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June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 18-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, June 3, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Ex-attorney general in .k fran despite U.S. gov't objections From UPI and AP TEHRAN, Iran - Defying a U.S. travel ban, former attorney general Ramsey Clark and'Nobel Prize-winning biologist George Wald flew into Tehran with eight other Americans yesterday to try to talk with Iranian officials about the release of 53 American hostages. The Am...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday. June 3, 1980-The Michigan Dqily Ex-attorney general flies to Tehran; ignores ban (Continued from Page 1) ning from a 15-year exile and leading his revolutionaries to power. The document, on three pages, was marked "top secret," with instructions to "deliver during duty hours." Huyser wrote of various efforts the military could take to restore order in the coun- try, hut then said, "If that fails then my guidance to them is we ...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 3 Local Scenemmol- Regents briefed on replacement plan options for 'U' Hospital By MITCH STUART The University Board of Regents, in a special meeting Sunday, received a briefing on the three "block plans" for the $200 million-plus University Hospital replacement program. University administration officials did not ask the Regents to approve any of the basic plans at that time, but may ask them to...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…Paqe 4-Tuesday, June 3. 1980-The Michigan Daily Ocean graveyards for 4 nuclear waste disposal of c d) l nit t diffn in SANDIEO-Ltte i knwnO sanai, poiu an u uson SAN DIEGO-Littis knon Br through water action,earth crust V. . ,*..>. of the deep ocean bottom or its By David Helvarg geology and delivery systems at heUirsy f Mihianrole in maintaining the sea's a tC hsecologicalb web of life, Strange, are not located where they were and securit...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 5 Regents hear new hospital plans (Continued from Page 1) and drive costs higher, they said. The architects pointed out if separate buildings are constructed as in plan C, different building codes can be followed, depending on the eventual use for each building. That would provide for lower costs, they Said, than if one building were built and the toughest codes were followed. One final problem th...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily WILL SEEK REDUCED SENTENCE 4 Diggs WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. Charles Diggs (D-Mich.), lost at the Supreme Court yesterday on a final ef- fort to avoid a three-year prison sen- tence for mail fraud and taking payroll kickbacks. The Detroit Democrat, Congress' senior black member, said he will not try to delay the imposition of the sen- tence, but will ask the trial judge to reduce the time he must...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1 AP Photo A GROUP OF CUBAN refugees rush to the main gate of the Fort Chaffee, to a nearby highway, but were chased back to the gate by police. Ark., relocation center Monday as rioting breaks out. Many refugees made it Troops ordered to refugee site From APandUPI FORT CHAFFEE, Ark. - A con- tingent of 1,400 Army troops was or- dered to this seething Cuban refugee relocation center yesterday, as Presiden...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…Page 8' Tuesday, June 3,1980-The Michigan Doily {. .... , r.. .. .nx"... :.: ::Ch,"at...4...4rt q ..r..r.... 4 :.... ......... .,. ,. .:..... .. ... .r .{ ... .... rr. r4e. x.. ....:.,. .. .. , .?t":; ": ,:x}:">:,"}:: ,;::.,",;x:::," :" 1 £ ...G}. .. , .}., . ..k . ,..x.,x.....: ......... ...... o...... r.... u .....: .... ... x, ,.. ,. # 4 .... } .:t , 4 x4.:,>;{..;:.: ::::}tsr ..:. xr..., r....,.5 " w"}x..v ":rv: K"::~:::."x:".Sv .... ." r ....…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 9 Kennedy campaigns despite sure Carter Dem. convention win From UPI and AP Although President Carter is certain to lock up the Democratic presidential nomination in today's final primaries of 1980, Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), barnstormed across the country on election eve as if the race were wide open. , Carter remained at the White House, assured of picking up the delegates he needs today to ...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily MILITARY TO DRAFT NEW CONSTITUTION S. Korean congress thwarted .0 SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - In yet another apparent setback for democracy, South Korea's military- dominated government said yesterday that the popularly elected National Assembly will not help write the nation's new constitution. The government also announced the appointment of two military leaders - Maj. Gen. Ro Tae-woo, command...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 11

…Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 11 POPE JOHN PAUL ll greets children from different countries in Paris Monday. The pope was there to address a meeting of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. South rre finerie rocked bybomb blasts Pope calls work of scientists dangerous to man PARIS (AP)-Pope John Paul II, ending a busy four-day visit to France, said yesterday that experiments to modify genes are as...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4 I'I314AP SFORI RENT- SIAMESE CAT-10 year old family pet. Reward. SINGLE ROOMS available for men and women 7606861. 49A603 w/gym, swimming pool, racquetball courts, weight FOUND-Blue, ten-speed Schwinn Continental al room and sauna privileges. For further info, contact Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. If you can identify it Ann Arbor Y at663-0536, 350OS. Fifth Ave. 74C607 with serial number/bill...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 13 P Daily Classifieds (Continued from Page 12) WANTED TO RENT FALL-MALE Ph.D. student, age 27, looking for apartment, apartment mate, for Sept. Prefer Medical Campus, need parking. Call Walt, 764- 3167 (day), 995-3885 (night). 75L1605 HELP WANTED I TEMPORARY JOBS IN AUGUST & SEPTEMBER Your student bookstore is now accepting applica- tions for Fall Book Rush. Full time work. $3.59/ hour. Apply now...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily Carter- to ask for approval of gas rationing WASHINGTON (AP)-President Carter will ask Congress this week or next to approve an emergency gasoline rationing system that would unavoidably shortchange millions of Americans if it takes effect, an ad- ministration official acknowledged yesterday. Deputy, Administrator Douglas Robinson of the Department of Energy said the plan, calling for massive is...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Dily-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-Page 15 Sports SUNDAY IS SUNNY Blue to flin start; dunsCal (continued from Page 16) less expressed accurately the post- game feeling. "It's a shame both teams couldn't have won. Cal played super, we just got a couple more key hits," said Mid- daugh. There was added incentive for both ' teams to prevail in the early afternoon game, as the loser would have to fight for their tournament life just 45 minute...…

June 03, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 18) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Tuesday, June 3, 1980-The Michigan Daily se eSports Michigan trails Arizona By JON WELLS Specialto TheDaily CHOKE CITY, Neb.-The Michigan baseball team, losers to Miami (Fla.), 3-2, yesterday, trailed Arizona 7-0 in the seventh inning last night at the College World Series here. Since two defeats means elimination from the tournament, a Wolverine loss would bring the team home to Ann Ar- bor. The Wildcats jumped on freshman righthand...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 19-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, June 4, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Carter goes over From APandUPI President Carter won enough dele- gates yesterday to claim the 1980 Democratic nomination, but Sen. Ed- ward Kennedy, seeking to embarrass him on the final day of the primary season, won in New Jersey and Rhode Island and was leading in South Dakota. New Jersey still gave Carter enough Democratic delegates to...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Wednesday, June 4 1980-The Michigan Daily Milliken's tax reform package not weapon against Tisch plan, Senate backers say LANSING (UPI) -Senate backers of Gov. William Milliken's $800 million tax reform package yesterday tried to con- vincewary colleagues the proposal is more than just a weapon to defeat the Tisch tax slashing plan. Senate action on the proposed con- stitutional amendment and accom- panying bills, which would give home...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 4, 1980-Page 3 <- I.oca1 Scene > Council ordinance may require increase in Greek parking spaces 0 By ELAINE RIDEOUT A city ordinance that would increase the required number of parking spaces provided by new frater- nities and sororities for their members passed on fir- st reading at council's Monday night session. Councilman David Fisher (R-Fourth Ward) proposed the amendment that would require upgrade zoni...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Wednesday, June 4, 1980-The Mich { fO S1UANESTOEMWE'D r~ stOA oun, r 4 Clark should have stayed at home HE IRANIAN government is like a five-year- old child. Similar to any cunning, spoiled brat, it manages to do just about whatever it wishes, while fretting adults stand by and worry about how to discipline the little monster. Anyone knows why spoiled brats behave the way they do; they love attention. It makes them feel powerful to ...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 4, 1980-Page 5 Woman with Jordan offers nothing new- FBI spokesman SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY and his wife Joan chat with a worker in Burbank, Calif. during a campaign stop there yesterday. Despite strong showings in three key states, Kennedy's chances to upset President Jimmy Carter for the Democratic presidential nomination appear dim. Kennedy sweeps two states, leads in third FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) - The woman w...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Wednesday, June 4, 1980-The Michigan Daily ACCUSED OF AIDING BLACK GUERRILLAS 4 JOHA Oxford- ting to energy guilty y of the wl The c face the SOUT tinued b reported building firing te The gi ter guer one of t governs Christ nection estimatc S. African scientist found guilty o-'plans and information about South African oil and kNNESBURG, South Africa (AP)-An During the trial, however, the prosecution sought to coal installations to th...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Doily-Wednesday, June 4,1980-Page 7 t.v .v r r +N 1 ...,.. .. v. ".t".vv: v . v. }". .{f .. 3'. rr. .. "{Y rv. v .{.r... ..n. ..... .........r..,v} ..: ..: ..:::.: f S. .vth. r . .. ... ...... J}.... ...... .. .. ... :.v r.. ..v... ,. ..................,.... ........... r.:::.v:......... n... fi.:::: U::::".:.v::.:w.v::.v::.v::::?:3:fi?:{":: }"::::::.v :".:w.v:..v w:::: w:::.vv.v..:.. 9". .. ... "{,. r.. .f r f. r.:.v .... .r........…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Wedneslay, June 4, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4 I I 1 1 014 L44 Rv$:i l4bl I - 1 :4 7 Ar 1 3 LOST AND FOUND PUPPY LOST-White female, N. State Street area. Reward.PleasecallAlex,663-6639. 73A606 FOUND-Blue, ten-speed Schwinn Continental at Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. If you can identify it with serial- number/bill of sale, it's yours. Call Howard Witt at 764-0552. dA611 FOR SA LE MUST SELL-Artcarved diamond ring, size 8%, worn only twic...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Wednesday. June 4, 1980-Page 9 Demoeratic leaders urge Carter to expel Cuban 'criminals' From UPI and AP WASHINGTON-House and Senate Democratic leaders yesterday urged President Carter to crack down hard on rioters and other "criminal elements" among Cuban refugees and send them back to their communist-ruled island. At the White House, press secretary Jody Powell said Carter already has asked the Justice Department for a re...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 10

