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May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily uml vru N 19-S Ann Arbor. Michiaan-Saturdav. May 29. 1982 Ten Cents Sixteen Pages VOJJ A%-If, IVV. 17-J rar rrri r vvs r ar ,r .ryas.. vv. r w.av r r avJ it British capture settlement have iust learned that the 2nd Battalio n LONDON (AP)- British troops cap- tured the enemy-held shepherds' set- -A tlement of Darwin and the military air- strip at nearby Goose Green yesterday on the second day of their two-pron...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…Page 2--Saturday, May 29, 1982-The Michigan DAily House rep. suggests eomproniise on budget WASHINGTON (AP)- The chair- program, the president replied in a man of the House Budget Committee voice brimming with frustration: "No, suggested yesterday that Democrats I don't think so. But I will tell you one and Republicans "split the difference" thing that I think has been made very on their rival budget plans and offer a clear . . . The United St...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

… o p Daily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS Wet escape One car on Maynard St. makes a timely escape from yesterday's downpour. The rest of the cars remained and received a thorough soaking. Pursel ann ouneeOs b fo r e The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 29, 1982-Page 3 O'Connor rejects redistricting plea by state Dems. WASHINGTON (UPI) - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor turned down a plea yesterday by Michigan Democrats that she block a pla...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Saturday, May 29, 1982-The Michigan Daily Reagan soothes Latin anger over Falkiands SANTA BARBARA, Calif. (AP)- President Reagan reassured Latin America yesterday that he is sensitive to its sympathy for Argentina in the war over the Falkland Islands even though the United States supports Great Britain. "I know the bloodshed that is taking place around the Falkland Islands is of deep concern to every nation in this hemisphere," he told...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 29, 1982-Page 5 Pope makes historic visit to Britain LONDON (AP) - The first pope to step on British shores paid a historic visit yesterday to Queen Elizabeth II, defender of the faith that broke away from Rome more than four centuries sgo. Pope John Paul II and the queen talked for a half hour in the 1844 room on the ground floor of the palace. It was a less formal setting than the upstairs chambers whereiea...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…Opinion Page 6 Saturday, May 29, 1982 The Michigan Daily New twists for Kelly, investments T HE PROSECUTION for the trial of accused murderer Leo Kelly strengthened its case for premeditation this week by submitting as evidence a list found in Kelly's room that con- tained the names of several Bursley Hail residents - including murder vic- tim Edward Siwik. Kelly, a 23-year-old former Univer- sity student, is charged with the shooting de...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

…Arts The AAihinnn nilv Saturday, May 29, 1982 Page 7 Records Lou Reed--'The Blue Mask' (RCA) Lou Reed performs on the fringes of rock 'n roll. Whether using ear-splitting discordant guitar screams of decep- tively pristine lullabies, Reed always attempts to shake the complacency of a desensitized 'pop' culture. Reed's career began as lead singer in Andy Warhol's late 60's bandchild, the Velvet Underground, which also featured such progres...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-S Aay, May 29, 1982-The Michigan Daily Records (cont.) (Continued from Page 7) positive instead of against something. Reed isn't just knocking down idols, although "Average Guy" takes on your standard wingers pretty well: I ain't no Christian or no born again saint/ I ain't no cowboy or a Marxist D.A. / Iain't no criminal or Reverend Cripple from the right/ I'm just your Average Guy/ Trying to do what's right. Though oft-hailed assthe ...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 29, 1982-Page 9 Cannes festival awards 'Missing,' Lemmoi CANNES, France (UPI) - The A- merican movie Missing was named a co-winner of the Golden Palm award today and its star, Jack Lemmon, was named best actor at the 35th Cannes In- ternational Film Festival. Missing, based on the true story of the abduction of an American in Chile, and directed by the Greek-born filmmaker Constantin Costa-Gavras, shared the f...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 10

