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May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…____ ____ ____ ____ ____ THE MICHIGAN DAILY N 19IEB CTS Decreed Political Successor Of LateI B ~ BUNCEChinese Presidenat statg, oreChnse ambassador toIi Syse OfBo the United Staesand lea(Ier of th e Miecnantcat yw trn o Constitutionalist party, hsh.n ad the Pltcl'ucso to PD r.Sn Ytier A d n irr Sen, as deocreed in thf- political vJiliey is nLirr t ,' . _ - .. ;t_ f ~r- 14 , tit.- j Work Northern Lights' Secrets Revealed BY Reproduction ...…

May 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 176) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ., . ,. . 1001 w111nbe intedoanAp Ii(1 = JcgFi; din c rLawr ri~nc~i ffenrty lxha .one oflUi2 iow studns I y o wl egalelro n le nth Lw hal sat withtell emesait ii fleorrofft La scool, Lplicatn i ion f r.edrooms r bluebok p laper and lsli c n, uip onfpaae les i 1class. the home address, selit Ann Arbor atddress . I be reserved inl the dlinn students now in the class he literary° college who ar in the six-year combIdnined er...…

May 28, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 177) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY nLu PLANT Plans Completion Of B onus Issuance S BY First Of Year x ,,;f, internal Se ii saton of Plants," Is Subject of Belgium Pro- Fessor FS BOTAkICAL ARDEAS; IAISE$ NIIV)E~rITY GA RI . >f. Jean Massard of the Free ui- ity of Brussels, Belgium, deiv- a University lecture last night e forestry lecture room on. "The hal Sensation) of Plants." Fol- sg the address a reception w s in the botanical laboratory. Pro- r Massard...…

May 29, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 178) • Page Image 2

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 THE MIHIGAN AILY NI WLL OLD artin Is Named ALCUMENIONU. S. Appeals Coufrtj Cfib MCHIsG AN .t :& % :~ - II F i:. "'O1I 2 '. 3~i1 ' JFOR 1923 I.._ Varied High School Art Work Marks Exhibit At Alumni Hall Canada Battles C hicago's Use of More Lake 'Water L i I G 1 !, Art work clone by pupils in the Ann Ar?,or schools forms the exhibit which is being; shown' at Alumni Memorial hail today and tomorrow from 1:30 to 5...…

May 30, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 179) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHAIGAN DAILY .... M .. ., ._ I MENCEMENT 'Uicry' Leagiie RHouse Reun11ons; I '- ' lI tCame, Featurfe Satulrday FETA'ND AN S 1A SWzr 'IVI ENAI)E ALSO SCJIED)LTLED hec remaier uof the sohdule of its f'or Commencement ,week the p art of which was printed in yes- ay's isue, is concluded below. Saturday, Jujne 14. Alumni Day egistration contin~ues throughou~t cday.r 8:30 A. MT. reakfast for Senior Nurses, Nurs- Dorm, itory. 4:00 A. M . ca...…

