May 27, 1915

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May 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…THE DJ IALLY~ R BAAVN CE OF THE YEAR AILE)75ic LOCAL1 The Michigan DailytILED NO0w 75C I, Al. XXV, No. 172. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915. PRICE FIVE GIVES TRACK SQUAD ROU SINGSEND-OAFF Crowd of ,00 Students Led by Band Gathers at Depot to Cheer Farrell's Varsity Athletes TAKES LIGHT DRILL AT FERRY FIELD BEFORE STARTING EAST Party Scheduled to Reach Philadelphia ' Today, but Holds No Practices Michigan's track team, ...…

May 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

… garments do not bear out our .ion that wedare originators and savers. We purchase cloth in uantities and have the work done our owen personal supervision. ters follow your measurements to on of an inch and with a fitting ult is a perfect suit for you! C(?,A 79.( -- THE MICHIGAN D AIILVI IOfficial newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbo...…

May 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…MICHJGAN ja ILY I y I HATS t line in the City $6.00 GENIUNE BEACH SUITS 11 the latest Patterns $8.50 and $10.00 Make yoi Autog Cotie in and get one of make your kodak up-to-i charge for aut CALKI'S I 524 8. St ~itmrnuhic ftioi i WE HAVE A LIKE OF =t ar Kodak raphic the new backs that will date. There is no extra ographic films. PHARMACY t.te street Sport Coats, White Serge Pants Straw Hats, Palm Bcach Suits Visit the Daylight Sto ...…

May 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ Y. ( )F ONE TWO, PIECE ively the weight,1 r9 ti Alu u Another BigClean Up of Filly Slightly Worn Koas Prices start at from 3o%/ to 0%~ off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. Every one plainly marked.' This is' the biggest snap you ever saw. i aw Hat SOO.on I i IS HERE LYNDO N .t LI . Po'si' toolest suit pussi~bu ltowear ;, , ri _ Q, m.. Warsrsm rs ready t ...…

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