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May 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 1

…Ije U. Of , n. WalL VOL. 1.N.145. UN\IVERISITY OF IMICIIGAN, IFEIDAY, 1MAXY1, TIS91. PRICE, ToH-E- CENTS. RAVING the experience of College Oratorical Contest. Tse programmei to-night wrill bie: the voting orators to-night uwill tare a fair show hr a fall attendance.I Let everyhodr he present earls, as '92 Lit Versus '93 Lit, Musi.......... Caequmte til.the diiors sit 'I"tle I- t tt i .ThodreKiii e" eah speec. I etp f joiisini IitlPiitliemAteia...…

May 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 2

…P TI Wi THE U. OF M. DAILY. XJ f O '3M . Re view puts it "root for Mr. Gorns- o lYCnth otCAprvdU.o A E T T T 1 C Y A E fashsion."' Every courtesy shioiilsI WE WILL FOR THlE NEXT FOUR, WEEKS ublisertDil(uii ndae-s exrepted t uring b2 shiowsni the visiting orators. Nve !Offer ive tons of paper of all kinids to tie sold by the po(und( at regula HEU tO .INDEPEtNDET ASCAr, ON isthe ( .of M . to sin ,of v oiirs, Nill rates. iry- our Crown Impterial ...…

May 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Of Y O ld . fM.soudhave a ie11dub i teI Sw nivrs~it of M ich i an Guitar. aen o outinterested il the abvt i slei t, ind tl hav Prices lowest, Quality highest. Gluaranteed every inch of the road. Violin aid Guitar Strings, to cts.; Bianjo and Mandolin strings. 'tade tltetli a sj teciril sty1 wis ol u 01woutld call and see whatt we .5 rts. Every tig int propiortioni. liv. W Ply W' tlt'Itt~t 'til iti ...…

May 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 145) • Page Image 4

…THE LU012M. DAILYV zrz F~C 1WIO iiI sOIOLE KIZIO'xozo . TILT _ SOAPS TIME TABLE. 7lIttlf ittlriii r lipt li'he roo t l thihm i n i 0 tl i t" , i t iNFW ')itt{. ,' s , I 11-%iNIi [ 7., , K, a nd 0 M ~ ~ siio l ''e tit 1w. GCitton +.O,0' G 1 1/ 1 1 +- .-- lS.Ni~lI-S, 1:.U! S pitg i . to NN . O 1ifititt, I tx>ttotit a c, t 1 E I nile soap. ai: it(GtItitaills 11(1 ss to, ..t 9 1.,5) 1).m. Oiii, 0 a itiioi at lthe List Lti ant heatl- C C 3 t...…

May 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of Al. WaiIp. VOL. I--N O. 146. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, SATURDAY. MAY 2, 1lf)1. Pics.,, TimiEE CiENTS. As CS GORM1bEY \V1NS. THE U. OF M. ORATOR TAKES' FIRST HONORS. J. P. Adams, of Northwestern University, Earns Second Place.-- Four Good Orations. A "Rattle of tse Orators" lastj night's contest may lbe very appro-j priately termsed. Fosur of United States' leading educational institu- tions have niarshialled their oratori- cal forces; t...…

May 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'Zc. of 'Z1F. ITaity. Pstairhs i l- St undayiis excepted) uing s hc'olege yarn b 5. lbespeak goodsuppiilort Sr the ninie this atternoiion in the sape of a5 lark attenanie t the Fa'ir Grounds. T1gmewilnt be one-sidedas(ll t t 5tura 5155a , hut loth tas r o hi r nttle. and the ohs nut toss e et 'toi miakue it e(cItg -wam f r ousr teamsi 'iii rren 10o 1eortria cn test last c nsi iiwasia greatt meiii desertves paiefoitenoleIno ...…

May 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTIG O NELIGE SHRTS I f Old IT. of Mv. shold have a OUTIG O NEGIGE 8HIT8. University of Michigan Quitar. Youitate no loub~ttinterested iintealiove line, aitd astwe have lPrielo estQalit highest.(Guaranteed evey ichhoflthhiroadI Volin ma GutarStrings, it) cts.; 1anjo and NIandlinStintgs }tade then a spcil stud' wish Slutwouldl tall and see hat we iits. 1isert thing i proortton. ave. tWe hPsi 1w we tat llease von anrd sae tt ...…