May 31, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 180) • Page Image 2

…___________THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vorid's Recordsc Bet9 IF tered In Friday i na M HNMAN S S TIME T if tie was w°on by Paul W. Jones, Illi- 111nois _A. C., w ho took six firsts, while th--;t be_ t 'his opponent, William _Span- enberg of Detroit "Y", could do was our.131AIE Carter (Chicago A. A.), third; ,innick (Millet A. C.), fourth,. ":2:52. Saylor The May Festival, As Seen.In ; W I Uu1 U Wold's records were bettered onl three o...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…vA TM rllli' tw - - MUMMERS' SOCIETY -ELECTS NEW MEBR, I , ,,. _ . f' TWO HUSES TAK RE OUT Full MEMBERSHIP On~e hundred per cent membership in t-he University of Michigan League has been taken out by Alumnae house and Collegiate Sorosis, according to reports received by the central com- mittee for the undergraduate camn- pagn at 5 o'clock yesterday, Other reports show Phi B~eta Phi 99, Martha Cook 6i4, Alpha Chii Omega 62, Wood house 5...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…Y i . .., Y -1 . N--/ . L. r ® Al o oil ) irlr NYrrrrYiYwrl i.>. r ... is .. .. L 'ORI MAYO NIS, QUOITS, D IN AFTER- TO '/ a tradition of the niversity, will be held , on Palmer field. The be preceded by theI it, field games and a r all University wo- Spring Clothes To Be Displayed At Party Today Six types of spring clothes includ- ing lingerie, sport costumes, suits, street coats, afternoon dresses, and evening gowns will be displ...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY III A VA= o - s BRUIM TO ANNOUNCE SENIOR CASTTODA1Y! the 1 es are faculty. A large supply of artic- left from the Christmas bazaar also being sold. EXPLAINS TENONDIES I NCORORAlZT PLAY REHIEARSALS IWILL MELD DAILY DUR1ING* COM-~F ING WEEK Comies To Inspect Womzen Police In 'American Cities! ~JUNIRS AD SEIORSNo ticesI WIN IN DANE'l EET - I Thefirat round of the tennmis tourna- Junior and senior ajo;cr stuadents i...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY ... ... \1 M MIII0, _5. 5 rZ.S'ZS Women Approve Notices Clubs At State Wh, th r or not social clubs should; Read The Daily "Classifie wi i Y IOMEN RESPOND WELL "TO DRIV am Captains And Committee Invit- ed To Luncheon Tomorrow At Union Authoress Holds Judicial Post In Canadian Court }+ S EARN PLACES WCENT HONOR LIST More enthusiasm has been eviiced over the University of Michigan under- graduate campaign than has...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…_______TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY t.1, zs- - Notices - the joint meeting of Portia and Adel- phi. Ada Mulholland, undergraduate rep- resentative, will be in her office after Read. The Daily "Classified" Colul INFERENCE REPORTS LION DOA SIFT AT THE THEATER Screen-Today LEGATES TAKE ACTION ?EW APPORTIONMENT OF MEMBERS . ON Delegates from the University to the eighth national convention of the Young Women's Christian association which i...…

May 07, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…_________T HE MTCHIGAN DAILY D r ) .nit I1I111 I llUULdJ1JI'-4 TO INCILHDE 1200 WNOMEN IGJ~IT W MEY FRQ31 EACH (CLAS WILJL DIRECT 3MARCH. INC Twelve hundred women are expected turn out for the Lantern night pro- ession whlich will be held at 8 o'- ock, Tuesday, May -20, on, Palmer, eldl. Inittins have been sent out to 'ght wvoinen from each class request- g them to act as aides in the line of arch andi in the formation of the 'ock "M." T...…

May 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…_____ _____ ____THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. ... .. ....e.. _ " zs -L I Nootice _ d S . S ' 2 ALPHA PHI WINS OPENING CONTEST . E PAGEANT IT MB'i She Is :National Leader Of P.T.A. * _.''. . . Announcement has been made of the! committees in charge of the Freshman. pageant which is to be presented im- m~ediately after the fild games and before the lantern procession on Tues- dlay, M~ay 20, on Palmer field. The+ list of committee members...…

May 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,.. . . - I.. I.. I x - - 1 1- 1 -11- ,, --l 111. -1--." 114 BIB mulkla S. SZ NAME CHANCS IN CAST Of FRESHWI 1PAEANT I (110)[T' PRACTICES AN- 'tNUNEI) IF I - NoticesI Act 3 of the Senior Girls' play will rehearse at 4 o'clock today in the parlors of the gymnasiumr. There will be a make up class in; riding for women who are taking the course for credit at 10 o'clock Satur- day at the Fair grounds. All members of ...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…THE MICH-14 DAILY . ....5 ® , --i ., -I 1 IL9EADERs LANTERN NIGHT Socialist Party Led By Woman FORP SV~sUDMEN COUNCILORS" HIELENIV EL4BIDGE, '24, ELIZA. PROCESSION Helen Delbridge '24, president of the Universty of Michigan Leaguer,l and Elizabeth Cain, '24, president of the Women's Athletic association, will lead the L~antern night rolcession at 8 o'clock Tuesday, May 20, on Palmer, field. Three hunvdred women from each class are e...…

