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May 01, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…The Milchigan .Daily .. _ .---- LL VOL. XVIII. A ARBOR. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY t, 1908. No1r. 1 54. ----------- have in the coming campaign. In the TENNIS TEA northwest the people are preparing to rise. There, the condition of the mats DEFEATS ICLHABODS who wsorks is getting a little worse each ya.Icatt onty think tlhat if wte are ssnssuccessfnl in the fall campaign it will Normals Easily Outclassed, Fail bceIbecautse the people save h...…

May 02, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…The Michia Daily ANN ARBOR, \IJCIW k\ , S \TIRDAYt M Vt 2, 46of. Vol.. XVIII. No, 1-3. MICHIGAN PLAYS' FOR C\ B~NILLTEK SUBSCRIPTION ' AI S ET TRA TO BELOIT "TODAY Xtunrni da}., Jn 7 ilSee rimore BE RAISED TODAY iai oneocainWhlAlmidyE ERWisconsin School Makes Good does not Caninence until the °t7th, tre floney. Has. tob in -Hands ,of IL LAt~JA U A L alumnni till begin to arrive on the 1~th Record on Trip-Class Teams aseek titilirCouncil-To...…

May 03, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…The NMichliganDily \ -Nk'RBok'~('l I . 1 IfGAN,'K \1)AV -"---------- VOL. XVIII. FIVE -THOUSAND SAW COUNTY FAIR No Longer Do the Shouts of the Barkers Resound-A Detailed rAccount of the Attractions. fin11sh, 111it 111the apilet1 f 1eolletios" for 3a1lo11g11im1e afterward1, are0w11a11tle jolly, good-nalltred crowd rleei e at1 teeondl night tof tie (Co111ty.fai. 1'evlode 1was11o1t 1o1r0111. Tigh1 2.71111, 11111om11 ratve )' e astily11onIe. Il...…

May 05, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vson.. XVIII. ANN ARBO(R, NfIfI{ IGHN, Tt ,SDAY, MAY 5 1908. No. 157.. RAItMAS IRS i. ind' (01(,took tbitf RAI M RSFI S a(I 0a- al. tEtttt~ltimaTROPHY CUP GOESJ~ on c'a1lisb alk n 'totd h m o-e 'le et a 'bo t one to asatrt. OF CLASS GAMES I 1'telao-so-c\'ltou ot 111oe;two- TO RADIUM DANCE litheffth__m tt aitedctl r footr____ Fresh Lits Win from Sophs in " olsadplee epl o County Fair Rleaps Large Profits met tttr. S itt...…

May 06, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…The Mic higanDal ANN ARBOR, MJC41CHIG kN. WEDNESDAY, MAi-Y 6, 1908. Ns ff8. VTOL. XVIII. WOOSTER HSKIES READY FOR GAME Giant Buckeye Team Arrives To- morrowThree Class Played Yesterday. Fans at the Micigan-Wooster game tomorrowe will see the htskiest colle- giate infield in the country. Every base- man, the shortstop antI pitcher are over six feet tall, and the atter weighs 8 pounds. Not only is the team hulky, heel it is exceedingly fast....…

May 07, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The- Michigan Daily A1- ARBOR, \MTCIG\N, TIILRSDAY, MAY 7, 108 N'o. srfi, VTOL. XVIII. i CCC NOVICE RACE OCCURS NEXT WEEK Many New Pen Will Enter- Frosh fedics Win all Gam ---0alrd ack. \ICIITGAN VS. \<OOSTER 5.55ff f~iLLEDA'' 4 :05'. "a. Thie ainual osice race givensute the auspices of the Cross Country clii will e rit Friday, May 5. The re is opeii Only to meiwhio Ihave not 550 their three "C's" ass is to le ishtilet a novice race. All...…

