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June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…Inewtdggyarsna !Ia Ninety-five years of editorial freedom i I I I: i i Twelve Pages Vol. XCV, No. 25-S C sThctori Dily Saturday, June 22, 1985 Pride Week commemorates origins By CHRISTY RIEDEL 16 years ago and 600 miles away, reverberations from the even In 1969, the patience of the New York city gay community can still be felt. had been stretched to the breaking point. When police raided Lesbian/Gay Pride Week is a quiet commemoration of th...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, June 22, 1985 Tanter cares about his students (Continued fromPagei) worth 50 percent of their grade practical experience to the academic term, he invited Dan Axelrod from the "It took a tremendous effort on my theories of political science classes. physics department to speak on the part to get this organized," Tanter IN 1981 and 82, Prof. Raymond Tan- nuclear arms race and a doctor to pa'trethiaporganzd...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily- Saturday, June 22, 1985- Page 3 w liberty location generates profit for 'U' Cellar By PAUL JACKSON Although Weinberg predicts the U Three years after opening its doors Cellar will require several years to on the corner of Liberty and Division overcome previous debts, moving ex- hUip experience enses, and the shutdown three years t. ~~the University Cellar hasexrend its best sales year in the 15-year ago, he said "We expect ...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Saturday, June 22, 1985 Pilot held for 3 days in Moscow MOSCOW (UPI) - A 59-year-old port. departure, he said. American man flew a six-seater plane "From my time of arrival I've been Soviet authorities refused to issue a into Moscow without a visa and spent, under lock and key," he said in a duplicate visa despite pressure from three-days locked up in a hotel roon telephone interview yesterday before U.S. diplomat...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 5

…OPINION 1 Page 5 Vol. XCV, No. 25-S 95 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Selective prosecution N WHAT SEEMS like a scene out of the past, a man who refused to register with the Selective Service faces up to five years in jail or a $10,000 fine next week. The resister, David Wayte - should not go to jail and should never h...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 6

…Page 6- The Michigan Daily - Saturday, June 22, 1985 Get to know us... We're a bookstore and a whole lot more. We're Ulrich's Bookstore, the bookstore that you will get to know and love. Located in the heart of central campus at 549 East University (corner of East University and South University). Ulrich's has been serving the community since 1934 and has grown with the ever- increasing needs. We have a complete line of products in all of o...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily,- Saturday, June 22, 1985 - Page 7 ETA GE OF ANN ARBOR ATTN.: ORIENTATION STUDENTS 8r customer.' t ..yringi LJL,,,EANN St L YU RE HERE! II 2 UrN ASNINGTN 5T.St E. LIERTY f.L I RNOR7Hn UNIVEUNIVERSIT -' _ _ _ _ Ul 0 O ~ ~ 4150t 0 AISN LfE IT 01 I F-I min own qwmr wlm ow Irich's niversity Cellar chigan Union Bookstore ousing Information Office teve's OF MICHIGAN The Michigan Union Bookstore CM ST EC ASO 8 WITH ONE-STOP SH...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 8

…ARTS Page 8 Saturday, June 22, 1985. The Michigan Daily Overbearing guitarist makes true waste By John Logie Tolman defers to McGrath because he's not technically as "good" of a guitarist, what I could hear of HAVE NEVER seen a single band Tolman's work was terrific. member torpedo a performance Tolman's straight-ahead hunky- like Richard McGrath did Thursday chunk style (with intermittent jangle night. McGrath is True West's lead breaks) is m...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Saturday, June 22, 1985- Page 9 Fest to bring variety of entertainment The Canadian Brass Ensemble By Neil Galanter commences the Festival next Satur- day, and from there on out expect a deluge of classical music, film, BOREDOM will be a remote theatre, mime, magic, and jazz. possibility during the upcoming Every night of the festival features an weeks in Ann Arbor. Beginning on event, with some evenings having two Saturd...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 '- The Michigan-Daily - Sat rday, Jane 22, 1985, CIL~%JfJfIIIlfiI[IID AlJIr 714- 54-1i7 FOR SALE GOVT. SURPLUS CARS & TRUCKS UNDER $10. NOW AVAILALEIN YOURAREA. CALLI1-619-569-0545 24HRS. "B0709 FOR RENT A FEW 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAIL- ABLE. Large enough for 3 to 4 people. Sarting September; 1-month lease. Call CAMPUS RENTALS 615-8125 or stop by 135SS University. eCc UNIVERSITY TOWERS Furnisbed Apartments. 536 S.Forest Phone 71-26...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Saturday, June 22, 1985 - Page 11 'U' to look at commencement changes (continued fromPage1) Any change in the commencement Schnaufer added, "Commencement popped chapagne corks during a ceremony is bound to be controver- should be for the graduates, not for speech by Gov. James Blanchard. sial, but student leaders are taking a making points in Lansing or in the Prof. Shaw Livermore, a par- "wait-and-see" attitude. "We haven...…

