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May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…1-. I t t an t I -n , / 154 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1924 EIGHT PAGES FOR NON BONUS CES CAPS AND COWNS ARE NOW READY AT GEORGE MOE'S IOnly 150 seniors have called for their Caps andh.Gowns at George Moe's sport shop on North !! IUniversity avenue., All the Coni-j mencement garments arrived last ITuesday. With Swing-Out only five days off the seniors are urg- ed. to take them out Of the shop, right away ...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…SCHOOLS L I STED nvi I~rnrr'Inhi nninn UAMexico City, April 3 MUSICAN delegation has petitilo MUSICIANS ment for a campaign a outlaw bands which a ed the govern- gainst scattered re operating in lACE PRO BLEMi er and Vice President of Ity of Labor College in Denver I ! t L TALK A AF ANE HALL ' UNDER AUSPICES OF S. C. A. orge L. Collins, field secretary of Fellowship of Reconciliation, will an address at2 o'clock this after- in the Upper ...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…vA TM rllli' tw - - MUMMERS' SOCIETY -ELECTS NEW MEBR, I , ,,. _ . f' TWO HUSES TAK RE OUT Full MEMBERSHIP On~e hundred per cent membership in t-he University of Michigan League has been taken out by Alumnae house and Collegiate Sorosis, according to reports received by the central com- mittee for the undergraduate camn- pagn at 5 o'clock yesterday, Other reports show Phi B~eta Phi 99, Martha Cook 6i4, Alpha Chii Omega 62, Wood house 5...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…, NEWSPAPER OF THEI vERSITY OF MICHIGAN d every morning except Monday U Cniversity year by the Board in Student Publications.- of Western Conference Editorial L.ite Press is exclusively en- htcuse for republication of all news credited to it or not otherwise this paper and the local news pub- -ein. at the postofice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate I granted by Third Assistant Post- zneral. tion by carrier, $.o; by mail, Ann A...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 5

…Plans to have the University of Michigan send a student represent- ative to the English-Speaking union in England this summer were embod- ied in a letter recently received by President Marion L. Burton. The student who is to represent th'e University will be selected on the basis of personality so he may make a favorable impression while abroad ---and so he will receive substantial benefit from his experience. It is' preferred that the student...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 6

…*~-L ~&A'.d A 0'r A ruur r' ' n u MMONIM- (UuhIII!IIlr l .. .., . e.,.e IES SELECT rfIniF PILAYFRq, T'rack Team ScorDept a, Aes SuccessesFRSMNS rtlz~ OfI TOMEET_11.1 quarter. mile Steve has been using Feinsinger and Purdy but it is likely that he will tike advantage of the l rTIle,,,,u-, 1g4g'SIl(1 all-around abilities of F einsinger a ndFl~ ' r or V ~ , a R n r s l n o n h n m rx ,4 r e,, iUAO IOQiS ne aIn-,,w(red the lett'r' ...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 7

…ICOLUMN CLOSES AT 3.P,. TI SING The Place W1here You'd Ble Satisfied HOSPITAL SUPPLY CO. j Makers -and Dealers in Surgical and Scientiical Instruments Abdominal Belts, Artificial"Limbs Braces, Trusses, Arch Supports Experimental Work of All Kinds Microtoine Knives Ground and Other j Fine Grinding Plating and Repair Work I 216 E. Washingtoni St. 'Telephone 2961.311 SUN N________HEFT' __ -1 SED CARS i S SALESMEN1 TO represenit reliab~le RUN A...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 8