May 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…-IE [t lQ M. D)AILY TII-7 - 7 T7-1j 2 _ i IN o I T ilzt i t, l . M LOLE IZICIZI7 I IOIO TOILEI -=SOAPS B. . L f;1'\, R} ,( Ot, n g r ii ac1 'II 'y"lA 1 it l, ii, al11,~ i lliili~o' ftl 7'rolloml l'lai.14 iih(ltenls.i1al':311 1i ill. NI& ads Leaii' NN (\ilttit, froi-a ourt Iiilo, at lTheall ra tlii lii i t '( l ltll ilA'i"IN15 II.5 PIIRTANI)i-otand 1.10, :..50, > t.s p. a il~ ligisii. '55..5, I ii loi in m tfasiit e betfil(aly h al C~i" TG7]{ti...…

May 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…Ij~c t.tof Al . W1ail VoC~. I.-Ni.. 14T. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MXNY 4, 1iS I. PICE, TiiRts: CENTS'. OBERLIN DEFEATED, run. Iwo r seventuth il Laid out in Oratory and hle Score, 25 to 0. About 1 000 studeints wet to5 thills libise Fair Grounds yon Saturdas'- i to Sitse1e See Robinson strike out si xteeni 01ik adfi the Oberlin players. It will s tn]ule t01111) intierestinillgaste becautse ott ie~. t I ,sIe Te tomte team ba...…

May 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. cc. of 1T Published Daoily 1(Sunday~s ecepted) during the Colilegre teat, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sutbsc'riptio i c CI. 0 p er year', invariabtly iu odtt ' na Siltt ote it-s .1ce ts. Io 'sle lat Snt t < anlit'i Yhe tttt littitnews rstan a t 1 teffcofTHE DU. ,o . A ILY, IOkt editAors. Mili o'clit I'.tont. t thyaet ap ar hen day Addttit at t t itIdfrp bia tt i ton llt e .Manag ing I-it tt. l ttltr:s Nti-I', ti...…

May 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTIG ORNEG IGEESHIPT8.Of Old U. of M. should have a You Univer ity o Michtigan Guitar. Xuare n11 oultitro ntheaoeln, ~nIa 5 io ties lowest,0(dualty highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Volin tid GuidtrStrinigs, 10 eta.; Blanjo and Mandolin Strings, mlade tle i pei a l s0til ud , wishi you wouldl call and see what11it 00 5 ts. Everytltitg in proportion. L. II. nft e e lave. 'te 1011w wee cain please you and sire you n...…

May 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…THE V k hi AILYI c . OILET - -SOAPS TIMhE TABLE. 7Iit tttlf( tt llfotsiI ii 4 t t oftihesin )ti'tin with h 105>15 N, Nt It' 1tit~i. [t . 5 t1 II1lt 5 t 0 , 1, U I a l~ , 15 10.N5, .tt at i I Sot505. ~ s Asil si~.5 t(tttii i .'i . tL II / ~ tot.10, ,t.:111, '1 .,111.5 1.5,5 I . . sisan l t IfA , Is tit( s t i rl l it Its I~ 10;0Z WO iti Vabastt Ate . i ~lu l est Stat site foI liIttiils t..515 tt tt orit t it H l ist eet B~. F. CLftRK, Ma age tS...…

May 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 1

…lIjc 19. of su.l Wail. V. U I-\o. 14-l-. -U-IVERLSITY OF' MICIIIGAN-, TUESDAY, MAX3, 591 S 11zit2, Timm. ; G ENTS. THE ATHLETIC FIELD. A Description of the Grounds and the Grand Stand. If anycone had venturedI to Pe- dict, at the b~eginintg of this collsege )'ear, that the long- talked of ttniiting of the three athiletic associations wounld b le accoiiiplisliecd, that ove1 fil,ooo for a gym inasium ouldc011l raised, that the 1Regenlts would tr...…

