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June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…,.t V 1 ' AWt I)A I ANN AItBk,')11, AlICH.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1002 IRIST YIR WEEKS ELECTED CAI No,. Zi' PTAIN liio-a10 1 .Cornell at 'lol(-t The p00 a,]bo ltio 1ra ~0111 ~ l 1, k Yr OsMon to "1 ' ' 7) ' DR, BARROWS IS DEAD AitY Xt PpWi i }yit Pr,f esslonal Reception Assured 7 ~ ''a+ i 1I~lv cclm , 1 1 ,r 111 ii7 < ic H s 1l'ti " 1 ' I 'I 1 ) 1 (, lIIll' ' : " 1 1 1 ' l : l . 1 ' 1 4, I i ' ' 1 : 1 t 1:1 1 t 1 ((t' 1 i 1' l a 1 1 I 1 1 f ;1 1,...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…1111 MCHIGANDAILY-NEWS _, t 'f. r... LL 0 LW J Li Un Cn U of N" ,rI ,n C .ri i - ~, .f ,t AI S:, a"ii iiit iilit : . . . V I r I :p t C, 0 c of the its ,:E':?i ; J It I? 7i . ~ t 1't;, X 111({4 { 1 .__ .._.__ 'ti' { :cif :xl .I J 71 it lla t : '- bstIn10et1 1;}?Ott giraver s. We assurte you thle jew est styles and priompt service. f G it.3; . } + : S.3i. ' I; lI. I,, t r I)T0 1 1)110AK tl I t- i i'i"f l !'; i ' f ti, FAMOUS TUTTu FRUTTI SILVER...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…'THE]MICHLIGAN DAILY--NEWS a.,-,L. ------------- LAL-*-JL-O-JL .2-.A--ILJL A--IL -*-JL or eTl ,. .a...... .a..a. W 7F p[ _1F IF 7R 1F ww w ]R w- WIF W W fF iF >. T T T T r.,v L ......... - "....t.. W W .a. W W W tY W .i. fL nir W W fir fie W fY fY >r W W W ti SY fir 11C ] [ I111 W )k 111[. 11e. 111( 11[ ]Y ffa W fi< Le W Ytre Ye >V A, k k Ak >k Y Y[ >r ] ( >r W f 1k > fk W >r >v Bi CllrOffering New Fancy Shirts -50DOZEN STANDARD 4 PLY COLLARS,...…

June 04, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI -NEWS Better Than Eger,. I A few years ago Five Dollars ws the standard price for a hat. To- day one can he had for T ETR E A E Fully guaranteed -A hat made wi th particular care for particular men. WAGNER & CO., LATEST SHAPES JUST IN, - - Sole Agents . - .a, ' r- -. . - --- , ^f ._ 4 -' BetrStock, Btter. Trimmings, BeterWorkmanship. rI6CNI BIillidlIravlors and IBoWIin0 707 NORTHt UNIVE RSTY 'VENUt THE HOOKING VALLEY RYI1 Th...…

June 05, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…c ! 7, ,.., .... 1. tJ Y C /, J w V 3 C n (v .". j r " Y 111 ow b-0 O-W 00 ~ ,J r: '~ O r +y H .'t' . . i h+ t t't w , O r . r. f. 77 r i i _ r . V i f' f' l r--1 a , 'f. 1- ... 't: - J- - : ' ._. ,- r t- ; _ ' 'J. %. f 'f. "I. _ _ . .W ^' \. 1- .J ..... _ . ,; ,. J- , . N a C V C - r-- !-w /' _. f _ .. r '.. _ ,f' 1,. 't. _ j fy F' _ -f t J -'. -" _ ! 7: / r V y 1, . G t.: " C f (- .- *.. " : ? . .-. + '..- f. "- ,1 ' .-- r- .-J 1i . .. - \. ...…

June 05, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…'[THIS MICIIIGANDAILY--NEWS ,,,_-..- 41l O 0, 43 4 -' z L4. 0 Wi W± (I The U,1 f11.44 DAILY, 1 11'4 tr The 'VARSITY EWS, 1, Fea. M44ANAGING 0 141 [4r, Is1 441) 0 \lW.MAI .A BUSINES1 ' 4ANAOI'5 )11(4 ii.I AS Mis L..K.4'BINE 111; 44444C4C4444: sI. R(I4I44. '444 4.4N' 4,:44' 4 4 At41 ' ::1, n N. 4.44 W. 4,44444 444,4 til 4414x 4144.4 4 e:I.. '1'11 ' 4 '44'' Nt w 4444 444 4444,44444444 14, ' 444 14.,sIil 4414 4Isi'' 4 14 4*4'' 4 44)it i f t : cc 4...…

