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May 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…_ 7:: .. 1: r ,._, ; ' r 7 -' " i l .~ f - r -f .. i O i m , <y c c - ., "" ,. i '" , m v , C V R r: r , , " i {~e { ; . .t . z J I _ tit ..= ti I " ,^,. . ' __ . ;_ - r- u-' ,- - r 7 . r- r I. '_' 7 f ). t' c ,' c O :; rs r 1J - v - 4 _ V A v 4 J J .I w . ell J. u , P7 zb l1 . . n .+. i ', i s r c y .:b 'hw'.... . yr f ',' !_, i = I …

May 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIIGAN DAILY". W oooo00oooosofooso'["I1 F I11C H I OiAN I)AILY.J Eneeda seoi i'it nat i h n *ro I'crutuuu ____ *";t .N IIEt, 1u.E 101 *et Maagn Edior J.SANEYEUEY « T a i l o rIi Bui e s Ma a e L LA 4A1HO PS N * ~~~~ 1~* .I i2 o* t lto --- -_ -__ --C Y E L E .f I Vf l0 * Mngi dn..........-J . IdaNL 1.Y SAL V * THE NE S RIG .I.(,avr arr 1 nrw *, *I.ii ii. C ii I.lii R: THE 1NEW ,PRING .x1.rtieyr iad ii i *Is WO LE S.R A , is ickn C tore ...…

May 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. f+ DART, SCVIAFFNER& MARX Suits, Raincoats, Top Coats atnd STrousers for spring of' 190o5 now ready for your iuspectionu. ZLUT The Clothier, 217 So. Mair St., +4#+ +44 +, ++iof"1-l+l4I-t MACK & COS. TEA ROOM SFOR LNHEN ~Table D' Rote and European .Plan r, Everything First-Class 2n1d floor ...Money Loaned... j On Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry and all High Class Chattel and ('ollateral security. 4 W. J. LOURIM. 104 4th A'e. Oppo...…

May 02, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…11fll MICHIGAN DAILY. WANDAT1 IPHOTOGRAPHER. Study with a Good Light Thereis'no bet TH~E WELSBACA ALL STYLES A" Itte light thant REAI)INI "E ALL, PRICS.. The Ann Arbor Gas Corn A. G. SPalding & Bros. WROIU' \V(W i 4 If tlies OW ellii,' 010111 , ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS r BASE BALL BASKET BALL TRAIN; GOLF BOXING GLOVES To ALBION, M) STRIKING BAGS KALAMAZOO,, GYMNASIUM GOODS On G. T. R A. (0. SPA LDINO & BROS LO. RTE VOWliTES Spec of Comfort )i1 I it...…

May 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…rt lj ; - T ~ L r, = c, '- % T - - :t .... ^ '- ^ - -' : _ - 'f _ - G' G w w C ,-. - z a w r - 2 - " - 'r_ = r - _ - - _ _. J r rv. - r - - _ r ^ ti 77 . r C - - - - - - _ _ - - - r -. _ - 0 r, O m tdl j a r. r I Mn r - r . _ f y' . ., - I r _ .- r-* f. .. ,- - f. f ar -r- t 1. '_ l J y 't (/; /"r ^ N CTPI- …

May 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…T1i MICIIIG"AN DAILY. ®+r.. .r+ oe~w THiA 117C H IJGAN D)AI L. Iu Spring ittna _rn h 7 Flni g ag lii, J. STANLY BAL AY. "" I u irs Mnager, CLAUIE A. Till) PSON. Tailoring~ hUIJTtlIAi SAP: THE NEW SPRING A. XI tioe Hrry itHAdew! WOOLENS ARE9, tIl, (,f A. ) t 1r' 1 t o P T ttgg A 1 ~. , 1P l" 1 retkl".e 1 R IEAD\ A1W tt ill . af' ("thao;.W. Alt-o 1.3s14flltok y Chas. i. %Vlutead J n.tewadty And the Styles arec UiSxIN SriSTF W.I. [s F,. N.tliy. u...…