May 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. * elusion immediately.IThere is no J. f .,. 111jf doubt but that the foot-bal ac f' nx aladtefallsrs will00e Polibed flaly (sif0 or -seeted)(uing-toohell 010 tte nt00ied)I0s o th olg er iyTHE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ;juite as p~roblet0tha t thelte (1 itwill be ready for1use Carlls inthe Susi pioip ice$'1.0)eye aroo.i-rilbly Obttit can lie )c tot ,ata y ae inadal o in t o(pisto.. ceis.. Is Mie lt tleeacls mot ...…

May 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRTS. Of Ol U. ofM.ilodlava iii .University of Michigan Guitar. Siolinanid (GutariStringi.s, I0 ts. IBanijo and Ni indolin Stritgs, de themiii "eiaU ~ lill, l Viii s o old calIlicInd (see twat NvI :a(ii. Ittrytiltin injpropiortioni. '. We 1.nmvlitwietcaIplse V1101ld 1 ol Vi ~l 10 t :'t. ~ I~;it ILLTlTL IIO&OGI 0 li a THE TWO SA~ L_ 3 13A'Z. Aln ArOP Stu llb~llqrY, VOORHEIS &DITS WETWR NTH IY ORK CALLEDF...…

May 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 148) • Page Image 4

…r'H-aK U C: { 'vM-DAILY! ---T - , "2 'a "'217 ('2 TIME TABL., 'lireI'lloil , 22112 lntw ti. 1"'.~.1, .71.121 I7..,'K (1 11 21.A 6 . '. t 2 t . 2p1ac 2,1-,l. ANN.1 .NON11, lii, 1.221 11 ,t)-c2 .2 111.5-7), t. tit- and 1.111 13. F. CLARK, Manager 1.2 LA21'21.IAa1, 2. 1),1.5,,.1 4' ill 1112 111 1111: 14 111' 7 t~111 712)7111;. ' c)4) 1 21 1 . i ns \ 1 Sunday1 will . st1 p The "Ashby Special)" ,Ashby,"l "Oxford," 'H o'zvai'd.' Sl1'l 11 11111 o 1)...…

May 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 1

…I~ Uof Al. m1ill Vol. -- i 14di THE SYMPHONY CONCERT. A Large Audience Listened to the Pine Music. There were over 2,000 iveopisi ini 1'Itiversitv IHall last cveenie'g It tvas, a birilliant aissemiblage, eveeiesf tress ibeiii" thle rule rither than the oUl~hiy enjoved cii n fiolie he lihera iapilau ise. The symiphion in I flat ws t eei ved ithi mooe erai- he~rs, thy list iioiviii it, thy /Iiisvs bing pa rticularl 1fine liv \l s w ho hevardl th...…

May 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF " IJbeenu //usl ''"li1off "thett is tite ~C of 11~( 1 iF~ timte for the studen lts to (demnand htis F THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION x tt11.'crilltic/ll price Ixur }'("alr, itlff ariably- f to uduaIlt'e gill" e coltlos: cents. ()n stile at I Sneenan n nna nst ()11kv news t;t:md at 12 Weloek, ncioll. Istihs "ril)tions tray I)(, (.rt at the c>lliee of the 1)A I LN', ()Vera 110U-V 510(-k, al whceiI:IIC=, at stctllct' , or % ...…

May 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF MC. DAILY OU1TING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8.Unvp YOUnlt(('0 nIdonhi i(II~l'0l(')el i thie above00 inc.and 2ao we haveo 1000 e51(1«f' V'ilin1111(1l 1,1vc. W e iii)' wo01'i'Otplc , a ll( I 01)1 11 ' (otI1 111110 'i lt1Ii1. .M inf. )f Old 1U. of AM. 'hould have a Sity of Michigan Guitar. t.(1aiyhighest. ( Itlaltteed every inlch of the r'o:d1 Guitar1 O rlrrg, 10) ('l.;IBanjo a1111 .\IalItdcltr il ohs. X, t i l gi l l p .(E t i o n . I I i L G I...…

