May 10, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 152) • Page Image 1
…Vot.. XX. -N H ARBOR, MICHIGAN, '10081 lAY. M A n o.12 Vol'. YX. Noy. t5z. SENIORS HOLD , L WN-U of March Will Circle the Campus--Feature Dance in Evening OTHER SPECIALTIES ARRANGED Suna; ° nin's alkBefore the 'tingil ii wtn,'drain 2lhis ilijnt mainly f1rom no 11r editoials ann t-ier.]iipress SENATE REFUSES UINION'S REQUEST Second Plan for Raising Funds Beets Failure at Hands of Authorities UNION NEEDS MONEY BADLY 11.31>1 l FO-R.101113>1...…