May 08, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

… 0,A A Poh cooL~ U)' -il CD =o - m X= r. w.. n s r =+ . } . rr-,. ril. . n ^" ' r^ n . . 7- . r r s ; - ,_ _ J ;; , "1r JC - . . ^'^ - : .; n 5v ;;, ,_. ._. i J M f': - rj f " ; . ^ ... :. r. ; ; r. . h r, r ^.... .... .. ^ . : J ,.: ,., ,: " '^ _..,, V i. .+ r:. . + ...i i y_ «- - i. . i y .. y i l '.. _ !': r - _. C . t«y -+ . f t h _. « p % Q Pnt f. . Y ! O t ^ UC v Or r v . 'fM }r3OR po r. ° . r ( . er. fp - taq " O- ^-"- f w W ! el...…

May 09, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDaily ANtN ARBOR, M TC(2' AURDAY, MAY 9, 1908. A VOL. XVIII. \ . L } 1 6i GAME AND MEET 6 OFFERED TO FANS Double Attraction at Ferry Field This Afternoon-Baseball and LTrack Vie for Spotlight. .Track and diamond will i this after noon in holtitg te attetiion of thet ..crowd, for oinlg to the ioovnons nun- } er of entries for the hanidiatt meet the first events will hve to hebettut off at 3 p. mv The aseatl game with Georgetown...…

May 10, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANNAPMOR', MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 10To, 1908. No. 162. HANDICAP EVENTS REVEAL NEW STARS Horner Proves Genius Wth Dis- cus- -Several New Broad Jump- ers Appear. Although0no 1reco1rdsVwere.ishatteret in yeerd(1y's hand~iap metl, lsomeC su1- priseee sp'(irung14up1on te lspetaos. were gilen large haniicps, otucce el in wre-tlimg ho(nors from scrathl 10(, while in other casesthe "mkno woo a- uall exceeed the 1w \o...…

May 12, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga nDal ANN ARBOR, MICIGA\, TUESDA.Y;M~AY12, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No. 163. P~ncl drlixe toextreme right for a horsier. FIRST S MI-FI A We ler'sxwork in the lbox for thec lar- riterswasgilt edgedI. liealloxeedibut IS PLAYEDiTODAY t itsttck out six men1, and pe~r VJL1.nitited noiwalks..,lHe xias excellently auprtdb a welIlalaitced infileld. Soph Engineers Meet Fresh Lits 1 .1 1 i 0 7-12 8 t ...Four Teams Eliminated Yes- 08 .........0 0...…

May 13, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VTOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAlN, WCDNE-&,D\Y. MX\A 3, T908. Nio, t64.. .. ........... . . ROOSTERS COME SEEKING REVENGE Wabash Plays Varsity Today- '10 Engineer-'lli Lit Game Tie at End of Thirteenth. The fist xof te twin s'resv beween te xarsityxand taxi\Viiitxtnine xwiile playdtislx'aftroon. i'nless Waah ha mrvxi morex'x'hanxihasxxMichviga, as boys ouxv xxgt xa( lasttolxixiv'ak ee. rThegamesbothtodai ndtxxix xxitxin...…

May 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The MIichigan Da ily ANN ARBOR, NilICi \IIILN' RSI)kY .\YM\ 14, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No. T65. WABASH BLANKEDI IN OPENING GAME Michigan Wins Opening Contest,I Playing Without Errors-O. S. U. Track Meet Saturday. MICHIGAN vs. \VABASB ittitits T 4Of \\~tassh brougtitis aunciessitisy weasther h oodoo withit iy estedaluiit the teams s ietditin cometiii-ig ts- seesrynme ofinn sisgs iefor I Bidige ail to cll te game Bsid thl oodi o oute Hoosiers 1 o...…

May 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -MIlCI IOCAN, FRIDAY, M~vAY isz, 1908. No0. 167. BUCKEYES BETTER TIIAN EVER BEFORE Ohio State Sure of Three Points in Each Event-Cross Country Race Postponed. Facing thscetitssot scring tthree points intvrye ( hoSlha t uniivesit trk i team ill Iarriest paetdto cinithaniit hIsisetr lieen. Undser it the rs 'sirritin ills 7ttts Director IFitpaticlsma enteransit i siitit t ii ii titttc et bi tso d...…