May 06, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 149) • Page Image 4

…777-C7-L kO. tee a s : TOIL ET --SOAPS NE1''lIil{, I1.1 I i, 'II" 1 a ,11:1}t.S ao i aa' l sa i' sal I I,('-:NG :IS,:.I' SSpira Stre{(_ I. l 'l'a N N i1 i.'.1 . .'H, from a 7, lfm , i The Acaacat al l ts i',. tall It 13. F. eLftRK, M n Ieillit Nih t the fal kan's.asI ('a' Manll,'l il '~ aiger i~ IS . O n.I. as;2 iIZIOa GoAdy OLr' s on. AP 00. 501111-Atilt O'aal'oIM, from CourtiI1ous , at and all lea 'a.l5' l'lorl IL. OGCQDEPT17L ' i0TKI Pas li...…

May 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 1

…at of.. L.-N. o. 15 O. UMVIYUSITY OF -MICIIIG,,N, TiltiS IDAY, SMLA Y 7, 111. i'iICr, 'illi *: CrT-S. Base-Ball Minstrels. Mrl . .T.Iarind1111w1as calledll Upon00to-da y andilg"tve some valiia- ble inf ormioninit gadtothe c1om11g Rise-Ba ll Ministrls. I I e replorts, that constaiit pratietl haIs been going111oil It the lorcheistra IlllI that thedi ners ( cobati.mlise-i Tlie 11a11111 i Ic l Ie te i- rection o (f Po.I a hsbe some v ersv fine pla...…

May 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. _ _. ___ ::x.: c_'x:.x: x (. of 1'Tf.1 itf,. Pttiobt Iti ill OFiitt 101 xo'p ed tritk th C ollvety r, ly THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION 4 ,t"o. ' h it i o , t it 1 heIt i Il' ti bolic Iitt ," I IA ititti' Micli Iillill- lt 'Ck l elit"ort, .~ C ii T H 17'E U kr i . oftuuh' e DA iY, li . i o'lc I ' .t ' littt 'to it 'ltotl' t t X tio to ite ti t "iti ii t I"i tItu% A lt ,lreti Iinnt it it, i yio~ "sett it - S.1',tu t' it...…

May 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 3

…iii ac THE U. OF M. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. -ofMcoldlea Univer5ity of Michigan Guitar. You are' icc doiiuib eoti itet ib 0liic, 1 it1 5 I~ ~' l - ( l wes ti Quel(iaity highest. It ica-aictevilever}' inchiof lthe roact. Violin ciicl t iiitaii stricige, li0etc.: Ihicijio 1 iml C i n t~iStnriits, de thi l aci scilii ttidewish voleiiwouldii l il Ilttil c hat we' cts I s'it li ig ilil propoirtioni. I~ ccc'c c', seec i-I.. 1§ .IL'enienPI iT...…

May 07, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 150) • Page Image 4

…M r Eh;, a / ; . ! TO T --SOAPS [: t"It tli. yo ti, jC~~t 'I 1,1 ' it . 'AI) L. I1:>171'u.,at I s t iti' 'il i ut l' 1nii\ Nit '. I i [h ill i t. I 1 l 1a1o i' 1 H'' '5\ A NI, is.T Iii Leave CNP'...C 0. lti1,:'4t1, a4k5a h :Ai1'. 1j lipt is eas re ll i' ii i iiiiiti B. F. CLAtRK, ]Manag er i iIJ).111. ~11111 sii ciiiiciistilxi'Goodear's i kiiiiStCc. Leave NN ARB R, frm Cour llolie, at t11111 al i ig druggists. soidii orPa' \pilii'c iltllihl Yo...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 1

…of Al. Wm p. Voi,. I.-Nos. 151. UTNIVERISITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY s , 191. ICIscs, Tn izi,:CEHNTS. What Oberlin Thinks About I. Te Game To-Morrow. Foot-Ball To-Day. The following; clippings are fromn Thtre u lteit i gatite for the cilass chamtpion-t the O berlin Review: norw i l ca ci o tsitp of the U niversity in toot-till!f "Thet'. osf i. liots have set a ( i tr I will be played this aftenoon on the high stanidardl of itter-col leogiate ...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 2