…IAL BULLETIN There will be a meeting this evening at 7:130 in our rooms on the fourth floor of University Hall. All interested in public speaking are cordially in- vited:' Earl W. Cory, President. M. (11:30 a. ulletin is constructive notiu, to all members Of received by- th^ A sitaut to the PI-eShlenit until m. Saturday? TJHURSDAY, MIAY 1, 1921 Numaber 1 1 y Lecture: essor Robert A. Millikan, Director of the Norman ideLabor,;tory is a~ t P...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…I ~DAY / ~fr i4an :3ati 31 and WESTERN CONFE EDITORIAL ASSO' 155 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, F [0 TOWNS N900 BELT S PLACE TOTAL AT MORE K 111 LINA WORSE EAN OTHERS erty Damage Esthnated To ReachI rell Over Ten Million: Troops On Guard lanta, Ga., May 1.-(By AP)- i and rural communities, strick- y an epidemic of tornadoes that d ruthlessly through seven sou- i states yesterday wer...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…rhalisin, and to ditors some con- ced stages of the Y i i I i pr( Forty Schools uin Arbor :May 9, 10 will SOCIETYI from more thIan 40' ghout this state will n Ar bor for the thirdj tion of the Michigan In- Press association, to be 9, and 10, under the igma Delta Chi, nation- al Journalistic frater- Those on the committee are: Pro- gramns, Robert Tarr, '24; housing-, Wil- '1Lam Stoneman, '25; registration, Dav- id Bramble, '25; arrangeme...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…Y i . .., Y -1 . N--/ . L. r ® Al o oil ) irlr NYrrrrYiYwrl i.>. r ... is .. .. L 'ORI MAYO NIS, QUOITS, D IN AFTER- TO '/ a tradition of the niversity, will be held , on Palmer field. The be preceded by theI it, field games and a r all University wo- Spring Clothes To Be Displayed At Party Today Six types of spring clothes includ- ing lingerie, sport costumes, suits, street coats, afternoon dresses, and evening gowns will be displ...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…GA A VI.t L I OF THE ed every morning except Monday e University year by the Board in )f Student Publications. rs of Western Conference Editorial on. Lssociated Press istexclusively en- the use for republication of all news s creditedrto it or not otherwise n this paper and the local news hub- erein. i at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate e granted by Third Assistant Post- eneral. .ption by carrier, $3.50; b...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 5

…£1 -l rd :V 1 '. &f t-1 1 VA 1 L Y i -- . / . b / ... ' AUTO PA a I FOR irTIRES, B1ATTEi J, 1 41 nrr r~rrwr - - rrwrAu AND per strike you that our Ford ride like a. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRING ACCESSORi ES yo0u Lin- y Did you ever think could ideover the rough est roads, and think OU were riding on the smoothest pave- nent? Ican be done by letting us equip ~ ror car with DUPLEX CANTILEVER hock .Absorbers. -w JUST BR...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 6

…MICHIGAN DAILY ""... .. Nil, So WIF lmi I : Wllll!IIWIW . ,. __. CK SUDT 9KE REST TODAY1 apidly Rounding Into Shale for Oio Meet Next Satur- day r- IAN AND HULSE TO BE V FOIRX FOR BUCIMYE TILTI igan's Varsity track team will day and take a light workout ow as part of their preparation Ohio State meet which is to d here a week from tomorrowl -on. e outdoor season developes the iquad is rounding into perfect There have been a num...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 7

… .. CLS AT 3 PAM J1YN1T 15 TO Sept. 1. Desirable Fine roomfurnished house east o cam- pus. Call 1619-J. SIX ROOM furnished home from June 15th to Sept. 15th at 205 N. Ingalls. Phone 475-J. LARGE FINE apartment. Call 1552- ERTI SING CLASSIFIED RATES t the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c pei W or 433-W. ne for three or more insertion. White space charged for at same )ETROIT OFFICE SPACE assifeds charged only to t...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 8

… SVR1k. rl u'arii'V L..#flL SLY OfFICI Al IBU L L ETI N %tiou 'i the Buletin Is constructive noticer to al members of xversty. Copy received b;": thr, A#4Itant to the Predent until (.(11:30 Saturday~ # 4 FRIDIAY, MA Y 2,1924 N mber 1;5 he information of the memibers of the Univers~ty and of the public Sregulations of the University are herewith summarized: o-not park In cross roads between ovals as t etween Chemistry and ience ThBailili...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