May 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. B arch fiel d's Fine Tail oing Trade Guarantees... Yon the nut -ikilifultani trt-tic'-service itbehad ant wn ni1 + 55 aa uii a l"tg a n01}tite ti mof-isa iti w oi anicanshow xuit at S ibeatifual ali tt iii i'f_ tint- ini - peet it tiII-1 iurchfilid's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron ,, hI0A(SH AOME;"LSI' P\ SORK HRU iHFS, COMBS, KOAF S, tIsOs Sti03 +RINiwKN i-S, CiI:,S 11 iO unl ican a't a tlt\' -it) t i i fro 110Ai' Cotr...…

May 03, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…sLJG A N DAILY. _a_."__-O-P- "==-- *Studenxts Like Coat Shirts. lhleY's o s y 5' X to slip on, a .11 are1 less Iiable to be torn 1: * launds {wh~(X'bihfrequentiily make 'stoat shslu t of ' the * o ". Ne fe r l~'for qutis ails' a 1(tii s t .$i ,S lic coati * tis wee trl ")ii . <? Cutting, Peyer" & Cc * 109-111 IF.\Washngton WSt. a f $3.50 REGAL S OSThey have arrived and just,.what you want by the otheri sihii Is TANS Oxforus WXDCL PIfiS PAI SKI...…

May 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, M'AY 4, 1905. NO. 151 VARSITY WON HARD GAME MYSTERIES OF THE NILE ' BY TRUSTEES. CONSTRUCTION HAS BEGUN Michigan Defeated D. A. C. . ;ter- Celebrated Esgyptian Mus'eumn las Corresponding Secretary and Treas- (Styms W ere Taken pos'sessio of by day in Close (lame Score j Ben procured for the urer of S. L. A. to be Chosen-- an Army of Workmen Last Was o to 4. County l~air, Change in Electio...…

May 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…tlCIE MICHIGAN DAILY. r " "*+ +++++*+"f""T IE I IC H IlGAN DAILY. SEnterd astsecond-ctl.asntter-at the AAte ,. S rinaArbor t taetiee. S ~ri i gPublished daily (Icnlad a exictelid) darte Tojinrin Businesa Manager, CLAUDII A. I IOAIPSIN. th a;kd ; iy w ty li th iri ,. .iipp the 7 l:n", ! t t v tt vk i in - i is ill ltar igl{t a ltt Ilit l Ilt itl 1i ]))ll ) il ii1 ~f A -ll t l i i- \1l t et he fut ateu w was I -I h~vI" t NI 1111 1 Ill U UIIUI 11...…

May 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC14IGAN DAYO hART, SCHAFENER & MARX. Suit-, Raincoats, Top Coats andC Trousers for :spring of i xoo now ready forI-rinspeijcition. The Clothier, 4L 4444444444i*4+4'"1i4*''''' 217 So. Maini St. SMACK &CO'S. TEA ROOM 9+ t TFOR LUNCH EONS Table D'floteand~uropean Plan Everything First-Class 2nd Floor ,..Money Loaned,,. I(), WtiltxDieamcnds, Jewsil i and all lliri gix(lass (lixanexi and ixtllaxetil entixiit. W. J. LOURIM. 1i14 4th Ave. Oppi ...…

May 04, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…T1lE MiChiGAN DAILY. NEW I:WRAN DALL ISHIPM[NI ARRIV[OD Y r [f INC II AND WAX C t Mlngs't'ip or oes, SStudy with a Good Light A ilitary Heesa and on the 1__________________Ve_____________ ~ ry Latest Ther s no btter light than 41SKL OE LA ST THE WELSBACH READING tLAMPLALSTESTALPRCS The Ann Arbor Gas Company O XFO KD HS - 1 Tan and IBlack brod or Nar- A. G. SPalding & Bros. SEW ROUTE TO KALAMAZOO rnIolite~5t i 1,\-n mS winI l AIlL ITIC IMPLEMEN...…

May 05, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…SThe Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MIAY 15, 1905. No. 152 GRA D AR DETO AY!'OFF FOR CHAMPAIGN. THE FINAL WORD. -~ -~____Varsity Leaves Today for Second Last instructions to Showmen and Clash with Illini Coach Mc- Patrons of the Fair Before the Great County Fair Starts with Gay Pageant This Allister Optimistic. Gireat Midway Begins. Noon-Initial Performnance of Big Midway Y~ra tan i'thu' an .oi rurfi'attr'l Tonight--Lots of ...…