…-TI Clark bitterly denounces U.S. administrations' Jranian policies Simple operation, AP h*t* Politics have necessitated this transformation of Misha, official mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympics (left) to Misha, all-American teddy bear. R. Dakin and Co. of San Francisco, the U.S. manufacturer of the cuddly bear, has replaced its five-ringed Olympic belt withta red, white, and blue T-shirtiemblazoned with a U.S. hockey player. ACLU attempts t...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 11

…..{. m.:5"'" "" }'":+lti^}}' ""}:v:Y %v}y.} fi '" }:+:ir:"}':' ": {' .;4{:l:>t'<.:{::".'}is^ :u}:"}}iY'"kYX2"Y.;":;}:;}:+. "S;:vi q,. ,: >"::., .; "." }.:: ,fia .?;'+, ',.;f " 3 ;: v. .&;k;... :.}.,":. ",, ;.; "2; ..;r{.*k}}s:; ?i ::..: .4'e", ;?E"." ,y+ @ $r}.:","".: ::, :.,:r.: .>:;t;.} .;".k::.?u.,.}:: :"": s:+:;: :r'"' < ;Jy',; ti" o% ryv;. vy ",4. } .fi;}..t;y '°5., ?": {:. ":C+.;r )r.:.. k t.....'{: .'.':,f>:a ..^.t2"}S:}r ": a"." "c.; ,...…

June 04, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 19) • Page Image 12

