May 23, 1891

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May 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…Of /* LU. WaiIp. VOL. I.--~ 1 G-1 UN\IVEIISI1Y OFI MICHIGAN, SATIUDAY, IA Y-i t IIimCsiaTtin vE NTS. l 'AVING the expseriencie of College Men who kow adate mrciie Toe Freshman Banquet. a leasi;pctrofyl 1ad Accordingi"to the tprecedlcnt of lic, rowis'sarlotrt ll prevs 5claisses the sclass of '94 held i ii1t its 1' reshmais Ianucut' last nigt lin , la stertis prosveu olefle Nickels' hall, and to say' that it W is a "lorious success is to give it...…

May 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF.M. DAILY. f ,'y~ ~ jg unirarsltins and colleges west c I .oo the Allegitanies. This trip is hartdly less signfticant than the sine ma( e ttithnttisis(tanetit- a-rt'jtrtiutiAAlt p . I i . I I I ml THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION a'nerl sa t- t an fot ((C ii e Iaw- -tat a at 1i. t'itt k a ii tt ttttifttt: nls ip itt w Ia. tti , ttt at ie lie)ITHE it. 55 DALYl'h~w.a Co. i i ll itt icf-, tat S-ant. t' tatil<t litt.b) o -I'. itat-, ....…

May 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF MI. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE 8H11RT8. YIo are n doubt interested In the albovecline, andI o isv niade th(m a ~ l 1(151 tune, Nwish You would call iand see wliat we hice. We klow we (,ani llase V01t and ar5V11 ou lerOI )MV11 ho THE TWO 10 SAMS." I- 3LIrzA op t u i1 LllltrY , VOORHEIS & DITS BEST WORK IN ITHE CITY: STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLEDEORatul DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Office, - 23 South Fourth Ave. EL r 0 LE ED, O1 Old U1....…

May 23, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…'T -F 1 FWL !A LV 110111 -1TC7 An rl TOILET =-=SOAPS TINME TABLE. 5liiliii~ltiet d frsuiliiithe oot of the cuif s N. i. 1W VI t Kiii I ii c_ P 1 1 1 a 7 ,. ;it " iio~. ,ii 3. 25 i I EX I t A iti CII: T1oiE°. I iv ANN {)tiiii it a tsi i .t 5 i 'lle A 11 t eo 'l - al. as it coo ttls i) C. I Ct , 1i~>11 aists tee ti. l- fet, Ille cu e fr )1'lts F. eaeCLARK f'l, t ,Man4+1a..;5,Gm, . ;9.11 "ill itisess of if l ilt is F.-l CLARiK,2.11.anager55 ...…

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