…PL TI THE U. OF M. DAILY. an excellent record this year, andIC ~ A TA I fC ~ of ~ ~~~~has had the supcrior advantages of G E T T T ~ E Y $ L playing with professional tenais,; WE WILL FOR THlE NEST FOUR WEEKS uilished Dailiy (Siiiday -s xeped)ni during iswhicli our nine has not. Coriiell ' Ofifer ive tons of paper of all kinds to be sold by thec poundi( at regular titers-fore, shiould be iin ber- llay'- X1ill raites. Try our Crown Iniperial La...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF.M. DAILY xXh x, xxx xxa - .< . -,_ OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. y ou it o iduhtinterested in tli heaovc linle,anid as we£ havi miadle tlheiiiaspel tud-0011, tishi yoiutwould call and see whiat u e h1ave. 'We kiinout I I'dil please 01111ill save viltmo ot hem~iIl 1 lii. THE T WO T0SAMS. L_ 1LiYZrr All ArOr SitoiML b plll r1 VOORHEIS & ETS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST, TAILORS, WORK OALLEDTOR and DELIVERED. FI...…

May 08, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 151) • Page Image 4

…CiEa-_o ' C~ i~t1 011517 SOAPS L. 7 - - I M E T A B E . ,l tt lftl S tsr e 11 b 5 i lf r1 1o1m1 1 :ti I; NV IT I) 11)5 {Wli . X IIS rooltt. SI of thei ~i11115 1'rtIci~t~tl'ltt , l t'itl~r i!. 1'. I.7 , A NIt,: 1i, . .7' s. i1,71 ),., M'ii 1 ":X's- W A if1A11 \I()I , ls. LOS A GPF. ".C s ft iI( lr ct. I1(%i-ANN AIl,()U, I set 'au- [ ,,u It ~leat>!IIits,0 l IW 1 ' 'eis lit II 1''Aa eii11 1',lI. NI, 11 . 1757 .l, AN I' .at,1,a:-'I iil.:', ...…

May 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…j c . o LU. Wiii VOL. I.-1N. 152. UNIVERISITY OF -MICHIGAIN, SATUE'DAY, MAY i, I-tl. PRICE, THIREE CENTS. The Farmers and the Gym. Ai interesting l itfle trick Was played on the fainter inlenihers of thte legislature ot 'it9 ill 'onisectionl Withi thie I icersi tyapplroplriaitioni 'Ik. Te farmer lass' nakers of thte ne sessioni seere ttnssall I tlcerse to the bill tiidlthee propiosel 0) 1o snnte sturdy and inign-iaiitcarciiig' tiheti theinasue...…

May 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 152) • Page Image 2

…P T tT -1 _7 THE U. OF M. DAILY. Athletic lAssociation can he induced --- - - - ~J(. of ~1fl. ~auit~. to regulate our field sports in accord-j~(1~f~ / 1 U1 ~ 'Y ~ -Lr~ ance with modern collcecenicthods.I unh z:i t11ia ecpe)drg 1)G EA T I nE L O uldehed holyT(Sunlistexcepaed)duginne, and if theret' WE WILL FOR THlE NEXT FOUR WEEKS the Cuter e e, by are entries for each evecit it w ill take tiller flve tons of paper of all kinds to lbe sold bty ...…

May 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 152) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY cxx . .x.x_.xxxxx:c.xx.: c..a- rx._xxx_,acxxx cxc. .: _. .,x.>wl OUTING 01? NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. You are no tdoubt jintstd in the abose Ilie, and as w.e have madethn lpecial (('1studs', wish youiiwoul('al1 and se what we l'as'e. e1n we KIiS' Sc'(anleasei'li tr 51 and tsave YounVtO l olil t iihisl. THE TWO YAMSS TV_ 1317ITZL. ARl Arbor Ron ffi b lll Y VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLE...…

May 09, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 152) • Page Image 4

…M- FI AILY TIMdE fNdI'Ff tent l('illi'I'11re 1 11ro flh the 1 roo t i lthe l n c l 1111,11NithII the \ l~ll" 1'i~liK. 11.oaN l I I 1 I l I. ;+ I r. t 13. F. CLA RK1'i n' ANG A']talon tit. 1' 1 } ... Ilei5 111,1't 10.:>I)t1rIII.illg : ICA \ IgII,:- I F: El.~u ~ i' 111.1''l,. .2 111 I a l'. ILc, I A N ' B( t, l vol i Court M1111 TheI l l ( pisf i, e itili Lc L OT1 1JT & S UTI'-Propret-rS Tihos "Ash v~ Special," "Ashlby"i' xl id," {:arvrd. achers...…

