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June 09, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 181) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY This isi to he !he list issie of the Daily or this echtool year. We wanlt ihor O-oe, to take this oppori itcity ito i Our mnaIyIi for th' pir they have 1pl1tIdiii -n',1 our first y earinstAuna A rb r a success. I We hope next year to have suchl a p1itc as Anm Arbor has loeg needed. ~'As heretofore, cleatnlittess, quality anid fair treatment w ill be oor aim. 9 Daritng the balance of the school year wee will use otur windows...…

June 09, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 181) • Page Image 4

…1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Puritan Oxfords FOR men AND WOMEN SFine line Now line Sof o Tans, Cm Button -.o nince- ; and - ~- mont Laco. Oxfords THE PURITAN SHOE CO. The Old Place, 111 South Main Street w l . 13rolvn in Turkey. Perfected in .Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "MOGUL SMOKE MAKSS LCYPTIAN SMOKERS Seethe Couspons. fp Money Loaned ON Watches, Diamonds Or other personal property of value. Watches and Jewelry fto- paired. Bargains in WatohZt...…

June 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail Voi.. XV \X K(P lIvIA .''I5SIY N . rrn Noi.17.. TEAM LEAVES FRIDAY. MODERN COMEDIES. Twny-w Ale eWsIs 0V ill lie Taken to ITo BelProdueed by IElocutionlassn' Confnerene Ifleet Pairyl Does 1 56 01 School otflnusic Univ ersity Feet in [1Hammeir "trow. tuldents in the Cast ail" N c~lt-l l~l\ - lr w l; lt1 ti~ct " 1), 'l Il( . (II l r t t i" t j lc I c I , II I iii11 icr\ c'tc1t(tt1111 wI trlt'lit~ vIL 1(_ l c +l- \ 1 1 \1 W I l~...…

June 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 2

…IEMICHIGAN DAILY. * w . THE t71[IC IO A N DAILY.! Spring - t \~tlt .,r ttr Li I l r « Managing iJltos, J.51TANLEY BAE.Y Tail rn Buos is ngrr, CIAL IIIA. I1M5N 1 ,i, ... ............ Ida INI. lron igg TE N W SPRINGi A.Xl I, saer hrry If. Andrew: WOOLENS ARE-4S';jCATS (ieorg A. X-sb.iii ii ArhurT.I'.lugg DEA IA.I.OIX Xeyois L; w.isotiit0 And the Styles are N'I ll lCI'iXESiX STAFFl : W . ItIais 1E. N. P'sey unusually Handsome. J. . Fetzerl A. Ii,...…

June 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

…TIHEt MICHIGAN DAILY. +IA1 , "SCHA1FTN1R & MAR~X + ;w I Raict s ois Ip Coats and + I' ivisr efr pring o01 9> 5no + r is ' YOT' ur inspcCtioln. I LUTZThe Clothier, 217 so. Mr h St. I T '.......+.......444+..144444 f.414'I... +1 Trunks and. Suit Cases t o'll111need one Ior the other. perhaps hoth hefore leaVitil 0 +1 You'l1 indctc the kind you want in the Low, MediumtItPticed, an the ti t contlructed in the market in full rciet II tiOtt MACK 4(-...…

June 01, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 4

…t'' MICHIGAN DAILY. v>F3 It I . . SHOES KA D L P OP , p i0T . APfCI C R ~Id4.00 Reward It ~es i at~5 11017servants Study with a Good Light } Iie is obetter ligh hnx THE iWELSB3ACHA READ)INGi LAMP ALL STYLE-SAT ALL PIC .c"' The Ann Arbor Oias Company. t t t t t .,f . ; { - { C i -_ 4 v ;, { 1 . t ti { t { .y _ _ ' d \ .". . i.' a .' i A. G. SPaldin ;& Bros. II.;i c, F 1 ru a t S i ii t ti ATlHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING G...…