… 11I /, itVA6 ~ai g TODAY aid WESTERN CON EDITUJAL ASS 7 XXXIV. No. 156 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1924 EIGHT PAGES PRICE,!F Campus Has Many C l a s s Memorials URTH NTEST FOURTH Since the year 1858, various classes have shown their appreciation of tle part that the University has played in their lives by leaving memorials on the campus. The class of '11 has exhibited it with a drinking fountain, the c...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I, YS' EEK ale Races, ?Natiral Stud Trips, 'reasure Hunt, Rite Flying, On Program1 1,s WILL JBE AWARDED utdoor events will mark today's a m for "Boys' Day Out-of-Doors", ;losing day of Ann Arbor's ob- n e of Boys' Wep Bicycle races, uire hunting, nature study hikes,f a camp fire will occupy tlre ci of the boys. is morn~ing, bicycle races will be at the fair grounds, with prizes vinners in the events. The -boys~ rath2 er ...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY III A VA= o - s BRUIM TO ANNOUNCE SENIOR CASTTODA1Y! the 1 es are faculty. A large supply of artic- left from the Christmas bazaar also being sold. EXPLAINS TENONDIES I NCORORAlZT PLAY REHIEARSALS IWILL MELD DAILY DUR1ING* COM-~F ING WEEK Comies To Inspect Womzen Police In 'American Cities! ~JUNIRS AD SEIORSNo ticesI WIN IN DANE'l EET - I Thefirat round of the tennmis tourna- Junior and senior ajo;cr stuadents i...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY______ ~j1th ey do to the general public's love1 7.U of agood sporting contest for its own sake. At present, the public, uncon- IL NEWSPAPER OF THLE' nected with the competing universities VElSITY OF MICHIGAIN except as fans at the athletic contests, d every morning except Monday; holds almost an equal responsibility eUniversity year by the Board in for the cheering as the student. "For StudentPublic-i---.- the honor of the...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIG~AN DAILY SCr;;^. 1 . i, s s sfq f 1 Tode 11. SPECIAL Ex 1),0 ER111 a and Every Day 25c Can Grapefruit, I A c Large Loavesr 3Bread LJ Ice food. cream is the great summer Eats lots of it, but be sure Phone it is the best. Ann Arbor Dairy Ice Cream protects you fully. Purest in- gredients only are used. Sani- tary conditions prevail at every stage in the making. The Result: The finest, purest, most palatable ice...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ e... .- ..... . ..... tll i 1 Quummuwr { k ' "'"'"'a " , ..-, ICHISAN NINE To FACE 1ILIM IAII (Continued from Page One) ach Fisher will probably start1 ker in the crucial game with Ben- acting in the role of relief pitcher y will be sent against Minnesota MIonday. The remainder of thel rerine lineup will be the same i past games. .e squad will leave Ann Arbor to- ow for the two game series with iesota, games b...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 7

…I IGA1N DA ILY _______ Y~ONTAUN PEN 1I)K W(ANTEI) ;:. 1HIl5 COLUMN ICLOSES AT 3 P.M, IXz.ROOM f unised hmeromJn R EMEBEPFR that R ider told you Dia- A =t ?'i positions are now av i1;,1 )thto)je nt. I15th at 2 05 -N. IngallsJun m:ond Blue Black ink was the bestst eagwmnwho can (i~lvlifY Phone I4T5-J fountain pen ink. Now you know it PW Il u ok best of workting con- is g uod. (iif.,m aca cost, with c(.lean '-APARTMENT. C. J. Mrill, 103 .RID...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 8

