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May 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 152) • Page Image 1

…the . , 1n . VOL. VI. No. 152. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 169G. OUR PAGES-3 CENTS. RECALL OLD COLLEGE DAYS. 'Varsity Won Again. IV ILL1Tm A CLOSE CONTE'ISTI. jWe us Moeafl il 1 lte itlThil e store wee now occupy has ItHAl plhalDelti Phi Convention in in y eslertlssy sudithue 'Avsss'vuis1 aisis ort her nOratorical Leagne to sees sol. NWe mst seek snte lot ,9setso.~l etroit Closes WiLth a Banqolet. si. Mileeet sls li i ti ~ t at ChI...…

May 02, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 153) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 153. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1696. FOUR. PAGES-3 CENTS. We M~ust M.~ove The store wenow ocupy has IS ibeen sold. we must seek new IS iH quarters, D~ We We Dust Close Out11 HII our sto 1 of music goods and N ?U ice'sle'. Vietsioo e s S hieh H wilsell goods i loseprilces meen anythigto buyers H 'THIS MEANS BUSINESS .IA If you scot unylhius. in the H musicliue cct or price this I ITHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., (I~ 01 S. MAI...…

May 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 154) • Page Image 1

…e . a i. VOL. VI. No. 154. ANN ARBOR, MICIGA, MODA, AY .-1% Fouit PACLO-2 CENToS. f;}; _= g Mm ROWD rT0 GU FFING AIIA.11 hefro 7is of0A1 1IqiOll 1)' 1 l 1 t I I 1RO R E W I i II I 'GERI. 'Oieiemw nw ei Wac~ inner of the Lea'(ue cContest Re- W1. fit'. Wediteoi. '4)1 tilt ".) sy-> 14a.i1) s am pi heen sold. Weinut 0011 101 lle Mt Xh. ole i-vi'o1- (Oto-41it .l-i iti, wO. ' 0111CCXOSal V'IU. thoft 1hoe reateot benltit of theo' v liiy 'i t-rY ...…

May 05, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 155) • Page Image 1

…'IC a VOL. V1. No. 155. ANN ARDOR, MICHIGAN, 'TUESDAY, MAY 5., 16,96. F(.-u R PACES-3 C N'.rs. --g~as _ 1FROM ISES 'TO0 BE SUCCESSFULI eWe Must Move lBaqti leHd Ters sold.eWe met seekyn hsiliFesmn il 3 Hl quarters. at Grangrer's May 15. SWe Must Close Out -1re11i9r c our sto~k of music food s ad Illi~ 0 tsuvcl Weffe urc~e whch 11 or the fres'o ibse ii ltquet liieb cill will sell good.,i o rcs 1 mens anything to buers 0, e hold i a 1(11 t (i...…

May 06, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 156) • Page Image 1

…c . o DINESDAY, MAY (6, PIt (. Fouls PAGS- CETS. VOL. VI. No. 15(6. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WE ICONVENTION ASSEMBLi3ED 1;1S. or WoB11'1111I" hIR ANNUAL CONCERT. W e sImtor wMove tpy s i Upsilon in Session at Ann Y1fi ' Msical Clu])s Appear Tonight 44o4 leensxold. We mxut se e w 1al. 1 ). D., 1one1'of thel(' oxen foollxor 414 IArbor11' 14 Abor'ihis 1Weel.'tUvestHal l i of1______ 1tihe fralte'rnity; Willtil lAPB 111;111, jr., atU e st al W e X ...…

May 07, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 157) • Page Image 1

…tt 1 . a x . VOL. VI. NO. 157. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1696l. Fouo tPACE,'-- 8 C ENTS. WILL, BE WELL ATITE N I). We Must DMove It 1 The store we now occu py bas lit)eleg-ates Arriving- for the Psi qures ,lYrussese $ UpSilon Convention0 1We M/ust Close Ou W 000oursto iiof Omusic 5 Out to' avid1tY1' 01 li y li e ttr 'is ih(d (he1chapterst of Psi Fps ilon IhoN teid sell goods If low prices l It moeao ooythin- to byes 1yread0(...…