June 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Miichigan Daily VOL. XV OFF FOR CHICAGO TODAY. Coach Fitzpatrick and Te~nm Ieav e' Ov-er 11. C. at 7:58 Boys in M-igh Spirits.I 111k' tst P ott MWIIW AN, FRIII)AV (' A :T () l\11. I111' I ", 1C..1\ IN TlNisIS IF COMEDIES TONIGHT. lDouble Btill at School of Music- f niversity I, en in the Kole of IBurglars. No. 175. 'FuRY. U II sing ihe-cusom iualisgursted at the- leginitig ofthle twar. the Japanese 1) 1'( l lt illn i o f u-svitry o er lls ...…

June 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…T1112?MICHIGAN DAILY. *................. * * 1 31 C1i(AN 1)AILY. S Sp ring 4 1 0 ,-/ ; O ialcr 0/tllsAn -tl, l g1 rr 1 O e i i t l v l t t1,/j;l' 11I i t' E t 111I iCL ,1 Tailoring sn THE NEW WOOLENS ARE inaging Iditior, J. STANLE.Y BALtY. t1c nesMnger, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. t .......Josepr-h Y. err :.. ... ... .. ... ... ..I r i. kfirwnrigg 1 taniver Brry 1/. Andires r c 1. 11';iit ./ J yneN /NN~r /2//r ; Ar/hEst lisge C READY 1,c r ...…

June 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. *+ 3 SB urclhfel d's Fine Tailoring T Trade Guarantees... You the nest skillful and artistic service to be had anywhre + Wei' sin eausrns large and complete line of seasonable wooel- + + ens. NWc have the s;;enes' for Heach & NewvelosCuetonmSirst + andl can show you1 a large, beautifol sod exclosive line of shirt- Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 F Huron ~ HOAG'S HO11ME SUPPLYV STORE" BRUSHES, COMBS, SOAPS, SHiOES[RIN...…

June 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…IllS MPICHIGAN DAILY. AA~~ddAA~d~A~dd d~ 8 ddd ddddd~dd ..__ -- _ - EGA -_ _ ~ ~(~Men's Sumnimer Liidei-wear $350 S OE $.5 (god l i-il (Unerwxeir all "i3s"UjS i i I - ($ 3 85 :Plain andFt ncyI ti esiid till teth tiii n rErtS ll >1 iThey have arrived and just what you want f Lontg Sleevei.s, peri l-1.:1 1 - - - - - 5{ ( * Swvell Wh'lite, Blue atdoi ihnklMercerizediL I 'tile o :llTANS r(KING CALF sizes, tier gitcot - - - - 1.0AA PGKNOx o d WXD A...…

June 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…- TillS MICHJIGAN DAILY. eeooooeeoeo**ooooo~o .ay:"I'llHE-I I CH lI A N DAILY. '.ot' IaugtLLtDLA ia o ring 'o Managing dtr .SALYBLY f A tt c --- - --- - --- --Cti so .. I es. * tr s ....... .. Jot 11 Y. D r THE NEW 1111..... ...........Ida Ml. B 00krg TENW SPRING .COISAFF:' WOOLENS ARE o .4SICNTi5 *.Goe .Obr ArthurT.I'.luge ,t In c il t 1.. I il cll :" m ilI l'I 'a t e il i CIc t511 'RAW 'N0 I 11 1.1 Nil (1 l l* .cl l ] 'I'll I 'SC -, \II -tiS...…

June 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1. S~~iltR icas opCasad"''ousers for sprig of ii 5o ready fur your inspection LUTZ The Clothier,4 y 217 S®. Mv%.iri St. r Trnks and Suit Cases * ul heedt on one or the other. perhaps both before leavinig town + Vi n titfindthe kitni you iwant ill the Low, 1Mediuni Priced, CI* t the 1}cyscostructed ini the market in foil representation her I 0 N .l WJ.LOURIM. 1014th Ave. Op osieorteun BusiHnessiStricty Cnidcniiai. ENOCH DIET...…