…turday, May 29, 1982-The Michigan Daily AP Photo Unceremonious graduation Michael Kaufmann, who has completed studies at the Fairview Park Nursery School in Cleveland, makes his graduation this week less dignified by peeking at a classmate through his diploma. Creative students meet at 'mind olympics' GLASSBORO, N.J. (AP) - Student teams posing as space travelers from the planet Om or early American In- dians descended here yesterday to put ...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 29, 1982-Page 11 FOR MOST, SPOR T IS 'ONLY A SPECTACLE' Soviet recruits not physically fit MOSCOW (AP)-A Soviet mechanized infantry battalion mustered recently for physical fitness tests and only five soldiers from one company showed up. Everyone else in the unit either went on sick call or volunteered for other duties, the Soviet Defense Ministry newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda (Red Star) said recently in an articl...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Sbturday, May 29; 1982-ThvMichiga Doiy r I i I . -I '. I - - , I t - PRISON RUTH GORDON Har pld y GIRLS in 3-D (X) His Hangups Are Hilarious! f S I .k 1-1 ;- i i i ''i i I i-l. i f- If If i i, i I i i !- I* i f i +-! I i i i I I i !, i !" - I 1 1 1 1 1 I { 1r i 1 I i { .i I l - ' - 4 -4 - ' If you find your name intoday's MICHIGAN DAILY olassified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one o STATE 12-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVI...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 13

…The'Michigan Daity-StOordoy, May 29, 1982-Page 13 IO GTDN 1I-yu in-yu 1-144-14 PRISON GIRLS in ?-D (X) RUTH GORDON HarnnpAd H Maude ~ MCIA AL HisHangpsArHilrvi oos! e pg . 1_____________ ----A-MARK LORRY PRODUCTION -___ Its I- I Rielmrd Pyor LIVE IN CONCERT If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY cla ssified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES 1 t: I t I i I . i ,. : .; i . r. "_ + ;.1...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Saturday, May 29, 1962-The Michigan Daily SPOR TS OF T H E DAILY Hatch is 'M' softball MYP The Michigan softball team had it's season ending banquet last night at Crisler Arena. Rookie of the Year went to first baseman Mena Reyman. The Maize and Blue award, given to the player who shows the hardest work and dedication was won by Tammie San- ders, a senior catcher. The Pitcher of the Year award went to Jan Boyd, a junior. And finally, ...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 15

…The Michigcin Daily- atucr'day, Maj 29, 19822:Pog~e15 Woolfolk elusive on the ield and in contract talks EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) _ round draft choice. Former Michigan running back Butch The eight draft choices signed by the Woolfolk is proving to be as elusive in Giants included number two selection contract talks as he has been on the Joe Morris, the all-time leading rusher playing field the last four years for the from Syracuse. Wolverine...…

May 29, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 19) • Page Image 16

…Saturday, May 29, 1982 Page 16 The Michigan Daily Leach named Big Ten Athlete of t During a weekend when the 2nd annual Big In Ten baseball playoff and the 87th staging of Fla the Conference outdoor track meet grabbed and most of the headlines and held much of the at- the tention, it was the accomplishments of gan Michigan's senior tennis player Michael nine Leach that overshadowed them all when he ave won the NCAA singles championship in ...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 18-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, May 28, 1982 Ten Cents Twenty Pages U.S. to follow SALT treaty, officials say WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan will announce this weekend that the United States intends to obser- ve the 1979 strategic arms limitation agreement with the Soviet Union - which he has blasted as "fatally flawed" - provided the Soviets also live up to the accord, administration and other sour...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, May 28, 1982-The Michigan Daily Blood pressure scam draws in big money NEW YORK (AP) - Shish Kebab violation of city law, which requires vendors, pamphlateers for porno that they be licensed if they charge for parlors and shell game sharks have a sevice and are not working on behalf new company on midtown Manhattan of a religious group, said Gary Walker streets - scores of operators who of the city Department of Consumer Af- cha...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…The Michinan Daily-Friday May 28, 1982-Page 3 r SL4SHIED TIRES, TORCHED CARS AT CALLFORNIA UNIVERSITY Faculty feuds over tenure LOS ANGELES (AP) - Internal feuding has thrown the Chicano.Studies Department at California State Univer- sity-Los Angeles into turmoil, with fires set, tires slashed and brake cables sliced, authorities said this week. Disputes have been sparked by such issues as tenure, alleged lax grading and a scramble for jobs a...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Friday, May 28, 1982-The Michigan Daily British troops launch assault on capital FromThe AssociatedPress and ammunition to Britain, according Helicopter-borne British marine to Reagan administration sources. commandos and paratroopers stormed THE OBJECTIVE of the British out of their San Carlos beachhead ground forces on East Falkland island yesterday and began a two-pronged was believed to be the ridge of hills assault to recapture the...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 28, 1982-Page 5 Tenure supporters continue sit-in SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP)- Fifty university students described by a police chief as "nice people" occupied their chancellor's office for a second day yesterday in support of a teacher who was denied tenure. Students began the peaceful sit-in Wednesday at the five-story McHenry Library on the University of California-Santa Cruz campus. University Police Chief Gene S...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…O1pinion Page 6 Friday, May 28, 1982 The Michigan Daily I The Michigan Daily Vol. XCII, No. 18-S Ninety-two Years of Editorial Freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Empty rules N LIEU OF withdrawing the University's investments from U.S. corporations doing business in apartheid South Africa, the Regents set a policy four years ago requiring those companies to prove themselves as being a positive force for chang...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily Friday, May 28, 1982 Page 7 Vigilante violence in Hollywood \r../ By Chris Case IMAGINE: Your neighborhood goes to hell. The crime rate soars like crazy. Punks and criminals dance around fires in gar- bage cans to disco music. Your twelve year old son's best friend is on smack. Your Mom gets her finer cut off in a hold-up. Thugs run you off the road and cause your wife tp have a miscarriage. She wants to move. You're upset...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Friday, May 28, 1982-The Michigan Daily 4 4 Mr. Ozzy Osborne, Esq., requests the pleasure of your company at his Mon- day night concert at Crisler Arena. Clubs/Bars The Blind Pig (208 S. First; 996- 8555) Madcat/Brubeck pound out their unique blend of rock and harmonica, Friday and Saturday. Joe's Star Lounge (109 N. Main; 665-JOES) Rick's American Cafe (611 Church; 996-2747). Be among the lucky few who will be able to say, "I hear...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 28, 1982-Poae 9 House votes to reduce increases in defense WASHINGTON (AP) - The House budget plans which determined the out- WealtapsHiGyatO aP)o thesue come. Breaking with Republican dealt a possibly fatal blow to President leaders, they voted in support of the Reagan's spending plan yesterday by Democratic amendment to show their voting to cut defense spending by $4.8 unhappiness. billion in the next fiscal ye...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 10