May 16, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR. 'MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MWAY 16, 19o8. o. T67. No. 167. BALL GAME, MEET AND TOURNAMENT Three Varsity Events Scheduled for Today-Dual with Ohio and Alma Contest the Features. o. s. U. Diaixl \Met-1 :0 ient Varsitvs.x lm -3 x . t T n is o ra en 1 . I ll eti contlestingi' fofC a> up e'ythis morniiing, the tnis menixillheiii i.'gc in copeinthe xi tournaiimentx vitli tiherliti.iThisatontihdi 100le O. S. ...…

May 17, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…The ichiganDal ANN ARBOR, MICIGA~:N. SUNDAY, MAY 17, 1908,. Vii XV HI. No. .-1 . Buckoleyes [laye Little Chance in Dual Meet-Coe, Heath and Wolin.Are Stars. :iii, lr~tmicat) iill i chN~eigan's caltrog .m er, 54 i A iTh tlthe titpaco nlyre ine :. !aod lic hamm ielertow ,t i~ihthe)1Cr 011) ll tlm0 frEepicle ofla thth st grced 1? - r pltns.~\c e utieeit t C, lip m of to he ;l n [, .ii i t i dr hanft I, t ',a t i :i-'1Ki l a u i' al I! o i l:<...…

May 19, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL,. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -XICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY i9, 1908. Noa. 169. BASEBALL SQUAD DEPARTS FOR EAST Leaves for Ithaca oi M. C. at 2:40-Fresh Lits Place in Final - -Stahl Wins CCC Race. \Vhhe hon11rgilli4rcord ofte1 won11out1of1eleve1n g11110, th ibaseall team lle1a01c090today1to est1the 11etleof thefle east 00. lTheosquad(1l1e(v00o le Mih~igan C('olrl a1 24, (01 Bflo. and 11will go1from11thr 1to Ithaca 1for th first gme...…

May 20, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIIIL ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WIRDNESDAY,* MAY 20, 1908. No,0 170. . . .......... . .......... . . . . ..... VARSITY MEETS CORNSELL TODAY Nno Left Yesterday for Ithaca- Fresh Medics Play Senior Laws in last of Semi-Finals. The teitm is off, in, spledtit cotodition for the three eastern gshes. If Michi- gait io snt rig home the lacon it is ecalre te west is inferior in its ath- leic prowss. I~asitg ith te afternoon, t...…

May 21, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…The Mchign Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MTCHIG'j\, THURSDAY, NIAkY 21, 190 8. Nozt. U7T CORNELL WINS IN SIXTEEN INNINGS, Ithacans Defeat Varsity 3 to 2 in Pitchers' Battle--Michigan In- vited to 'Intercollegiate Shoot. After battlinsg for sixteen consecuttive insings in the hardest fought collegiate game of tlhe seasono, Sicock, thte snetw nmembier of the varsity pitchingf staff, lost tis first game to Corstell by a score of ,3 to 2. Fr...…

May 22, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…T'he MIichigan Daily VOL.~ XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAXY. MAY 22, 1900. -NO. 172. SYRACUSE BLANKED, BY THE VARSITY Barr Twirls Hard Fought2 to 0 dame-Sipcock is Expected to Pitch Final Tomorrow. Fortune turned and gave Michigan the laurels yesterday. Syracse went townt iefore the varsity witiot being tile tn score, touglt the "M" men found their way home twice in the nine innings. Barr twirled, wills'aft c- teving. Despite tle victo...…

May 23, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dily ANN ARB(-R, 1'IfC iGA\ SA i. L D Y,,MAXY 23, 1i( VOL. XVIII. No. 173. SPEEDY CORNELL TEAM HERE TODAY Tennis Team Comes Fresh from Victory over ChicagoCham- pionship Baseball Game Today. Cotrnel i',swaeepinig victoy iitie-iour- amentitwith Ch icago held at Dtr itco yesteday attgtr tacitfothittspcttort at their toutnamettwtith ticvarity tiy i 1 o this a cit otil Ottr1 iedcotst- oas toRwo It ,it aotei ttic -det tic camiosipo...…