May 08, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…l e . a , t1. 1a 1 . VOL. YI. No. 158. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1tit3. FOURt PAGES-3 CENTS. We lMust ].Vove The store we now occupy has I been old.iWe must seek new SI We IlU We Close Out 14 iiycle- Woffer o sich-, 1 1 wit seil giootis it too rcs 1A moean anything to buyers STHIS MEANS BUSINESS NN I you stat anyttitin tothe I55 tat,, inet tour 00prices this 'SI week. i13 IN THE ANN A BOR ORGAN CO, ; SIC S. MAIN ST. Im 'BUY BED!-H...…

May 09, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 159) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 159. ANN .ARBOR, M CH[GAN, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1(isId. Four. PACES- 3 CENTS. ' BEST ANNUAL YE"T ISSUED). "T"he University's Early E xecutives.", INTER-CLASS GAMES BEGIN. WTe Must Move f'6 ae by Pro'tf. AXotirev. Ten Brook, whli eeti s hetore we now occupy has Gsain il on csiLilprises short biographical sketbill's Freshmen Dfa Sophomores 1 benold. We most soen new il#N sAof 1Rev. Josepth Whiting. 1vev. tleorl'e. an ExiEt1ing Game1o 11...…

May 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…tt* AI VOL. VI. No. 1w). ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, N\1IAY, IMAYM1 sO Foit P AGES- 3 CENTS. CI JICAGO 7, Ml duGAN 3 Itolliles and llloolltmtntoic tilled 1theLIN\YiiEI111) .101 eT 'v t IMI4 e IS in h'*( first ptl't of the sixth, > Ntr ~ o 'Varsity Defeltel~ in a Hard- lilt itit'"lil'it ttite' 1111 wIt' out Good Sho in Made r~l in' Most ot.G ll 5-50 (1zltr> Fougoht Battle. Cl. t 'nittg io gt the Events. ', w e N t C lose OuLt f l g.Mx ii iaogtir ...…

May 12, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…1jc II. ofAl . ailjj. VOL. VI. NO. 161. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY.12, 1896. FouR tPAGEs- 3 CENTS. We Must Move IS The store we now occupy has t -, been sold. We must seek ne w I quarters. "u We Must Close Out "" our stock of musci goods anti i~ mean anything to buyers THIS MEANS BUSINESS S It you srant anything in tise 5music lone gus our prices this 5 week. iTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., i S. MAIN ST. BUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. :Sour Grapes ...…

May 13, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…the . EDNESDAY. MAY 13. 1hso>. FouR PAGIT- 3 CENTS. VOL. VI. NO. 162. ANINARBOR, MICHIG+AN, WVI r', lN JIN G OOD) CONITION. Dr. Angell on Arbitration. FIRST AS 011)E'R.Y'IJC SINGERP. 1111 We aMust Move oIrc Sidoon ~Fli ell recentlyiflcyil 0loio p The store we nota tcupy hts iN eegram From )Coac S onon als iti is on tsh lr r 1aixfSIj ) sjs111 1OS MI be sl.Wems seknw0414 auitrs M A ichig-an's IProspects. of tietitleitsalilt accountt to.t hi...…

May 14, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…,0e. UlS DAY', MAY 11, 1896. Foust PAGes?,-3 CENcTS. VOL. VI. No. 163. ANN ARBOR, MCH[GAN, TI = - = = !CHICAGO IS SALT 0OCT. We Diust M~ove 4 14 The store siesis occupy has HO Michlosan W ?ins Second Game of &r boensol. we most seek new 54 i 04 quartrs.'1$, 0W qltlSSeries. We MuTst Close Out 11 sisekeofosMsie13.-The gagne was ii ir~cs Weoller I i ed Mc cle rte lt y 1:3 .o oe Tssasl rvi el od flo r csel w ci 1 manantlin t byers tl~-110 of...…