June 05, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…TllE]MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS ,+ 44-1-+++++++++++++++++4-*"+++++++++++4 V + III I '4. The Most GonIIiIIUThini that we could do that would tend to induce you to buy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would 'be to introduce ycO to a man who has worn rhem. We cannot command the linguage with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their e trde- neath the coat collar of thtir coats, and they are so proud of their reputation, that not the sligh...…

June 05, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…THIE M[CHIIGAN DAILY -NEWS You will miss half the enjoyment of your vacation if you don't take one. Our prices are vR Slow. Come in and see what we have. 4 CMRL1-\N'S PHtcARMA\CY. 324 S. STARTE ST.4 Q 'wiGI( I iIliadI apiors andI Bowlifl 77 01, T1 UNIVERSIT1'VAVENUE THE HOCKING VALLEY RY.!I I That n't-n , ot) 1ytIi1:s'ItTI 1 1 I 11Ni 1a(1 51ttll.i witlfdtrlod. 'TOLEDU O COJL.LUMBUS Write J W. LANDFIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIGA...…

June 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…v OL.Z XIII. ANN .ARBOR. MICH., TUESDALY. JUGN E 2,11903 c>. 379 TALUABLE PUBLICATION. tilu01oflot101(lils ellirely oil IliJE#CAST AND (WEST COMPARED, 17oPiacice ITst rhay. ________Ilt lcl~ i i l -li Iion1(0. _________alo'lty woe 1ill111 tiiuadldid 1too I'e vInw iM1';j 0(...(1111 1) t: 1" "Hulrepoit forl la ii(-e -y-etrlI-on- s I(- T 8 Fr lrn s11e 0ofthse "Uiversity >LtoI1.t<iiio. 1tWlIIl iieiO4siii to tcmparison Shows That Easterners (")1117 ...…

June 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MiICHIGAN DAILY. ITH E U. OP M". DAILY MC~A OE Spring _ _ _ _ _ I' Enteral(s d on- a n tter at 'nn A borI) 1 E511 Ii.1 c ol 1,C 10ii. Posil 05cr. i itiiniii-17. ) lft 4110 '1J ,Jo11 111 thoi l l ,Itil t~'iin l 2 t ,i llo!'i MANAGINGIi liTORl, 'ii11T0)::t RLE 21.11("L erON.' i \V !I A l l i l 1(e 1'o l(1 h.Nahntl ith. lGrat te l e t iii o1, til1 Suit- T1 I,0 I i'C'ii'il _li 22 &c over- coatings for this Sea;; C7ii. U3HATIIICO ...…

June 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…Thl UNIVERISITY OF IMICHIGAN DAILY. If you want to know what smartly dressed + . men will wear this sea- 7- Iy son askto seeJ WHITEBloch 'ESTrSt Ihn s ii JUST TO REMIND liee i10 re interestedl .Xppar~s, -it ,trwtr:and till -iip- I ileritato 1.of lletistiS l1"l11)l, I~a ti(-i(Oi li-slo"V.I itlieli llhieeluiei%1 ("hlin-nl iysiy, rl i-c] si-ils Zology, -Ic., ' ' - _ ., , . -G _ ii __ , _ i; x 6-'E' l _______________________ 9 PALACE AND PARISIAN ...…