…Page 12--Wednesday, June 4, 1980-The Michigan Daily Wolverines bow out Arizona ends Blue series dreams, 8-0 BY JON WELLS Special to The Daily OMAHA - Three baseball games in 35 hours is tough, but when you play the three top-ranked teams in the country in that time span, it's even tougher. This is the ordeal that the Wolverines underwent in Rosenblatt Stadium Sun- day and Monday, and the result was one victory and two losses and a third- roun...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 20-S Ann Arbor, Michigan--Thursday, June 5, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Condenmied killer Potts ~ our stay ATLANTA (AP) - Convicted killer Jack Howard Potts, who was to have been executed- in Georgia's electric chair today, won a reprieve last night when a federal judge issued a stay blocking the execution. Potts had fired his attorneys and dropped all appeal efforts last fall, but he changed his mind las...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Thsday June 5, 190-i Michigan Doily Flint representative introduces legislation to outlaw hiring cult deprogrammers 4 LANSING (UPI) - A Flint lawmaker yesterday introduced legislation to outlaw payments to so-called "thugs" hired by parents to "deprogram" their children of cult influences. Democratic Rep. Thomas Scott said the measure is the first of its kind in the nation. THE MEASURE makes ita felony to hire a deprogrammer or receiv...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 5 1980-Page 3 . Local Scene i8mi RENOVATION PLAN DUE WITHIN THE MONTH Union plan further defined By BONNIE JURAN An informal committee currently "hammering out" concrete suggestions on proposed renovations to the Michigan Union will most likely issue its final report within the month, according to Interim Union Director Suzanne Young. The group's recommendations will be reviewed by the University's executive ...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Thursday, June 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily NASA endangered by' budget cutting fervor D1gs deserves no extra favors F ORMER CONGRESSMAN Charles Diggs (D Detroit) resigned from his 25-year congressional career Tuesday after the Supreme Court refused to consider his appeal to have his 1978 payroll-padding conviction overturned. It is especially unfortunate that blacks will lose their senior U.S. representative, but now the seat is open fo...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Doaily-Thursday, June 5, 1980-Page 5 CARTER DECLARES COUNTY FEDERAL DISASTER AREA Nebraska twisters kill 4 From AP and UPI GRAND ISLAND, Neb. - A temporary morgue was set up at a shopping center yesterday as rescue workers searched for more bodies in the wreckage of more than 600 homes and businesses destroyed by tornadoes in Nebraska's third largest city. The confirmed death toll in the Tuesday night storm that leveled much of t...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Thursday, June 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily : r.{;y;:; 4>}} f"A rts.} ; :: ":x:r r %i:- 4 VAN HALEN About' bassistG was bre megabuc rock ban a fledgli few year Hard rock that won't go By TIMOTHY YAGLE Van Halen II did not exactly pour audiences' brains out both on vinyl and the only productive thing Kiss more gasoline on the already red-hot in concert. Such a feat is not that dif- Gene Simmons has ever done Van Halen fire, "'Somebody ...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 7

…SEN. EDWARD KENNEDY (left), along with his wife Joan, speaks to a group necessary for a first-ballot victory. Carter, after learning of his primr of campaign workers Tuesday night at his headquarters in Washington. Kennedy tories, makes a fist in a victory salute as he leaves a Tuesday night r: told his supporters he will remain in the race for the Democratic presidential by his campaign workers in Washington. nomination although President Jim...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Thursday, June 5, 1980--The Michigan Daily S - House, Senate ignore threat of veto, kill Carter gas tax plan 0 WASHINGTON (AP)-By over- whelming margins, both the House and the Senate ignored a veto promise yesterday and voted to kill President Carter's dime-a-gallon gasoline fee. Both chambers disapproved the fee by well over the two-thirds vote that would be needed to override the threatened veto. HOWEVER, DIFFERENCES bet- ween H...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Thursday, June 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily Afghanistan government launches draft drive to replenish army ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - The met in Tehran yesterday, and they hope ted centers," it said. A former Afghan official now living in Soviet-backed government in to meet in the coming days with Soviet "IF ANY person does not comply exile said he had been told of Kabul Afghanistan has launched a conscrip- and Afghan officials in Moscow ...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 5, 1980-Page 11 Californians reject another Jarvis tax slashing proposition in 61-39% landslide SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Califor- nia's defeat of Howard Jarvis' income tax-slashing scheme looked more like truce than surrender yesterday in the tax revolt that began two years ago with Proposition 13. State and local government officials and educators breathed a little easier when Proposition 9 was buried by voters...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Thursday, June 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily 4 5961120 ' u ''" ''' cuocs LOST AND FOUND. PUPPY LOST-White female, N. State Street area. Reward.PleasecallAlex,663-6639. 73A606 FOUND-Blue, ten-speed Schwinn Continental at Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. If you can identify it with serial number/bill of sale, it's yours. Call Howard Witt at 764-0552. dA611 FOR SA LE BARGAINS-MUST SELL-Brand new towelwicker towel stand, light brown, never...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Thurday, June 5, 1980-Page 13 Pilot flies plane into girlfriend's house in possible murder-suicide NEPTUNE TOWNSHIP, N.J. AP)- A pilot possibly distraught over a broken romance buzzed a suburban neighborhood early yesterday and then sent his twin-engine airplace crashing into the house where his girlfriend was staying, authorities said. William Fischer, 31, a former flight attendant for Eastern Airlines, was killed on impac...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 14

