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May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…''AIMS NEED REEXAMINATION See page 4 YI Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom :43aiii 0 CLOUDY, SHOWERS OL. LXIX, No. 172 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1959 FIVE CENTS TWELVE PA Ministers Agree To Secret Talks Decision Comes after 12 Sessions Of Stalemated Debate over Berlin GENEVA (P)-The Big Four foreign ministers agreed yesterday to plunge into secret bargaining on Berlin and a summit meeting when they resume their...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

…Two- GRADUATION G available at great saviir Magnavox- Pi lot-Admi ralt-RC at Big Discounts-Inventory C1E Transistor Radios From $29.9 Good Luck on yxams-De ~Vanguard ..49 SWestminster. . . . . . . 4.98 : Angel . . . . . . . V 4.98 UColumbia. . ... . 4.98 jRCA Victor. . . . . . 4.98 :Capitol. .. .... . .4.98 MVGMV. . .. . .. .... 3.98 Everest. . . . . .4.98 Decca . ".. . .. . ". 4.98 * Epic " . ... . . . . . s . . 4.98 *Stereo Records.. . .5.9...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…AY 1't'IAY 27, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA ~Y MY 27 199 T~E MIHIGN DALY5 MUSIC SHOPS --CAMPUS-- 211 S. State NO 8-9013 -DOWNTOWN- 205 E. Liberty NO 2-0675 Paradoxes Exemplify Editor Taub for the Finest in Recorded Music ~fresh ... sar- -TIM E, S1 NIGHT ONLY SATURDAY, JUNE 13 2 Shows - 8 and 11 P.M, }A Night of Wonderful,Wonderful Fun with the Celebrated Comedy of AND K.. ovMlKE E LA IN E NICHOLS MAY " biggest comic success of the TV sea...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers. or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH DONER NE FOR ...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .., versity Aims Require C ontinual Reexamination in Time of Great Stress Union Names Fall Leaders For Freshman Orientation ontinued from Page 4) of those ffered. opportunities whichI in their offices and students don't come to see them except around the time of exams - and yet it is this writer's experience that he. has seldom been able to see a faculty member 'during his office is also true that there is tradictory...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDA Stops Centering Vegetables by Drawing Cart( LY, MAY 27, O)Ofln MEe f l and Chris Kruger watch Mrs. hr pt hcartoon-bedecked menu of the day. nan r u s a boy up to the East Quad desk nd sa wants to sn his room contract." Hu Of~)O1L'r Ltf T A~~£ I I lij f ._ . tjj Lr'. By NORMA SUE WOLFE "You get awfully tired of cen- tering vegetables," the vivacious, dark-haired clerk at the south desk of East Quadrangle explaine...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Marian Anderson-America's goodwill ambassador DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINl * A magnificent singer and a great human -that's Marian Anderson who, instead of going into well-earned retirement, is championing the cause of the 'under- privileged in the U.S. Meet her in this week's Star Weekly. On sale all week. Look for the BLUE COVER. mrim nr ri r rrrr WILKI NSON Daily 9 to 5:30 Monday 'Til 8:30 Metal Covered Lockers With...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 8

…_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __DAILY _WEDfNESDAY, MAY ADC To Elect Officers DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 11 For the past three years, how- ever, this ruling has not been fol- lowed. Three years ago, there was no time to take the vote to the entire official electorate. Last year, Partica Marthenke, '59, had no opposition for the top office. This year the ADC decided to waive the constitutional ruling in favor of the more informed elec- tora...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 9

…27 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P O0W! Be a REAL. CorporationEA DICE PRESIDENT for only $3.00 Y wait years for prestige and suC- General Edification Corp .of th America (incorporated1959) make you an authentic corpora- vice-president on the strength our $3.00. r vice-presidency includes: ongratulatory letter from presi- lent. Praises your great wisdom, :een Insight, oQol judgement - bility to make out under 'even he most trying circumstances. 5 Genera...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 10

…N THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, Wounded Wolverines Hoping Best of Luck For Comebacks Next Season By MIKE GILLMAN ham and basketball head Bill the Pan American Games to be Have you ever seen a wounded Perigo. held at Chicago in August. He Wolverine? Robinson (with the help of a will also be foregoing a trip to 1 E " Wel , two of them are wander- stray dog) renewed an old injury Europe in order that the leg heal ing around campus today. These ...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 11