June 02, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Two=Piece Suits in Tweeds, merges ~h .Wsigo RI3N~tTSCIILD, {ARYISTIC FRAMING, 1 u a 'aassort nat 44 D r IooCr.PHOTOGRAPHER.Phn AT IENTSCIILE'S. x, 4~ i Ob&Ii ed Sutable ztr+>odu; n A TRAVELEII'S EXPERIENCE. CALENDAR te tst Nlegtived 'developed "td rint ritie, nlSty day A paty of gentlenei were gathered -e f ~ -leit, in 15 minutes n the lobby of one of tele'aing o- JiE .i-x nnloinh~t- Cooat totlsee itBin toune ...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…XL'u.ANN AillUOII. MICIL.WE] NE_'SI)AY. JUNE ,S1903 No. s.Io AN ITERSTIN RP Stewq'tt in Five FLit SQUAO IMPROVING.S I eal r Fl dcs Trip. t D llsiss-}r i ,i t As 'ish:t Ail- ck Isisr Sitit ria11 h LndBagsdae.WOW a h s WVkFas., Ti ______ i L ' ss i _______i-- I reI ''s- ,lei ts 555 .,s' 5?:ii ies - siesiii' 9iimi 't t O s. .tisi lt I stjis 'sit'acIi d© lap i ",n ' iii-: .Iit \'s's't s ci t s «'s Ii ' ll ' sit is i ,, 1" tisits it ai 'ts at.' a I...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. - -! Spinlg The largestandtostalS comleite linecof' THE U. OF M, DAILY Entered at ac wt-c1Lccca matter at Ann Arbat- Punt (S tt. Publishted daily (Mandays excpted), atring the college cklr at the tUniversity at Mlii- he bythe MiehipaacDaily-Newsa Publing (Caetany It sCc. ' iev mnti with pidae, for new team- as it is, it has onte better thtatn could have beeni ex\tt id . An f:trfays i- arty aehieventetat goes w...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…Tifl UIVERS1rY OF MICHIGAN DAILY -FURNESSA: 0~~ib THE RIGHT THINGS AN Sprin gENOUGH OF THEM I what keeps this store in close touch with the young men of the iuncverity. Our xhihil of Suits, Overcoats, Hats, Caps, and all the Exclsiv Patern innewest Men's Furnishing Madrs, hevot,55 Isneru cadinjtere ting and Madrs, hevotinade up of just thoetiiss Linen and Percale. thatS gie tone to the wearer RAKET RANd ' M I i swho lik to hi wel des ed 't mod...…

June 03, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…_ ...1. derilii.s!+d. y++ aaP.s+ t,:. x s+ [.wilr s "sidsi. l , F; aws1.. Yn1:.. \; / ; ' _. . 4, \ , ! .a ._ _._... ._.._ ._....: ' ' 'r. b Ln , ..... . ' d l " !_ t. ~ / . 1 i s Y Li. - i d r TJ ', rI ! f' - ,_. 4; ,,. isL f. ' t ,, 7. - Ls ti:? {i _ R , ' ;. -,fie : _.: ¢1= .x ': F - 7 - r .. °_; ; .: ." :. 7 ' C' 4 .: 4' L A [. . y ,_ .' -! -af9 ,, y3 , " ..; f : ' t '" e'' ' . ,? ; ."e . 4 ' ,r+t AU t2 '1 vf r V^I , , . S S _. j ", '..Y ....…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…THE us of l DAILY. 'VOL. XI1T. ANN~ ARBOR. Id.. THURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1903 No. 181 THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. Bakeslee Suspended. _ THIS YEAR'S "M' MEN. eA-gain Hossard hiesie has comei if L Bitot ondAim-SeiorsNow iender the lani othe aculty' and beenSMcia e o t opt nAh Its Ht~oryand mulaedioByNow upendeel for a year. Air. IBlakesee etic nio t t D eti th Eligible-Being Euae y i tin year correspendelt of the lDe- ltcUina eri-Would Other Colleges. tiit...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA N DAILY. nrinrr TlE IJ. O N.DAILY 2lt7tll itpoicy:l oll 4 ' o sIJIIII1 _ _____fth_ I )lily trle ln,'i Popular Priced EnItered as ilt a I t O' ittr t Ann Arbo) \-owt~1i , tlt t ris tlt:It0:1 h Pobt ~r~ie. pper illt)' tr li ~liil (~iy- - ';illo teivrsit ,l l;!11 i i; Tennis Rackets ii nounceiiieii~uliseddaily IMoiit.s excepted)' durtiii''tt Tes Tthe litrgeslttidimosiMANAGING EDITOR, tl) l+ t i it 't'' i ountrv and r l~r...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 3

…Trial UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -_- PALACE N ,PrIS Landrn ndqiy tA y llC re Yuui-datemor , wt th a leasdththbe 0 yo i selv s. 1tyl tif finish a Phn 5. Ofce,40 ayar tif . PALACEALNPAICIL ATHLETC A1 AC, That'snly ealmacep whieres tha phleteLst tofblehaopiouvr Prics.Doeticefntsh AsGecSaldiM.Fg&OWERA.j hne 6or.,OChicag, 402eayenal t- mrtn For 90 A3 cesoprmyiofentri i - v '' i ,'' ,,. : ' y r; " . .. If you want to know' I I T~ what smartly dre...…