May 15, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…the . a 4% VOL. VI. No. 16-1. ANN ARIBOR, MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. MAY :15, 169. FoLR PAas- 3 CENTS. ' I-L WOMEN1'S BUILl)INIG. tho ' l'Xlrsri Soo irr sospitird os to' MICHIGAN IUMIZt1 hSII. l We Muhst Move I ~ ofsiT1ai1 t oslit of it. ___ The store we now occupy h s o WorI r) sip-Rpdyon the'hicao'ssld NotScor Agins been sold. We must seek newt I'll r Z e oexi'se" of tisconrstonsiseiiaf ss Nt tI itSi _g( i+ iee.Exterior. aigdrn onlnein el u~t'...…

May 16, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…iji VOL. VI. No. 1635. ANN ARBOR1, MICHIGAN, rUR DAY, MAY 16,. 1896. Fours PAoE:S-83CiETS. +SA -c- = THE COMEDY CLUB Tennis Men Hard at Work, !We Must D~ove 0 'lieu : enntis i4t poputlar in th1eli- R Thte stare thesowiocupieyIas !1Will Present Sardon' S <"A Scrap vosiy5s ttelsted ity" lilt (loIvdetl H bees sold. lems;see w i (Imirtes" 141 of Paper" Tonialit. cniinothcursilhec11)s r~ W~e Must Close 1out lteig it011s e s -so t att "'A Se-il)...…

May 18, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…t t e . a A t. a . i VOL. VI. No. 166. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MAY 1, 196. FOUR1 PAES-3 CENTS. 'R&RMN #'MICHIGAN , WISCONSIN 2. Adelph Wins Debates. "A SCRAP OF PAPER" GIVEN. We aMust Move 7ise' increasing interest in debatin ' The store we now occupy has 'Varsity Wins in a Prettily Playedwicisbngrnsliste o-c Comedy Clu1b Scores a Success in bees sold. We must seek ne W11i5on)oue ntetnvr i quarters. U Game. sity of Michigssn was wll sh...…

May 19, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VT. No.167. ANN 1011-01-I X111GCAN fIT> i )AY XIAJ AV 19 1M!3(')'_1Fn-P P ,, s, C--:..- e5~l"AWAKI-ENING 0O' A SOU. 11We Mus t Move hi rf tnlysBotio on The -tore we now oecupy hs111Pro.Sa lysBt'llu yn ben -old. Wewmust seek nuew 0 1# ures.10 p o yto e till i el MIi THSW e A111 clos IeSSOu t Iitit1i1it1 -ttp--- i --1- ($5 bIi ytantthintobyierst'inlt Iiirr'uo h ~nlfoylF11I11 4~ TE AN A~O UR~N ~O Mtey2.iiiiichtit is nild T lilt 1-tino ...…

May 20, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…ttIj c U.of T. Wai1jj. VOL. VI. No. 168. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1i, 6. FouR PAGES- 3 CENTS. THEIR VIEW OF MICHIGAN. SWe Must Move The store we-now occupy has Glasgow Mlagazine Congrlatullates been sold. We most seeoc new quarers.D1-.Wenley and tile U. of M. We Must Close Out 30 The Glasoee tiveroity Magllcile our stooke of masic goodaned Bile;. esffer5 sricesuwhich !W recenilly said, refercring Cto tilhe point- w ill sell roe...…

May 21, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…t, t Voi.. VI. No. 119. ANN ARBOR, MIIGAN, '1IHUTSL)AY. MAY 211,16'[6. FOURc PAGES-,3 ('GENTS. - g ~= ' THIRD GOES TO M ICIIIGIAX.' We Must Move 11 ' The store swesonowouy has11I i cttttt13U hjsssssn isoat Eott it1 eenssold. We mut seekissne Ill Si quonters. 151 Point and Beaten 9-1. IWe lust Close Out 411 It'l 01 Mirhigo1t1 ethas ioin clessither sil- oW iitOsto t fs ic g odis adt il } iei( " . t's. oii iri retit s 1c1III1 'lo1'ltj O t'P ...…