June 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…PpH0T 0 G K A P It 11lI CHG AN DAILY. 3.50 and 4.00 r Study Witha Good ih Thre is nobhttetr light than S THlE WEL.SBACH RADINIi LAM1P SALL . r l~liSATI ALL PICE'I1S. ° The Ann Arbor (gas Company. Reward ofN r -t1.f 3 ti A. G. SPalding & Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES ST RIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. U SPALD)INGJ & BROS. L NE VYOLK CIClAGOI PRESIDENT Suspenders gie ontot o " ~r tMV12 I tt oftichod . ' rt t o...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan gDa ily VOL. XV DISAPPOINTING FINISH. Baseball Team Wound Up the Sea- son With Defeat-Final Score 7 to 5. Perhaps thelessisaid out ester- dil',;baebal late iwith (hcago. the better. Certainely tone of the fans isho witneissedl that hert-retditgispetaei Will care to lute it rcalldi to their uietituriesby lie todetild acunitt. foihjliga's ntctwtidinulp tthe sa sontit the desredelaileef glor. Te le hat Witstrereettig the varst ati tl...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…I C M }ICITIGAN DAILY. f r il1 ~oo . i ICII> lIwN DAILY. !I !.!I!I t!!\t Ni ! t I .> * I o .s : --n i ali(It 0the A in (Continued front page onze.) * it ' ~rt .:tt ip . I' tr n t,. tY t -~~~~~ ' 41 ttions.t THiE P 1 C : A. ttg EttorJ TAN~ LEtYBLY.ttrro tott",AN. QDI I WiOLENA RE snesMnae, :U C .TOMSN ------ ATUR '.1. orr ~t ,r READY...Id il. Brow. . . . . And he tyls aeait 'N lii o 11.Andew.I (rreA 4}x , A.tur 'II. ns O 0 tot titoe ttiot...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY. -- ... SBurelifield's Fine Tailoriin STrade Guarantees... Y ot tih- most skilifal and atistic service to ihe had anywxhere. I Wt: tlays ntrr a ilag antd comnilte tlite of seasonabl e wool- + * ells. e' tate thte ,eotty for Beach &o Newtl' CsomI'ttt Sir ts an aten 'show yott a large, bteautifult and exc-lusiv toine of sit- i-'--'perfect ftting. +1 + Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 FL Huron j HOA'S HOME SUPPLY STORE 1...…

June 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…TH1E MICHIGAN DAILY._ 3 I Men's Summer Underwear: Good Balbi ggant Under wear--all sizes, pergarment - ",2,5* Plain and Fancy Colored Blalbiriggani Undeirwear, Short or Long Sleeves, per garment So - 5 Swell White, Blue and Pink Mercerized tUnderweair, all; sizes, per garment - - - - - - 1.00; Metropolitan Linen Mesh tnderwear, All Sizes per Z garment - - - - - - - - So Men's Union Snits - - - - - : I no to .00 Cutting, Reyer & Co. 109-Ill E. ...…

June 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…-: ^ "lam . r r. . T. J, _. .r. ,, ;' ' 1 _ r . _.. ,=, ,. .-.. r, r; r .-.. i ... .-. i r. s. 7 r !. ._.. * i .. '!. °f. i t' 7 . Jam, .-. i -,1', J ; .., r ... _ i. ,J _ "r. _... ... . 0 rTI _ _ i L -' ^ C , 00 Q - J C37 Pat 0 -. r. m w CC r l 7u 't r _ r 77 S '. ' , f 2 0 . .. . . ^ V l0 :. a 77- I . n . . v . z , f ti0 J ' I . J 1. , . / Jr ( f * h _ /- _ + j / 1 'f. ..r /, r ,l / ^" , f, JV r~ P+,f Fv r- . . E 70 J . ~. 1. v ti ~. , ' _ (...…

June 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SpringI Tailoring THE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE READY And the Styles are unusually Handsome 6. IH. WILD CO., Z 311 S. State St. Order Your Engraved Cards now for Commencement : Invitations ~ We do superior and j artistic work ad i can give you the lat- * est and best styles. Take with yo,when : leaving for home, a s ponnd or two of Holland Linen noe- j paper and envelopes All Standard $1.50 ~ Novels now 50 cents S1I[[NAN & CO....…

