director j The Studet Cotuncil ccmiiiittei ll thatrge of lie Kci e Fit'id tick it las decidedl that a Ubookce woubc t ' arting athletic di~t :r. Th.,'ii itte coisticilg of FediL atoni a ii J...…

June 08, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…to -i C') 0 r- 0. "'1 cb "' ^- r s . s . c a , IJ. ' , , -- 4; r . - f , J^,,, =. ~ - r r % r _ r. -' f' r; r .- ' :i. Jam: -- Z7' 77- . - 11 1 - . - s' r-; _ ' ! l _. r-. ""'' f "'. rrt W . f r; . . ~ .-. v r y _ , , r ^"= f u . .T F' JQ O J r-t ( V' ! ry' ( n n " Ham. ~ J; J ' ' lV J: - 'O^.tt .^_. ^t , , rye r M r^ ..... "' V n ,._., ._. . r, ^, r,, I _ _ ; ,_." r . J... fY r.. M r, cl) O r (n r D O 0 z ND r- -_C_ oC SC-) C) ...…

June 07, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Michig _____ .NN ARBOR,'0MICHIGAN , E DM E1901)AJit .00. VOL. XX. NORMAN HILL IS ELECTED CAPTAIN, Varsity First Baseman will Lead Next Year's Baseball ' Aggregation THIRTEEN LETTERS AWARDED N ormano lill wilt leadtho Narsttt tall tadiig te sprin00g of 1g9t. Thte vteratnt lIttt 1aea wasti 00 eectetd to Thle tootunc of ntt 'seaon' Saggregatont met at litsctO Itt orto the annuoal pc- Ott'x w tr 1Fai too thiteen of tlhe f meltt wot haI plae...…

June 05, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dily VOT'. XX. ,NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAE', JUNE 5. (51. No. 174. VARSITY NINE CAPTURES AN OVERTIME STRUGGLE 1910 Baseball Season Ends in Victory When Notre Dame Loses 3 to 2 After Eighteen Hard Fought Innings S ITH EPS THE HOOSIERS 'T BAY F I i 1 1 I I i i 1t1o1k thei \Volsveines eighteenin - nline l to em ostate1 their biasehall sui- periotrity tiecr Noire Lamie Siaturday of- 1eno but licen lie v1ctory id come it wais...…

June 04, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

… ) con L~ O 4- O- s.. z. A 0 H Ho rU z F--1 J J 7- U u y r n r cC O C-I w Q r a r bL 77 V -ice v a K; V :-, -t r ^' M, "J (\ t- !.J ' , i-" tl: "J f,, _ :- ^ I _ . , ,,. 4 ii ;f... i 0 0 cN U) W~ 0® vow svoo Cl I,4 ' " r . C E : , Con) :, Ir 0o E C- C, C3 0 tCC C5 IH hI OC I. ac0 II CUM) 0 4) r C 0G r w~ Fl wl wI FlPOT- Fl- o ) . cdJ 0 0 73 U A~ . 0 0 Ch, EU, H U H H Q r. , _ = a , .., ;-, r J --I blc v r J P ^ f ....…

June 03, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…The Michignalv Vol- XX. ANN ARBOR, NMICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1aro. RATH SPOILS GAMEt WITIISOUTIIFRNERS' West Virginia Nine Leaves Town Without Displaying Strength on Ball Field NOTRE DAME HERE FOR SERIES 1ft11 011 an oce h gg regaion111 wh1ich1 1101d 1o1111 e 11 from010 the moun0tains111 of1 \Vost Vir1g1n11 to (11p111 its towes on111 . hl~l 1 held toO 1d1p100 di1sappinted10. The 17es0 Vignin ar11 r111 ve11 d1 ill Anna Arb'or \Veneda ev11 ...…

June 02, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…VO.XX NN ARBORt,(MICHIGAN, 7ITrOCSAY, JlNID,:s ssfo. N._p No. r71. VOL. XX. WESTIGINANS~ SENIOR GIRLS PREPARE WES ~FOR COMMAENCEI E;NT PLAY. PLAY HERE TODAY. Continued Wet Weather -Pre- a vents Preparations for g the Contest YOUNGSTERS WILL GET CHANCE Persisitnt ict water has tire tell I, Coatch Ricey pttingtt. the Varsity hal men tiro It terpcsi reparationl hi for the ital gamtes of the 910 sestont the first o f twhitch is schedultled for...…

June 01, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…IoA x Ell hl r. The M I a n °,NN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \Vl-,DNt SI -\I', ]UN i< ra. VOT- XX. No. 170. SEASON'S SUCCESS SATISFIES TEAM Election of Track Captain and Awarding of "M's" post- poned Indefinitely 1911 PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT W~ithi ani excelleint stiowing iit n the Easierni Ittercoltegiate to their credit, the Varsity track iteti returined to Anni Arbhr Saunday night satisfied with tie recaits attiained dutricng the igi0 seasoin. Several...…

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