May 05, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…THEF MICHIGAN DAILY. *.....f................ THE II C H IG AN DAILY. Entered asecond-classa t ter atithe Ann iti lIIe jir i~Published daily. od .c tdd a b1 o177 t tlle e ar, at 117 F. Wasinagtonastreet, c CXXX a Old Phoae 82; new Phone 7.111t " ~~Managing Editar, J. STANLEY BALEY. 1 si:1 EDI01TORlS :111 XX Athletics -----------------CLYDEa L. DEW Newa-------------ARTHUR 0.POND'lctN il Fxchaages. .......Jsph Y. Kerr f tl Womn .....a.......Ida M...…

May 05, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. RBurelifield'S Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the. most skilul and artistic service to be had anywhere We always Carr} a large and complete line of seaonable wool- ensv. We have the agency for B~each & Newel's Custom Shirts, and cant -how tou a la rge, beautiful and exclusiveline of shit igs--perle t ltting. B~urchfields Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Ei. Huron s4 4- 4 4, 3 4+44+++4. -14 4st INDIVIDUA~lIY IN GLOTNIIS I t...…

May 05, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…'IHl MICHIGAN DAILY. SStuzdents Like Coat .$350 REGAL$35 Sirt s. They have arrived and just wvhat you want *They're so ease to slip on, and are less liable to be torn lby tbe+ TANS KING CALF * laund vs (which frequently make 'Icoat'' shirts out of tbe otbet P~ISK(INS EVflIQ WAXED CALF suit). WXe offer for quidk sale a lot off I.'50 sadoe cat shbts .UIUU~ this wnek for $i.Io ATENT [LAMEIRS )j ININAL LEATHER All Styles and some Styles you have n...…

May 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…04 UI 0 i ' H a Z I 1 C I rra M { -, i { ' p E I H ! n i U, H I I Z! , i f-1 i,,. i I I I ii ! t' " , 0 a W - a r ' ' J ':ry . rf. . r f,.,. ^ ^ t ^ ... f " .r r '/. !. .. l ''' . 'f. . ' 'f. .r --. . a / J f . :f r .., r 'l. r E u :., t r "^ y ' y '43 --l T a . ... J ,,,. ^ :. .: .-+ "T "r ' " = ' ' +-' ..T > :TS Q ct ti i Ci ' j Qt t--+ "-^" . '. L "j x ,. r JJ 'J = i. , = ^A L".. , -' . r , _, , , 'r r -". ;y 5 Z 'Si r } ' c3 y > r ^ 'b 'L7...…

May 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…rHE MICHIGAN DAILY. af H H . THE i'IICHIGAN DAILY. - c- t l 1S Nt iN Filtt d aeo-iy iiia se piel)datheinn iiti ltt it I ft fromt ag e one.)t rin g Argi~g Edits, 3 . ANE BLE. tit tl h NIttk t i itt .i * t lhe i ly - - - - a e C LYtDE I. g hew Nol ews - - - -A17 s nash.gton ii i-il ii an i i ii lc i Ec honge s. . . .inew hone 16 ii T a ilo r in g i NoAsiness M ng.CLAUDE A.IOIPS N. SON sict i READY tiit llpal} t ih iI til t il Andetcs-the----Styl...…

May 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. .HAR~T, SCUAFFNBR & MARX MACK (Q CO. Suits, Raincoats, Top Coats anidie I 'Trousers for spriug of i go,5 now Summer Shoes for Lde read} for your iuspection. DOROTHY DODD'S ______Inallfashionableleathers,_black & colored 217 So. MainSt.$2.J0 $3.001 $.5 **++++++ +*.Sl+++.l.++ I ...Money Loaned... 011iWatt lie, laccIOInd-c. JC iilr and all Moil Clas UCiatel andti "llaiCe-al SCeCeiti, W. J. LOURIM. 104i4th Ave. Oppiseie Cao- st...…