May 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…of Al . W1ail ,o1..1-No. 1,5 ,. UN\IVEIZSITY OF MlICHIGAN, MONDAY, MANY 11, Pi,)I. itiis, I r aiI ,E CENTS. ~ ~~tiIlG~ motT~ ion, nwhirs ia-rounnd in the oxbesly and lacik. aisficet hits, E X"L\Gthite expiience tof College steps one loot out and throws the Pearson, btack and lturros.s AlMen whtoiknows and appreciate sillto rt . ti iab lk pure andi Passedit llbait lsi. Stsrnik out, by- theicarefliiscrititinofC ollege tu- simspits ins thtet5rune...…

May 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 153) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. " I ( ad yeterdy'sgame, apart from Z41T of 'ZN(T xty the rivalry that naturally exists he- tsgreentthe two t ('niversittas, tsas at taihit i tNir(5 sadays reepted)ituring THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION anen n t11 i Itt-ilii)M ice 'll -s stledt atI_ ci'coch Ixc,1. ihs ril i t -ic 1 ' he le t at th -itt)tt e ) 1,V 1tiat tt' -' ttl it li , ~ 1. tt lttiIt i I t C')II t iat i l s e ld ea h th If-lie1.v 'ittk . 7t. iftilr a...…

May 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 153) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF NM. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Yo( iu Cre 1n (1do lbt tinterestedliin the ahoveC Lile, lanIdias have l(lde tiheinaeia ('Ci8 11(Wl'Pwili y uS ldt cil all andl eei what we Nave. We ko eli75 (car'1 plase 'olt lanl save \ 11 1lo.1on THE TWO -SAMS. M o Ardo 1o afi tl~Y, VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLEDFOR and DELIVERED, FIRST CLASS WORK. iEE'L'I. II ASIC 55 SDNS Offtice. - 23 Souch Fourth Ave. ' f...…

May 11, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 153) • Page Image 4

…TIME T BLF, 11 t ttalr t' rmtrot of(adth' IVti Sllrlti IavcANN S1it it, f() ' 1i't lii c>, at Ti e aIaliide n sit oa. l4n Iiaa'd '3P 5TT t:..50,p51.41O o~cIDE T IL +.1OT1Eb ft~tt ittedtta' an tender tt'eienTt't s Boar and Room 8to 14 er - ELLIOTT & SHUTTS, Proprietor', I.. A..W2~~~ Teachers Go-Operative Ass ipdf~~ 1>ttiRacjaz~t tlil iat 1)cnthcroi~llttr'~t it :il .ll )r lttl Estabti shad in 1834. Positions filad, 2300. Sn>'s Ttachers w'+ 1-1%e...…

May 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…lc . of Alt.Wip VOL.. 1--N1. 15-4. What Northwestern Thinks The folioNsing coiiet on tie contest of the Northwestern (irator- 'cal ITeague is fromiittse N orthss sttris World:k _ condeinse the I'. rM DAItIY's accousnt oil the os1teSt tshjeli is certainly nitone too ptartial to N\irttissesterns's repsresentative. ,Ilore spave is givets to eaeti of the othser speakers ttiaisJsotsnsAidamts, alttughite tiook ttte secondiziree of $3o.,Goniitev, [T....…

May 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 154) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. of ~ ~ ~ ~d si best on account of poor sup-G E T$ A I n R $ L . -~jj~ r-rt~i~ por t. hir inbtwsecundanod~ A.~ potIibrii b!isCf tad WE WILL 10R THYE NEXT H)LII M 'EKS P'bih~ h al sha ic s cpr( ui ngsii Marshall is tihesixtb inningm usiad Oifer fiv e tons of raper of sit kindsto i)bIe soldlby the poid -at riilar THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION : lsz ipi n jpricei 4:.50iper yi~cirs, iiissis isly tillena s a d Io -zOffce n...…

