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June 02, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 11-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, June 2, 1983 Ten Cents Twenty Pages AFSCME VOTE TOO CLOSE TO CALL Union leade Lansing today properly cond University cler The Michiga of State, Coun ME), Jim Jarn charges were, could result in WHETHER national union wages and ben 1,216 vote, ag Union cries foul play By JAYNE HENDEL were challenged by AFSCME, the University, and the The almost even split makes the challen...…

June 04, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 12-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-- Saturday, June 4, 1983 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Youth Corps attracts few By DAN GRANTHAM Governor James Blanchard's Michigan Youth Cor- ps job program may be a success in Detroit and Lan- sing, but the response in Ann Arbor has been unen- thusiastic. Edwin Cable, manager of the Ann Arbor Michigan Employment Security Commission (MESC) office at the Maple Village Shopping Center, sai...…

June 07, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 13) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 13-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, June 7, 1983 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Illiterate player to sue 'U' "He was in special education classes By KAREN TENSA throughout high school and consistently A lawsuit filed by an illiterate CO u rt overtu rns ru lin on tested in the 68 to 73 range on IQ tests," basketball player was revived yester- said Jones' attorney Jerome Quinn. The day in The Michigan Court of Appeals...…

June 09, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 14-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, June 9, 1983 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages i '1W batsmen ahead in Series game By PAUL HELGREN Special to the Daily OMAHA, Neb. - The Michigan baseball team, on the verge of elimination from the College World Series, led Stanford, 3-2, at the end of five and one- half innings at press time last night in Rosenblatt Stadium. If Michigan wins, it will face undefeated Texas tomorro...…

June 11, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…Batsmen down n 6th Seestory, Page 12 The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 15-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, June 11, 1983 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Tuition hike may be less than 1 By CHERYL BAACKE Tuition hikes for next year may be less than 10 percent if Gov. James Blanchard's proposed increase in state funds to the University is approved by the House of Representatives, a top University official said yesterday. "We are really'trying to s...…

June 14, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIII, No. 16-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, June 14, 1983 Ten Cents TwelvePoges Health Services seeks fee hike Services. By CHERYL BAACKE The University Regents will vote this week ona.R e en ts t co n sid er University funds comprised $1.28 of student fees propoalt o isestudenthswl sve fee by which Health Services officials are proposing students proposal to raise student health service fees by $7.50 pick up. a year...…

June 16, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCIll No. 17-S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, June 16, 1983 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Tuition hike estimated at 8-10% By CHERYL BAACKE A top University official said he will recommend an 8 to 10 percent tuition increase for 1983-84 at the mon- thly Board of Regents meeting which begins today. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Billy Frye said at least an 8 percent hike is necessary to pay faculty salaries a...…

June 18, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…Regents reject guidelines Research policy defeated by 7 to 1 vote By CHERYL BAACKE University Regents yesterday defeated a proposal by a vote of 7 to 1 which would have established guidelines for non-classified research on campus. Regents rejected the controversial proposal saying that restricting non-classified research would in- fringe on faculty members' academic freedom. THE UNIVERSITY'S Research Policies Commit- tee drafted the proposal ...…

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