June 04, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 181) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SEE OURCUTG duati S ft REYER Before you buy one If we can not fit you we will mLke1911 Wsigo them to order.G.JBU , Vg. RENTSCHLER, ARTISTIC FRAMING 1 Yon Wil a Siue assortmuent of Perfum es Cr. PHIOTOGAPHER. Phn AT RRNTSCHLEI'. P 0T U R ES Mo.Sain and Huron St. Poe38,Srngs. SialCo le~ti n The ick of all the finest Sidn n Perfumes art' in tor stock. Noth- Miss Hunts Recital. CALENDAR ote cit s ing lo)ud Nohing ...…

June 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan aiy 174 VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MIH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 1904 No. ATHLE TIC [LECTION. MICHIGAN MEN WON. BASEBALL TEAM RETURNS. MEMORIAL OF THE UNIVERSITY ____ SENATE ON WILLIAM HEN- Inte etrnItercIl iteTn The memb~ers of the hasrirall sqard RY PETTEE. Hot Fight Among the Candidates- IntheWseniiecrigaeTn ils Tourrnarment at thicago , Mtichi- reirere trrr oday nirght soerrwhat, ill Election Thursday in University -a' ereenaie gear...…

June 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN -DAILY G. H. Wild Companlyz SLeading Merchant, Tailors S SPRINGi WOOL[NS I eFor Suits Top Coats and STrousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you Iour London Serges, Londo Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kiloweus, Blarneys, High- Ilauds, Edinhurghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors Lodou Iaud St. Audrew Flannels, London Cassimres or Amer- icau Serges. Please call and see IG. H. Wild Comfpanly 108 . WASHINGTON STRET. SSENIIOR STUDEN...…

June 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

…- - THE MIl3fIGAN IDAILY Summr(Clthe You will not find anything in DRSSSU TCASESC clothes more snappy and attrac JiD Marx OUTING "VARSITY," coat and pants only-made in homespuns. IELWPIEMEIMADPNSMD Scotchtweschvosad1ngih.lnes-etoffendlr. tweds eevitsan Enlih ianel -en o ifeendolas.HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES Haveyou eenthe ew - " TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES ' SAILOR WAIST 'TROUSERS __________ Thc only perfect fitting peg top pant made ...…

June 01, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 174) • Page Image 4

…( THDE MICHI-G104 IJAILY SUITS Dwight . Watkins, TYPEWRITING 4 0 Madle to your measure and Dtruscard' th ourwrk. i t A FIT GU{ARANTEED AT COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL fy r 1 nd Nw laagmnt foo ewBilirdOtft.II 1 ,, LX.& Chips given good for anywhere inJ the house. . ~ wiLLnBtI' Free [unch. CLOTHIERS, A.[[ 14t 1 Hatters and Furnishers. Forest Avenlue Meat Market. Linen and CUFFS IN -109 and 111 E. Washington Street, 13 Poultry, (ame and Fish in Sea...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Mlcigan al VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1904. No. 175 ME[THODISTS NEXT. [ILECTION TODAY. S[NIOR REICEPION. SHARP CRITICISM. Northwestern will Cross Bats With Student. Members of the Board of Con All Departments will Unite to MakeI Mrs. Fiske Makes Caustic Comment Michigan at Ferry Field Saturday trot to Be Chosen at 4:00 This This Year's Affair a Success Concerning Appreciation of Drama -Last Game for Majority of After...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY- G. x.U MilCompnyn " Etered as secoed-class Mter at the An U. H 11111 U II~p~llJArbor Post Office. * 4 Published dily (Moday excepted) during the 1Leading ecat alr college year, at117 E. Wasingtoe street, ± la (basement floor, side etrance Phoe S93-3r ________ _______MANAGING EDITOR: 9 S. EMORY THTOMASON * BUSINESS MANAGER: SPREING WOOL[NS T lROSCtOE B.HSO EDITORS: For Suits, Top Coats aud Alties. - - R...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…-- - THE MICJHIGAN DAILY r When you think of Eating Think of Pennycook PICKWICK BILLIARD ROOM AND BOWLING ALLEY. 707 N. UNIVHRSITY AVNU. Win. lbocbrein, steam & Gas fitter. Ilbonle 667. 303 Z.C State 1t rLIECTkIC rANS Uectric Caf ih i'Dse5 Electiic Table Lamso Y c . lli hleo.- i pay...., WA5ITtNAW LI6HT & POWER( COMPANY. Cu. W-.ion and th iA..Pa,o27,> .++4u9*i.++....v~ukz"6. .I..I.*+ ®N THE to.; TheIL AK N ALR UEt TIME E7 TA L A' A r rv e ...…