May 06, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…'l? MiciiGAN DAILY. P H O T O G A P H E K _ ._ r M Study with a Good Light = T here Is nohttert ig}ht thant THE WIULSBACH RUADING LAMP~ ALL STYLES Al ALI. PRCS} T he Ann Arbor Gas Company. N[W SNIPMENT ARIUVED huRNCH AN D WAX CALFj Wsings Tips or Plain Tones, Militarv IHeels. and on the ciry latest SKIElTOE AS F ~TIP~L ii It I ci o XrF0 D S A. G. SRaldiug & Bros. ~WRUET AAAO ~rn' e l ATIHLETIC IMPLEMENTS ?ALS"' M r BASE BALL BASKET BALL TRAINS...…

May 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…M- 0 - zCa s .a a a a G L L i v F- c a, v Y= «r .f .f J L y L ,y L =r + L , n .~ °S zy.. S w T ~ f: z t i f. :r 'l: "' y ,w V -V r A flVS3 AV -, V y C^ r+ w- V f f A t r - r L w. v CJ ;,1t} r L. -^ r -. "J J J : 3 J. ,J Z L _ vv J u5 J S-r .J 1 w r 3S O47 Q J '.~ f, -. _ v, 'f. . /, -' X 0U 0 ,. 1 z 7) -4 ', r-1 -\ 2w W- _ r .... -- '.G ; . , .r . . r _ r. 'I: wI Z 0 yy . (\ 1 VI I i, j; ' I .. 1 0 ' + O O w3 r1 : IT .=r r.?4 0r 'J) . t/:37 t ...…

May 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…i =W 0t p W C} 00 a r. m G.? C C C C y t4 tD v O y pl* t0 tS? 0" Q t 3 C m .. 0. < 2 G_ t L Z. :. 'C :0 l ( ' ' rr t t t t 0 NEW cr -:I I +. I T T ;r 1 a's i4* .r4I "a ' a" i 4w4X 4T.+4.' T *44.I C':" i ir - s ' . r"' room v~vZ- =r i. OWN 00 r~+ C.Z . ci tt*4- 1 ~U I'+.44+44 ++4++4+4 I+4 __p __ 4. = _ ~ ~ 4. U - CA -u -~ ~ = : -~ ~ : Ct = ~ oc~ I~~t44444*444* 4. ---I ---= , ycy' + // + =z' lY r 1 J i X= f7 1 :f { / F r _7 i 1 i ' 1 ' {i i 1 d ...…

May 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…"'HE MtCtGAI4 DILY. B.3urclbfield's Fvine Tailorin Trade Guarantees... Y ou the nost skillful and artistic service to he had anywhe. We alwvays curry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- S ens. Wex have the agency for Beach & Newelos Custom Shirts, and can show youa large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- , ings-'perfe'ct fitting. Blurchfileld's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Li Huron HOAG'S HOMEi SUPPLY STORE Ofier, at -Mouxlex cuin...…

May 07, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…TITIF MICHIGAN DAILY. " r®..s ®~ N N Ii + r1N r Stusdents Like Coat ' I $3.50 - $3.5 * ~Shirts. T'hev have arrived1 andI just w hat you want Thley're so eas to slip fa daels lal ob)onbyte TN IG C l ondilr v 1Ii sfrquets}il makIe oat" hirst 01 of01thle oilr"# 1 6 KN x oW DCL f ot} xW ' ferfrquiick le. a t of $1 si vloe oat shirts ~IN ftiwekfI.ooOxfords W1TUS L.AMOIAL LAIL All I ty iso and sometleH s 5outha- ,c not seers before Cutig Ryr# o.~Pau...…

May 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…,The Michigann Daily VOL.. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1905. No. 155 VARSITY FIELD DAY. MONEY FOR UNION. j GARRISON FINISH. MADAME BLAUVELT. Ilen Will Glo After Varsity Recordsi County Fair Committee will 'Turn Michigan Wins Game with Chicago Fainous Soprano Who Has Won to Win Pittsburg Alumni (her a Big Sum for the by Scoring Three Runs in Eauropean Distinction to be Medals. Club House, the Ninth Inning. ( lHere Friday. ''cd 1 t "l ...…

