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May 31, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…. i , ,yy+y, .. , j s . t F / , h j w fl > g E ; t ,j,. ' '' ,y r. . :' VOL. III.-NO. 1 7 4. Voc. 11.-N 114. UIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, WED)NESDAY, MAY 31, 1893. PIE HE ET PRICE, Tat., EE OllrYrs. WE LOSE IN THE ELEVENTH. !ints'glhe pitched a strong game, and( GRAND WAGNER CON'CENTI ___-his hatting tlct the team. Btest in Cornell VWins the Second Canto byI left field made a fine ronning catch. Lohengrin and the Flying Dutch- aC01o.e Score in...…

May 29, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…AL Of 0 inn VOL. III.-NO. 1;73. THE LAST ;S THE BEST. The Choral Union Will Sing Lohen- Ltrio. Wagner's Most Diffi- cult Work. Thie Choral Union series, whsich roasts to a close willsthist cosrert, isas been remarkably sssccessful froas tIery point o0viess. In anounacing tt o A lnerfoirtchsess'y eren in lieCisoisiheIlast.005 isw115 1 1nconceivable th sit chrs'rgan- izeiln 01 bs5 o5 teChra In on ssit~tlh ag c cis the sesen bersip each yashous...…

May 27, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…,: { r 1. 3.., ti V ' / 14MMIk VOL. .III.-No. 17 2. VOL. 11,-No 172. UNIVERSITY OF JCHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 271, 1393. iso'Tstc(3a. Pitim Tm -i ,-E CENTS. BALL TEAM HAS A BENEFIT. The U. of M. Minstrels Help the Ath- letes.-ie African Choir Sings. As sia la e uie t.of -M. asui- ieet tred oitlalst n olit to sec an erthe exponients of colleger ins nd loes t: easity Miii- strl. Tlhle pcirfoirmaIn cingg vi - e fo "sweet ha iy' sake,'' For !1e ...…

May 26, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…NEE i AIL a + aT,.III.-No. 1iN. ANOTHER VICTORY. Mlichigan Wins from the Iowa Rall Players In a Well-Played Game. Grinnell Defeated. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, FIIIDAY, MAY 26, 1893. public programe to which all are TENNIS AT CHICAGO. welcome. Papers will lie readl on i1od lyrsSoldTyCa 0 H-oiiieliolil Sanitation, Scieitlific Teamn Going to Chcago t (Cookers aiiil Houlsehldll cono- June 2nd and 3rd. ci iil n il u iiteIii h hl t i i iiciI PRIC...…

May 25, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…all Uf Ila El 1. A]M-[ ZA Voi.. III.-No. 170. Von. Il-No.1TI~. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURISIDAYMAY 25, 1893. PRCTREENS YrIcF., THrFF CENTS. THE LAST OF THE SERIES. was always ready for intrigue. But 'TWAS A VERITABLE FEAST. --John Qirreey Adams said, when TieCndinCu anutLs Another Successful Year Ended. ITeCnda lbBnutLs Hr. Wilson Closes the Course 'Madison tdied: "A sousrssihite as Night a Grand Success. I' Very Ably.tesealista ssroid ...…

May 24, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…-Ink AL VOL. IlI.-No. 169i. THE WESTERN TRIP. A Good Prospect to Win the Pennant and Interesting Games Expected. UNIVERtSITY OF M1ICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1893". F'ormi"," AFreakofl1-urnan Nature," CORNELL SEEMS SURPRISED, o ant 'ys! i dd'' un y ews The Victory Won Saturday by Cor-' Scliernierhorn sort McLachlan re- nell over Michligan as Described spectivein are spicy tor il~l surely in the Sun. PRiG;, Tuter vo C i-5. 'lie followiing...…

