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June 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

… The M ichigan Dally VOL. XIX. ANN AR 19)R, \tICI I ICaN, TtI?,SI)AY, JU1N 1-.r, r909 NO. 17. LITTLE CHANCE OF ATHRLETIC REFORM Athletic Association Adminis- tration Seems Opposed to Pre- senting Revised Constitution. Despiiethe J tatiaofi faiaria g action on i ilta tlepo de visionl ofthieitrate d1 loi t oadbrni 7 ttoahacsinte gym ea ppitell byi Haria Hil, thn rident f thaass citin, Le dra np for approval iiil I le 1 1 '1 1 Stt the ifil] ...…

June 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN .\ARBO)R, MIfCHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 5909. No. 176. VARSITY LOOKS FOR EASY GAME TODAY De Paul Baseball Aggregation Not Feared by Sully's Cohorts After Experience in East. Captat ilt '-ti tits chamitpoship ag- iir~gaionof a11tossss -ho so ably rcsntotl\liltt assaginst the east irnteasIalsisalektwll tke te hlde( alal leI ) aimisitt ~steamsithis aftrnoon.iTSits-.isothe isit atppt~erce of ts tIae 1 ol blico...…

June 03, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily 13NN11 31 OR, MIC3HIGAN, 'TIHURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1909. NO. 177. Voi,. XIX. DEPAUJL DEFEATED IN TIGHIT CONTEST Eleven Innings Are Necessary for Varsity to Down Chicago- ans in a Listless Game. Wod1110(1 aten.Aterl(11 310 te Catih ,)tics Mar scor in hTile lellh, Ithe \\ .vcrinio managed to shove 11' 0twoa taliesa1rssa 4dwon 1:lto 3. Micign hd ll ors o ace s '1to1 s 511181prferrd 1tolof, aditer11 t i inte third. 1111d(m ...…

June 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan D.lI \\\ \10,1()k,\1III1 l I , rN RIII)1Y, t. NE 1900) NO, [78. VOL. XIX. SEASON ENDS WITH <<1o FRI ' NF 101 'A !GAY LEY SPEAKS YTn mT1" T% 7 ,:r, ,v T ,rrin NO1TIRI DAME GiAMES~ With One Victory Each, Both Varsity and Catholics Promise, [lard Fight to Win Series. oragrnI kxind-up~j of a1 vorious'000 lee Notre l 1)w 11 tho~~i :afternoo Ilwll \ool am rIin th tebt victrie " ein by 01 1011111 11oesan as11 a 01 re 11ult h 1ot1h ...…

June 05, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…* he Michi _ ______y VOL. XIX. ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, SAI A'P C I ii k iN , iKx. No. 179. DOWNPOUR STOPS NOTRE DAME GAME Hososier Contest is Prevented a Second Time by Wet Weather; Last (lame of Year Today. Antl the Fates still pursted her. or te secoitd'time, the game etweet Mi ingari and Nore IDane had to he caleil off. 'Tie drenching downpour, wihiclt ceased hlts a short timts: eore the thme for Fridays game, floodesi the grunsind, dsitie th...…

June 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dal y -. T. __.___... __._ _ VOL. XIX. ANN ARBOR, 1MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, tTUNE 6, tgoo. No. a8o. f BALL OSSER W IN walked, and the bases were cholced. On W N a ground ball to bathers, Hamilton scored, Enzenroth failing to touch hitn THE R L ST ATTLE on the throw in, Maloney catme its on Foutntain's error, but the next two mnt - were out antI the sidle was retired. After Michigan Team Played Fast Ball that Notre Danme never cat...…

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