…ieo n 11 Al un S S ifisa> IV O m O J 1 t3. O K 3 0 K N co -JA V N a 0 A O v 0 e er! Saturday, May29 thru Monday, May 31 Announcing Tech Hifi's Biggest Sale All Summer! For three days only, all the latest electronic entertainment products are on sale at Tech Hifi. You'll save on cassette decks, receivers, turntables, and speakers. Save on family computers and software. Save on car stereo, portables, stereo furniture, accessories, and more!...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 11

… -U-- The Technics RSM-240X cassette deck makes better- sounding tapes than models at twice the price! That's because it has super-effective DBX noise reduction, You also get Dolby , flashing LED level meters, direct-drive transport with feather-touch controls, and more. , Save $60! Technics The Hitachi SR-3000 is all the stereo receiver you'll ever need. Get it at alow Biggest Sale All Summer price! The SR-3000 has 30 watts per channel (en...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Friday, May 28, 1982-The Michigan Daily Prisons release .70 convicts 4 LANSING (UPI) - About 70 convicts have been finally paroled so far under the emergency prison overcrowding order issued by Gov. William Milliken last week, a Corrections Department spokesman said yesterday. Cal Goddard said parole certificates have been issued starting Tuesday with more expected through the end of this week as pre-arranged releases are granted. AF...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily-Frida, May 28, 1982-Page 13 Air ForceF seeks, to counter Soviet threat in space LIKE A BIBLICAL PLAGUE, 'millions' of tiny frogs, spurred on by ideal breeding conditions, have swarmed over a normally quiet Florida suburb. Milons of frogs vade Florida suburb LONGWOOD, Fla. (AP) - Some folks here are convinced it's been raining baby toads, but whatever the source, legions of the bug-eyed hoppers were on the march here Thursd...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Friday, May 28, 1982- -The Michigan Daily f. _f .t I J.1 . 1 1 1 . .11 PRISON RUTHCGORDON GIRLS Har id in 3-0(cX) :Maude ,.. J. A 1. 4 } . * t I .1 I I i :11 MAR COBYPROUC~ON Richard Pryor LIVER IN CONCERT If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classofied page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES I1 APT. FURNITURE-moving and must sell all in- eluding sofa, chairs, double bed, ...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 28, 1982-Page 15 -4+44 PRISON GIRLS in ?-D (X) RUTH GORDON ' Harngd Are namelndtos!y zMaude 4 MCIADIY Hi Hngups Are iiouns! casfidpg 1.. I' If you find your namein today' MICHIGAN DAILY classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2.3.4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES (Continued from Page 14) MUFFLER-Lowest price, first quality. Call 769- 5913 for a price over the phone. Ann Arbor Muffler on Jackson Ave...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 16