May 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 154) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY 011 ING R NE LIGE SHITS.Of Old tT. of N1i. should have a OUTIG O NEG IGE 8HIT8. Uni'versity of Michigjan Guitar. cIionareit o l)ttltinteresteil in the taiove line, anil as «-e have Yi lws, <) it i gest.. m.., te eey -h - fierod miade thiemii spc~ tilcistud-, wishi youi woiulidcall and seo what -ito acts. FLceru~tlitne xx proportion. j ? ( ( leave. we ltmvc vto cani pliease Yuin sa510veit iou monv ionthiotti. . Ban tlt, LLLIT...…

May 12, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 154) • Page Image 4

…THE 1I? rk' M, )AlLY1 TIME TABLE, (IcttcN, N LW 11111 fi. 121.1I IVA5 it), ,:+ , :W1 , 1. 53 .Q fRK a a e ,oau:t.lAN11 nt1.1, anti 1.1, :.5, 1.i , ti AN lt~l , 10; 11, 9-'5, 1.5,5',. 1;i 1. F. LARW2Mngr 1r. ntTI l12Iilly rd.o41511V5 111 4 1i 1 V llVt" to I tlig.iV 'I) ri1 ati 1 ri ns ll.111oVIInl y ill s o The Racquet spa abell" "AhruhytriaQillod'AHaland' f.MO L V TFIL ET -- -SOAPS MA W ;;il lIs' ofllIA,1 1,1tf,. Prop1 1 Itril~ Iz~ rietorS Tea...…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…40 Of Al. a V f'. 1. 1 -) : . G \IVENlSITY OIF MICHIIGAN, AWEDN 1SI)AY'. A Y 13), 15:31. I 11c1 ii~iCNS 5 AVINGO the experience of College iiithe i-luiratryof he ~ iiier e nro whisotiis in(owtl;neie - The Athletes in Training. 'There werre ltvenl}iht athletes at the fair gr ooonds yesterday vaater- noon to receciveelostrction from Trainer 1Ii ortili Somle of the Mlien present wr: lreSpence, (Cote, \al)eventer, Duitle,1Don1- liue, Sandersoani\ ...…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. P TI t r11' f ' 'l ~f1 tites, ece ls 1)0th in track athletics, ,- tindthait Princetin is a verv iclose 'urih b aits' 1 instsys ('xepitd) turing foot-baill. litIn ise-till there are a HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION iutirtitil cs hich arc oti a ___parii th iiIt Its tot 1(nd'IVale. Itrown Dsd aie ial'nole i lt ':iccii *. iiryule at1 'clotk, noon. Sub siptiins ol} b Lt ,I iist ,) lcnls"l'n A li h hei oficeiili i (i i ):1 ,...…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF .M. DAILY UniersiO(O17.I Iof M. sieiul Ii iX ta OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8.UnvriyoMchgnQtc. You are iii I oititeredtin iithe ahbovCeiiieand as we hase 100n o (iisy il s oo V iin illnd G i t riiiii i s 10) vi', 1Banjio id ndidoi lii yii it iii tie m a C l IX < ii l st idv, Swis ou XX Nv Xould cl anitd siee what tewt.Ee ryCX LiX>tinini piiIropoirtioni.- havC. we PkXn XCv iii j- n liee Coila a ve Yi Cii louitoeC o i titl .Ceen,~ L IL 0 T...…

May 13, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 155) • Page Image 4

…(-Is- v C)\tj. N. Nli- ii iI~t . ii 11(i ANN A 1i)1 t > . 3. .:Af K, M anager !e NN Xi;1t IJ.\I1u ,: ..1, I> aI !> ii iiN ltiiti iVjl iflisti S -Iti f i-it' (-tt'I t I c11ii I t imii ii a < ii ie 1i ti-t ot t;t l.INit um taNl iii it1 e I- Il I p t S s I I i d ii I I.; t ll i ,! i ' 111 " l -i 1'1 1+.t -~l OGJD I I' V.F E- It N 1wrii N 1t .ti lc 1t i 5 t, c:'; r 1 G' sh~y ''IOfo 'xH!',0l flit 1.~i Sti()Il .111S t13.11( IDiU, L De ii Is T ii ;I....…