…!', ma a '~a~m I ' . T UFIIIIL UULLEINF in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of ity. Copy received by t.~Acci~tait to the Pres=ident until (11:30 a. ni. SaturdavO SATU'IRDAY, MAY 3, 1921 NIhkr1 561w.i: . I mniii'.t i Presidents: fning out slips for April are due and inust be turned in to the office Dean of Women by Wednesday, May 7th,. Jleani11,11110 1m, 1Dean of Women. 'rangements have been made for keepig the ...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…[ER I 3k iAa att Secti4 One SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1924 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE, FIN NED ITIN; INE NATIVES ST S SUPPLIED )DS FOR NEEDS oats Combine pt To irs May 3, (By A. P.) Ly air cruisers at- the globe which tch Harbor since at 11 a.m. toda3 350 miles sou,;th- . to wireless mes- The Week's News In Brief NATIONAL President Coolidge was quoted as saying in a telegram that he was try- ing "to deliver" ...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DICUSSESI AOMS Inner of Nobel Prize For Physics Delivers University Lecture ESU1IBAES NEW FIELD OF WORK IN ATOMIC MECHANICS Dr. Robert Andrews Millikan, win- 3r of the Nobel prize for physics last ai, and second .of the only two Am- icans ever to have received that nor, delivered a University lecture 11 o'clock yesterday morning in itural Science auditorium on the tbject of "Atomic Structures." He aWs in Ann Arbor to delive...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY ... ... \1 M MIII0, _5. 5 rZ.S'ZS Women Approve Notices Clubs At State Wh, th r or not social clubs should; Read The Daily "Classifie wi i Y IOMEN RESPOND WELL "TO DRIV am Captains And Committee Invit- ed To Luncheon Tomorrow At Union Authoress Holds Judicial Post In Canadian Court }+ S EARN PLACES WCENT HONOR LIST More enthusiasm has been eviiced over the University of Michigan under- graduate campaign than has...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY E' THE except Monday by the Board in aference Editorial' ciated Press is exclusively en- use for republication of all news rtdited' to it o!' not otherwise, hi paper and the Cal news p("; it. t the po0toafice at Ann Arbi) . see ud 1ass r,~ter. p(Ctll r+te "rat. ~n by carrier, $4p0; by nll nn Arbor Press Iuilding, May tditoril, 214 an '7%6-M; Lusi mmnrnfiatiOlS, noA exsceding 300 )t o; 11 bnifire p li ha.. h Diy ~~~~~I~ o...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 44 qqw nnv.. ,rm®su rLx'aix ' ;>;raa .r reo+raa' c.,q «" w AWMW AMWQ "°, - -_m . , ^ :fik: sxa. ; ,rre ' eti+iw.. u ,pt ,+";sa a _ r /<" 1.K x¢ 7 N f r; i' ' r 11 I IL lt7 / J L~2 Np % ) " _ , , . ,d4 ' . . ; i t r p ' / l '0A ' " t i P ' LO ' I I .,f l IL7 6 & v I- . P ~ e. ' ow 4' L °E 614." AA, §TA RT INGf i ' t"t 1< . . a it .1 w.I I /e ofi r I I ", UN ' -U----- _, I ''A Lo...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY rw yI _ unrirr/ A 9 MM M I i w v 2 A .Quuuiuuuur A, - ..~ t i Ino SQAD TOg ETOAFH SOTA SERIES, i I YEARLING TELEGRAPHIC 31EET CALLED OFF; RAIN The Freshman, telegraphic meet scheduled for yesterday with the Illinois yearling squad, was postponed indefinitely on account of the rain storm. The meet may be held on Thu'rs- day but )nothing definite has come from Urbana. 1LATION' LUNI OF AND BENSON )SE NORTHME...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 7

…Ti-h MaC:fGAN DAILY .. IS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. LADY OR MAN to take orders for our FOR RJD wonderful rose bushes, flowering plant, shrubs, and trees for fall SIX ROOM furnished I planting. Splendid-pay weekly and 15th to Sept. 15th at easy work; no delivering or collect- Phone 475-. ing required. Begin now. Write r. Boone, Chase Brothers, Nursery- SUMMER HOMES at1 en, Rochester, New York. io Eight room fur home from June t 205 N. Ing...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN L) ~ A ULY I'FFICIAL BULLETIN liatiooD in tie Bulletina is contructive notice to all members of, anlvrsity. Coapy received by Mle Aasistat to -the President until p. m. (11:30 . M. saturday): wei 4 SUNIJAY, 3M4Y 4, 10 Number 157 SDeaams: re will be no conference of the eans 'on Wednesday, May 7. There wever, be a conference, on Wednesday, May 14. M. L. Burton. lamatiou by the Giovernor:' tom has decreed that once each year a ...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 9

…t 4 t ;Ij 0 ,,, ~-- yr .,,,,, _ __ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1924 RNATIONAL NIGHT ARRIV itan Club's TAKE LEADING ROLESI The Club's Activit al U~niversity' e of the cent and produc- rhetoric .n of the various :iety of cam- . has been of a series ted by cast- sland before acts ranging f the Rabin- o a Chinese rry Lauder rogram, the r1s' play and iting. Thank You, unior Girls5 Production in public in Russia due ...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN ... _. . . .. M ... Nomination and Election of the President Four k By Thomas 1H. Reed (this is the third of "Pro fessor ReM's articles on the 2arofis phases of our political systcjui. Nekt Sida's at ticle a cill discuss party orgaiz-'ation and miethods ) The greatest of all offices is not'fi~ed by direct vote of the people. The framers of. our Constitution felt that ,a very much Gbetter choice would be made by electors cho...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 11