June 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ++4'++4+.S+++H4.+'i..I.+.4.i.4.I.+.++++t++4.c++4.4cl.4+.o441 IHART, SCHAUT'NER & MARX Suits, Raiucoats, Top Coats and Trousers for spriug of 1905 now ready for your inspectiou. d+ LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. M~ai St. I ~*~++4t4O***~*4 ~lccl44'4++**+*'+1'l1'i.+*+1'**1.*4.4 .I I & ...Money Loaned.. *On Watches, lDiamnonds, Jewelry r and all HighI Class Chattel a nd Collateral security. i~l~ W. J.LOURIM. ttos Two door outh ofne...…

June 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. v}{. tf} t 1 t ] c k i tY} RANDALLI IP H OTOG KA P H ER.PL Study with a Good Light t ~~There isn better light thanI THE WEL.SBACH READING LAMP ALL STYLES AT ALL PRfICES. J The Ann Arbor Gas Company. a shold thave inhis possessiona rprt SIatulita', Atlelt ic lilarry No w written hta iii, E. Suliiva. i ef i 1I The b iokals ctinreot'ifHe} gaicac ii189and t19l0, andthunreds TRAINS EVERY HOUR of ahtoiairapta kenisi, iii, ia, n ...…

June 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. "MOLLY" ELECTED CAPTAIN R. M. Wendell Chosen Captain of Next Year's Baseball Team-Ten M's Were (liven Out. Ycs'tcrimm mit -rttimia Mich sbl tosses :tsi~nhlc a ietscidtciandii mimil imiit titi tnl im h tl, a ea ict t. it impst eeited aii ttailtifor neic wilil b ile lad r of th itt ittt- lmiii( . \dd iiimNll*- 7coolhei \im li tatnmshmuld agaittsecure thiepean- "lioll" asbeen membr cof thm ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 1lEDNESD...…

June 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. - --- - - ---- - N N r, , .. oiTHE MICHIlGAN DAILY. F~Ua led a SM~oh ii itter at theAn Toilh unrlnn Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. Busines Manasger-, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. I UIII u Ii I Atl Ih t tam New --- -------------CL.YDE L. DEW ------ ARTHUR 0. POUND THE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE READY And the Styles are unusually Handsome. HoWI[D C 0 311 S. State St.: Order Your.f* Engraved : nowfo Cards + Commencement Invitations ::...…

June 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. B arch field's Fine .Tailorin~g Trade Guarantees... You the mest skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. We always carry a large and complete line of seasonahle wool- ens. We have the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- ings-"perfect fitting. Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STORE Offer, at Momey Saving Prices....…

June 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Men's Summer Underwear :S Good Balbriggaii Underwear-all sizes, per garment -$ .25 Plain and Fancy Colored Balbiriggani Underwear, Short of Long Sleeves, per garment - - - - - .50 f Swell White, Blne and Pink Mercerized Underwear, all sizes, per garment - - - - - 1.00" Metropolitan Linen Mesh Underwear, All Sizes per garment- - - - - - - - I150 rMen's Union Snits - - - - - $1.00 10 3.00 Cutting, Reyer & Co. 10911 E. Wngtn t...…

June 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV YOST'S TEAM FOR 1906. Football Boys Under Captain Nor. cross Expected to flake Clean Sweep of Schedule. .Athleticsxx arc' down andi owiifor lthk )ca , ii' tl, lx ii isx'iiareii lra' be-lx' t'ne Nva-Iv all he l xxmut iwill b wxil ht tlti xon ly men of Ilsx ea'i sa aggegi on wltxixx' lxx l nii ti teariip th , ihi i l iii p1 Tom li ii lxiii ixwil lil deut ,N lknwn.If Tom goe both alfbck I~ iiiti x ili e vcan aii mliibe ...…