June 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 25) • Page Image 12

…SPORTS Page 12 Saturday, June 22, 1985 The Michigan Daily Niekro nailed; Tigers win, 6-4 By STEVE HERZ Special to the Daily DETROIT - The long ball took cen- ter stage at Tiger Stadium last night as the Detroit Tigers out-homered Rickey Henderson, 3-2, for a 6-4 win over the New York Yankees. However, it was an ordinary base hit by Larry Herndon that knocked in two runs, giving the Tigers a lead they never relinquished. Henderson set the sta...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-five years of editorialfreedom Vol. XCV, No. 24-S Copyright 1985 TheMichigan Doily Friday, June 21, 1985 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages Regents hear computer expansion plan By KERY MURAKAMI Houweling, vice provost for information "I'd like to see computers available within available to students - not including about 450 Telling the Board of Regents that the Univer- technology, the University would set up com- five minutes from every s...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 2

…Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 21, 1985 MORE THAN 1,200 SIGN BOYCOTT STATEMENT Theater group gathers support for Kerasotes boycott I By CHRISTY RIEDEL University Prof. William "Buzz" Alexander announced yesterday that a boycott of the State, Campus, and Wayside movie theaters has gained the official support of 24 public figures and 1,222 residents of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. The Pinkertons, a local theater group, has been circulat...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 3

…U y su ca m W si be di a n D, s The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 21, 1985 - Page 3 Terrorism blamed or Salvador deaths 'Obviously when terrorists open up with The leftist guerrillas have not issued any tacks in their six-year war against the U.S.- SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (UPI) - The automatic weapons toward a crowd of several statements claiming they undertook the attack. backed government. .S. Embassy and the Salvadoran army hundred peopl...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 21, 1985 'U' may expand computer labs (ContinuedfromPagei) million of the increased computing literacy is a "short-range problem The centers would be modeled after costs would have to be covered by the because the number of people with the the centers currently available to the University's general fund. A five per- knowledge before coming to the business and entny aigstudents. cent tuition increase t...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 5

…OPINION Page 5 Vol. XCV, No. 24-S 95 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board No exceptions T HIS NATION'S system of checks and balances has triumphed once again with the Supreme Court's decision that an attorney general of the United States is not absolutely immune from a lawsuit for violating an in- dividual's legal or constit...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 6

…Friday, June 21, 1985 First Run el.. FLETCH PARIS, TEXAS RETURN TO OZ Chevy Chase as a wise-cracking reporter in a Sou-searhing ina small Texas town. Directed Disney Stadio's elaborate and rather risky at- mystery-comedy by the director of The Bad News by Wilm Wenders from a piece by Sam Shephard. tempt at visualizing the classic OZ stories of L. Bears. At the State Theaat 3e,662-6264 At the State Theater, 231 S. State; 662-6264. FrankBaum. ...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 7

…Translations - Performance Net- Furthermore MONDAY work 8 p.m. at Performance Network. See Friday's listing. fhitley Setrakian and Dancers - People Dancing 3 and 8 p.m. at the Power Center. See Friday's listing. Campus Cinema Celestial Spring/Starbound - Bars and Clubs University Exhibit Museum Celestial Spring is a video presen- tation featuring live narration about the constellations currently visible in Bird of Paradise - (662-8310) - th...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 8

…ARTS Friday, June 21, 1985 The Michigan Daily Page 8 Records Mark Isham - Film Music (Windham Hill) Within the ranks of the ever burgeoning, increasingly hard to. define school of New Age Music, Mark' Isham stands as one of the more ex- ceptional figures, a composer whose works have considerably more depth and liveliness than the typically one- dimensional, merely decorous music endemic to the field. Isham's delicate, pale, often moody arr...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 21, 1985 - Page 9 Quartet presents a slice of Jazz-life not clearly understood even by its By Roxana Kaveh own greatest musicians - they're still - ~~~learning t lyi! IT IS TUESDAY night, jazz in the Harvey Reed, an ex-Michigan IU-Club featuring the Jazz-life Professor of psychology, is the man band. The band expands as the night behind the piano. His playing, if not grows older, many musicians get in- quite ...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 10