… Reunions to 14 to t E' lip Alumni Secretary .Recounts 14; fX4 .T'L . A I In IJI BASEBALL, ENTERTAIN GUESTS sses are scheduled to iversity on June 14 in celebration of Alumni resentatives from the dicalgraduates of 1864 dental and engineering 22, planning to attend. 1 be preceded by mdi- of the various classes The annual alumni meeting at 101 clock Saturday morning will start le program foltovfed by a luncheon L noon given by the Un...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 12

….1H- III N tAl1 F(juu, J6 A as 4 4, 4 hooks and Writers 4 to 4 C W.Po- IN REVIEW l yd Douglas lege books! The American author. seems to have become obsessed with the idea of writing them, and the NtTSITER'S EVERYIAY LIFE' American reading public still seems oyd Douglas; publibked by inclined to accept them. Their char- err. acters are not widely diversified' wed by Herbert A. Jump types, having a general tendency to odern minister s...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 13

…. tAl e4, t9 Drama to t9 4 0/ Ii, a F, A uxieder Singer and Opera Ii~eia~iaenj;ii I The CampusAnd The Theatre alhc fart Str o A p a tF sia~a student of Mr. Hamilton in Chicago --h fc I3 a1i.1 nd has come here to continue his II.Th omiiiitte :a Camipus Or.I practically amounts to the producti on,, ;cett nunb fwork. He has a fin basso voice and 11 h Moie lux tecxt thyoug charsmioramnglueyounga br his programon, y aletincludesuner hedsevera...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 14

… rA ._ enc c Past Play rel .m.* iswell Angell Hall Was Of Earliest Senior Plays Descendants Of Colonists Forme New Societyl e time the first Senior Girls' ;iven 15 years ago, this pro- s gradually come to be con- e of great importance to and women of the Univer- present it is a special fea- mmencement week, and is ended by guests of thre sen- :ome to attend the graduat- ses. The following history the development of the play to the pre...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY deed Not Worry_ Who Will Pay ForBroc ans F- As Good il Creator Fs Sufficient s Note. This is the first 11:0( ries of articles to be pre- y Mr. Bailey exclusively for 5:0 .ly. He will take up other! >f the development of radio 7;3 Headliners What The Wild Waves Are Saying Readers of The Daily may be inter- I Those of you who wanted the Michi- I --- Today In The Churches -- Programs TODAY 0 a. im-7IYW Chicago, ters: C...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 16

… STARING TODAY 6 The Craze of Broad- way for Months! Thc liv eliest, peppiest and most 'Aalandishly comical conceit in the °shok~ world of vaudeville. It is _nd ed, incomparable. A Brilliant Keith Vaudeville Headliner! A Solid Yetar in New York City Alone! Nothing like this has ever hit Ann Arbor. It sets a pace for jazz and comedy that is so swift it will sweep Ann Arbor audiences into fren zy of enthusiasm. The Reigning / :RAGTIME...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