May 11, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - , I - 'AMPAIGNerEXCEEDS JI JUOTA B1 -i105000 'ndergraduate Women Rsilse $60,300 In Michigan League Building Drive ENJORflS TOP PLEDG~E LISTf; ? 16 1101JSES SUBSCRIBE LIIT~i Ten. thouasnd three dollars is the un over subscribed by the women of Jch~igan for the University of Michi- an League building in the under- aduate carapaign completed last ight. The original quota wvas fifty ousand dollars and the sum reach- 1s...…

May 12, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY tins . Fresh Air Ca Are You a Scene. At The Camp Incidents Show 'Boys Are Boys TRUE AMERICANISM Beds at the Fresh Air camp are straw ticks spread on the ground. There ;are- two blankets for each boy; but they find sleeping much more en- joyable when they Tialie' tlei' ijd Typical Nature-Study Outing Diamond Expert? Not at a ll likely that you are. But if it so happens that you arc "up" I' on A typical scene ...…

May 13, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…A:.. THE MICHIGAN DAILY A 52 0 C-16 mw ILTAV" SR EWA,'wA GUEST RECITES POEMS FOR MOTHERS' PRUGRAM E'dgar A. Curst, better known as "Eddie" Guest, of the Detroit Free Press, spoke Sunday afternoon in -1111 auditorium before a gathering of niore1 than 1600 mothers and as many towns- people and students in celebration of Mother's Day, held here May 11 under the auspices of the Student Christian1 association. Th'e general organization was u...…

May 14, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…1 924 "THE MICHIGAN DAILY I 5 RTAVA w e/ s Notices _ __ AIIIIIIPillDRRJui ors Will Be! I1IIIUUIUIID~lV Hostesses At Tea'W CBNE EBR LANTERN NIGHT Junio wonmen on the campus, will T OD PCNC SPE NIGII~be onor guests at a tea from 4 to5 ,o'clock. Friday on the terrace of Mar- Old and new cabinet member's of' Fiel naes, resg~anfta Cook building, which is being giv- the University Y. W. C. A. andl all ~~i~~i Pi~~~e~~e en naier the directi...…

May 15, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…THE MICH-IGAN DAILY Sil can use,,women, who are inexperienc- ed. The main 'requirement for ob- tain ing positions is that the council- 1013. should like work with younger gi~,enjoy out-of-door life, and be a. lec to work well with other people. . 1 Vno,;n n+o 1- 1 llkJ,-,a eiriv'i ea4eu ar e UB.KeU LO call L WOMEN WILL DE9TE LIBOR WITK . o .. "Resolved, That a labor party sim- ilar in ideals andl aspirations to the Britsh Labor prty sho...…

May 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…Tf 11 ICI-IT 10 IGAN DAILY TI MICHIGAN DAILY ................. IMAIWA mw -v rte-sion of the internatonl:Itraffic in womencand children. The commislio Vt IfedI its tl?.tifaT Ei;Jn at this deve t.lo ifle11 nt.rcrigiSO~fIf htsc HAIME OR LOCAL, CAMPAIGN SELECTEDi Divisional chairmen, for the local ,mpaign to raise funds for the Uni- rsity of Michigan League building are named at a meeting of the cen- al organization committee held Wed- d...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE .MICHAINDAILY ; ., r _ --_- -Ir w .I- 5 D. A. li. CHJAPTER ELECTS OFFICERS I L _ _ _ NILCELEBRA9TE STEWART BUTO NUPTIALS TODAY' Theodosia Burton, '24, daughter of is: President Marion L. Burton and Mrs. ~"Burton, will be married to Dr. George Rippey Stewart, Jr,, formnerly a mem- ber of the English department of the University, and~ now an~ instructor in Ej)nglish at the University of California in. Berkeley, at :3 o'clock ton...…

May 18, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

… ,.w . - r" .,,,, , sn r" s--- - Girls' Glee Club Rooms For Summer j itories soon to be erected, T, cordingly was relieved of the I Off 3 I I{ TALS OF LANTERN s to Meet for Procession Tuesday, Block "M" to be Formed on 1FRESHMEN T~O GIVE PAGEANT; W. A. A. TO PRESENT AWARDS Final and complete arrangements have been made for the festivities pro- per to Lantern night which will take plac at 5 o'clock on Tuesday evening at Palmer fi...…