May 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…THIE MICHIGAN DAILY. f+ f. N~o + " eN THE 1'IlC H I GA N D A IL Y . 2 ASirii ii 1tcr *Puisthed daily:(Monday e irietidduring the coVllege p17i: ~. ::g:::t tret Oid I'Lir o t:nwPhn 6 Tailoring ~~~~~Mantaging Editor, 3. STANLEY lOALEY,. BunesMagr LUEATHPSNEDOR f Athletics P:L .ylE .PPS it f N ws-----------------Axriu v . P. OUNDP Fxch es ....... ......... o s .Her Women- ...........Ida SiN. iBrowrigg :THE NEW SPRING . WOOLENS ARE READY A...…

May 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I ~ct4 t4~4 I: 1~1114 HART, SCHAFFNER & MARXS Su its Raincoats, Top Coats andi Trousers for spring of iqo> now ready for yonr inspection, LUTZ The Clothier,, 217 So. Maink St. MACK ft Co Summer Shoes for Ladies i DOROTHY DODD'S I JANSSILE' Itn all fashionable leathers, black &c colored $2.50) $3.00) $3.50 '+t+I+ .4+*++++++i+4+.i.4+ ...Money Loaned... On twatclei, itatuloldsJ over and all iH ighltSSailatc and 1Collateral Sec...…

May 09, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…31' H4IGA D IL . . , I ANDALL P H 0 TOG KA PH E K 1 I F'.. ' 1 , y ' ,.. , -. : ' P .. m m I TY; ; ,... . - Study with a Good Light 4 IThlre is no btrlightl than THlE W ELSBACH READING LAMP1 ALL SYLES Al ALL PRICE~lS. The Ann Arbor Glas Company. A. G.SPalding & Bros. IdEW ROUTE TO KALAMAZ 11 Id ,. Official A11Io414 - 41p41o> L f ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL TRAINS EVERY HOUR GOLF BOXING GLOVES To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE ORE STRIK...…

May 10, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…* - *- oor (A I No I - --I t _ z v "j' .! ° t r '^, _ -- r '' i ..: y "' p c3 r 3 y,, i._ t.C :.: "r . 04 w~ r v C a; f v u s rtrY v L ! -s 10Q RJ 1,,n 0 ~O 1 " / - . te y _ r, Cr Cort'0 "rU r. .. f J - 0 . f - 7 7 tc ( , , "/ . r t ,i r J J ^ 't . hJ f w :f -.... .. J r -7z: 7Z:. C J r- - -L--C-- - - -r -r- _'- -L- -r- -%- -s -t -;z - - - ~ - Z ~ 7 7= --- - - …

May 10, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 156) • Page Image 2

…THlE'MICHIGAN DAILY. +: + + +.r+ . THE .f1IC H IJAN DAILY. IEntered as se cuo c i,, matterat heAnnc f 'ubisheddaily 'iondaycccccil Ic i,,'nthec colegeyea. a 11 EWasingtonsret Ol iiitoe s92;rnw 1Ihont Mana~gin.g Editor, J. STANLEjY EALEY. rinal Business Mana.ger, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. THE NEW SPRING ElI'lORIiiL. STAFF: AM Al, raver iarry If. Andr I. Waie Jacyne WOOLENS ARE Orgi A SSbCr 4IATE i.iS g READY iA.cH. ld ler Haod. Smtith Hugh Alle Will ...…

May 10, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 156) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Bur bhfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the mosit skillful and artistic service to be had anvwhere. - We always earrN a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ens. We base the ageney for Beach & Newelos Custom Shirs and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive fine of'shirt- loigs- perfect fitting. Burchfields Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 Li Huron HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STOkE (ffer, at Molomc Sasvlng Prices....…

May 10, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 156) • Page Image 4

…T IlE M ICHIGAN DkiLY. Stujdenvts Like Coat ~$. Shirts. '[hey I T'rre so easy- to slip on, and are less liable to be torte by tite TANS landy i't u is hiclt freluenltly mnake cloat' abhirts out of tlte otherie ISNs "l We otier (orquick 5sale a lot of $t.I - svalue ciobt Is IGKN tis we for $ot oo. PATENT I Cutting, Reyer & Co. 109-111 E. Washington Wit. OHOE $3.50 have arrived and just xx'hat you want I KING CALF uxfordis WXDCL 1 IUNA4lINAL LEA...…