June 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…III,- ''I 1 I IGAN D AlLY. H H+ ....THE 11C H IGA N I)A IL Y. Spring 2 2 NSt-r a e }i w .Ii ? atr' :t 1 e t THE NEW SPRING WOOLENS ARE READY Z Managing IEditor, J. STANLEY BAl. V. Bulsins Manager,CLAUDE~l A. I liOMPSON. I,)T IR A thl t cs - -- - -- -- - -- - -- i rw Commencement Git T ht, iiit ic ( i ll jin \lii l AComiplete Line of I \NC V .l V11 FRANI) C . iElt I LTR91 I) 1)11 IETONS .........01fProse Wr iters, Artists. and I IiPoet:. . . ....…

June 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SUIT CAS]ES+ A iif O mnuacurrssaipv as t trivled and nil1 Geun _10 oi I I thea Ga-sLinen Lined wxith Shirt Fold at $450 Others Leather lined at $6.25 up. ;N~ ia l ' a t, Lwiv. i , 11 i CaL ILLt e .ou t1tav( 1t. 11EE LUTZ The Clothier, 217 So. M r nSt. .+ Money Loaned.+ anid Iul LaI(I "t-ILILLtv S W.J. LOURIM. IL 10 4It A e. IC Liju;ii C ourtI' II -A. I'v IlLLIL II "sILitit (if ~IitiL.MI.A LI ' BusinssStritIly'Cnfidntial. ) ...…

June 08, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…I12I F TI IC3 I 2'13G A NDAILY. KAWATFI PHOOGRAPLj 3 .5 a nd 4.00 Study with a Good Light 'There Is no better..'light thant THEF iWHLSBACH READ)ING i AM1' ALL STYLES Al ALl1 PI L. The Ann Arbor Glas Company. ] r c } t F t t t -~vy ,, k 1. '.. ? . T .. ' 1 Y ± G z, tt } 1 \ ;tip 1 _ , ., _ . +vrl fo 1 ] EVERY STVDIENT { shud 2have in 2hi',possession22a22report of the' i.LYII'IA1IES. '.2222222222 222 922122122g.Athle'tic Lib.rary No. 2 written22...…

June 01, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,;OL. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE i, 190o6. NO. 1 75. PRELIMINARIES FOR whlo are making the trip in tke pes- CAP NIGHT AND ATHLETIC MEETBEGI TODYailttipatlioln of seeing ike varsity CELEBRATION COMBINED tmiChiiago. CireaiysaIlaige nnmber ofitickets have beeniod n ti Western Intercollegiate Starts This likely iliat lie itinie liii will ac- Burning of the Freshman Caps Will Afternoon-Many Rooters To comnty ilie...…

June 01, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…1M~t MICtAN flAILY On UinfWILD Co. I~THE LEADING ITailors . Makers of Men's Clothes. Altelatest London styles an fabrics for any and l joccasions. [ULLi DRESS SUITS IA SPEiCIALTY 311 S. Statg St. *Arne Arbor, Mtch. You'll 6iet More Second-Band Books THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Entered as 1se11nd class matter at lteAnn Arbor Potie. Published daily (Mnday excepted) during tiemcliege yea', at 117 East Washington s11ee1. Bell phase S92. Ham phose 76. M...…

June 01, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE 1tMCIGAM 11AILY for Art and Skill in Tailoring Trunks, suit cases MQNEY LOANEDO CalosHand Bag~s. in Newest Styles andan ih lan chattel and Colltral seurty. SAM C H F IELD & CON he mow (11pnirvOve orlectonm ofeery p-to-date Moerael nvoeco BCI LD & C0 for traeel : may now b had ini or eon omy aoi t All foeaey w. J. Li 7I P iced. See ourtelo ieof Hotivok and \Vrcdo Chirs ii th 0 ItAe ppst mCutLvis The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the C...…