May 20, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 170) • Page Image 3

… I ii MIll ORDERS ACCEPTED She Wrote First Play A t Fourteen FOR SENIORSGIRLS' PLAY P yA Mail orders for the annual Senior, Girls' play, "If I Were King," by Jus-j tin McCarthy, which is to he presented, at the Whitney theater on Friday, June 13, as part of the Commencement weekm program, will be accepted from now until June 12 and filled in the order' in which they are received, according to Dorothy Greenwald, business mtan- ager of the pl...…

May 21, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE [CHIGAN DAILY MlEII CLUB E Miss 1Harison-Bell. of 1Weiwyn, Eng.., !. ~trains pedigreed ducks in large nuz-! A W F -vh!aerst s Te are uight many tricksrpe. -T ________________________________________ In Pennsylvania one out of every five women is employed. In Entertainment 1,1ed.-AvI [[ECTS OFFIERS Of Dem Delegates SECOND BASEBALL ROUND n'sfield, '25, was elected Kappa Delta will meet Kappa Kap- IM the 'University Girl...…

May 22, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…fCiJIGAN DAILY_____ -j . -% . %- , # TO EE DATE'" ENIOR BREAKFST; for breakfast, the tradi-I which the senior won-I Mother Waits For U. S. World Flier, days before Corn- encement, will be lie I at 8:30 o'- ock on June 1.2 at the Union. Tho eakfast has been part of the sno omen's pre-Comnmencement cere-, onies for many years, and an event' which each senior looks forward ,gerly. The breakfast is also a time when 1engagements are announc...…

May 23, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 173) • Page Image 3

…THE' MICHIGAN DAILY -4 ............. ...... .......... 41 II IIIMMW MAy i l lil iiiii rwr 11 wY Yw ! a.. M YIYI1 i - 1 w )MEN DISCUSS PEACE N INTRAINLMEFI hicago, May 22.-The first inter- Tonal summer school held in the ed States,~ the sixth of the Womn International League for Peace Freedom, was opened when Jane~ anms, interg~atI onal president, pre- led women ~repreenting 20 foreigni atries to a Chicago audience Mon- "Peace Sunday." Ea...…

May 24, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 174) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G ... I s n j ° VI , .. ., PLAINS REASON FOR 4207LEAG.UE PLEO&E (Continued from Page One) nal campaign headquartersA i sizes the fact that although every igan alumnae can become a mem- of the University of Michigan Lea- by sub scrlbin& $50, this amount s not represen~ her responsibility fara .themilliop. ,di.olr camnpaign. concerned: It is pointed out that pry alunnae must pledge. $207 to the dif the campaign is to ...…

May 25, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ... ; _. .....,. ---_... 1 Texas Observes .v - r ° " Ingrid Alving, '26, secretary and LOCAL CAMPAIGN OPENS AT MEETING TOMORROW Official opening of thle University of Michigan League campaign in Ann'l Arbor will take place at a meeting for all Michigan women which will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow in Barbour gymnasium.f Every Michigan women is expectedj to be present at this meeting and is requested to brin...…

May 27, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 176) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY { T 'A WA -v =A-VA -u --z -5\5? l WL RCIV FIs Active Worker For International SUBSCRIiNSTODAY PeaceAndFreedom Voluntary subscriptions to the Uni-I versity of Michigan League building fund for the million dollar national campaign will be received by the local committee from 9 to 5 o'clock to- day and tomorrow in Alumni Memor- ial hall. Life memberships in the University of Michigani League and additional ifts to make...…

May 28, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 177) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY M L T A VA W M Mw k VA N&i I zs- 2) I NCE COMMITTEES JUNIOR GIRLS'PLAY Oklahoma Womnan Known As "He tty Green" O f W e st Members of the various committees of the Junior .Girls' play for 1925 were appointed at a meeting of the first committee which was held yes- terday afternoon. Newly elected committee members are urged to attend the meeting at 4 o'clock today in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Prof. John R. Brumm wi...…

May 29, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 178) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .... OWA-vA -5" -zs- ' 1f t'^ TY WOMEN ATTEND JUNIOR PLAY MEETING Resource Simplicit Mark Presi ct's Wie nior women were Aing held yester- of the Junior play. .Thnose wno were unable to attend and would like to- get the particulars are asked to communicate with the gen- -eral chairman. Prof. John R. Brumm outlined the! methods to be adopted in writing the! book for the play, stressing a fe pit- falls to be avoid...…