…DAY, MAY 27, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVN It , ALTERATIONS "The Clothing Stores- Tailor" Alterations for Men and Women. Pressing While You Wait 118% E. Washington NO 2-4617 (above Conlin and Wetherbee Clothing Store) )P1 BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.75; socks 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )WI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUY CARI is now accepting applica- tions in his newest beauty colle...…

May 27, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 172) • Page Image 12

…E TWELVETHE MICHIGAN DAILY ETIRING SPORTS EDITOR: Likes Giving Opinions 1)Follow P HURRYi WEDNESDAY, the C ton By TOM WITECKI "The best thing I liked about the job was that you could express your opinion any time you felt like it on a topic that you under- stood and enjoyed." Those were the words of Al Jones, retiring sports editor, whose column "Sport - Whys" appeared frequently on the pages of The Daily during the past year. It was here th...…

May 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…THE ANALYTICAL, QUIET SENIOR See Page 4 IP, Li Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom. :4IaiI COOL, THUNDERSHOWERS '. LXIX, No. 171 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1959 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES EIGHT PAGES Group Endorses Foreign Studies Ask Junior Year Abroad Program To Expand Learning Opportunities By THOMAS HAYDEN The literary college curriculum committee endorsed the principle i' of a junior year in Europe for University st...…

May 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…_____________THE MICHIGAN DAILY T -- --------- 1 Discusses Problems Of rh1 By MILDA GINGELL "An author must be able to transfer what most writers say to the level of a child's world which is narrow because of its limited experience," Prof. Clark Hopkins of the classical studies department said. "The book must be able to ex- press the child's feelings in the way he would want to say things," he continued. Prof. Hopkins addressed the Michigan...…

May 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…1 9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I*AGE' 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGK = wi^ raft Discusses 'Wide Window' in By CHARLES KOZOLL I Since he was three and a half ears old, Michael Kraft has been ivolved in some type of conflict.' The earliest recollection of The ally editorial director is at that ge when he fought a childhood ;ponent and collected a black eye r his efforts. And while Mike firmly maintains iat he is basically a "peaceful .y," his op...…

May 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS KABAKER Willie...…

May 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 171) • Page Image 5

…;. 0 W l * W '~I I x I) I PAGE] .nTTnm-^-= ALTERATIONS "The Clothing Stores' Tailor" Alterations for Men and Women. Pressing While You Wait 1181% E. Washington NO 2-4617 (above Conlin and Wetherbee Clothing Store) )P1 BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.75; socks 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )W1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GUY CARL is now accepting applica- tions in his newest beauty college. Days, ...…

May 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 171) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY _________X. _ '"::7!_______________________________________,"m:-::"__:: n. S**. *.":.N...'___ :.y. .'r' "y. ": S :3 . i ',FSr+i "ry ..,.. .~DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN..~ _____ __ &.... .:.: Br. J: . .:rs.N.*X rX , rr ef'S~.%nr::1.S .. aN.:aaS t ,N,. x,. I-M SPORTLIGHT by Bill Zolla Fraternities Due... ,NMM~3 eiolslooq JnoA 3e mou 'sw'Z N311V 3AU1S Aq u0!1opolpU AQaIA4o snomiscivo .mo 2111'VS £>NIL1 "171.LNIaS ...…

May 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 171) • Page Image 7

…1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ma Chi Whips Sigma Alpha Mu, 14-4, Wi Fraterity A Softball Crown Freshman Squad 'Rally Edges Varsity N ine, 7-6 f By TOM MARCIN ohn Lance pitched and batted mna Chi to an easy 14-4 victory r Sigma Alpha Mu for the "A" ernity softball championship zday. ance, the hitter, had a key ble in Sig Chi's four run third ing rally and a round-tripper he seventh. Meanwhile Lance, pitcher, allowed only one ball e hit out of the ...…