June 01, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY llockinlg Valley. Ry. PEA N UTS SFinest Quality Roasted Peanuts per Il. to. W hen itConies to Clothes CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT Salted Va. P eanuts, Bleached per lb. 5c. 2 lbs. for 2c.1 TRAIN SERVICE IPeanut Brittle per 1 1 1c. SFor Young Men Count on Us 'We buy Peanuts in car ota of 25,OO-bs.: You will findfo Doing our own roasting, we give better and fresher peant fless money than any honse in this vicinity,ut Four Trains ...…

June 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga nDaily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S.--I["DX[AY.JUNE 2 1906. d'QL. XVI. Nit. 1 76. CAP NIGHT A GREAT StlN 'L'" tl'' I N PA E. ROUlS ING CELEBRATION The senior- receptioni Will he heldon ME ETING OF TI-Ihrg o asrseritaier cotittee Enthusiasm flanifest Every- NWcompT~EtI11 osed-i-f imensfrom,1dl IdeIsrtmetnts. where-A Short But (Good Pro- N _WOR_ STIRCILB Ilcrecion ill be toIssitsto students gram Provided and New Fea- Fast eeing a verve...…

June 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…3 ITHE LEADING Tailors IMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles Iand. fabrics for any and all occasions. FUEL DREISS SLITS A SPECIALTY 311 S. State St. LA :a Arbor, Mich. THE MICHIGAN DAILY THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Enee sscnod dcla mtter at the Ann Arbor Postoce Published daily (Mndys exepted) during the college yesr, at 117 East Washington j treet. Bell phoe892. H-omne phone 76. Managing Editor, ARTHUR C. POUND Business Manager, ...…

June 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CiA LF-TO0NE S /ZINC. ETCHINGSBrn Clte I Lowe iniPrice, / QukAl .SIT Are "1wixt and Between" Ready=Mades and Ask . M SMTHTailor=llades 11 iAnn Arbor Savxings; Bank Block ilSSI ijh x i nd . p ado o T teat esxxx xt 4Newxx oxrk xxustomxx shop withoxot oxech iarges. I' xxxc xx xwlixo (eandtifor ieee who xw iishtxs ) ounxg. I cxrcxxx alover xciept on thc The Ann Arbor Savings Bank xx xxac txicet. ilxc xxcxx iixxxg xxxxxiclstoll ...…

June 02, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY sa 7: - e I llockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCEILLENT.' TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily~ .From Toledo,' 1.Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Steeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotoain Toledo and Co- lumbus S. I.. CLARK, 321 Campus Martius Detroit, Mich.r F. J. SCH UH SANI"TARY PLUMBING Glas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. iILEY & EDMUNDS voA tno oobo t2t ...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The M a a JToy. XVI. AN AR-BOR, MATi iIGA , iA\Y, \xi 3y. 3 )0(o . Ni). I77. M %ROONS DEFEAT VAR- STY IN TEN-INNING GAME Michigan Loses ExtraInning Fight With Chicago--Errors Responsi- ble For the Defeat. torthle secondtti ime 1his vye iCi h- ip cashed yeterday a trnoon ,i Fe l feld with Stag'. '-- V iartoccnit ml lie ltst cntest litigo -te '' ont i ol s"T iei n et enth111 111 imii Walertadilarliii wii reit 111110ciiion th l abant forthe...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. N ICHIGAN WINS INTERCOLLEGIATE TRACK CHAMPIONSHIP OP THE WEST G. B. WILD cO. I THE LEADING Tailores IMakers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles Iand fabrics for any and all occasions. [FULL DREfSS SUITS IA SPEfCIALTY I 311 S. State St. Ann Arbor, Mich. For Second-Hand Text-books For Le~w Literary Medical and all Deparments of the University AT Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore Money Loaned ...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…'I E MICHIGAN DAILY for Art and Skill in Tailoring Call Ork SAM U HFIL&CO The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City 106 EAST HURON STREET Trunks, suit cases Harid Bags, in Newest Styles 'Fleenot corniprceire collection of every up-to-date convenience for craol may now beo had in our eceonocmy basement. All filoderately Priced. ISe nor newcc line of lainmocks and Vredor Chairs for the porch o ornaw. M .CK. (40-1COMPANY HALF-TONES and ...…