May 24, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…,q"lv The ichiganDal ANN; ARBOR, MTICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MA ,Y 24, 1908. VO'L. XVIII. No. 174. TENNIS TEA'M BREAKS EVEN; VAIRSITY LOSES TO BROWN Tournament With Cornell Results in Tie--Fast Eastern Nine De- feats Michigan 5 to 3-Detroit Central Wins Interscholasi c, Three Records Broken-''10 Lits Baseball Champions. lirovit e,,P. 1.. 'lax 2;.---(oink cooleir gainsthan his opponent, and1too inito the ninth innn g four runs to toie: saatagoeyo p...…

May 26, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN\ ARBO(R, 3MICHTGAN ,T{'.SDAY. MAY 26, 1908.. No. 1751 WOOSTER COMES AS RUNNIERS GO EAST Track Squad Leaves for Eastern lntercollegi~te-Varsity Faces Ohioans Today. Two shutot and( a to-hlevy score against tie thidteam1.11 is the treclaiys record wiicitie Wooster temi birigs with it today to 1111111ill tie face of Mtichign's team. The postoe gm1e ocurs tiis afternoon at51 4:05. Thtrsday tie Buctkeyes met ...…

May 27, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \VEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No 176. WOOSTER TRIMS MICHIGAN'S TEAM Varsity Loses First Home Game by Score of 4 to 3-Many Root- ers Cheer Departing Runners. Placisdly allowing Micltigant to set the pace-nlot a very terrifie one at that- for six inttintgs, Wooster sutddetnly blos- sottted ittto a live one itt the sevsenth innitg of ati otlterwtise tpeaceatble niati- tee, and clutsterintg teve h...…

May 28, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily AN N ARBOR.'\IICIGAN, ITHRSDAY, iMA Y 28, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No 177. - ---- TEAM MEETS CRACK EASTERNERS TODAY Syracuse Comes Prepared to Turn Tables on Varsity--Runners Arrive at Philadelphia. "'he Micthian-Syae ga1.0 wn nhiolh woill be palled oflt on the vast 11011) II thinsb111) 101 aferoo 1roise toethe harld est fought gam~le on the oc schedule. S1110 lIoys front Nen Ylk~0 have beehn plaonning reven ge ev'er 011, S1111...…

May 29, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…1 TheMichigan Dily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, M AY 29, 1908, No. 178. VOL. XVIII. c a t i r t 1 YALE'SMISFO PROF. VA N TYNE YAL~fi in MISFOR UN~Ei of vsPenn hs is aah who hhas ttwice bhbeen the itntecollegtate chatmpion Second itt FAVOR MICHGAN h hunded tieive to Stevens, of EXPLAINS FIGURES Ye hr oGmlo Princeton, atd fotrth to Shemnat, of Dartmouth. All Stevens, Eli's Sprinter, Out of ececp t h last natted are to second Author Answers ...…

May 30, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…T h e Nlich ig ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATURDAY, IAY 30, 108 VOL. XVIII. No. 1 79. MICHIGAN LOSES CHANCE FOR FIRST Coe in Poor Condition- -Bohnsack Boxed by Cornell and Pennsy Runners. lASlEBALL GAME T()DAY MtICtHIGAN %s. SYACUSE. Gaine calledl at :30. UNION EL ECTION AND iIEETlING COME TODAY Thie sanutlomeeting of the Union will be hld this morning at i i(iclock, i 1-oolni CUniviersotyHfll. The election of oficers iiiimedliately preceites ti...…

May 31, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR. MiNICH-IGAN. SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1908. INo, 180. VOL. XVIII. SUCCESS ON DIAMOND; K FAILURE ON TRACK Michigan Vanquished at Eastern Linthicum Shuts Out Syracuse R Meet-Cornell Wins-Crowd to in One-Hit, Errorless Game, Welcome Team Tonight. Closing Baseball Season. Philadelphia, May 30.-MSihigan went By dee'tiiig Syracse yesterday after- dowitoIt inglorioustefeat ii the eatennoonii 2 too, 51ichigan repeated the (lie ...…

