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May 01, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…ichian r > 1 0 ,.1 < MYICHIGAN MEETS CATHOLICS TODAY Diamond Is in Fine "onidition- Blanding to Pitch for Varsity, Scanilon for Notre Da~me. :SRI9 IiNi'CT'I IGAX, 9 I'' il)AY, Ni NNI lt) ii la !ecWll st o Cotribucte ad W c t~ itc any cxI ae itought) l C )silra~i ' 1 tere- is a la k'iii rc > , l ii s s ' ls m a l il 1)c'i;lliItilist ilo : ii (i l I ii r I t. S a l n FRENCH STUDENTS STAR IN BHARBIER" French Cercie Presents the Most Finished ...…

May 02, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

… "r. i " ' ^" ._. M J v; J Al Su tD f 3 r r.y- i"Z -- . J ,.,, fD ( ~ J, i r- _ . e. C _ _' = . = ;=. m ,, ,, 1 - j . r _ _ , ..,. _ r. -r: .. 'r. -- ._.. -' "" !!. J n" rw ( " 1 J _ , , ,- t"r U :0 0n -I. C:) r11 el C/1) s -1 fi _ _f. Jam: " / l ~. / u .+i f 1 .,,.q -e .,. H. D2 - 2 r 1 ! >J CA) 0~ C' r - _ r f -" r ' _ r _ - _ v C : = _ E r, r+ r . v Y x I 'r r J s s V I r-^ …

May 04, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…fie MC'hl a n I I Vol. AIX. .1XN\ kRB(I, Ill. '11(11'L 'II 'L I)\ 't'. 'i P .~ 909,ti VARSITY PREPARES. FOR AGGIE GAIME Farmers Are Anxious to ['reserve Reputation .- ulI's Proteges Train for Eastern Meet. T i Iwi, P i.\ < i ]Ia c Il a :( lit' llio '" tr ' ;l\ tlt I( r cr c < ,I ltti r rl 0f t '. li Still,.:1 . Ii 1 1 2 fi)) I ('I*"_'~ it ()111i11'1 - llarlti n t r the astcrn cI- s rill: I t. "t fall the cr >ss )"lilt I-% c M1.11Ihe-r ...…

May 05, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…e ichigan Daily %71 VI M. A, C. RELIES ON BUSCH FOR VICTORY Farmers' Batting Hlas Improved; Close Contest Promised This Afternoon; Barr to Pitch Farh IIIth 's i \l I_ C it i t 1 A\\N A I3( JRf, MICffIQAN, \VEID\ ISDAY. M, NAY. , i909. Ale 5itt Batt it v eta il(is ti1ciit Sit tt1 SENIOR SWIN GOUT tte a e nthed it het.U 5 econdi ttsno totUlt. letnI tbakai ENCIRCLES CAMPUS atint roipoUrttilt III se5tt 115 this tutult hat treinoohrSittiulit wh...…

May 06, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…The MIichiganDal .\NN AI ti, 51IM ICIAN, '1IIIRSDA , MAY 6, 1909. 'VOL. XIX. ' c>. 153. FARMERS DOWNED IN EASY FASHION Visitors Blow Up in Third Inning and Varsity Cinches Contest- Class Baseball Starts Today. NI ih st-tint I~di t is i straight from Mi. A. C sc satoningisathe A- gns na aher op-iddgaime . W~ith the exetilin oflith tirdti t iing, ti-ias pae, ad eii naetin g that single wing much har lirthan \V-IaSacttually hese. idd V lfamer...…

May 07, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan D.,I[ V!T N0. XIX. 1\\\ \ll(i ,1k. 1CII Il>', 147~1)\. MA l SNAP C( IN VAF Iwo=Mile Event Fight; Captai Paull's Recor 'I h"v r i ai( ld'Ik, LINTESTS CYCLING THROUGH EUROPE 1IJILMEET Hiram S. Cody, '08, Will Illustrate ils Experiences Abroad. LSIT 1!l~i~i iiiratit 8. ltx all', of Chien;{a, Wtil tPromises Close I i i 1hCI I\a'lIalI 111'1,11 t,'atn011 1 1a "CIyctin', titao 11 n Dull Laying for la ipe" t dc ltea1si II oflte It 'd....…