June 03, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…t~l M~tGAl AILV- Hocking Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains DailyI ,From Toledo; Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleepinsg Cars on Nighst Trains Union Depotsio Toledo and Co- lumbus S. EI. CLARK, 32-i Campus Martlus Detroit, Mich., F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING Gas and Electric Students' Supplies A SPECIALTY J. F. SCHUH, 207 E. Washington St. B AILEY & EDMUNDS %porting3 Goos 121 East Ltbrrty Srert. J ...…

June 05, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…: ' The Michigan Daily CtOL. XVI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 190o6. No. 178. UNIVERSITY -SENATE TAKES IMPORTANT STEP Decides To Reserve Seats For immed= late Relatives of Seniors. For Oraduatijig Exercises. The commeiiceiment eecse( il year will see a neiw ca-totrsiiagttrated. each senior wilt--he given one ticket to he used by a mtemlbei ot his tamilys. Tis plan has liena desiiedc for a ltng time, hat the uantS cisity tacutty...…

June 05, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all occasions. FULL DRfSS SUIS A SPEICIALY 311 S. State St. Anin Arbor, MIob. Cash Paid For Second-Hand Text-books For La~w Literary Medical and all Deparments of the University AT Sheehan & o's Students' Bookstore FOR A GRADUATING PRESENT Aveo Lae arceassortment of Penants, Baners, Plows, Sovneir spoos, U. of M. Pis, Ht Pis,...…

June 05, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…-T~HE MICHIGAN DAILY 11%L F-TO0NE S and ZINC ETCHINGS Lower in Price Better in Quality Ask A. M. SMITH 11 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Block The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stock, $50,000. Surluis, $?00,000 Resources. $2,00,000 A Genral Bnkng Business Transctrf tirriosas, Chs. E. Htsoek. Pres;iW.iD 11rri man Vice Prs:MlJitz. liCa sier Rowe's Laundry Tlhomas Rowe, Proprietor 326 N, Fifth Ae. New phtoe 4051 Bel Phoe 45-i tWANTED ilollO 1,wde: i110...…

June 05, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THdE MICHIGAN DAILY llockillg Valley Ry. CONTINUES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE You will find Four Trains Daily; LFrom Toledo, Carrying Parlor Carson Day Trains Sleepinsg Cars on Night Trains Union Depostin Toledo and Co- lumbuo S. B. CLARK, 32I Campus Martius Detroit, Mich.; F. J. SCHUH SANITARY PLUMBING NEW REGAL STYLES ON THE ANN ARBOR CAMPUS Ev-ery sei asoxe liacra: taken special pains 10 pro- v ide at lea=.t seven or eight mnodels tha...…

June 06, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…The Michitiia ANN ARBORIVIMICHIGASN, i\+:\ I l <ISI)A\Y. LjVIs . i t ~ioo.[5) ;TOL. XVI. NO. 179. ATHLETES H4aD GOOD TIME AT CONFERENCE hero unttil stutldenly his cheeks begao to lose their color. 't'hen hie quietly droptped the stubh attn 1sought solace elsewhere. ARRANGEMENTS MADE - isd>ih FOR SENIOR RECEPTION!itaiwill ic. " to ' 's Vistl'ti REDUCED COMMENCE- t IIit c [wl- I "BOA'is ~tlt sC Iti aedtl tl t ei role cof I . Some Eve...…

June 06, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…G. .lWI[D CO.I THE LEADING Tailors Makers of Men's Clothes. All the latest London styles and fabrics for any and all3 occasions.3 [1U11 DRESS SUITS A SP[CIALTY 311 S. State 3t. 6 Anna Arbor, Mich.6 Cash Paid For Second-hand ext-books For Lamw Literary Medical and all Deparnients of the University Sheehan & Co's Stdents' Bookstore Money Loaned On Watches, Diamonds or other personal property. Watches ad Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Di...…

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