May 26, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 171) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, Y 26, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 26. 1959 Goodenough Speaks on African Study By PETER STUART Prof. Ward Goodenough of the University of Pennsylvania de- scribed the impact of the "cargo cult" on the personal identities of the Nakanai tribesmen of New Guinea yesterday afternoon in a lecture sponsored by the anthro- pology department. Reviewing the results of a study he conducted among the Nakanai in 19...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY'S TRAGIC FLAW Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom :4aiati ft See Page 4 CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXIX, No. 170 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1959 FIVE CENTS EIGHT PAGES White President's House Urges Boost in Education System i> Board * * * Emphasizes Science Educational Expenditure Doubling Asked To Keep Free World Security WASHINGTON (P)--A jacking up ,of the entire American educa- tional system, with new ...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 170) • Page Image 2

…NGE Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY CTTm"' k . TO . /TWTA1 T BA1.J 1.~TTh l 'L DAY, MAY2 .1 JOHN CHARLES WEICHER: CUILTURE lBEAT I Conservative 'Tiger' 4> -~-________________ Ends Reign Drama Season's Godot' To Star Hyman, Hartman By BRUCE COLE Now that the summer months are almost upon us, winter theatre throughout the country is rapidly closing its doors. Spon, summer stock will blossom forth in the cultural gardens of America. Along wi...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 2

…Edgar confessed his supposed source of knowledge to his father. Cayce left school at the age of enomena o Clairoyance and few years later go o give diagnoses and treatments ' ofdisease to osteopaths nd oth er doctors until his death in 1945. 3jy RLTHANN REICHT singled out for an extraordinary oHe apparently r e e i v e d t h i s The Straioi e Pow ers of Som e life, the book states. He began knowledge through clairvoyance. .J'HE TALL, thin man ...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

…AY 24 195 THE MICHIGAN DAILY USINESS MANAGER: Topol Reports Daily Efficiently Run New Funds To Provide For Language Courses By JAMES SEDER Stephen Topol, '59, bought his "last nickel coke" from The Daily's i. coke dispenser and then wandere around the Student Publications Bldg. looking for a place to sit down and reflect upon his experi. ences as Daily business manager. The Daily city room was crowd- ed and noisy. "When someone unfamiliar ...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 3

… Athletics: A Threat o Educ fon? By CHARILES KOZOLL Facutysv'em ersN PART at least they are right. Faculty Q uestion The majority of the athletes 'wHE WHOLE IDEA of athletic would not be in college except for scholarships is absurd. Why / 'U/ scholarships and they only re- should a university be out payins Role of Spor at l~/ ceived aid because of their prowess athletes? A university is an edu-B in certain sports. cationa1 institution 'and if ...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 170) • Page Image 4

…Sixty-Ninth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1959 NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS HAYDEN STILL INQU...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 4

…I F S*Robert Lowell Enters His Own Distinct Idiom brilliant sonnet, "Words for Hart Crane": "When the Pulitzers showered onsome dope or screw who flushed our dry mouths out with soap, few people would consider why I took to stalking sailors, and scattered Uncle Sam's By RISS GR EGORY ican family ta Boston Lowell, re- ELL'S poems are gnarled, ing with heavy Edwardian furnI- , mphoney old-plated laurels to dL the birds. lated to Amy, James Ru...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 170) • Page Image 5

…AY 24, 1959 THE MICHIGAN" IjAILY .,,, 159H IHIA AL legents Accept $300,000 in ifts, Grants, Bequests >> The Regents accepted over $300,000 in gifts, grants and be- a ~ duests at their meeting yesterday. The University Medical School received the largest grant, $60 - 000 from the National Fund for Medical Education. The Emil Schwartz Haupt Foundation gave $34,500 to the Institute for Social Work far stu- dies for the League of Women Vot...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 5

…PROBLEMS OF THEU17PPEU PIAINSULA: Isolation...i Unempomn..Idsr B~ JIN R IDIbeen too expensive. ARECENT television show had terized" with plenty of alcohsol to There is a future for the timber s a backdrop a map of the: survive the long northern winter. industry, however. Despite the 1large amounts of cheap Japanese United States which was pefect Thy true picture of the Uppcc plyswood on thc American market, in evcry way - except one. The Peni...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 170) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1959 THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 24., 1959 olverines Take Runnerup Spots in Track, Golf Purdue's Konsek Medalist; 'M' Sophs Finish in Top Ten "! (Continued from Page 1) the Wolverine pacemaker, whose afternoon 74, along with Black's in the morning, was the second low round of the day. Brisson, who finished in a tie for fifth, also had the only sub-par front nine, aI two-under 34. Konsek and Michi-...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 6