May 01, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN .111){\I" I C= hl . A \. W\\ I)IQI A ,MY',ral.\ i\ 'VOL. XVII. Not. I I yVAR1SITfY MEETS 'i l\11h hl\l('l1l)'I ilUtJNER* hIhi IN aF() Ii hFRI)MA il;C VFliOtN HFENCH 'L lAYERN CONCERT ILLTT \\()\I I:\I 1') IIIN? I I ITY M OBERLIN TODAY V22 1vis ctne() I 1I)tt t BE GIVEN MAY 4 ' t a aaa tctlhltre I i h tttt I td theateiifScondteatttat tt A tat titran Fait Ohio Nine Will Arrive This I lt l 1,1 ec- c wl h 1 ecn opular Co...…

May 02, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

… nV CCU ' . r ", : j , 1 i y "3_ M- '-.-+ f. i '_ J ,., I. ,,, r f } , r . f. ... f . I C bo to At i o c oz ; CVs = us l4 ' - f = r _ , . - -- " -r. r "l. r _ ,_ T T J: ' . . ...+ F f (* - tom., ' 77 - - _ " _ ^- r, >_> >: 2 v is , ' r f - r ! i Ez" _. .-. .._ r r ... _ .-- _ r . - .,. ... ..- .. .._. ..- ...._ - .._ ,.- .._. ... ... ._ . . ..,. ... ,_ .s _ f r. . - . _. .yam «_. r -. . e ' r: V ,f ;/, '.t; ._._ % ..... . _ . .. E "...…

May 03, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…The'Michigan Daily ANN .1I t)R in N IIl( N 1 I:_Il)_0IN NI \N In cf VOL. XVII. N C . 53. MICHIGAN ORATOR OFF FOR MADISON' Floyd A. Deahl Will Attempt to Add Another to Michigan's List of Oratorical Victories Tonight. Ni i n!i i lldeivr i i i Iai muttl, I-C i tt t"ld 11i Ii\t N W M ,ii alln ll{ nrr Ill'u fr l11 in'O cl1, W - o~ in.' li lle-ii', ii ( l li l . F'Il ,) w ( ill tit (If the ]w lo]d icl i<.tn I )( rc I I" III tIo )tIIItcT st"t2...…

May 04, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN AK1, R,10. NI I lOAN .SA I) 1 lY, NIAXY 1. 1907. VOL. XVII. No. 154. D. AftC WILL MAKE VARSITY HUSTLE All-Star Team Will Meet Lowe's Men Today on Ferry Field- Sullivan and Ovitz Eligible. I vX 14141111' I X Xiii X\' ii. XII Xiii>' III> IXIXYIKII LEMONSW AIDflGYM ItM 191 11108II2Q' I IUI1" MaXim loll i 1 XIX XXXrtiuitXXX.'XXXXX i rli ; tc, :tllc'(1ilc \\it l7 I -' ci cc t t"~~ l lt; m c h 1),i i1 ih L1)v. . ;it A...…

May 05, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…The NMichigan.DaIl ANN NkW , I\NL t NO\ll\N MNI \N 1907- 'OL. XVII. Nat. f55. DI. A. C. BEATEN BY VARSITY, 3 TO O It-,a> Ovitz Outclasses "Bump' Jones in Box-Strikes Out Nine Men -Varsity Gets Eight Hits Off Detroit Pitcher. "Mlichia n as ali eat aeal tc n tlit>veariaThi- remarkii, h-attonall C. ta , tieditt heutu iii lit hll CLoe'aute is-r ifterk- he a- tr-itt an It la- uai 'alpn" nete ii> \m Jo g. a < d meafoIato alaof I la hts. netlin...…