May 30, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 179) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,_,,, ,_ MVA =A-7A z _S.X 2 Z Zs& .E ) iSES TO PRESENT HORSE SHOW IN-FALL Woman To Attend Nat'l Convention University women have dls aycd a lively enthusiasm in horseback riding, according to Capt. Ion C. Holm who coached 15 advanced and 17 beginning sections in the sport this year. CaptainI Holm will conduct both beginners and advanced classes in riding next fall. The more advanced classes will prepare for polo...…

May 31, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 180) • Page Image 3

…I C-Ir- IVID-1-11laH:v UiAll ........ W .... .,..... ... , -. r It BJJI E TI N ructive notioe to all mem~bers of ;e Assi~taut; to the President-until AYI3191924 R umber 180 ere -ill eno ooterence of-the Deans. on Wednesday, June 4, 1924. M. L. DBurton. e June meeting of the Faculty will be held Monday, June 2, at 4:10 n the Library Lecture Room. The recomnmendation of the -Rhetoric neat, set out by mil,, will be considered as a speci...…

May 01, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…, NEWSPAPER OF THEI vERSITY OF MICHIGAN d every morning except Monday U Cniversity year by the Board in Student Publications.- of Western Conference Editorial L.ite Press is exclusively en- htcuse for republication of all news credited to it or not otherwise this paper and the local news pub- -ein. at the postofice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate I granted by Third Assistant Post- zneral. tion by carrier, $.o; by mail, Ann A...…

May 02, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…GA A VI.t L I OF THE ed every morning except Monday e University year by the Board in )f Student Publications. rs of Western Conference Editorial on. Lssociated Press istexclusively en- the use for republication of all news s creditedrto it or not otherwise n this paper and the local news hub- erein. i at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate e granted by Third Assistant Post- eneral. .ption by carrier, $3.50; b...…

May 03, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY______ ~j1th ey do to the general public's love1 7.U of agood sporting contest for its own sake. At present, the public, uncon- IL NEWSPAPER OF THLE' nected with the competing universities VElSITY OF MICHIGAIN except as fans at the athletic contests, d every morning except Monday; holds almost an equal responsibility eUniversity year by the Board in for the cheering as the student. "For StudentPublic-i---.- the honor of the...…

May 04, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY E' THE except Monday by the Board in aference Editorial' ciated Press is exclusively en- use for republication of all news rtdited' to it o!' not otherwise, hi paper and the Cal news p("; it. t the po0toafice at Ann Arbi) . see ud 1ass r,~ter. p(Ctll r+te "rat. ~n by carrier, $4p0; by nll nn Arbor Press Iuilding, May tditoril, 214 an '7%6-M; Lusi mmnrnfiatiOlS, noA exsceding 300 )t o; 11 bnifire p li ha.. h Diy ~~~~~I~ o...…

May 06, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…THE MICIGA\NDILY_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ... ,.... s _. 'I, NEWSPAPER OF1?THE TERSITY OF IUCUTUAN j I ever'y morning except Monday, Ujniversity year by the Board in Student& Publications. of Western Conference LEditorial joiae Irssis. excluijvly en-~ this paper and the local news pub ein. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, as second class matter. Special rate granted by Third Assistant Post- neral. ion by carrier, $350; by mail, Ann Arbor Press Biang,'...…

May 07, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

… i'LCIJ NEWSPAPER OF THE; UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN blshted every morning except Monday ig the University year by the Board in ol of Student .Pubic~ation~s. embers of western Conference EditorialI ,ciation. e Associated Press is -xlusively en- dto the use for repu~blication of all news tches credited to it or not otherwise ted in this paper and the local news pub)- 'd threin., ____ ________ ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,I igan, as secon...…

May 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…THE MICH-IG AN DAILY 4W1Y4O Y.:. Ih nlpW YYl l w l lM W M NEWSPAPER OF TH ;RSIT2Y OF ?MICHIGA2N every morning except Mond¢ Iniversity year by the Board .udent Publications. A Western Conference Editori lz at the postoffice at Ann Arb< s second class matter. Special rah granted by Third Assistant Pos eral. ion by carrier, $3.50; by mai Ann Arbor Press Building, -Ma! Editorials 2414 ama ,X76-11;Bus inThe Daily3 or. Upon requef cant will ber...…