… Sou th t oncer moli/ in2 qay tiacA an] hl GCe.., Scenery, recreational facilities, and the isolation attract tourists The Upper Peninsula Faces Many Obstacles (Continued from Preceding Page) Many of these 1,411,502 vehicles makes up the Porcupine Moun- contained tourists, but a large tains' State Park. M number came only to see the Although not planning to mine Bridge, immediately, the company wanted But the rapidly-growing busi- to see if t...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 170) • Page Image 7

… J l, hI qi "The Clothing Stores' Tailor" Alterations for Men and Women. Pressing While You Wait 1181 E. Washington NO 2-4617 (above Conlin and Wetherbee Clothing Store) )PI BARGAIN CORNER ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords - $7.75; socks 39c; shorts, 69c; military sup- plies. Sam's Store. 122 E. Washington. )W1 BUSINESS 'OPPORTUNITY GUY CARI is now accepting applica- tions in his newest beauty college. Days, afternoons, and evening classes. For stud...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 7

…7he teZme q 9At By PADMA IEJMAIf ANN ARBOR - with four other in solidity but in light and sound. centers in the world, at Milan, i("As a composer," says Gordon C o 1 o g n e, San Francisco, and Mumma "my ultimate concern in Tokyo - is the scene of challeng- the use of electronic sound sources is the proper understanding and ing experiments in a new art form. control of aural space as an ele- Milton Cohen, an instructor in ment of aural definit...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 69, iss. 170) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OVMTVILAVT '*ArJkVP AS M,&W L1'11CHGAN IbTT1 SUIND~AY, MAY 24, 19~59 t M' Netmen Score Perfect 87 Hospital Holds Special Weekend (Continued from Page 1) lone representative, Ron Mescall. Peacock powdered his opponent with hard accurate shots, grabbed an early lead, held on for a 6-4, 6-4 win. Easy Win Larry Zaitzeff didn't find the going too rough as he earned a - 6-4, 6-3 triumph agains tIllinois' Joe Epkins in numb...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 8

…Self Port,' it of The Senior..: HO IS the University senior? What is he like? What has he gained from four yeara of college experience? What arehishopes and aspirationa for the fu- ture? In an attempt to discover this, The Daily sent 22 reporters out who asked 165 seniors these questions: "What have you gained from four years at Michigan" and "What are yourhopes, and aspira- tions for the future?' The Daily makes no claims for any de- gree of...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 9) • Page Image 9

… -.~. 7 ~ ~ - +- T F y . <.. f 4 Vol. V, No. 9 Sunday, May 24, 1959 I I car by olfa romeo; student by dint of hard work; HANDL-HAMPER courtesy of GREENE'S THE SAD [7 COULDN'T BCE D,22E0 And they were so right! Even these imported cars won't fit into a Handi-Hamper . . . but then the Handi-Hamper won't fit in the imported cars, either. So there you are! Talk about convenient, this dry cleaning enthusiast has loaded his Handi-Hamper...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 9

…...and The Facult Appraisal 'Seniors Compare Favorably With Previous Years' Classes' "'HE UNIVERSITY Senior 1959" may be a many-sided, paradoxical crea- ture, but faculty members generally indi- cated that they are pleased with those who are about to leave their classrooms for the last time. Those departing for the 'outside world' Compare favorably with their counter- parts of previous years, are serious- minded and conscientious. But the cha...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 9) • Page Image 10

…4 Phenomena of Clairvoyance By RUTHANN RECHT THE TALL, thin man with gray- ing hair loosened his collar and cuffs, removed his shoes, and stretched himself on the couch. Placing his hands across his stomach, the man's respiration deepened gradually, until there was a long, deep breath._ After that he seemed to be asleep. This man was Edgar Cayce who was going into a trance in order to give one of his famous readings on the diseases and cures...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 10

…What Seniors Gain From College (Continued from Page s) the women said they had acquired decent living. The women seldom generally attributed more to con- solutist and more of a relativist" One-third of the samples intend a broader outlook on life and mentioned religion or the role it tats with people than to any in most of his attitudes and opin- learning in college. Compared to had in their lives. , ions. to go on to law school--a large .. ac...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 9) • Page Image 11