…Page 10 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 21, 1985 ILAJJfJIIIF III[IL 41%U~ 714-I(T(7 4 FOR SALE FOR RENT GOV'T. SURPLUS CARS &TRUCKS UNDER $100. FALL 0985 NOW AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA. A variety of apartments are available. For more CALLo1-619-569-0242. 24HRS. informationocall 63-3050. "B0709 SPEARS-WALTERSOM CCUc FOR RENT A FEW 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAIL- ABLE. Large enoogh for 3 to 4 people. Startiog September; 12-month leaoe. Call CAM...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 11

…SPORTS Friday, June 21, 1985 The Michigan Daily NCAA: drug tests needed for athletes NEW ORLEANS, La. (UPI) - Vowing "we're for real and we mean business," the chairman of a special NCAA committee said yesterday a widespread drug testing plan for in- tercollegiate athletics will likely be implemented by August 1986. John L. Toner, head of the Special NCAA Committee for National Drug Testing Policy, held a news conferen- ce during the NCAA's s...…

June 21, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 24) • Page Image 12

…Page 12 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, June 21, 1985 CHICAGO DROPS NINTH STRAIGHT Grand slam boosts Mets NEW YORK (UPI) - George innings. THE BACK-TO-BACK homers were Foster hit his 12th career grand slam New York scored five unearned the Mets' first of the season, giving and Sid Fernandez struck out a runs in the third. With two out, Kelvin New York its biggest inning of the career-high 10 yesterday to lead the Chapman singled, Ray Knight yea...…

June 20, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…Niet yfiv dioael Ninety-five years of editorial freedom Vol. XCV, No. 23-S Copyrsighs1985 Thursday, June 20, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages Reagan doesn't have a mandate, 'U' By KERY MURAKAMI poses that voters base their decisions on some clear no mandate for deep cuts in socia After President Reagan's landslide reelection idea of what a candidate would do if elected. But he general, there was no policy mandat victory seven months ago, m...…

June 20, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 23) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, June 20, 1985 Experts say Syria may have guided hijacking JERUSALEM (UPI) - The hijacking of the Trans World Airlines plane apparently was planned and carried out by members of an ex- d tremist Lebanese Shiite Moslem organization, Israeli Arab affairs ex- pert said yesterday. They said the hijackers probably belong to one of about 15 Iranian- inspired Shiite groups active in Lebanon who at different ti...…

June 20, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 23) • Page Image 3

…LASER SHOT A T DISCOVERY The Michigan Daily -Thursday, June 20,1985-Page 3 Space shuttle works on 'Star Wars' test CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPI) - A harmless laser ray fired from a Hawaiian volcano hit the space shuttle Discovery yesterday but the spaceship was out of position to reflect the beam back to Earth in a "Star Wars" missile defense test. "We can see the light," Commander Daniel Brandenstein reported. BUT SINCE the ship was not in the ...…

June 20, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 23) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, June 20, 1985 Fast-paced orientation program eases tension for new students IN BRIEF From United Press international (Continued from Page 1) MANY FIND out that Bo Schembechler's real name is Glenn, while others turn the cube in Regents' Plaza in awe of its design. But program coordinator Paul McNaughton said the sense of being overwhelmed is tempered by the fast pace of the program. "We have todo so ma...…

June 20, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 23) • Page Image 5

…OPINION Page 5 Vol. XCV, No. 23-S 95 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board An alternative TWENTY homosexual high-school students are enrolled in an instructional program in the basement of a church in New York City. These students have been harassed and abused by their peers at regular schools. Many of the students have dropp...…

June 20, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 23) • Page Image 6

…ARTS Thursday, June 20, 1985 0 Page 6 The Michigan Daily 'Cider House' enjoyable but unbalanced The Cider House Rules present in the last two books in order When Irving devotes his attention to By John Irving to further his theories on abortion. characterization the results are Morrow, 560 pages, $18.95 Thus the book reads somewhat like a terrific. Larch is a wired ether addict fictional treatise, or perhaps a who learns to love by loving...…