May 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…II=3 CD =- = - m = .c 0 J r. r /. J i' r, 1. 7q, 1 - = 'J i tv ! _ _ 7 . 1 : ° _ . _.. r f v !' f.. _ r , ,-. .. n -,. , -., . . mo - _ a . y r i d. r c -.: , ' a a _ - (y I. :J .,. .., v - :, J" f %; . (D As r 0. "t J^ f' J. j ,_ 1C C 0 II - . U' ' - f. r is - i J^ . '-- .J. I. f 1. I J- f l _. 'n ot: n i. j. f' i I, f: - "' .- _ f Si r ~, r r , r .. j f, ' -' r, r.. . '/, it '.-ti ;-; ' = (': ~ !', ! r y=o- "" ' . ... f; r.+, .J ' l / ~_, f,...…

May 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…THiE MICT41GAN DALY. r +, + o++ +++''THE 1"1ICM lOGA N DAILY.1 I Managinog Editor' . STN E BAE1 uai onifl IBusiness Manager, CLAUI)E A. HMPtN *4 Athle'.'s ('--------- 1,Yl'1 . 1 .. lo * News -------------ARs'111' . O UND. 0 f1x7hgs1o .'. .... ... oph Y. CKerr Women. .............Ida bl. 1Brownr'.I1i :THE NEW SPRING AM kI'TORIiAL 11 1'V1: 'WOOLENS ARE Oose A 1 ai.tb$ay .ine '.1'.1.Frnkin . Pat Is ' . .EarVle.'..1e. .11'. REDYA. 11. Ortineoye'r ...…

May 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 101.'**a~~ I+f~l f4#t a*' + + + .s a d i 1'*' + ++*i'''';" **a-+' *t'1 i'1' 4 ' c ''ii '* " t HARTISCAFFNER & MARX $ Smtiii Rainc oats, Top Coats and + 'T'ronuseror lospring 0f 1905 110W re -o n orinspection.j LUTZ'The Clothier, 217 So. Makiri St. 111+* MACK (Q CO. * Summer Shoes for Ladies $1DOROTHY DODD'S JANNESSMILLER'S $2.50) $3.00 $3.50 S..M nyLoaned... ickt i l ~i ti a }.ci'itO Business Sic.tly- ConfidentilI. ENOCI4 D...…

May 11, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…HEMICHIGAN DAILY. P H OTOGR A P H E R ,; - N[W SIN[ENI ARRIV[D Study with a Good Light There istnobbtter light than e THE WELSBACH READING LAMP ~ tl ' ~ ALL STYLES AT ALL PRICES. > The Ann Arbor Gas Company.OXF KDS -~ -"''"""'" '~'''""" '""" IN iI ii rNA i FIiNCHI AND WAX CALF WVings "lips or Plain Toes Mtilitary Heels and on the Very Latest SKr.TOLE LAST j4.0 , ....rcy. Ss>v < ;t /}y t_ 1 H? t '} T 1". ~ T A. G. Spalding &Bros. Itr'gtnuf sact...…

May 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…Dail VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MIAY 12, 1905. WISCONSIN TODl AY. Badgers Appear at 4 O'clock in First of Twoiame Series 1 oth fear-s Mlay Use' Star Pitchers in Today 's iame. No. trS ELECTION TOMORROW. Election of Board of Control of 1906 Michi ganensian No tOpposition Except in the 11 dical Department. . ,.;,:, ; ,.. _, , ; _ 5 =M %;; ,. 21% I I:ut 1l'tl : I,:i 11. 1 !. fart 1 i11:1n. 1:. (}:11'I111 'lit liartill. '1 1 1 a1 1111 'tl ...…

May 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…'IlE MICHIGAN DAILY. :..s*..................:TIHIE 11 IHlAN DAILY.! ' Sprng 'tlselr iy(lodyeopo~~rn h T I 9 ) Managing Editor, J. STANLEYBLE."11!i - * Athiiii'i- - ---clyl)E1. I)Fw f*VN a'----------AxecTmC.0. lor1ae t f : i e .............. . Ida A.M ronrg :THE NEW SPRING A EDI~ITOI'iAL. STAFF: 1.Waite Jaye )<1 WOOLENS ARE l~ll ,clYASSOCIATES5p. ug e' READY t'rakin C.Pa i . Eale Ogle. .. ltf 1 A. 11. Ortmye Haroid C Sitoh Hu4ilgh Alle Xil(2. S...…