May 23, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…Ila Ab 'ddomb-, tt* Ila* VOL. III.-No. 16S. VOL. 11.-No 168.UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN4, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 193. Pse.TiteC~s PRics, THPpm CENTS. MR. WILSON, OF WEST VA. I tatives when Judge Crisp, of Ceor- "'omething About the Distinguisned 1 0,ws lce Gentleman who Lectures Mr. Wilson has alwasys been a Wednesday. great adnsirer of James Madison, The Hon. Williams L. Wilson, of antihosig ini is the subject of Wes Vigina, hegetntleman wohis lect...…

May 22, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…A , . VOL. III.-NO. 1 V 7. VOL. 11.-No 167.UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1S93.PRETEECN. Prim THREE CENTS. LOCAL RECORDS BROKEN. mile, as did Hoit in the mite. The Saturday's Field Day Memorable in p~ole-vault was a pretty- contest, the Annals of U. of M5. ; Austin winning at 9 feet, 6 inches. Athletics. Geary sias the best mans in the STe aannal spring; Field Day seas junsis. His alt-arousndssork is ex- held at the atthletic f...…

May 20, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

….Aff AW VOL. III.-No. 16f6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY gy, 1893. Psisosi, TucEs iFN'SS. OBETZ DEFENDS HIMSELF, on every particular charge presented THE WORLDS GREATEST. - The Homeoathic School Fight be- by his opponens An Immense Audience Gatherjsin fore the Regents. An Exciting Dr. Obetz was followreditby several University Hall to Hear Bioston a eeig.SarOchsra7 Metig promsinest physicians, swho eteptored StrOceta WIIA Tiehad ...…

May 19, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…tt Of ...f Ak .AV Admilk monk cl I V07.. III.-No. 1t}< Vor III-No 1h~ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1893. tno*To~:CNS I PpioF, Tmt,*Ji, CENTS. HURRAH FOR FIELD-DAY. I Following is a complete list of FOR THE FOURTH TIME. entries: The Boston Symphony Orchestra Fast Races and Broken Records at - PormTngtOeo x " the Athletic Field. 1(00 yrdvan' ishi Chapm us. Ienson, FormTngtOeo n Tomorow.Itre (5)ceptional Excellenc.. 22___f0 yardsd...…

May 18, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…je . of VOL. III.-NO. 16-1. VOL.111.No. 134. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THU:RSDAY, MAY 18, 1893.,RCTRECNS YRICE, THREE. GENTS. DEFEAT AT LAST. J The Home Team Badly Snowed 1 Under by the D. A. C. I .2 at Detroit. 1'.Vcat M. SCORE t~y iNNINIOS. A GRAND MUSICAL EVENT. I 1 4 5 ; a Will be the Concert by the Boston o0 200 4 o--t18o Symphony Company on ~ (1001",00000001- 4 Friday Night., Victorycan1not507as ssbe 0010. ~ IOoOIA 411101110 lrd. 07...…

May 17, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…e t-t* -Of EDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. VOL. III.-No. 163. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, W THEY SAY WE ARE IN IT. hearty support of the entire student THE BICYCLE RIDERS. body. ~- -_ The One-Sixth Mill Bill Now in Ef- b ,Hot Races and Fast Time Will be feet. Plans for the Future. "Bob" Thompson, iswho made the Order of Events Next New Buildings. such a decided hit with last year's Saturday, minstrels, will again unbend himself It...…

May 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…. uf Ila. 30 " 1e VOL. III.-No. 162d. UNIV\ERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MlAY 16, 1893. PRIaCE, THREE CENTS. WHO WILL HEAD THE LIST? executive board, which shall consist of A BATTLE OF GIANTS. TheSlier up n Ehibtio t three seniors, two juniors, one solpho-I 'TheSilvr Cu onExhiitio tomore, and one8 frestinan. aind they The Game with D. A. C. Tomor- be Contested for at Annual row Promises to be an Inter- rz Field Day.salcitin iloliewiester e...…