June 02, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…THt MICH4IGAN DAILY NOI Spring Line of P Oxfords now in. Tans in window,1 the "New Spud For the benefit of our custo Puritan Shoe Co has eeu mad into the hands of the factory-G Mass. George E. Keith does it } he does ewe end conerl/thei * meade f/the ale "PIriane" jeiee lusive right in making our sinc Oxfords this spring e sre and inferior brand with the Ptritan shapes and styles arriving daily THE OLD ORI( The Old Place, Ili Spirit of Helpfu...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michig a Dily VOL XIV . ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JUNE E8 1901 No. 176 frICI1I6AN VS. THEE WES. (iIRLS' (i[[[ CLUBI. AHLE ATC ELECTION. j Wolverine Track Team Meets Pick of Admirable Concert Last evening- Largest aumber of Ballots ever Cast! Western Athletes at the Con- Small Number Present-Lack -Many Girs ttend-Close Con ference-Team Leaves this of College Songs on Pro- eta For the Offices. Morning. gram-Dancing in-- Barbour Gym Yese:...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…- THE MICHIGAN DAILY SG. HI Wild Coupally 0 4 SLeading Merchant Tailors t WSRIN6 WOO[[NS THE MIVIC-IGAN DAILY -enee on one evening of at enagage- I net tto(f several days. Anti so ,a slimo 0 E n eas sec~od cluss nsa ire at the An~ audtience its Ann Art)or by no pmeans Abor lost otcer. inticates that AMrs. Fise is nat, an lets c s 8, ftsstti'litdtdailyttyoadttiri elated. Ausdnthere, t0ttsts iiy5 ass srtet ire thotugh attn wotttd not gtuess it...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY iv hnteHart. Schaffner & 1Marx OUTING "VARSITY," coat asd pasts only-made in honsespuns.. TiIH LOW-PRICES I,'DiSIIM1 AND FtINEST MADE ; Scotch tweeds, cheviots and Einglish flannels -ten to fifteen dollars. HNBGGASOETLSOE + HNBGGASOETLSOE SHave yen seen the new .. TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES SAILOR WAIST TROUSERSAtMOETLYRID 4 The snly perfect itting peg top pant made + $4 an~d $5Sh dohe MACK & CO The New Store 217 Se. Mal...…

June 03, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 176) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY College Do*ctor Pond's Etct ois a everydays taid-by among college stodents. They know that t is a sovereign reniedyfor the many accidento incidenta1 toiscool life. PondsErtract-Ihi old!faily docto-might with equol proprietytbe callid tie old collige docftsr.lorior 60tyearsPond's Etactlhasiteendoing aworkiofamercy-curoincto, beisses, brs;reievisngaclhesandpis; eastng sufferiag, ad outiog life brighiter.I s jutas elitiesitto-...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL.. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1904. No. 177r GREAT DAY AT CHICAGO. Western Athletes Gatser at Marshall Field for Conference Meet-Mich- igan will Have to Work for Victory. Today Michigan's track athletes wilt compete against the best men in the West at the Conference meet at Mar- shall Field, Chicago, the greatest event tf the season in college tracts athletics. On the face of things i looks as though it ...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…. THE MICHIGAN DAILY f##f f~fN Nf ff~fffO THE MICHIGAN DAILY supreme officers for their efficient ser- * vice and unselfish devotion to the for- 0 UW il Conmpnyn ZE: nd a s seond closs ow m ali1t.the :Asn thering of the best interests and high- * sH 111 Arboer hostd (ititeeat ideals of she Sinfonia. ®I Publised daiely lvioudaehceptrid) du rium le Whereas: It haasbeen the privilege coleg yerat117E.11ashiitoi sretof the Sinfonia nationsl conven...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CleanlinessI I T IS A FACT if one could see many of the bke shops where ice cream is made, they would in fu- ture cut that delicacy fromI their bill of fare. We pride ourselves on the neatness and absolute cleanli- ness of our bakery. We will gladly show you through our plant. It will interest and surpriec o, and give ou an idea of the cnmpleteness of a modern bakery. Thursday - Pineapple Sler- bet, Vanilla, Chocolate and S...…