May 07, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…Th e Michiga n Daily VOL. XV II . No. 156. MAY FESTIVAL TO t 11 tc BEGIN WEDNESDAY 7 ' Annual Event Brings Array of U-k'; Great Talent to Campus-Art-rl 1:,1I 3 v , JUNIORS WIN BOTH ]til i ltltfr lC )t IN IEROLASS GAMES: , : r ,a p( rIt cII 11 J11" tho al, 'I'lic val iti iw t c 3 ;,, a\ l' ti 11, lli ICH c':111 14, t"r tt)IIrtceIIl l ttlllli<t arti ;ti - xcellellc c urn°cl it is I11 tllc ;tlrll a cur tllcc. alld Fvi. 'tt truck ot Ii Il...…

May 08, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da ily VOL. X V II. ANN A\R l,(i.)R IiCH'IGOAN.\Vi hN1.;S)AY, MAX 8, 1907. No. 1 57. MICHIGAN SCORES ANOTHER SHUT-OUi1 Whipple Pitches Good Came- Plays Elrrorless Ball-Score 2 to 0. Whiipplle te vrit ta rstuthpawc placedi aoter shtout t hisrei yesterday when, laiedi btperet slp tart, the champinship \Wooste'an was beatetn 2 to 0 on its holme gounds, lth teatms made ie safe hitt. \With thehep of the samte ttnttiet' ofl 111511 ...…

May 09, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…The Milchigan Daily VALNXII \ii. i;Pi.Arll~'R D , I VOL. XV II. OBERLIN AGAIN SHUTOUT, 10-0 Martin Pitches Two-Hit Game- Is Given Errorless Support- Team Returns Today. TheraitIt'ass aqired a habit of handng ongro atofgis teggs ito its opp )ts.Obr li tet'as sht tt yes- terrta far lhe secnl tmethils san hr I teone--sidd sr oftoitto . It teas lri'tin1nd it;mermanatthlo id the tick this time. It etas atw-i g'tmetcfor te wet i-ter, andtheitsfi...…

May 10, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN XAdI (1R K \II., FR1 A 1Y1 0,1 (() X IX $7. VOL. XVII. 1 5(). VARSITY OPPOSES NOTRE DAME TODAY Indiana Team Is Strong and Speedy -Will Give Michigan Men Hard Struggle The vr13 XwilIt m X. met 1th ii 111 ram ha, met n 1 defate th ,,if Xr i XXiicId i,, v11111 l Xoi g 1,6 11X 11 h ,yt a in d. 'Spd r .,It<runi eo ~,%i ch hecn~lidcIX the ndina ine an L~ 11 wil heIn hind1 he1 bat.9 Tl' mi liX 1 asa 11111 I X Su liii III (i...…

May 11, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily ANN \il(i NI Ili\ sI' R)X.MAY'xii1107- Vol-. XVII. a. itx7. 62 MEN ENTER 'xxix iCoe S xto ' XVt ru-BwDlMlny A~SIITY MEETI'kixiixerx-iXlcx'<it ' tole\alt--Alxi cii Kno.xL'kn ____-lix xxxxx lc-so , laxlt I Annual Event to be Held on ioinix 1erri, 'x iker.iii ii LxxxinI Ferry Field Today-Freshman "t ixe. (xixx lxi Team VWil be Picked. S Fe cxcix rin.xxxxx xixx Sith.xxi )i ic ix IY x ixxxx'x' a x'x'rgiteredxithei it Lx ix x...…

May 12, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XXII. ANN ARBt( IN. MNIHIG.\N.UNAYM\AY 12, 1007. N H) i)i I _ _ _ .___.._ _ _ - --. _ _.. } GARRELS SMASHES fee 2inhe. TAr h a ~ MAY FESTIVAL ENDS ad aathowof tla ee inc s. at DISCUS RECORD aairit a th :; <. ards:th he WITH GRAND OPERA tidfrscnbthaailintg tclear the ____ Track Events Are Run in Slow ba'tthshigt. 'Samson and Delilah Meets After tie formtal met.ia dual ct st a Time-French Shows Lp Well wa hldrit ara...…