May 15, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…ao( jj A", .N 4t VO.11.N. 6. NVRST O IHIAMONDAY, MAY 15, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. VOL. III.-NO. 16t. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, IT WAS THE NINTH. M1ewiliis2, Sheppard. Bases o bis-by Griffiths, s; Macticrran, 3. Siroc a out-by Griffiths, Northwestern's Crack blailPhernin, I; 1)y Grifiths, It. Passerd Pils Left-hander Went to Pieces -t-rawtoad, Heyweood 2. Timso'twofouIlis. in the Eighth. (Tm irse. 1V. Daly, of 1)troit. Dr. Herdman's Letture....…

May 13, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…V L..- . U R.T PRI. VOL. III.-NO. 160. UNIVERSITY OF MILCHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A GRAND AFFAIR. The Freshman Banquet Passes off in a Blaze of Glory. Tne Sophs weren't in it. The threatened sophomore inter- ferance of the annual freshman banquet, which was held last even- ing in Granger's hall, did not materialize, and that event passed off most enjoyably to all who were present. The rain evidently kept upper cla...…

May 12, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…a, P l i of Iii t a 4 % ul* io VOL. III-No. 1S.. THE LATEST ON THE TAPIS. Another Journalistic Venture to he Launched Forth Next Year, Devoted to Hum-or. UNIIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MTAY 12, 1893. The leader is - a story, 'Fronm the 'TIS AN IMPOSITION. Anxius eat" b Mis MbelFreshmen Reserst the Attempt of i Cotton. Tihe keen humnor, rigor of Sohmres to Advertise Theirh Banquet. expression, lepth of insight into Enut 'on gate cature ant...…

May 11, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III.-No. 158. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGA AT.L N, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. FRIDAY'S FIELD DAY. triecl their luck against the 'Varsity THE LAWS DEBATE. The Sophomores and Freshmen boys with fair success. sWithout !Once More the Jeffersonians Win Will Meet on the Athl etic doubt the scores will hr (nose in sit' from the Websters in tne Field, Tomorrow,. ftsscgnc Joint Debate. The second annual field and ti r i ci vtefrack ...…

May 10, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…IA19M.ddlL MI-Imm vp Ap tt IAL AdL A *-A Vol- III:.-No. 15 7. Foe. 11-No 157. UIVERSITY OF -MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1893. PIETRECNS P-RicE, THREE (TENTS. OUP, ALUMNI WEEKLY. The U. of M. will Have One Nex Year, in Conneotion with The Daily. itf ucei itterest sold Sp 010 tue f131't (? ht -itjtt commiottee of te1 nt11 oIc ae League.e'Ir. Bir id also resteocel liii seer{ trvsllipt lotir iw-s then {"L ! di t o ii te i-l..i] i s1li I TH...…

May 09, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…of , t . 1a t. VOL. III.-NO. 156. VOL. II-INO loh.UNIVERSITY OF MICH{IGAN, TUESDAY, MAY '., 1898. IteTut(it- PrucF, TIIIiFE OUR EIGHTH VIC 'cinnesota No Match fc and Riue on the Di A One-Sided G0 iisieof all school aroly l reeteil the tMiri 'l-ri: tt ey apIpeaed tat leuc~c. hy had iputt x an tEalistoa noil h ze b"t thlsseleil i1Il - o lay fromi tlln fetthat the hoii The -almewaisalit 0 01 start to finisti hatted the batl all cii knocking ...…

May 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…VOc. 11.-NO. 1:55. UNIVERSITY OF IICHIGA WE WIN AGAIN. iess represented. Mrs. Pettee and Michigan Adds One More to Her\ts r Mlatinwedapr String of Victories on the roses. A short hot interesting liro- Diamond. 1 grm wsas listened to tdiring the first TShe ionic leans won its sevesith part of the evening. It was as fol- cociecutiegame, Saturdalsbyiit Iows:liPino solo, Mliss Kelly; Reci- feating ttse Denison Coltee clcth talson, Mliss t=oodykoon...…