May 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y. IB arch fiel d's Fine Tailoring.a Trade Guiaranitees... 'oh a nwen You the nest skillful and artistic srvcetobl hd nyhee We ale v ca - ll ar land complete l neoseasonablewol ens. We, have he a,' 'x for lBeach c& Newel's Customo Shirs andl can ow oe beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 L .Huron ; HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY STOREr Offer,1 at lo .1ny (Svin, P ies.., BRUSHES, COMBS, S...…

May 12, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…CHI A NDAIL. 4r ****4 44'4~*4*4O4 4 * 4hyr ocs o,1I .,a dae- t 1.)0t onb l i i j , , They hiave arrix c antd just xx hat you vanlt 4 O thio is wek ttSi Oat~ shits ii Iit of pth tcller Cutting, 1eyer & Co. 109-11llE. XX i-bin toxi St. 4s Si 4 ®4 4j 4I 4' 4, 4f TANS pIfiSKNS AXl .-~ hI~ All style;; addsonic zst -s(ua iisnolt seei"before WAX,\G CAL .pJ Pickwick s4 1g f 2 BOW IN AL EY 1 1 tilL~tNLOO10 0 10t . t 31 St-iictly t~sto ese.Spcial R,.2k....…

May 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL,. xv. 9ADGERS AGAIN VICTIMS. McAllster's Mlen Win lwelfth Con= Eecutive Victory- -ichigan, 4; Wisconsin, 3. h lic to the <I:III vv( i f , r ~ u :1 itlici l~ui rv1~~ 1:tt h( iil \\<i ' lt ( o wtl c l(cc tll' hits, ta-' ( ii ~ (11 r !! l1 f ill an( 1,1,(11 (1 \\ :11( th c(i ;t c \1 i ch tl itir l liii h~ r t\} cit l~itililill luin I lii \clsatr~.n tWO Co li,,in n i iII il ti t1 i iW llS :i care Iii ii itti :11.(h \ntill1 2...…

May 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 2

…I1 31a: -ITCiiiGAN iikiiQ '"inrnrManaging ditor, J. STANE AEY BuinesMaagr, CAUDI-A. TiiOIPSON. Ailn' A Cciii1. * le ............ Ida V. (~n iii' TH NE*PRN HV i)ii i~. 'liaXi iile : H E PIG:Al M. iCrr arry Ii. Andrew. : WOOLENS ARE A (CIAiltI' READY , 1;.Orlip lrHarod (. it St le * CIS:,..I'.istead JtuioniliWeadoo iAnd the cStyles are A Ban(, *larnceE. lid: BUSINESSli.X TAF Unusually Handsome. wIt. IiIaris E..N. lacy J.. E. Fetzr A. 11,.Iius * ...…

May 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +. ..4 .. . . 4"l + 3dii4.'Yf 4 ' 7Tri T7i'tli T +t44., 6 o P D P P o yi a IL HALr, SCIIA iNR&MAI'X~.M C +'tits Ratinots. 1liup Coalts all( 4. o Ijouer for spring f r < <> Summer Shoes for Ladies reay oryor itliiltiiatil. ...,DOROTHY DODDWSt LU Z The Clothier 4HANSM1LE' 4H+ 4 + +++ + il+4+ +++++++ +*++** ++ 4. - --........--.. ... . + H44.4.4.+i.++4.4..4.4.+4. .k...4' I...Money Loaned,. On Wattches i> tamnds. Jewelryat...…