May 15, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…c jc . of n. W1aijj. Vol'. I.-10x. 1327. LIVEI ISITY OF AMICIIIGiA , FIDAY, MAY 1,-, l 1. PICEo, Tintisi.CENi.i~ Minstrels at V psi, Th hipirogranimue for tithei..of ii milnstriels it'i isilaxiti tix-iorross iiht is xasifollows: Rushi ii like:Ce ie. C. IT.iii xxxilr: rigt xgiardsih:. iDxrrci-. Eari Peters; left garii II. A1. lob-, II. It. Sxiitii: lis; leit tickles, tit. II. Aiixrexrs. . AIV. ,Moirrisoii; riglixieiiilA. D.)Rth-li isiidRlurlFar...…

May 15, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 2

…Pi THE U. OF M. DAILY. CM irc M ct* . andI stuilents have, as a consequence, i ' , ree ad ooltefo herevnngG EACTA I nC'flX7 Q Ef o meals. We do not know whetherj WE WILL FOR THlE NEXT FOUR WEEKS ut -iuh the Cor (utege yeariedby unnthe railwsay otficials have given their IOffe r five tons of paper iof all kinids to b lde011ytsthe iound atrgua HE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ! ntltoyees orders to do this. It is Mlill rates. Try our C'rowns I...…

May 15, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY J[X.XX XJe X X X x.J[ X.X X X..Y. X X X.X. X XX.?' X X X X.aC.X X_..%=..C.) .X .X ',". ' OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8HIRT8. Y ouan io out initerestedl in tihe above line, and as we Laxve made theni a special studY, wish you wonid cail and see what we L Ae. nwIv we van pjlease You and(1save You money on thei a. THE TWO DAM-b. AllAr~r ~o~I~iE~lllrY VOORHEIS & ITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLEDEOR and DELIVERED. ...…

May 15, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 157) • Page Image 4

…1-- M F i i ASS 1. E 110 E TTE l So 7 TIME TABLE. Malilltaetilred troll 111e root of the 1 0Sr()ti, I 'l (t 9 lo,:;6, a. m .. ate l "Ci-cltilit i ]1<e. Chilton Chilton Chilton tit. 5 103. .:_'+}. '"', 1,- t . _ )I( I.i: I I I;Im:. LOS Loa _ - c, NN . 411;011, Ir4m Court 11c}il=f', at TlW Alllt}Ie S,)n1), is it eollta111, Ito, : : (, tio ("i"I. 5 , .':, 10 5_ a. n,.. awi 1.10, '-'.:,u, 111, ,. 5 1, 9 10 .5,5 4).:n. t111IwI1 tats. i: the hest fo...…

May 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…lc . of , 1. '1a . Tor.. NOL. 1.-N~t. 4L' UNIVEERSITY (OF MICHIGAN, SATVIDIA-Y, -MAY 16,, IS1>i. titTtt Urs PRICE, THREE CENTS. GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS. With the subhstitutlionl ci a miotleyj The Delta Gamma Convention. TerConcert Last Evening. aw kiwardevolutiotisthireii the tudi-ii iiilCiiclti ltietcl I~~h three hull- enC cc inito ctiiiriisiiiis oft I iihter.j(lma fatriycoe lisnilt 'ere were onlyabioiit tlii he cluibs are to ie tiomlimented it ...…

May 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. CI. of1T.$ai . Puel1s~hrd Daily (Sulays rceph'0 murin tbse("o11ege9year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION EDITORS. 1101 9'c'.I)N:,', 'Mana9giEior. S.'W.9C9 '. b 1.91, '(.1, Asist. M n11'. .Ii~ G1. 1L. (CHoA .. ' ",I!). 11 iin1 rn E. i(r 1.w 0 911o9.,S'999. 1. 9.1 . NV '. 9. .9 (919) , '9, A (1.0 (n -c. H. 1 211 1 11!1191 I). 11919911cr 1)9 l9111+1 I 1f 11191 9911991119991 191 0191. ) crt . 9999(1Ii F.9 ( H2 (119...…

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