May 08, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

… 0 C1~ A- x I) r Z N f=' v . l V °. :, ... ro " n.i qf i//.W ( ^ , iY J _. M C, C r" " _ !"«' I- i /, I. v r ^S f . . r, (/: .. 1 r .. r r^; - i r r . , . _ f.,.' ,.. . f . ;" r JC J: rt -r J.< 77~ r s; z H r . - -cc b C-< '!. r: f; 71 _ n 3C. } 77, -pz J r^ f ,' J: . u /, .... ! ; ./ f . J: 1 i--f i r 77 T rt 77 t , , - _ .-. r ~: , ! . (. -' J ,- Jr. 'r. ... _ _ . .. ^' r" rte-. " :.i -' % n r J" . , . 7 _ ~,: r 77- 0co -C t...…

May 09, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…-7 -' -C1 - -'-r-5- - r. ..-v - - . . ._ . . .- . I - _ - . 1 -_ - . .,_ 7" .. C f ... d4 m m v, MA 0 , w c ~ o m .a+ M F.r Q rA M O r. 7 S to t J 1 --- ~"J'd i O i " -S"' . O - d - H .% n.-5 Kr n .. c . - .. -.- 'Jt _. s :, , i , V "' 5 T J: t^^ .r.. o r- 1 t _ l v J 'J ~ f r . r , .. ^' .J J ~ _ . "" - r f J' n f" .-. r . v .... n ._. .. . ^' ._. r r, r __.. tJ n r^ ._ ,_ , :- ! '' _ r .., J. . r ^ -t ... ,= it ^' . - " J ~. r...…

May 11, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…The Michi n Daily kN A )\II C'llx iEll(\IA N I 8l)\ .\Y fY ,ixgo VOL. XIX. No. 1 57. TEAM COACHED FOR SYRACUSE GAMES Varsity's heavy Hitters and Clever Fielders Must Learn to Run Bases-Class Games. Mlichigans ii S 1 (01(00hsell teaImxn retu1ed(ronith011le awfiil beting11ad- niinisiered to the N ote Dmex 011111 flli of "pep" for th three dcax's ii l lxxxa einccgi"the iggregai~iolrepre- sei'ing Syacui. le Srseci croixdi isrpiiiieid to1have1a...…

May 12, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

… 1 .. .. --- G' e - + y r , - , :; . . ., ,r.r _ _ r 4 . :: r . . .y. Q _ r, .:. y = r r t °r .. ..+ - .. :r ' ' v-+ " .-. ' v ._ ' f . __ I, 7 I I I I III ovoo t ^% / f r *y, .,, .= - - ° v ' - c _ _ c f L x . w ° f - r ' L r _ . r ,. .J C "' r . .. ,- I' '.ice .. i J' N G :' "" - ~ v J ~ r ' .J J ^ V J - = '' O f "^ 'r H y J b& . J , ! .+ J M ' ., _ L f w ty __ _ ,,,',, ' .. _ _ .. +_' 't /% 'T ..: t ''f. 'v _ e..,y L_. _ (- ^, J .-"--...…

May 13, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The- VARSITY READY Abrfegtcr o FOR SYRACUSEtoa:teitrls,1< Blanding Chosen to Pitch..First ph icsi ll'ls Game for Varsity -Fresh En.50semi-fOinas. hilltt n gineers and '10 Medics Win. eirIwsno i- \lch ~ ill' tSv-'cs 4:5foeit is tcitcl 00 00 this olftcrot o n er i tt in tfirttst ci cst umetttt s . t gam tat te ateninaer lat ilts Ot Intattwellti tyoti gall ttroocgraounds. ccotngtoo theto re- iootrsidefeateto i t 0 oictitooto of the 0 Sv ttoss Jp...…

May 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN AR ii( li .MhICiI RIAN\. I{941 A, MAY 4, 1909. VOL. AX. No. I 6o. SYRAUSE OSES expeseI ithrop singleti to centeran SY A UELSS pifeiedisecond1.Fotanolm-l with tscrtch thirdadFahr FIRST OF SERIES ohed o Ranb. I1)0th mit toletfo Wolverines Bunch Hits on the ~~Olsn. tweno itiwrthstttttedotIl Methodists, Captain Sullivan ter, sand Olson scored.Snowoos tt Steals Two Bases and Hiome. Power to Sculy retirnthettcside. Sy...…

May 15, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.AX. ANN At1>()ID, 11ICI IC \ c, SA cI~D) ,,, MAY 15, 1'909~. MICHIGAN SEEKS DOUBLE VICTORY Track Team Meets Ohio State at Columbus, While the Baseball Squadl Tackles Syracuse. Ai i ci-nnc lct cii c nn c is vii ifighti i(n r Ctcii todaii on ccii iffcccni battlic cods h ei tiralct:teccii hil ci-gwithliOhio State i iiadu lc 1cii atciCcciiiiiicc-, iwhilc tih cc l~slal t ami -ii ci l empt to make i ccci sir cii ron iS-cc...…