June 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 177) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHI1GAN DAILY 0 0 0 ( 'h - k _ i-i, . ,-i 'wit ' r ' 5'x'f'6'bYa' IkS _ NOTICE Spring Line of Puritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, button or lace, in the "New Spud Last." For the benefit of our cnstomners we wish to say thatithle Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very ituch stronger iiy goitig into the hands-of the factory-Geo. lH. Keith Contiuty, Birocktu, Mass. George E. Keith does not control the namec Pecita...…

June 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…TheMichigan Daly VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JUNE, 5, 1904. No. 178 AWAITING R[PORTS. N[W fMANAING [DITOR. P' C '1G~ NWuNS MIT[T. A Fine System of Reporting Results- lC1 I A J. Stanley Baley Unanimously Elected Many Anxious Moments ________ For Ensuinrg Year by Editor for the Crowd. i al Board Yesterday. -- INTERCO[[[GIAT[ C"A"PIONSIP WON BY TRACY T[AM ^_ The Daily hoc seen conritated i At thr Saturday dinner of the Mich- on their ropo...…

June 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

…THII MICHIG0AN DAILY oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeZTHE MICHIGAN DAILY I Go U W Co pan Entered as second-class matter at the Ann ±Arbor host Office. t* Pablished daily (Modayesceptedpdaring the Leading Merchant Tailors college yearatl1f 7 E. S'szntnsre; (basement floor, side entrance) Phose Eel-3r ______ _____MANAGING EDITOR: , ± 4 S. EMIORY THOMASON 4 BUSINESS MANAGER: SPRINGi WOO[[NS CROSCOE If. IHUSTOfN For Suits, Top Coats and Iaffdefics, - - - ilont...…

June 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…-THill iiPUkiIAN DAILY '*'a + faHo ~'' a~ taaf'°esi: .3+bt*afsa#a3 ac a~s~ E+ff si f~°kift', a' You will not find anything in" Sumimer.Clt e clothes more snappy and attrao- j' ~ ~ i ve c than the H' art, Schaffner & ' Marx OUTING "VARSITY,"coat and pants drly-made in homespuns, 1 SScotch tweeds, cheviots and English flannels-ten to fifteen dollars. IHave you seen the new SAILOR WAIST TROUSERS 1-,rya The only perfect fitting pcg top pant made ...…

June 05, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 178) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY- SUTDwight . Watkins R TYPEWR1TING ) 4 Made to your nmeaure and - rp s Card toe325.0S. M-1-raSt. SkA IT GUARANTEED Ktoras foyare'r I 1AT COOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL /~~/ J4f C.' ~der New franagemer . r(itt XT Q i New EBiliard Outfit. #//a ' Ul~ltl~ Chihs givengood for an where in ! P 7Cab the house. itpegV CLOTHIERS, .EilL[ Hatters and Furnishers. Forest Aveue Meat MaIrket Linen anda CUFFS 109 and 111 E. Washington Street, Polt...…

June 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan.Daily VOL. XIV. WANT TO STrAY "OHE1. Senior Athletes Do Not Care to GoI St. Lous and Trip Has Therefore Been Abandoned-Athletes, Re-' instated~ by A- A. U. Now thmt the joy-t excitement o eastoned by m cfigan's clean cut vi torry , the Conerence aa been S ceeded by calm cntentment, the net event to claim the attention of t track enthusiasts ia. the Univrsil meet at St. Louis. This occurs dou tog commencement week. It was t intent...…

June 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…TH MICIIHIAN DAILY - G. H. Wild Compay Leading Merchant Tailors SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress sitits a specialty Let us show you our London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see G. H. Wild Compally 108 E. WASHINGTON STREET. SENIOR STUDENTS1 Leave y...…

June 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…TH-,E MICHIGAN DAILY ® SEVEN State. Savings Bank. GEORGE. BISOHOFF, Correct Clothes for Menz Prof ti S (R',,rti betwrLOitiiST~. wel Dasittewerwrig i.ronold D )r.te C.hrastughant gnus h th nees for rdN _______~ LdSSwill taMill The ptronge w hav re IflCI/ robF f litte notce o ceivedofront therclass.whoS.J arhat[Capi Con btwen ues ISts Enxc erent el-resdo aprcaeFn arani PVlair hiinLLE TRAI PhneSERVCE4 oUad in qav aliityeIwek woking i agtimesnteo ...…