…Page 14--Thursday, June 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily Clark agrees to look into U.S. crimes in Iran 4 From UPI andAP TEHRAN, Iran - Former U.S. At- torney Genetal Ramsey Clark said yesterday he has agreed to President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr's request to form a commission to investigate and expose American involvement in Iran during the deposed shah's regime. . Clark, heading a 10-member U.S. delegati6n to Iran's anti-American con- ference, met Ba...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 5, 1980-Page 15 SPOR TS OF T HE DAILY 'M' sends 7 tracksters to NCAA's BY JON MORELAND Coach Jack Harvey and seven mem- bers of the Michigan men's track team begin competition today in the NCAA outdoor track -championships held on the campus of the University of Texas through Saturday. The Big Ten champion Michigan trackers are represented by long jum- pers James Ross and James Henry, high jumper Mike Lattany...…

June 05, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 20) • Page Image 16

…Page 16-Thursday, June 5, 1980-The Michigan Daily t : ' '. v.}}.:::t:. . . ' . : '" Y . ::""{{" - j} ';- . " v ;.:"}v~ :vt r~;:r."wY:t{ :. .4;"{i"., . w'tr. ,^u, :"..: ' {,v~wr . w,,.y', t4 '..fy:t:!: ; >/:: .,2;4w.,>#' : .r;y " ^ . ' ? , Wt . ;'_,.., -,:. 11 4 FELDMAN RANKED 2ND: Swimmer enjoys distance By CATHY LANDIS where endurance counts:" Illinois, Feldman grew up swimming in THE FEEDINGS, given by a train Marla Feldman became inspire...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XC, No. 21-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, June 6, 1980 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages Carter, Kenned meet From The Associated Press Sen. Edward Kennedy's private meeting with President Carter yester- - day did not change his mind about challenging Carter for the Democratic presidential nomination. "I have every intention of continuing in this cam- paign," Kennedy said after the meeting. from t A similar meeting between former ...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily Afghanrebels and Red Army units l ked in bloody struggle ILSAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Fierce fighting between Soviet paratroopers and Afghan rebels has taken scores of lives ina river valley in eastern Afghanistan where Red Army airborne units were dropped two weeks ago, a rebel group reported yesterday. The Soviet newspaper Pravda said, meanwhile, the insurgent forces were using the growing spring...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Doily-Friday, June 6, 1984-Page 3 yx . "} :}'4'r ?a , :5: ? >. ". {?" "::, .; .f :: .:I.":.' ":;}t. ...4."...; ......?r ...t. '' ,'a:F:. " ,:{ ,::h,":": ,{<:: u: , F. -0}:: .+}",. , **.":..55 . . }" G{:$%:: ''}{ '": .f. ..Y. \ .. i' : , t, :.. +": t:} :<" $v'',"t,. '": '{. v: v}.:} , i' \..G:w.vt "}: }::.h. .. ti{ { " ." .+ :' :'v. > ': . r"+"""" (?"v " } .: f. . "+Y:4}{..hv."'4v'}}Y'{;:; " r{.}}t'{4 Jv.',::Y', " " J\" ::'i: 4Y; :...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 4

…Page4-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily WWI Feiffer OP InHola GgHO t' or40 W C FI5- 2 I J-OF Ninety Years of Editoridl Freedom Edited andoianaged by students ~ II at the University of Michigan0'rW1- q fIfAM-" R Deprogramming: Some questions 4 TATE REPRESENTATIVE Thomas Scott (D- S Flint) introduced an unusual bill Wednesday. He wants to make illegal the pradtice of paying money to persons to have them deprogram someone under the infl...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 5

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 6, 1980-PageS5 Democratic comiittee will fight to keep Anderson off ballot WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Democratic National Committee said yesterday it is prepared to spend large amounts of money to keep independent presidential candidate John Anderson off as many state ballots as possible. Anderson, the maverick Illinois congressman who gave up his Republican primary campaign to take the independent route to the pr...…

June 06, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 21) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, June 6, 1980-The Michigan Daily WILL BE PLACED ON NOVEMBER BALLOT 4 s t 1 Senate OKs Miliken's tax plan LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William SEN. ED PIERCE (D-Ann Arbor) Robert Tisch. on the state's $1,500 personal income Milliken's $800 million tax relief plan supported the measure. "THIS ALLOWS citizens to take out tax deduction. slipped through the Senate yesterday The plan to give homeowners an their pad and pencil and make up the...…

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