May 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…Thegan Daily _ NN \NBt )i, NI IC'I I( N\ St,; I) DA -Y Y 1, ig)oo VOL. IX.. No. r6§.. MICHIGAN WINS_ ON MUDDY TRACK Captain Dull's Men Defeat Ohio 98 1=2 to 55 1-2; Horner First in All Weight Events. ----- ---- - (Spial toThis5 tch5ian 6Dail.) 5. ii situ ss h c 1 1 -\icigi ; ; track ts 1 its silts ii in drzzing rai w ich i aiit tuls in- c rsdto sisvs.sis Despite tseis sun cit(ill- iht ; a ompi a i ' i 1r tlid )hi1)ts lls i s t placepl sth...…

May 18, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… I 4, I ' E E 1 (, i , ': , I , . '', .,,. i; ,, j JF r 1 Fu-' " , '- ~ f., u, v J . rioz y ~f 77. s J \ nr v _ '/ f f !1 r 1 i } t } ;. , f t 1 ; : ' ' M .- r 'f; 1 Z;,, 1 M. . -1 a+ _ L .:r ""' n U _ . " v;,, = .- e 'f' .. :. '., .., . .y . , . , V 'J .;, ay r.r vi 5. .. _ 'j i 'J .,-+ 1 V i- G f, of J ^) ~, I, ~ .f - f. ^( 'f. T /" .'+ r, t. a a 4 4 b U e e " O a z - - F _ f l 77- f, J l ,.. v i eye .77 tL J cr M J f v 'f F J v ...…

May 19, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…................. No M. 'a IS 0 0 poo p, A A A y 0 zI i r _ r _ '= '' '= z v" .. o , '~. . ..+ .. ;, , .y - r i r " a %" s m . ~ y r "' -: i 1 J V a' . f; .. M v-: : = v ,; ' % _.. f . r s o . ,. , ,-. ~ ,-- w. r; J: _. J J f' ,,., ,.' r - -' ^i J- 'r .. n r-!" ,, n ! 7 r r; r, Ju - J; Jam, i - 'ti I .- ' I " - - 7= { ., r ' ; ^ r f _ ('' r i / J. ' r .-- _ V . r, J, r rte. , / V, "' , .ti ' ' ^ . 'f _.. - - -. : .. - -^ - .te- - '_ ,...…

May 20, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan -ta XN\ \RBOR, \lICl-ll(YA\\ 1111. RSD NkY, MAYNh0,5 1000. N.a VOL. AIX. No. j6-- BELOITERS AND i VARSITY MINGLE' Men From the Badger State Arc Heavy Hitters; Barr Will Pitch for Michigan Today. \hi ciignitwill iteet Beloit this after- uoinsilery field1;it 4:05. The gae kill 1w of1eipeiialit ereit itbecause of he fat thatinthe iswos teims hae not Ionac oteri n sver1 ye-rs. Barr kill ioccupyithenmsunsisfotr the \Woler- ines, ...…

May 21, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Dai \\\ f>(iR . I ICIIG.\\, I IDV\I, Mf \Y 21r, 1909(X.). VjOI L iX. No. I66. MICHIGAN WINS ONE-SIDED GAME Varsity Gets to Lien for Four- teen Safe Hits and Wins Elas- ily From Beloit. Mlichipa aile o ae d8n11p8 (f tillthe(1 8rl ((81psoffeed l (the1r ((((8wit lelItnd81consequently88884on1ly score a 11casl sip uns o 1 r opp'- (l8888 81 . Il1 ti 18(1 ti ing (cet ti einhth. he last 1ill 1(rhe 8S0I (8(888e were((it(1at, at1(lea(s...…

May 22, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The Mihlgan Daily \N \>R1()R, MICHIGA\, SATURDAY, MAAY .22,r1909. No. 167. VOL. XiX. EASTERN TEAM thm whleo fll i P0411 ioslC ONCERTS PLEASE IS HERE TODAY r; 1) ~l~' l>l m; g1(iti r>r 1 LARGE AIJDIENI - - 1 n 2 . 1 e Wnun b t ip e ts, . l t ith ytied"11f'r'irsi Strong Penn State Players Meet'111i i Standing Room Only on Cam Varsity on Diamond; Blanding il 11 the 111 ii0 "'r throw. 4 at Concerts Given by vary on Slab for Michigan. B~lk-nsmo...…