… Sir4i xil and . . y _ _ _ ___________ _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ EIGHT PACES ANN ARB~OR, MICHIGAN, TUE DAY, MAY 6, 1924. EIGHT PAGES .................... stfIrlA~rTV ans Recognition NGT IffUI OITINI5 I tdnsLav IIaP.IITT 0PE1~ HM UFj DEMOCRATIOM FORMEDY BER TTADIO LEI if N TTb RES AX S BSIUT GR AM PESDE ean:7 eathletes win 'coveted; mu f pace ;on the Ameican Oympic j411ffATfh HIT MLIOX~$l~TAX N)I1)AL RTE lillI)-- Isupporters in C.V. o ud...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ( FACULTY 2 COURSES International Acclamation Given Anatole France On 80th Birthday, ls Will Work In History And English Independent Of Classes STUDENTS STRONG INi HIESIE SUBJECTS MAY APPLY on creating new special courses department of English and his- vhich, it is believed, will attract pecially strong students in these tments was taken at the regu- ionthly meeting of the liter-ary y held yesterday afternoon. first spe...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…_______TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY t.1, zs- - Notices - the joint meeting of Portia and Adel- phi. Ada Mulholland, undergraduate rep- resentative, will be in her office after Read. The Daily "Classified" Colul INFERENCE REPORTS LION DOA SIFT AT THE THEATER Screen-Today LEGATES TAKE ACTION ?EW APPORTIONMENT OF MEMBERS . ON Delegates from the University to the eighth national convention of the Young Women's Christian association which i...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…THE MICIGA\NDILY_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ... ,.... s _. 'I, NEWSPAPER OF1?THE TERSITY OF IUCUTUAN j I ever'y morning except Monday, Ujniversity year by the Board in Student& Publications. of Western Conference LEditorial joiae Irssis. excluijvly en-~ this paper and the local news pub ein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate granted by Third Assistant Post- neral. ion by carrier, $350; by mail, Ann Arbor Press Biang,'...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

…THE ,MICHIGAN DAILY I UnIUEII rican Entrants To Circle, Globe- First, Says Pawlowski Greeted By Newly tadlo, Ballinls, venlenees ;POR.T JFNE RT WORK ON 2RI The American entrants In .what. has delevoped into an~ "Around-the- 'World" race for airplanes of all na- tions will no doubt be th'e winners in the opinion of. Prof. Felix W.Pawlow- ski of the aeronautical ei~nineering department. In spite' of the set-backs that have been encountered...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…THEMICHIGANDAILY a r-' ) NamC L ___ _. MW - , .11 - .. -4 BE.L TO SHIFT JUL6 FOR ORIO Changes Wilt Occur Before Meet ritli Buckeyes Here on Saturday E WILL RUN QUARTER; IBBARD MAY QUIT HURDLES h Steve Farrell will send a tely reorganized track team on .d against Ohio State when the ams meet Saturday in a dual t Ferry field. pite of the heavy mists that >ver the cinder oval yesterday on Steve Farrell put the men h a sound workout an...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 7

…THt MGcuGAN DAILY COLUMN CLOSES IAT 3P.M Intramural Items (Continued from Page Six) 1525-M vs. Harrison-Owens, 179; Wright-Milduer-bye. 1. DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES of 12e per reading line for one or two insertions, 11c pet e er more insertions. White space charged for at same arged only to those having phones. Ask about c'ntracts ising,> line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for tions, cash ina dvance. Minimum, 3 lines per in...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 8

…TH~E MICHIGAN ,t .Y OFFICIAL. BULLETIN In the Bulfletin is constructive notice to all members of ilty. Copy received by thle Aasitaiit to the President until (11:30 a. im. Saturdays TUESDAY, MAY (l, V124 Nmber 158 x£ ... IBusiness concernilng the annu-al picnic, will be taken uIT. Every mrrab r requested to be present. JH. 1. Tang, Chalrrnai. Physics folloQlui1: The Physics Colloquium waill meet at 4:15 Tuesday, Mlay 6. in Room 202 Physic...…

May 07, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…r T r- r Y 'Ar 4v' IAL 4ij r t a.n Aq Aaiti ASSOCIATED and w FETN CON EDITORIAL ASS No. 159 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WThDNESDAY, MAY 7. 14)24 EIGHT PAGkiS PRICED, *tEh n r Coolidge Leads In Indiana Primary:. I U'; 15 LIEU I5 UTIONI Indianapolis,. May 6, (By ATP.)- -President Coolidge increased his leadr on Hiram. Johnson for the Rlepablicani presidential pr'eference as additional returns from, the Indiana primary we...…

May 07, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…wTHE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MA OYD GIVES -OUT TALK Governor To Go l Back To School ALUMNAE TO HOLD 'CAMPAIG.N BANQUET ed on Saturday is of particular sig- nificance to the Ann Arbor graduates since it is tMe outcome of work begun by them two years ago. Living in Ann Arbor they were among the first to see the need for the University of Michigan League building. Announce Winner In Design Contest Eleanor Hawn, '26A, was announced the wi...…

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