…Page 16--Friday, May 28, 1982-The Michigan Daily Not thrilled It's hard to be enthusiastic when your master's gone, your feet are cold, and your nose is soaked. HO SO~ Suspended California sex prof. gets death threats LONG BEACH, Calif. (UPI) - A suspended professor under in- vestigation for being "romantically in- volved" with students in his Psychology of Sex course says he has been the target of death threats since the furor over his unor...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 17

…Orioles down ARLINGTON, Texas (AP)- Sammy Stewart tossed a five-hitter and Eddie Murray hammered four hits and drove in three runs last night as the Baltimore Orioles beat the Texas Tangers 6-0. The triumph was the first career win over the Rangers for Stewart, 5-3, who struck out two and walked two. MURRAY HIT two singles, a double and his sixth homer of the season. He gave Baltimore a 2-0 lead with his first- inning homer with Rich Dauer on...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 18

…Page 18-Friday, May 28, 1982-The Michigan Daily Connors, Lloyd move forward in tournament PARIS (AP) - a. 1 seed Jimmy Connors muscled his ay past novice Jan Gunnarson of Sweden, and Chris Evert Lloyd, gunning for her fifth title here, also advanced yesterday in the $917,000 French Open tennis tour- nament. Two seeded players fell on the fourth day of play in the two-week tour- nament. Billie Jean King, the 39-year- old American seeded 10th a...…

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 28, 1982-Page 19 ... . l It / r 1 . '; _ - ; ' 4i 2 " x Y f {- _ i- } . a a ' r j ti i n } . 6 - Rx$ .. ? > 9 ' ""y _ . ,' F;. k? i 411 '.t r .s .c i k E rw r S I E E A k ' Ia 'V PV z 11:1 '0" - l "4: :;.. t i' 4 # t . 1 t, Y ' , i . t 3 t t x } t .$ I …

May 28, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 18) • Page Image 20

…Sports Friday, May 28, 1982 SPORTS OF THE DAILY Page 20 The Michigan Daily Maltbie leads DUBLIN, Ohio (AP) - Roger Malt- bie liked his start, but his finish gave him the first-round lead yesterday in Jack Nicklaus' lightning-delayed Memorial Golf Tournament. Maltbie, who hasn't won since his 1976 triumph in this event, sank a par- saving, three-foot putt on the last hole for his 4-under-par 68, good for a one- shot margin. THE 30-YEAR-old ...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…'U' bends on South Africa policy By BARRY WITT Despite a 1978 policy to the contrary, the University maintains investments in several companies that do not abide by a set of guidelines for conduct in South Africa, according to a Daily review of the investment office records. The administrator responsible for implementing the University's policy could not explain why several of these companies received poor grades from an independent ratings f...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Thursday, May 27, 1982-The Michigan Daily Senate panel slashes proposed Salvadoran aid WASHINGTON (AP)- The Senate Foreign Relations Committee yester- day slashed $100 million from proposed military aid to El Salvador and threatened to cut off all aid if the em- battled Central American country fails to carry out a program to enable im- poverished peasants to own farms. The committee acted by unanimous vote after a State Department off...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, May 27, 1982-Page 3 RESEARCHERS EXAMINE STAGES IN SHUTDOWN College closings studied at 'U' O^V t10 er in4i ~rnrV~~afOn d -d By GREG BRUSSTAR Two University researchers have created a unique model to help the nation's colleges deal with the prospect of financial difficulty and closing. In the past 20 years, more than 200 American colleges and branch cam- puses have closed, and in the next two decades, 200 more wil...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Thursday, May 27,982-The Michiga Daily Britain poises for attack on Falkand capital By The Associated Press Britain declared yesterday that despite the loss of two more ships and 24 men-its heaviest toll in a single day- ground forces were poised to break out of the beachhead on the Falklands and attack the capital of Stanley. Argentina said it pounded the beachhead near San Carlos and downed a British jet that rocketed an Argentine sh...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, May 27, 1982-Page 5 CALIFORNIA 'SEX CLASS' CONTROVERSY CONTINUES Prof admits to sex with students sexual liais From AP andUPI insisted he LONG BEACH, Calif. - The "Psych- let the affec ology of Sex" professor who used to "Therea give class credit for orgies and gay en- cluding t counters admitted yesterday he has requireme had sex with his students, but he says with me an he no longer stays at parties where perfor...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 6