June 07, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 179) • Page Image 4

…aTJIE MIC14IGAN 13AILY- * - ~.-.-..-.-. I-_ r u m ' 1F )R MEN A I of Buiton 7 Lace. THE PURITA The Old Place, 111 Away From Home away, ffom the tender, solicitous care of Mlother-at school-studying hard exercising harder, accidents will some- times happen. If at home, mother woold use Pond's Eatract-heeildfmiy dpelor-and the pain woulddsoon vns -the injory noon heal. For over 60 yearn mothers. have caned paineanod healed wounds, burnse...…

June 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…heMichigan Dail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1904. No. 180 WOLV[RINES IN DIE AND TIU[ MJ1r[R SESSION NEW CONERENCE RULE ICNIGAN SPIRIT Ludington, Whitmore Lake and Mt. This Year's Term Will be the Best Athletes May not Compete in Summer Final Celebration Planned for Satur- Clemens Want Michigan Team Ever-Sixty-nine Professors will Without Consent of University day Night to Commemorate Mich- for Early Training-Prospects Conduc...…

June 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY !N!!!!N!!N~NO+! THE MICIGAN DAILY bsecmen annual event of rtalt ooT ! fot Airum Sturd-a u.(tte b G. . ,f sna v L oda ecad glass vneter at te n ,t . l gitgI istt I opal that the cpf !1 - traitm~ion at 'ici ngar i ta tlnx ! Publisheddaffy (01ndiy e vuted) duriegthe Jlter a e te- 'elo~ i oIo~t~ llegeyer, ati 171. Wshition tee mayet.tet eli yliFreshmanin 10 th r b eading MrhatTailors ofli (it -intent flou ide eraneet hear r ....…

June 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY *fSummer Clothes lo illo2 in IXFtl,2 in DRESS LOW-PCED MDUMAD INS MD 44, ~ivc ,th a in be ltact. Sehattrec,' Ras OUTING 'VARSITY," catii t t 50 tt> stiadetint bonii'sptiesl. . Ta uLWPIL) RIA N IRTM D S oHtc isa. Ik, '- i sc - mot d [u,.Ui'.ii ttsssiI' ten to lifteen dollars, I - HANDBAGS, GLADSTONES, TELESCOPES Have you seen thse new ,, TRUNKS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES r > SAILOR WAIST TROUSERS -'L-ODRTLYPIE Tise osly t~r-i-fe...…

June 08, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 180) • Page Image 4

…1YHE MICHIGAN DAILY A Large L[neo f Dwight E. W atkins SI~~ Trunks-Suit C U / COOK HOUSE BILLIARDU ALL' New IBiliard utit AT Chios given good for anwere in the house. WLI0 ' Free Lunch. vus Cutting, e r O. A . L " LForest A venlue M eat M arket . L in e n C O L L A RSCl t i r , a t e s F u n h r . 1 0 - 1 W s i g o n S . ClthesflterFunihrs 09I Wsinlo t.IPoultry, Game and ish in Season and CUFFS 5 30 Forest Ave. Phone 40 A4RE~ THE BE5ST. ntsI.~...…

June 09, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…IEl . I f s The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1904. No. 181 CO"IUNICATION. Report on Michiganensian Finances- Good Showing Made and Suc- cessful Settlement of all Obligations Assured. To the Editor of the Michigan Daily: I herewith submit a report of the financial condition of the 1904 Michi- ganensian as it is at the present date. I have also prepared a statement showing the estimated surplus. This surpl...…

June 09, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 181) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. W IA Comp /nTI se aed as secodclam stor totheIn II LI d allAbo Post Hubs:',c u. H. Wild "umpm L d gM al Tir Published daily (Mondayexceptedduringthe Lead ng A (!hant T 'ilor Q College year, at 117 E. Washingtou street, Leadig MU u avv l basement fner, side etrance) Phone 84:-3r MANAGING EDITOR : S. E'5iRY 'ITH)MASON BUSINESS MANAGER: SPRING WOOLENS ROSCOE B. a usTON EDITORS: For Suits, Top Coats a...…

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