June 20, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 23) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Thursday, June 20, 1985 - Page 7 FCRILAJ JfIIIFIIIIII 4119%L WANTED BNSECE_ FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT HELP WANTED BUSINESS SERVICES VW BUG, '72, It. blue, good transportation. Good transmission & Tires. $350.994-0048. 83B061 GOV'T. SURPLUS CARS & TRUCKS UNDER $100. NOW AVAILABLE IN YOUR AREA. CALL1-619-569-0242.24HRS. B0709 FOR RENT A FEW 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAIL- ABLE. Large enough for 3 to 4 people. Starting Septembe...…

June 20, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 23) • Page Image 8

…SPORTS Page 8 Thursday, June 20, 1985 4 The Michigan Daily Red Sox succumb to Tigers again Terrell rises to 8-2 By BRAD MORGAN Special to the Daily DETROIT - The Detroit Tigers pounded out a 13-hit barrage and scored in six of their eight at-bats to batter the Boston Red Sox, 9-3, last night at Tiger Stadium. The Bengals broke from the gates early by scoring four times in the first three innings. With one out in the first, Alan Trammell si...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…olir £ tidligan :ail Ninety-five years of editorial freedom Vol. XCV, No. 22-S copyigh ei1985 Showdown '^'arinacri'v Dina 19 19R Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages begins on higher ed. budget By KERY MURAKAMI Daily news analysis As a conference committee of both houses of the state legislature meet this week to iron out a state higher education budget, they are divided on how to help students pay for college. The Senate budget resolution focuses ...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, June 19, 1985 MSU suspends frat over hazing incident Michigan State University authorities Monday announced the Turner's action caps a two-week in- The Detroit Free Press reported problem at Central," Owen said. Duquesne hoop stars suspension of the Kappa Alpha Psi vestigation into the initiation which that Gerald Banks of Detroit and Jeff "When you're talking about $300,000 fraternity over incidents whi...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…Ann Arborites already love Italian sensation Wednesday, June 19, 1985- Page 3 House cuts production of MX warheads 1 i I 1 I r By KATIE WILCOX Ann Arbor residents like to think of . i their city as a cultural center, a Most people in the ' .t'f", WASHINGTON (UPI) - The House progressive place one step ahead of ..clamped an even tighter lid on the other towns. And it is, at least for ice Midwest don't know .4Ghuge MX missile yesterday, vot...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, June 19, 1985 Computers aid history research IN BRIEF From United Press International (Continued from Page 1) computer research in his study about educational reform in Grand Rapids at the turn of the century. Challenging the popular notion that vocational training in high schools was a working class movement, Angus spent two years collecting his data. By coding 100 voters from each of Grand Rapids' 4...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

…OPINION Page 5 Vol. XCV, No. 22-S 95 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Take uthe slack AS A STATE Senate and House conference committee sits down to iron out their differences on a higher education budget this week, they will have to ask them- selves whether the state should use its resources to help keep tuition down or ...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

… Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, June 19, 1985 I Get to know us... We're a bookstore and a whole lot more. We're Ulrich's Bookstore, the bookstore that you will get to know and love. Located in the heart of central campus at 549 East University (corner of East University and South University). Ulrich's has been serving the community since 1934 and has grown with the ever- increasing needs. We have a complete line of products in all...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily- -Wednesday, June 19, 1985- Page 7 MTAGE OF ANN ARBOR mm - - m I I customer. I I I I .1 ~yring I I p I I I mm m mu EEEEE F. HURON ST. WASHINGTON ST. E.LIRERTT ST" F y N _= f F O O LL = ' E. WIll1AM ST. I Ai " W y -_ N JEFFERSON j 22 O 7 O FE MADISON a. "J - f j LJOHNI 4 GpO ' 7C O Ztir G 'y" 9 J HILL ST k EA5T MOOVER I.VENVE II-------- IME i W 1 F N 0 STAOtUpi r E.LANN S Eil NORTH UN7ERUNIVERSITY% >1 O'~ OF MICHIGAN T...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 8

…ARTS Wednesday, June 19, 1985 4 Page 8 The Michigan Daily 'Prizzi' suffers from disheveled tone By Byron L. Bull OF THE PEOPLE I know who've - seen Prizzi's-Honor a small per- centage seem to have genuinely liked it; a larger number really hated it; and the great majority seems com- pletely ambivalent, liking it initially only to grow disenchanted, if not enraged by the end. Any film that deals with a love affair between two professional ...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, June 19, 1985 - Page 9 Records (Continued from Page 8) riginal. Because X is tied to the new music cene, this record will probably get umped in with recent cow-punk eleases like Jason and the Scorchers, "harley Pickett and the Eggs, and whoever else the label is tossed onto. Don't be fooled. Poor Little Critter the Road is a Country and Western cord. It's also a mighty good time. leer drinkin' music. References...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 10