May 14, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…T 6he Michligan Daily 4isZDANN \I RR, MI C \I V 1111 \N I I SI) \\ \I \\ 14 1 907 . VOL. XVIL LAST PRELIMIN ARY 'Di MRI) FIIL i~~~i lete or until I ,m il> tyYEAR BOOI( GOES fiE IE L Y I ll,-oly game i vlihthe varsiit FItyG GA ES it 11ialI who1 111111 rmain wl1;v he1R10 kMESARE LAYE FORSPRIGGMS..h mhehont tdn Cti ON S ALE TOMORO Freshmen Defeat '08 Laws and 4: 5 (i ely ield.1111 ith111the1\iliallll Upprclassmen Selected to Offi- 111111r 1 cla...…

May 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVTT. ANN ATII1k. 1CHI AN, NVf,"DNFLS)DAY, MAY 15, WILLIAMS NINE IS UNKNOWN QUANTITY S. '. Fo~tr1 t 'd:Old 07 10000V0. (-0) 1lo'. 1 O S. \V. lorry fieldI. fDTNV IOTE TO r> e d c , . " F r r i d C O - E D S ' R E S C U E Only Chance to See an Eastern -_JuiorGirsPesetFrceCom Team Play This Afternoon- I,l"VS1'1TIONS 1,1'RH Juir in reet areCon OF ' 107 t[IIcIII (:AN!; I)NS1A edy Portraying Situation at Team Is One of ...…

May 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…VO VI.The Miichigan Daily Y~o L. XY 11. _ANN N AR I I( W'K. I N II (_ r A\N ,TI KI I. \ V. I\ N'DXA 1 .MA VARSITY MEETS WILLIAMS TODAY (lame Postponed Yesterday on Accounft of Rain-Easterners Will Play Illinois and Chicago. account ofIll)groundsXXil \heiIIIXXXV, Theeat')' r aried eseay ) Morning, n X 1no fe okn thXtowV A Xnmbr)f i)XlrnX XXalui from XX town )yesteXrayV Io see'th Xgame). TII))' lIhe \illiam iX ne X heatIn TaleX, La XarI. lar)m...…

May 17, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \\\N i-il iii Ii li \IH I N, Ni \ 1N VOL. XVII. WILLIAMS HELD TO 0-0 TIE BY OYITZ Varsity Pitcher Bolds Williams to 3 Hits in 13 Innings and Strikes Out 1I Men. sti, goxiig lxir xcni nniliing-; xiiixii eiter Stoe corng .r ruxi. TlI I e givixi- xxxcled t he r lxxx lxxthe thirtlxenth on at nxxiof vaklwsx aui c-xxxi Six a; xx a i xtv trdt thev inxield.Ix lhadalmos perfet con trd>xia l l x i me;,xxxx l(xxx ix ibutxx x pass to...…

May 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…o ) Ir I r C,, I I 77 1 I Cle Z7 i 4 I Z, 7, 77~~ _ - Z: Z, 0-4 _ r _ 1 r r_ - r ( A I C.. RJ zI _ % , '/, f: r ! ,..f i '-'' I : , ;-: _t r ; :/ !' ., M fs J Tom. 1nJ // E KJ T 1 '# r i ............... t }. , F ', : ' I i' ,F I 7- r- i5 - 7' 77 r 1 _ Y > l _ _ _ u _ ;77 71 C-4 …

May 19, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The MichiganDal VOL. XVIIL No. 1617. MICHIGAN WINS FROM OHIO STATE Final Score Is 104 1-3 to 57 2-3- Giarrels and French Establish New Records. th 'O 1 t XXIra ';111 h 11111118t 11111818I'la tca XXX\ich load" ;,11111 I\0,;1(1 oneI. 11ml I1 a1111 .}11,1C,1w it 11111al (,t 1C Ca rel11"t 111 broke till-1111 va~ t " 1(1 111:1 1(1 % 8 1 , ill Ill, 220 -1 118' v 1'111111 hit I 3 3, X tll 'XX 11 of Ill"1 \ 1 1 it tll 111rclc 111"O ,11 b 1 c;ri1 h...…