May 22, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…~~hc ILof FRIDAY. MAY 22. 1,696. FouR PAGES--3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 170. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, m KLAESKY lELIGHTS ALL. We DM ust M~ove 1111 The store weno occupy has No First May Festival Concert a quarters. GetSces W eMstld. mutseekneuGea Sccss We1Y.t lseO t f The presenat seissoni of the May Fes- our storis of music goods ad Bicycle. We owter urices which ilk tial collci'ts opeed'ti ost rOlsiil- will sell Faods if lose prices.. H mean asy...…

May 23, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…IL~e.a TUU{DAY. MAY 23, 1896. Fouit PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. NO. 1 71. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SA r5 MAY FESTIVAL CONCERTIS. The affair w-as entirely informal taid ALUMNI I)AY CELEBRNAION. oW eDiiust Tove t- j all had a most tajsytltime als._____ Ni The stare wtheowoccupy has lIltrf.Sale' Smhny1heFa Tday's lMatyFestival rogram is at unic pyof Presdeta~ btl eenasold. we must seekssnowe til Ni tacraers, p ture of the Afternoon fots Ano-ell's Ad...…

May 25, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…tt* 'Of V[O DAY. MAY 5. lihO9. Joun PAGI s- 3 (CENS VOL. VI. No. 172. ANN ARBOR~, MICH.IGAN. I t e _5--M _ - ICHIIGA\ NWNSEASILY. trot f1111 tif itgo allIeway ICLOSE OF MAY I1151 IVAL. W eai .S______ p I }.toicaiilwhile the ilsI filiellian was 1111 . We r eno cuy a 11DfasOak Park by a >coieJ. 2 i Third Year of FeCstlival Concerts qures "IffO osoe pod o o i Stnsm ti e- II M lt fill q O tt i re[ 0151 ii xi]lit, aindfhei sle fiils ______ 11...…

May 26, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…e . o T'ESDAY. MAY 26, 1696. Fouts PAGES-3(CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 173. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. T VARSITY AN EASY WVIVNNER.f We Must Move jji-- The store we now occu py bas rIt Illinois Beaten t thc'Tune o M been sold. We must seek new 1014t JlJl quartes. 20 to 3. I We Must Close Out 110t1 our Stock of muiroodos 'ilandtiy s i1l1}1s1l 011 #PN f aete. W olt! ,rus w ich 1411 1of Ilhe sesll Vyst( rds ls. lf.atimi #P? will sell h oods if low prices 1...…

May 27, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…the tt. of VOL. VI. No. 174. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, W EDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1696. Fount PAGES-3 (CENTS. I - '99 AM GETS CHAMPIONSIP1 . !; L 5=_ ______41 I5 1 ARRANGEMENT "IS CONCLUDED WeM s D v . t onos r f-----4 2 1 0 0 0__ We ±vus~ uOVC o01(, 211 -4----2------ 1 The store we now occupy bos 11 Final Game Played Off in2 Inter- Ktot k ve. ------ 1 1 5ts Tickets on Sale for Saturday's 1INI been sold. We most seek new I islhop. 3b------- 4 0 0 3:01 q...…

May 28, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…l e . o HTURSDAY, MAY 28, 1696. Fouit PAGEtS-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. NO. 175. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. TI ONE DEGREE ATr CORNELL. IWe l]ust DMove Th store sse now occupy has A. B. to Stand for Any orYa ° tessold. We msost seek new ou Ya ~ quarers.; Course There. I We Must Close OutN4 441 Thse Cornestll facltylhasectitlddta or stotck of msoicgosods 'aod biyc o. eoffesicels wihI ntefustuesotnly oils' Itil elrodseif lowpicesi4 i meas asytti...…

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