…yPg 10 - Th iigan Daily - Wednesday, June 19, 19 ILAJfJIiI[FIItIL AIUJF 71t4- Ci(ii 4 FOR SALE VW BUG, '72, It. blue, good transportation. Good transmission &Tires. $350994-0048. t3BO619 GOVT. SURPLUS CARS & TRUCKS UNDER $100. NOW AVAILABLEIN YOUR AREA. CALL 1-619-569-242.24 HRS. SfO709 FOR RENT A FEW 2 BEDROOM AARTMENTS AVAIL- ABLE. Large enouggbfor 3 to 4 peopte. Starting September; t2-montb tease. Catt CAMPUS RENTALS 005-0025 or stop by ...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, June 19, 1985 - Page 11 Reagan demands safe release of hostages WASHINGTON (UPI) - President current situation with the seizing of Reagan said yesterday that he will not hostages in the U.S. embassy in Iran make any concessions to terrorists in 1980, an event that he used con- holding Americans hostage in tinuously against President Carter in Lebanon and called on the Shiite the presidential election. Moslems to...…

June 19, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 22) • Page Image 12

…SPORTS Wednesday, June 19, 1985 THE 1985 NBA DRAFT 4 Page 12 The Michigan Daily Pistons draft gu in first round NEW YORK (UPI)-With Patrick Madison Square Garden's Felt But Detroit did make a move to get Ewing as Exhibit A, the NBA argued Forum. some needed up-front muscle when it its case for the big man yesterday at Rounding out the top 10 draft picks, completed a pre-draft trade of Dan its annual college draft. it was: 6-8 Xavier McDani...…

June 18, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…N iny iar odto lfeeo Ninety-five years of editorialffreedom Vol. XCV, No. 21-S Copysght 1985 Tuesday, June 18, 1985 Fifteen Cents Twelve Pages Shiites hold hostages off plane BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - Fearing a bloody rescue attempt, a Moslem militia leader ordered about 30 American hostages transferred from a hijacked TWA jetliner yester- day to secret locations in the anarchy- wracked Lebanese capital. In a surprise twist to the four-da...…

June 18, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 18, 1985 Mixed reaction for Reagan's tax reform WASHINGTON (UPI) - President breaks the plan would give the very Reagan's tax reform plan received wealthy. Nonetheless, he said the the mixed reviews from groups represen- proposal was "the most significant ting the poor yesterday while several piece of anti-poverty legislation" accounting experts labeled parts of Reagan had sent Congress. the proposal...…

June 18, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 18, 1985 - Page 3 Commission dumps 'comparable worth' WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Equal "THE EEOC has stood logic on its we have to win these cases over the Opportunity Commission yesterday head," McEntee said. "The agency is backs of the federal government," dismissed "comparable worth" as a no longer a catalyst for change in ef- Newman said. way to combat wage discrimination, forts to remove bias in the nation's...…

June 18, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…Page 4 -The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 18, 1985 City Council approves resolution to support affordable housiigi By CHRISTY RIEDEL The resolution stated that city resources to such housing; The Ann Arbor City Council last agencies involved in housing matters " The Community Development night passed a resolution that sponsor - such as the Housing Commission, Department, the county, and other Lowell Peterson (D-First Ward) said Community Deve...…

June 18, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 21) • Page Image 5

…OPINION Page 5 Vol. XCV, No. 21-S 95 Years of Editorial Freedom Managed and Edited by Students at The University of Michigan Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily Editorial Board Wasteful thinking SEN. GILBERT DiNello (D-East Detroit) and Sen. Harry DeMaso (R-Battle Creek) have introduced a bill in the state Senate that would ban medical experimen- tation on pet animals. Supporters of the bill, including the Humane Society, arg...…

June 18, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

… Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, June 18, 1985 Get to know us... We're a bookstore and a whole lot more. We're Ulrich's Bookstore, the bookstore that you will get to know and love. Located in the heart of central campus at 549 East University (corner of East University and South University). Ulrich's has been serving the community since 1934 and has grown with the ever- increasinghneeds. We have a complete line of products in all of ...…

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