May 21, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…_The Mlichigan Dailly, VOL. XVII. ANN bRBtOR, MICHIGA\N, TI.1SDAXV I:\Y 21 1)07. Nou. 168. ........... . ......... . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . ................ . . . ....................... - MICHIGAN DEFEATS p WILL SOON BttFORMEID ARIMOIJR INSTITUTE Anwdaai raiain ekn will soonse Itolexistence. Ihis is Martin Pitches Good Ball-Sulli- the iprophecy imade yesterdlay by mem- van Gets First Home Run of hers of the Coedylyutb, Freseen...…

May 22, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…71 M Jet -+ V v y i 4' ", ^, ..i u V t j 1. : .. v U - ., 4 . t7, 'J 1: -1; 7- --- -.- A , _ : "- Ste - J. f 7( I "'t " ,_, ,"+ r .may r .1 vJ, ',+ ' if ""' . l ' f r^ ""' 'J '-. ... V , '' ! - '- _ _ . V Y , -! ., r r, J. n r ; J' r., , !^ M ," r; ., V 1 1 l~" , t. 4 u C: , n n ;, y s Y J n r r,. n J. '", y l ~' f;, y ,. W . r. v." :-n c ^. 7w n ^: a:. r~ r. K .. ^z "' ^ n" J .. . J ' u ys 7° ' 4- :i ,, _. i r " .,+ i '+" k C I .. v I i...…

May 23, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN \111( l. I .1011 'I IIG 6AN RL.Y. MAY ti. LOCAL SALOONS ARE EXPLOREDI Sociological Studenits I nvestigate Local Liquor Conditions-En- forcernent of Laws Necessary. That 1 ,11k. I '211Ill 7Alm .222 2222221.1c ]\ c I i f t e '122221 t I ti22cl 1 112 )I 22 1 22 lt )<ti 1 1 1 2212 c2 12212' 1N~c c t I ~' il.; 11 2222rjaI hal lcir2r211 y~ c-a af .-1() II It )211 1 > 2 22>22 2atth ct ], w a liN 7888NIP NWIGHTO 1121 'uirlieray...…

May 24, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…The Michiga al \\ NiI. N1I I l(\I IDA\N NI\NMAY )0 VOL. XVII. No. 1 1 "PREP" ATHLETES APPEAR TODAY Twenty-One Schools will be Rep- resented in Michigan's Annual Interscholastic Track Meet. Neariivly xxwo 1111undrdahlts rpe of NI ichixivxx. Ohio andIxinoiiiixis, w i tA P' p l l, day anti tomorrow''xi. i heinx r Ixir tel x.Prlimxixx xxinares xii ccxx. th wight c xxix iill I'xi ldx todiiay.ii commenclv'iing xt 2 :. Th'l'lxc \%il lxc'ii Sa'xxx...…

May 25, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVII. \N \ktRI L ICRIII-1\, SAVIN IiI AY, MAV 25, i()tt7 CALIJING "KITTY!' ~""' STUDENTS CANNOT PLAY MASTER PIECES Corbin Speaks on "The Univer- sity and the Stage-Criticizes Ben Greet's Methods the proution f hegi atet asc pieces ofiiithe drmaiiiii makeihi emii rathirrviicuo in i hi ate pl w il ac tivcd thil piecei uii eiii the tii cxtrn~cof il,- iica com ly a d t - ini hi t ur strdy ftrnon o but iii tm i iire ied ...…

May 26, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…The Mkichigan Daily . \N .R11,-ill R\llC -I~I \\,SU!NDAY. M\L \ 26 () It VOL. XVII. t)i~. 173, MORGAN PARK WINS ii ' e1- ' -t> WOMEN DISPLAY - - __ - _ - - ate. ,,, I~ll l~l1I1 L' III pl lldld fo i t l e- I-- _ _ _ _ - - - INTERSCHlOLASTIC fis mte ' oalesfrth etot Mills Takes Lead rom (rand 'l ori1c.t. . rnir f ng 11ptthI Rapids, Scoring 18 Points- SulivaHonr tama-. lok'th Detroit Central Takes Third. haf-il"il-i-i-;-. -i-i-i-g utin V.a ...…

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