…c - .' / The Class of 1959 (Continued from Page 10) Several pointed out that they now "had a better understanding of people." In some cases, this meant they could now work better with others, which they termed an important asset for any business man; one person thought he had been able to make good contacts for future years. Two expressed a belief they had developed poise and tact through meeting others. Almost all 'saw this improved "abil...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 11

…The Senior: lassroomView comparatively low drop-out rate.; dents are not draft-dodgers, or philosophy and history, attracted "MOST SENIORS are mature He acknowledged that he was un- social climbers, as the faculty more by courses which offer to and responsible individuals able th correntathngdrthebyas-,members affirmed their faith that1 them meaningful ways of handlmg capable of taking their places as thus compensating for the as- aaeituoe adi...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 9) • Page Image 12

… 0 1 ,AqW w« 4 "LIFE STUDIES":* Robert Lowell Enters His Own Distinct Idiom By RUSS GREGORY LIFE STUDIES, by Robert Lowell. Farrar, Straus and Cudahy. New York. 1959. 90 pages. $3.50. ROBERT LOWELL is regarded as the outstanding American poet under fifty. "Life Studies," his new book, is a brilliant explanation of why he is so highly rated: he has not only talent, which is fairly common, but the genius to change, a quality which demands ...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 12

…he keeps appointments. The new Bible is a blue calendar book. i ~ ,L - Grades and friends sift the corn ~oiiiiii t e u~m wwwab3'1 l1iiewy petitos The weak are not tose OM---ttee -m e le E"''h way, but assigned a new commit- tee. The chosen few advance. By ROIEIrT ASHTON THESE. the honoraries will take in tow. Honoraries at Michi- THE OBJECT of this treatise is gan claim a somewhat unique posi- to serve as a guide for the as- . %ion, having ...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 9) • Page Image 13

… t _ low I t' r ate, T 4 t 4.. '~ 7~ .. . x A Committee Member's Guide By ROBERT ASHTON THE OBJECT of this treatise is to serve as a guide for the as- pirant member of one of student government's noteworthy commit- tees. There is no claim that this work shall serve as a substitute for Virgil, nor is the world which it will explore as deep as that of Dante's "Divine Comedy." The only near-mystical experi- ence required is an assumption o...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 13

…Puerto Rico's Teenage Gangs Caribbean Island Com bats juvenile delinquency. In some cases the young offender sicr not in school because of lack of par- W est Side Story's' Problem entalco rn or because of school crowding, but inother cases be- cause they had been expelled. -By TIOMAS TURNER cases (38.5 per cent) concerned Educational authorities must serious crimes: murder and vol- act to alleviate this situation, she WANT To Live in America,"...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 9) • Page Image 14

…. A x. The Senior: A Classroon Sot4of (hl toer motif in gayg tach aund white # @0 Exploring ideas (Continued from Page 9) Yes, the University senior is dif- ferent, or is it the freshman who is different because he's 'green' and lets it show that he expects education, class attendance, class participation and a sincere, if sometimes awkward pursuit of scholarship to be part of university life?" asked one professor. ". .not so much the...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 14

…F The Class of 1959 (Contnued from Page 10) fine arts music literature and phi- Several pointed out that they losophy. Another said that the two now "had a better understanding year requirement of literary col- of people." nsm , this lege courses was extremely valu- ofpepe nsome ca blsnefrsoresatsacos meant they could now work better able and far more satisfactory with others, which they termed an than four year business admims- important ass...…

May 24, 1959 (vol. 5, iss. 9) • Page Image 15

….77; x* y j V - -~ ~ r '* - A A >. ...,; What Seniors Gain From College 7Ae 4ole' tnefit (Continued from Page 8) One-third of the samples intend to go on to law school-a large majority intend to go on to some . lind of graduate school, with al- most half of these planning on host half of these planning on law in the future. Medicine and teach- ing also draw strong responses. About half specifically mentioned marriage as a goal, with on...…

May 24, 1959 • Page Image 15

…'U' Athletics (Continued from Page 3) it believed the sport had become too much like a business. The University also has not slipped to the extent of the Uni- versity of Southern California which was placed on probation by the NCAA in 1959 for a recruiting violation. Michigan rather stands almost in the center-a solid aca- demic institution that can main- tain an impressive athletic tradi- tion continuing for over a century. U NFORTUNATELY the...…

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