May 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…KIN o AINk am& PRICE, OL. UNI VERSITY OF }UCHI 'A/, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1S93.Po:,Tnr(bsrs VICTOR'! IS OURS. A businss meeting of the 1League 1 was hold yesterday aftero on 1) fore Agin the True Steel of mchi-tile cotest 0ofbie.vii., r go n Vane C1uts'te" 'all !a.iat '"O(ms of tbe C.iaot:?icr 01yOtsper S .etsa dtc) Envriy ~ lii $',)a wcr'v rougt ul aii a,1.e. slop it < o. i . ' of fo ii 1 4 lcic itn ca f11c 11111..fl}C b" if in oratoryr oi ni...…

May 05, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III.-ino. 151 UNIVERSITY OF MICUIG fiFiAMY5 83 RCTRECNS FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1893. RRICE, THREE CENTS. 3rAN, WILL WE WIN THE CONTEST? Mr. 0. Ti. L. MAason, the con- A Sketch of the Men who will Take testant front Iowa liniveirsity, is an- in the Oratorical other representative of the newspa- Corntest. per prof essionhavine met with great inc third incuai contest of ttie success as the editoi of thie S.U. otenOratorical L eaeiie takes ...…

May 04, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…fel p ,, F - G ¢ any, { p 4- VOL. III.---No. 1:52. 3Ni yI F 1TY 01'i C1,1I NAK, T .L SZa 1y, MA.Y 4y 11)3. TaasCets PltlOF, Tl--' 4, CIENTS. A FINE DISPLAY. J r1-xhits a'tshe orstCc ul'l I ' xposistsion-itIt s Ii o c # i t t.s -v aSTI~lItvo h:U s1al Wtorkin dis tlas sS Tara OUR15INC OMPARAB'LECLUS Ti the inetonscets "asasst Givi se}, HCoe. ;-te to5II, ls t ,, lt o)I l: t1 b lastter h l'. 11. SIsal 13 a tutu5 t dco'eproximty to the 3'Ag...…

May 03, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1893. PRICE, THREE GENTS. VOL. III.-No. 1 5 1. VOL.IllNo. 51. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, IN THERE'LL BE MUSIC IN THE AIR. sonalities of performers of long ago. The Ipresent aspect of msusical ciii- The Benefit Concert Promises to be a Grand Suoess-A Fine tsire wiii be treated of by those Programme. !isaving thse subject in charge in our state associations andt schools. If the sate of tickets is any trite- WVhile intde...…

May 02, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…Aft O s V c1 i 1 J 0. VOL. ~i.--No.150.UV'2'-tITY OF MINICHIGAN, TUESDAY, M\AXYt 83 RC~'nieCN RICF, vH'_ ; f; , t vl tiT.3. WHAT ILLINILIANS FrINK. t nTamnGains Goiden Words Prasefirotn the Mini, of the U. of!1 I'r ';21 titec o,-st i~tt nitt i iexe for tilie tinhe 'n s thatit h Aken noyst CO D '1''iiit'iV iiiiic);itiiig to it; ' i ilct nt llt S tdiN o Y(itft l l(i whtenlloodiin2t1 1ilt il iii "iiiitth \ictdnesdca Oi t" iEanNoClbs ' If t...…

May 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…Vol. III.-NO. 149. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1893. PRICE, TH{REE CENTS. A BRILLIANT VICTORY. Mtichigan witih a hit. Crawford out ATTHE WORLD'S FAIR. - toG-ate;Rc od.Si- Michigan's Palatial Builaing Dedi- The Deltas go Down Before zer takes bate on balls. Spurney cated-President Angel's - gout, Eagan to Ducharme. Giney Address. Captain Crawford's Men and Gallaghser both out on dlies to to te Tue o 6 t 1. Spiter. Marker gets first b...…

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