May 23, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…The iily NO. 168. ANN AVK CiI Pt it- VOL. sIIX. ; UNl)AV, Pt 23, t-1909. MICHIGAN LOSES a >;ith l1i~t O~dt ll:))-1tt l'or IN FIRST INNING add h iigtills otilll1le' Comedy of Errors With Wet Balltatlooe odfr; ii ltth s'CO~l baciallmad i r t Stop) itd Olives Penn State Early Lead tlrttDine out t frt. 'arsge of Three Runs. anti "Stlly" walled, btt fll it was lit out t sootilsitIclloi ' t 500i't Pllihig'tit lost titi m siu Stat. Stu t o iistc...…

May 25, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…T he MichiganDaily AN CI'' \kl)( . ITCIIT(5\N, TUEISDAY,. \Y X25. 1900(. No. 169. VOL,. nXiX. BALL SQIJAD GOES EAST'; ANGELL DINNER A RUNNERS FOLLOW TO A CAMPUSPRIVILEGE Faculty Men Debate on the Pres- ___._ .ident's Greatness and Value SulvnsMen Will Qne Estrn nvsin t Woos'ter Todav- of the Farewell Feast. l' i f( cl tl Ll Track Team Expects to Spring a Surprise at Inter- collegiate Meet at Cambridge. a li csc l ip ite games ti xilI he ...…

May 26, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIX. ANN AREOIQ. MICHIG AN, WEDNESDAY, MA-Y 2, 100 r VARSITY BLANKS WOOSTER NINE Bianding Pitches Shutout With (food Support and Gets Three. Bagger-At Corneii Today. . Special to The Daily.]I lisoster, Ohio, Mtay 2s. --ackett by a supporting cast that wobbtledl sut once is the nine innlings a1n(1whtich averted possible (tanger on two or three occa- sions by brilliant work, Fritz Btlanding blanikedl the fast 'Wooste...…

May 27, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…\N\\i 1i'( 1C [ W, \ N,'l H'I'S) \YAlAY 27, 10)_)No. 11 VOL. XIX. VARSITY WINS ' 'fHIG A 'S GROWl FROM CORNEMLL Michigan Takes Second Game of Trip Despite Cornell's Batting Rally in Ninth Inning. e specialtoSnThe IDaily.] Ithaca, N. Y., May 26.- liiehigan eisal- tintied her winning streak today, taking the game from Cornell. 6 to i, after the Ithacans had all lint won the gamle with a strong finish, scoring two runs in the nimtli ining wi...…

May 28, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…The, Michigan Daily NO. t~a. VOL. AIX. ANN ARM11)15,5MI(lCG N. F5:)J) N'. MAY 28, joo). RAIN CAN'T STOP WINNING STREAK Michigan 5, Syracuse 2, Tells Story of Barr's Seven-Inning Game With Methodists. S pccrial ItoiThelDailt.] St-tacit-ec.A. V_ Mta- 27.iMichigai tennireca llinig the gameith tle at- the tittc theagaite itat cllel rtit wast falligt to mtotteIevitl tan in aug of th payrswc c it it ( ii by thetitdown-li Michian gt aw y to a it...…

May 29, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…Th ichg __ VOL. XIX. ANN ABOR, MICHIGAN, SA1TIKI) b', AN kV'a. it '} NO. 173 PITCIIES ONE-HIlT GAME,_BUT LOSES Dean Gives Splendid Exhibition at Syracuse-Varsity's lHevy Hitting Gloes for Naught. [Special to The Daily.] Syracuse. N. Y., May 28.-Syracuse caesehack i the scondi game with tie Wolverines atitdiby grace of oie lone hia ase on halls, a sacrifice, and a steal homite, scoretw so rus, eough to take te gate fromN ichigan. Dean tas doti...…

May 30, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…. ......... . ...... --- lz JC r. r- 77 r _ rVt r. r l f f t"! / wj f !: J: _ _ _ rr f r TZ O O :z 00 Jt , t r J r r e r r s Nadi -I o t _ 'J { a 1 W Y+ f°"B i L M 0 8 s _' 'J f r: :7 1 _ . ( .) . o, < trl ' " i i t i i I F a 141 q. L t c s "ORA i t i _ f rr . u: -t 7 v r e7 r in ' S Y ~ f eT +-. :~ ; r .-, . ' '~ . . _ v "' !!." '-tom 'J. v r rr for . s C p G :r '{ y N v w ^nc~ ' . . y r- :,: ., a f r n s v _ . -. v io j .- _...…

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