May 13, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 159) • Page Image 4

…TiHE MICHIGAN DAILY. WA WA RNDALL I PHO TO G RA P HER I I / '' oool!k Study with a Good Light Threis no better light thano THE WELSBACH RIEADIN ALL STYLES AT ALL PR~ICES. The Ann Arbor Gas Conr ;G LAMP L o pany.{ A. G. SPalding & Bros. . 5 tManiatuorsi (h W orotfic ilAtihleic'Supiplies ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYAINASIUM GOODS A. 0. SPALDING & BROS.. The Faculty of Comfort is10 isteofthe goodu...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…(,, r^ . (~ ' ,T 1 - f ... r ,,,,., (" I . f. n. r i- n -- 'i : r:. ' : , r, ^ +; ,1 . t. P: n "*--' _ '" =. r r r " ' r , f O :5 71 . ! C f. _ r FJ lam. Q" c-t- ' -' l; r} ': .- _ J C ,r" .. -' _ _ .. r* ^.." r: r; C: r f ' , ,. f"'. f..: .rt _ . ' Y, Y. rr J - i l , ' 1, i .=i 1.; v ~ f, ; . ^,..,, f r. n " , f "'. ', J, J .J . :f. ten,,, -- . 7= f, r 1 i. r 1 r i. r ly J t - f '! - rr-r G i + r- . '- ± W . r. r; - i y'- a y " u ! i! J pp . ...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ooo~oooooooo0 0 'r[H EF11ItC H lOAN DAILY. ISpring Arbr 'c i 1i I i'lisii e.d ii. X i 41 a too it curnnth * t.i ro ati i11?1. %VXs)oiniitunoostreet it~l 'oot s9:! t0 'ion i. T hj, Managing Editor-, J. STANLEY RALEY. IRI~rlnoBusinss uManager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. t< * swl o +; tl'110'lioi *NeVws - -iosig :THE NEW SPRING VORIIii1, .STAFFl: Ade *A. 111, Graverlarry I nrw WOOLE S ARE1. WiteO Jayne Geiorge A.0-POsbon Arthur T. Ou...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…t4 II 0 U N ,. O 3- r- z 0 r, O J _ J Q Sul 'J 'J 7ZZ 7:: J 7Z: I J f, . f \f J .+ _ ..: - . r. _ Mr r. __ - r. r. - f... i .J -- 'J .--. . . J " 'J r .. f r y ^r - .f ' "' $-a 1. i 02 a x n ,. y -- - :r , z _ _ o ::. - *t fi 4 Z' ; V; 'L ' ' - __. - r _ - H " F- .. O y j- : ^' 1. , ,..., /. W J ! I . . f. Il ' ,. ' ' _ ... 'I. .. .-. i .. .. . …

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…: i- r, : f -" r . J - 7. H C .. 1 (.V P 7 :r - _ r "y r I- J: _ _ r r } - , '^f,, r _ r !; . j, _ _ I r ^ r. ... r- f f .,, J. .. , _ l .. -..' " J ''' f, I v u A v r - u . r , , . ,_.. '! f: ..t 1=. r, e-* h y _ r .y .u - .. V f ' - .f ~ v r. 1. .j r f J- r JY 1 J r . J. . . ^ , J r '_' V ,J r r ~ r f. jJ r ' - ; . ., r I= rr r . .. . f. f "j~ 11 .r f r i. r f T i / ~ -- f. f. J, r _ ^ :f, a J .J . 1. 77 r r " J. r 1 f Q ."" y am-, _" '._t _...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 SBuielifield 's Lie1J-loin Trade Guarantees... You the most killfal and latistic aserviceto ho had anywhere. Se alads cam- a'e acid comleIte. lint of seasonahle wool- en.'Weh at 'iv a I Reach &NewenlasCustom Shirts, and cn so o a batilad excluasve iineof ahirt- Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron INDIVIDiUAUIY ;IN CLO 1iI[S It's lililt I alitot 1 G a t 11 s t l* on '' 1 oo in voII u-lle youhavoonila osl...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…il-IF MICIHIGAN DAILY. + Stf.denvts Like Coat Shirts. Th'rht e so easy. to slily on, andI ire less liable to be torsilby t * 1 i .idr} . (whichi fr 'equtly inake coat'' shirt s out of the otl *sortt. We offei for quicik slie a tot of S . anue coat sii Cutting, Reyer & Co. * 109=111 E. ashinigton 5U. a $3.50 SOS$3.50 f tie *j rts 9 f f 'i 1 TANS PIG PAT Ph, [Isk ey have arrived and just wxhat you watt UNS NT LLAIHLRS Oxfords MNI' AXCALF INWIINA...…

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