…Opinion Page 6 Thursday, May 27, 1982 The Michigan Daily El Salvador abandons reform By Kent Redding El Salvador's recent elections, ter- med by many as a slap in the face to the leftist opposition there, may yet turn out to be the biggest aid the rebels could hope to receive. The Central American nation's .rightwing parties captured a majority , in the March 28 elections, in spite of the boycott by leftists who are fighting Salvadoran govern...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 7

…'Arts Thursday, May 27, 1982 The Michigan Daily Page 7 The Jam blast out spontaneity By Michael Huget IF THE GIFT, the Jam's latest al- bum gives the depressing impression that the band's cynicism and anger may be mellowing slightly, their con- cert at the Michigan Theatre Tuesday night quickly and not so quietly dispelled those doubts. maliciously stripped rock 'n 'roll of all its pretentious excesses, and gave the audience an evening of...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 8

…Page 8--Thursday, May 27, 1982-The Michigan Daily The Jam were here! (Continued from Page!) The Jam. It seems that Weller realized this, and on the album he purposely roughs up the production of a couple of tunes as if to delay the inevitable. In concert, though, even the albums more reflective and contemplative tunes ("Just Who Is The 5 O'Clock Hero?") and "Ghosts") became angry and urgent. The full intended impact of the other, tunes, howev...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Thursday, May 27, 1982-Page 9 PHYSICIST SEES PROBLEM IN EINSTEIN'S WORK Relativity theory examined again NEW YORK (AP) - If Henry Hill thought he could challenge Einstein's Theory of Relativity and not be taken to task for it, he was mistaken. The Arizona physicist met yesterday in face-to-face intellectual combat with Einstein's defenders and admirably defended his recent discovery of a possible flaw in Einstein's work. BU...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Thursday, May 27, 1982-The Michigan Daily 'U' bends on South Africa policy 4 (Continued from Page 1) developer of the principles-and used by the University to assess the progress of U.S. companies that have signed the principles. THE REMAINING 13 companies were categorized as "need to become more active," the third and lowest Lit- tle rating. Herbert and Brinkerhoff's report to the Regents indicated that the only reason three of thes...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 11

… The Michigan Daily-Thursday, May 27, 1982-Page 11 Milliken gives support to freeze proposal (Continued from Page 3) will hold a voter registration drive to help get the proposal passed. MOST MEMBERS of the movement are confident that the proposal will pass in November. "I think when the vox populi (people's voice) has a chance to be heard, it will pass," said protestor Malcolm Manley, of Northville. Mike Armstrong,of Grand Rapids,said he bel...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 12

…Page 12-Thursday. May 27, 1982-TheMichigan Daily PRISON GON If you find your Har~ild J name in today's GIRLS Maude MICHIGAN DAILY in?- 0(X) Hngus Are Hilarious classified page YOU WIN " A MARKCORBY PRDUCTIONTWO FREE TICKETS Rictrd Pyor to aany ane'f - LIVE STATE 1-2-3-4 - - IN CONCERT MIDNIGHT MOVIES APT. FURNITURE-moving and must sell all in- cluding sofa, chairs, double bed, real bargains. Call 434-4271. 97B0529 HOUSE-excellent condition,...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 13

…iii MI~i~n lythusdlVMays"27, 192-Page 13 RUTPRISONON If yon find your GIRLS.Maude MICHIGAN DAILY in 3-E?(X) Hi Hangup es ilious~' classfied page AMAR __ ___CORBY PRODUCTION__ - You WIN Riclerd ~yer TWO FREE TICKETS LIVE tn any one of NrTY LIVE STATE 1-2-3-4 :. ' t ,'at IN CONCERT MIDNIGHT MOVIES 1'r_________ ________ (Cntinued frm Page 121 EZ"I . San Suci Fall Rentals Largenone and two bedroom furnihed or unfurnised apartinentn aailable in ...…

May 27, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 17) • Page Image 14

…Page 14-Thursday, May 27, 1982-The Michigan Daily WASHINGTON (AP)- A poll of nearly half the teams in the National Football League has found nearly unanimous support of a strike authorization proposal, officials of the players' union reported yesterday. sh o w s "There has been no real opposition to the strike authorization, only a couple of abstentions," said National Football League Players Association President Gene Up- TS erP shaw. UPSHAW ...…

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