May 09, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY f ] [EWSPAPER OF THE ;ITY OF MICHIGAN ry morning except Monday 'ersity year by the Board in nt Publications. Western Conference Editorial ed Press is exclusively en for republication of all news ted to it or not otherwise paper and the local news pub- he postoflice at .Ann Arbor,' ond class matter: Special rate ted by Third Assistant Post- by carrier,; by mail, Arbor Press Building, May- >rial, 2414 Bnfl 176-M; Busi-...…

May 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…THE MICA 114;A DAILY .... 1LAL4N EWSPAPER01? TE NJVE1SITY OF MICHIGAN I ised very morning except Monday the university yrear by the Board int [of Student Pulications.- hers of Western Conference Editoriall toon. Asscated "Press is exclusively en-I othe use for republication of-all news hes credited to it or 'not other wise 1in this paper and the local news pub therein.. ed ,at tepst fie at AAnn Arbor,l ai, as s tnd cla tttatter Special rate ...…

May 11, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…THEl MICHIGAN DAILY - - - - .. - EWSPAPER OF THE TY OF MICHIGAN y morning except Monday rsity year by the Board in t Publications. ktern Conference Editorial 3Press is exclusively en- for republication of all news ;d to it or not otherwise aper and the local news pub- ed at the postoffice at .Ann' Arbor, n, as second class matter. Special rate age granted by Third Assistant Post- General. ription by carrier,; by mnail, : Ann Arbor P...…

May 12, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…IbL_~'~. '(\NDAILY, . .. - . .s.. .............:.++a.-.+......y F or Sale f ine home and investment in the Barton Hills district. Will prove and highly profitable. One or more acres may be purchased. A part is land is in fruit and landscaped. louse is modern. Has nine rooms; five on first floor and four and bath cond. Lot is well 'shaded. We know you would enjoy a home like this. is $15,600. Terms. a~...…

May 13, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDA 7- Mul1igan at t it . AI, NEWSPAPER OF1?THE [VEHtSITY OF MICHIGAN , lished every morning except .Monday g the University year by the Board in of of Student Publications. ____ mlbers of Western Con ference Editorial -ation. eAssociated Press is exclusively en- to the use for republication of all news thes credited to it or not otherwise ed in this paper and the local news pub- Stherein. ered at the postoffice at ...…

May 14, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 165) • Page Image 4

…OFFICIt NEWSPA PER OF THE UIVERSITY OF MICUHIGAN , Published every morning except Njonday during the University year. by the Board in Control of Student Publication~s. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to thie use for r-epublication of all news dispatches credited toe it or not othe-isie1 credited in this paper and the Local news [)Ll' %ished therein. entered at the posto ftice ...…

May 15, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _TH E tM IC flEA N D A IL Y T IU SD Y, M.xt m#2 present when tte~lass if 1924 start# c- iI11113tiu11HV 1-33tn11i~lllllttlllQt311fl~tltl 4 ti IIt 3f1 its voyage into the - outside world. j II=tI ? Next year they will be part 6f the at-i L V CI AMPUS - -I__ traction and will miss much of the 1 significance. The fact that the date / I aG OFand TIq for Commencement falls only a few 1 SENIOR SIN\GIN GO L Si ~U , P P L U d...…

May 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…THE MICNIGAN DAILY__ ICILJ NEWSPAPER OF THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN iblished every morning except Monday1 g the U)niversity year by the Board in ,rol of Student Publications. embers of Western Conference Editorial ciatioli.I iC Associated .Press is exclusively en- I to the use for republication of all news tches credited to it or not othievwise ted in this paper and the local news pub- d therein.4 tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, igan.,...…

May 17, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…[AL NEWSPAPER 01? TILE IVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ed every morning except Monday he University year by the Board in if Student Publications. ,s of Western Conference Editorial on. Associated Press is excusively en. the use for republication of all news :s credited to it. or not otherwise in thi paper and the local news pb erein. d at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, ias second cass matter. Special rate, qe granted ~by 'Third Assistant Pest- ;eneral. ipt...…

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